Monday, March 3, 2014

N.J. Court Administrator Arrested For Threats and Computer Crime.

March 3, 2013 at 2:00 P.M. the computers downstairs at NYPL, Morningside Heights branch, were unavailable -- as they were also unavailable on Saturday -- due to income tax preparation. Evidently, the room normally used for this purpose at the library was "unusable" today, but no one knows why. As a result, all of the library's lap-tops were denied to library patrons. How strange.

I am in receipt of a letter allegedly from "Charles Mellia" of HIP insurers. I am advised that my family members and I will be losing health insurance coverage, unless we name a new family physician, because our current family physician is no longer part of the HIP network.

Curiously, this letter may emanate from the same source as previous letters purporting to come from the IRS' alleged "customer survey service." 

Efforts to interfere with tax reimbursal checks, based on illegal and fraudulent collections, are always expected -- despite the provision of the necessary information to Trenton government officials that would prevent this illegal seizure and/or theft. 

Does Mr. Menendez have "friends" at the IRS? ("Have you no shame, Mr. Rabner?" and "Does Senator Menendez have mafia friends?")

The health insurance issue will be dealt with by providing written notice of the HIP error. The physician in question is, in fact, still part of the HIP network. Concerning HIP, please see "Law and Ethics in the Soprano State" and "Jaynee La Vecchia and Conduct Unbecoming to the Judiciary in New Jersey." ($300 MILLION are "missing" after the dissolution of HIP in New Jersey "supervised" by Ms. LaVecchia.) 

I will do my best to continue writing somewhere. The people of Eukraine and Venezuela are entitled to self-determination. I can only hope that they will be permitted to govern themselves.

Jackie Calmes, "Democrats Try Wooing Ones Who Got Away: White Men," The New York Times, March 3, 2014, p. A1. (Can Democrats insult, say, Alec Baldwin-type Democrats and so many other white males, middle class males, and expect to earn their support in the next presidential election?)

Alec Baldwin, "I Give Up," New York, Feb. 24-March 9, 2014, p. 32. (" ... being labeled a homophobic bigot by Andrew Sullivan, Anderson Cooper, and others in the Gay Department of Justice. ..." Rachel Maddow?)

Kate Taylor, "Assault Charge for a Top City Council Official," The New York Times, February 27, 2014, p. A22. (Charles Preston Niblack, is a gay man who assaulted his partner and fellow gay man, Helvio de Faria, who is pressing criminal charges. This incident is an example of "male aggression" and, allegedly, "homophobia" from City Council member, Mr. Preston Niblack. In response to this incident, however, Anderson Cooper criticized Mr. Baldwin, again. What about Mel Gibson, Mr. Cooper?)

James Gorman, "The Brain's Inner Language: 'Decoding' the Mind Requires Learning What the Neurons Are Saying to One Another," The New York Times, Science Times, February 25, 2014, p. D1. (Not only "what" they are saying, but how communication takes place so as to mimic neuronal "language.")

Jenna Portnoy, "Samson: Success, Power and Clout: His judgment defended after bridge subpoena," The Star Ledger, January 30, 2014, p. 1. (David Samson, Esq., N.J. Bar Association Ethics Committee member and Port Authority appointee, allegedly, is a glorified "bag man" for Mr. Christie and the G.O.P. as well as his law partners: The Samson firm has "scooped" $8.4 MILLION thanks to G.O.P. control of the Trenton governor's mansion. This is an issue that matters more to me than creating a traffic jam that upset mafia politicians in Bergen County. "New Jersey Lawyers' Ethics Farce" and "New Jersey's Politically-Connected Lawyers On the Tit.")

Melissa Hayes & John Reitmeyer, "Complexities of What Christie Knew and When," The Record, February 6, 2014, p. 1. (I've got news for Rachel Maddow: People in New Jersey don't care about this issue because they know what Christie is dealing with in Hudson and Bergen Counties. "Mafia Influence in New Jersey Courts and Politics.")

Herb Jackson, "Who Pays Politicians' Legal Fees [?]: Complex Laws Mean Sometimes Donors Pay Up, [sic.] But Often Taxpayers," The Record, February 10, 2014, p. A-3. (This must have been Bob Menendez writing as Herb Jackson. Senator Bob tapped his campaign account to pay $150,000 in legal fees last year. Is this an appropriate use of contributors' money? Or a violation of campaign finance laws? I am advising election law officials to look into this matter as is the U.S. Senate's Ethics Committee. Shame on you, Bobby Boy.)

Jeff Norman & Jeff Green, "Prosecutor Will Study Remarks by Disgraced Priest: Molinelli 'Troubled' by Friends' Comments in Abuse Case," The Record, February 10, 2014, p. L-1. (Child molesting priest may have numbered Edward M. De Sear, Esq. among his friends as well as many distinguished members of the New Jersey judiciary and legal profession who like little boys and girls. "Edward M. De Sear, Esq. and New Jersey's Filth.")

