Monday, March 10, 2014

David Samson, Esq. Should Resign or Be Fired.

March 10, 2014 at 2:21 P.M. A list of sources will be added to the following text in the days ahead. I renew my request for the truth concerning the tortures, druggings, hypnosis-based interrogations to which I was subjected in New Jersey and ALL files as well as so-called "experts' reports" withheld from me by the OAE, including all information pertaining to Marilyn Straus. ("Terry Tuchin, Diana Lisa Riccioli, and New Jersey's Agency of Torture" and "Marilyn Straus Was Right!" then "Diana's Friend Goes to Prison" and "An Open Letter to My Torturers in New Jersey, Terry Tuchin and Diana Lisa Riccioli.")

Mark Mazzetti, "Behind Clash Between C.I.A. and Congress: Report On Detentions Becomes Focal Point," The New York Times, March 8, 2014, p. A1. (A Senate committee's staff members "violated" C.I.A. security, allegedly, because they were looking at the agency's criminal torture policies while forgetting that, in the real world, the C.I.A. monitors the Senate and not the other way around. At issue in this controversy is the rule of law in a computer age.)

Sharon Otterman, "Judge Dismisses Charges Against Whistle-Blower in Sexual Abuse Case," The New York Times, March 8, 2014, p. A14. (Samuel Kellner, the Ed Snowden of Brooklyn, had all charges against him dismissed. Allegations that Mr. Kellner sought to extort money from a man who sexually abused his child were not believed.)

Mathew Goldstein, "4 Accused in Law Firm Fraud Ignored a Maxim: Don't Email," The New York Times, March 7, 2014, p. A1. (Dewey and LeBoeuf lawyers placed their plans for criminal fraud in writing. I will be writing a full essay on this story. I am glad these people never represented me.)

Marc Landler, "With Netanyahu, Obama Plays Bad Cop to Kerry's Good Cop," The New York Times, March 7, 2014, p. A6. (Mr. Netanyahu's efforts on behalf of Mitt Romney have not made him President Obama's best friend. Mr. Putin is Barak's true buddy.)

Michael Barbaro, "Back in the Spotlight, Christie Offers G.O.P. Subtle Advice," The New York Times, March 7, 2014, p. A12. (David Samson and other Right-wing friends may hurt Christie more than opponents on the Left. Christie now has a "sleaze" problem.)

Mark Mazzetti, "C.I.A. Inquiry Is Set On Detentions," The New York Times, March 5, 2014, p. A1. (The C.I.A. is pissed off that the Senate presumes to investigate agency actions and lies on the torture issue, especially since this investigation may humiliate Director Brennan who played a role in the infamous torture policy. As a result, the agency is spying on the Senate's investigation. This is a significant power-struggle not receiving sufficient attention.)

David E. Sanger, "N.S.A. Director Says Leaks Hamper Defense Efforts," The New York Times, March 5, 2014 p. A17. (Gen. Keith B. Alexander complains that illegal NSA information-gathering is hampered by disclosures in the world media of the agency's criminality and indiscriminate eavesdropping. Criticism of the NSA is "unpatriotic.")

William K. Rashbaum, "Head of Port Authority Police Union Questioned in Bridge Inquiry," The New York Times, March 5, 2014, p. A23. (The PA does not have enough trouble. The agency needs more scandals. There are several more scandals coming for the beleaguered bi-state agency.)

Ashley Parker, "New Democratic Strategy Goes After the Koch Brothers," The New York Times, March 6, 2014, p. A19. (About time something was done about these alleged surrogates for Mr. Netanyahu in American politics.)

Mark Mazzetti, "Computer Searches at Center of Dispute On CIA Detentions," The New York Times, March 6, 2014, p. A20. (CIA is applying the methods of J. Edgar Hoover's FBI to its battle-of-wills with the U.S. Senate. So far, the CIA is winning the battle of nerves.)

"Time For David Samson To Go," (Editorial) The New York Times, March 6, 2014, p. A28.

David Samson is a good example of all that is wrong with New Jersey's legal system: hypocrisy, arrogance, greed, double-standards for insiders, cronyism leading to massive corruption. However, because Mr. Samson is a Garden State Republican -- who is close to Governor Christie -- nothing usually happens or is likely to happen to him within New Jersey's legal system. ("New Jersey's Politically-Connected Lawyers On the Tit.")

I believe that Mr. Samson is also "close to" Chief Justice Stuart Rabner and a "friend" of former Chief Justice Deborah T. Poritz. This may explain Mr. Samson's actions, as Attorney General, to protect those individuals and others, including Sybil R. Moses, while injuring me, perhaps by making use of the "services" of self-styled former Mossad agent "Terry Tuchin." ("Sybil R. Moses and Conduct Unbecoming to the Judiciary in New Jersey" and "Deborah T. Poritz and Conduct Unbecoming to the Judiciary in New Jersey" then "New Jersey Supreme Court's Implosion" and "New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System.")