David W. Chen, "In Inquiry, It's Christie Against Prosecutor: High-Profile Case For U.S. Attorney," The New York Times, February 10, 2014, p. A14. (Mr. Paul Fishman, Democrat appointee in New Jersey's federal prosecutor's office, will protect his fellow-worshipers -- Chief Justice Rabner and others -- while ignoring corruption in Democrat counties in order to go after his predecessor in the New Jersey U.S. Attorney's Office. Mr. Fishman is a "friend" of Solomon Dwek, allegedly.  This article may have been written by Jay Romano. "Jay Romano and Conduct Unbecoming to the Judiciary in New Jersey.")

Sergei F. Kovaleski & Matt Fliegenheimer, "Christie Allies Joked of Disrupting Traffic at a Rabbi's House," The New York Times, February 28, 2014, p. A18. (Rabbi Mendy Carlebach, alleged friend of Solomon Dwek, Stuart Rabner and Paul Fishman, says he doesn't know why he was caught up in the bridge scandal. "Terry Tuchin, Diana Lisa Riccioli, and New Jersey's Agency of Torture.")

Mark Calvos, "Mad About Sherlock," Entertainment Weekly, January 24, 2014, p. 36. ("The game's afoot!" Please see: "Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Missing Author" and "Jacques Derrida's Philosophy as Jazz.")

John Petrick, "Supervisor Charged With Email Threats: Court Official Accused of Targeting Co-Workers," The Record, February 28, 2014, p. L-1.

"A Passaic County state court services supervisor was charged Thursday with sending numerous anonymous texts, emails and other types of communications to co-workers threatening to harm them, according to officials."

I wonder whether this person can name "Jill Ketchum," or some of the other persons committing computer crimes against me who are affiliated with New Jersey government agencies, including the OAE. ("New Jersey's Office of Attorney Ethics" and "New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System.")

Chief Justice Rabner, as the primary administrator of the state court system, must bear ultimate responsibility for this further disgrace of what is already a much-soiled legal system. ("New Jersey's Disgraced Judiciary" and "New Jersey Supreme Court's Implosion" then "New Jersey's Feces-Covered Supreme Court.")

Liability for crimes committed against me by OAE officials (or former officials) is also a state responsibility given past efforts to cover-up and lie about such matters. ("What did you know, Mr. Rabner, and when did you know it?" and "Maurice J. Gallipoli and Conduct Unbecoming to the Judiciary in New Jersey.")

"HAYLEY TRAVERSO, 47, of Saddle Brook[,] was charged with three counts of third degree terroristic threats; one count of fourth degree stalking; [stalking charges may also be brought against N.J. officials in my matters!] two counts of harassment; a disorderly persons offense; and one count of false reports, also a disorderly persons count. The third degree charges are punishable by up to five years each in prison." (emphasis added, Diana!) 

This sounds similar to the experiences I have had on-line at discussion groups and in terms of emails that I have received from "Ms. Ketchum" and others using false names. 

My email accounts are closed or blocked; no images can be used by me; my profile page has been altered in violation of copyright laws; material to which I am entitled under the law is still criminally witheld from me by New Jersey officials. Perhaps all of this is merely a coincidence rather than a cover-up. ("New Jersey's Legal System is a Whore House" and "New Jersey is Lucky Luciano's Havana.")

These facts and my requests for the truth have been communicated to Mr. Rabner and New Jersey's Supreme Court. ("Stuart Rabner and Conduct Unbecoming to the Judiciary in New Jersey" then "Deborah T. Poritz and Conduct Unbecoming to the Judiciary in New Jersey" and "Trenton's Nasty Lesbian Love-Fest!" then "Jennifer Velez is a Dyke Magnet.")

Has a college professor affiliated with my family member (or that professor's "friend"), visited my sites and read my writings? If so, at whose request have these visits been made and/or has such a person (or persons) done this reading of my work? Was this professor's "assistance" rendered for a fee besides what the college paid? Diana Lisa Riccioli? Estela De La Cruz? ("How censorship works in America.")

"Bail was set [for Ms. Traverso] at $10,000 with a 10% cash option."


"She has been suspended from her $103,920-a-year job pending the outcome of the case, said TAMARA KENDIG, a spokeswoman for the New Jersey Administrative Office of the Courts."

Ms. Kendig has not said whether (or when) I will receive a response to my requests for the truth in my matters nor whether an investigation of OAE officials associated with allegations made by me and others is about to lead to indictments. I certainly hope so. ("New Jersey's Office of Attorney Ethics" and "Sexual Favors For New Jersey Judges.")

It appears that Ms. Traverso may have visited my sites. ("New Jersey's Corrupt Judiciary" and "New Jersey's Judges Disgrace America.") 

Ms. Traverso served as court services supervisor in the Probation Department to which she may make an appeal for supervision in about ten years or so.