It may well be that Mr. Samson is still in a position to intimidate Chief Justice Rabner, as many persons seem able to do, or to exert control through friends at the Office of Attorney Ethics (OAE), an agency that should have filed ethics proceedings against Mr. Samson some time ago, but has yet to do so. ("New Jersey's Office of Attorney Ethics" and "Sexual Favors For New Jersey Judges" then "New Jersey Judges Disgrace America.")

It is unclear exactly what are the "connections" between Israeli interests and Mr. Samson and/or Wolf and Samson, Esqs., the New Jersey law firm from which Mr. Samson escaped into what is laughingly called "public life" like a proverbial bat out of hell. ("Corrupt Law Firms, Senator Bob, and New Jersey Ethics" and "Have you no shame, Mr. Rabner?" then "Herbert Klitzner, Esq.'s Greed and New Jersey's Hypocrisy.")

" ... David Samson, a Christie appointee who appears to have used the job [Chairman of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey] to advance his professional interests, his law firm, his clients and the [New Jersey] governor's own political ambitions."

Only in New Jersey is an alleged and/or actual "sleezeball" lawyer, like Mr. Samson, also a former Attorney General who can pull strings at the agency entrusted with enforcing legal ethics. Admittedly, the very concept of legal ethics is a contradiction in terms in Trenton. ("New Jersey Lawyers' Ethics Farce.")

Mr. Samson should be disbarred for blatant conflicts of interest, leading to self-enrichment at the taxpayers' expense, not to mention encouraging corruption and exploitation of public resources on behalf of private clients obliged to reciprocate with further bribery and scams of public officials. No hypnosis-based interrogation for Mr. Samson, Terry? ("Mafia Influence in New Jersey Courts and Politics.")

Should the OAE and/or other law enforcement not be concerned to protect the public from a corrupt and/or incompetent official and attorney? Not in New Jersey. ("Is America's Legal Ethics a Lie?" and "John McGill, Esq., the OAE, and New Jersey Corruption.")

Forgotten in this sad spectacle of PA corruption (overtime?) is that the people in this context includes not only the residents of New York city and state, who must already suffer from the mere proximity of New Jersey -- especially when the wind shifts! -- but also taxpayers in other states who find it necessary to travel on Port Authority-controlled bridges and tunnels.  

PA bandits ask for toll money and, as it were, steal from drivers again before they escape the tunnel or bridge, allegedly, in order to "raise" one of these structures or "lower" the body of water on which it is located. They are certainly good at "lowering" the contents of my wallet.

Crooked lawyers at firms like Wolf and Samson are hardly in a position to judge anyone's ethics. ("Law and Ethics in the Soprano State.")

" .. Mr. Samson had no compunction about spreading some of that money [$28 BILLION of a 10-year capital plan] in the direction of Wolf and Samson and its clients, who seem to have grown fat on the PA's generosity."

Bridge contracts have been awarded with an eye on Wolf and Samson's clients as opposed to public need or welfare. Worse, is the effort to rescue a dying airport facility in a crumbling Atlantic City by enriching Wolf and Samson "which served as a bond counsel to the local transportation authority that was taking a beating on the unsuccessful Atlantic City facilities." 

The story gets more unpleasant:

"The Times [sic.] report noted that the Port Authority's considerable resources have been used to advance Mr. Christie's own interests. In one instance, the authority paid for upgrades to the Pulaski skyway that would normally have been paid for by the [Garden] state. This allowed Mr. Christie to keep a campaign promise not to raise the gas tax."

This may well be the slimy politics of "business as usual" in Trenton. Mr. Christie came to office on a promise to end these disgusting Third World tactics and not to enhance them by victimizing residents of neighboring states along with New Jersey's unfortunate denizens. ("Cement is Gold" and "New Jersey is the Home of the Living Dead.")

New Jersey's PA appointments have become rewards for political hacks and mafia loyalists belonging to political "bosses" of various kinds, usually Democrats. More dangerously, the PA has come to be seen by Garden State politicians as a cash cow or ATM machine to cover "gaps" in New Jersey's mysterious so-called "budget." ("New Jersey's Pension Funds Are $46 BILLION Short.")

More filthy scams from New Jersey's greasy lawyers and politicians are not what is needed to end the state's nightmare of corruption and unethical lawyering. ("Is Union City, New Jersey Meyer Lansky's Whore House?" and "New Jersey's Legal System is a Whore House" then "New Jersey is Lucky Luciano's Havana" and "New Jersey Supreme Court's Implosion.")

Have you no shame, Mr. Christie? Governor Christie spoke at a recent gathering of Conservatives and Reactionaries -- that is, of Republicans -- of "defining" himself rather than being defined by the media. ("Christie Criticizes New Jersey's Corrupt Judges" and "New Jersey's Feces-Covered Supreme Court.")

In light of these sad events involving Mr. Samson at the PA and the GW bridge scandal, disappointingly, you seem to have done exactly that, Mr. Christie: You have defined yourself as only another contributor to New Jersey's "culture of corruption." ("U.S. Attorney Calls New Jersey 'A Culture of Corruption.'")