Saturday, August 25, 2012

What kind of justice is this?

August 30, 2012 at 10:55 A.M. Access to this dashboard was blocked by way of "Philosopher's Quest. "Errors" not found in previous copies of this essay have appeared. I will do my best to correct them. I was directed to then then (I am writing at the Morningside Heights branch of the New York Public Library.)

August 25, 2012 at 1:50 P.M. Suddenly and mysteriouly -- like mana in the desert for the Israelites -- bold and italic script have become available, today. I will sacrifice a fatted calf later. This bounty may not last. Thus far, I have been prevented from printing at library computers. I will not be sharing any "ID Numbers" with hackers.

As I logged on today, August 27, 2012 at 2:25 P.M. I was directed to I am at the Morningside Heights branch of the library. I was required, twice, to close out a warning asking whether I wished "this to be my Internet connection or home page." This seems strange since I am at the NYPL (Morningside Heights).

Charles McGrath, "Vidal's Own Wit to Celebrate Him," in The New York Times, August 24, 2012, at p. C1. (Liz Smith, Elaine May, Elizabeth Ashley, Candice Bergen and many others, famous and not famous -- or infamous in some cases -- came together at the Broadway theater currently featuring "The Best Man" to honor the memory of Gore Vidal. I wish that I had been there. I wonder whether Mr. McGrath knows or can identify Mr. Ferguson, or the author of the "infamous" piece on Gore Vidal in The Weekly Standard? "Dormi Bene, Gore Vidal" and "Book Chats and 'Chits'" then "An Evening With Gore Vidal.")

Karen Sudol, "Entitled to Half or Nothing: Zisa's Ex-Wife Wants Pension, Even if Sentence Takes it Away," in The Record, August 24, 2012, at p. A-1. (Former Hackensack Police Chief and now convicted fraudster, Ken Zisa, is fighting over pension rights -- as regards only ONE of his public pensions -- against a former wife while appealing a prison sentence. Only in New Jersey: "New Jersey Pension Funds $50 Billion Short" and "Zisa is Convicted" at Google Groups" then "New Jersey is the Home of the Living Dead.")

Use of printing services at NYPL computers is, evidently, gone forever as regards my humble essays. This means that I will be charged exhorbitant rates to copy my texts from public print shops. Harassment value, Mr. Menendez? ("Senator Bob, the Babe, and the Big Bucks" and "Does Senator Menendez have mafia friends?")

The continuing censorship and cybercrime on display here is fascinating for what it reveals about our collective indifference to cruelty and inhumanity by public officials. It is always dangerous for public officials in a democracy to act, secretly, on the lives of citizens. To seek to injure a person because you, as a public official, dislike or disapprove of that person's opinions or values is offensive to the Constitution and criminal. ("What is it like to be censored in America?" and "Struggle" at Google Groups.)

I believe that the "targeted cybercrime" aimed against me is part of continuing so-called "touchless torture" techniques designed to cover-up criminality by government officials or to prevent disclosure of embarassing files by New Jersey's Supreme Court and state police. ("New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System" and "Psychological Torture in the American Legal System.")

Once again: I am requesting, publicly, all torture files and/or reports by Terry Tuchin and/or Diana Lisa Riccioli -- or any other person, including any expert -- purporting to comment on me, my actions, and/or ethics submitted to the Office of Attoney Ethics (OAE) and/or the New Jersey Supreme Court, and/or any other governmental entity, federal or state, that is/are in the possession of New Jersey state or local governments. ("An Open Letter to My Torturers in New Jersey, Terry Tuchin and Diana Lisa Riccioli.")

I make this request under "open file" or "sunshine"laws in the state of New Jersey as well as "right-to-know" laws and applicable provisions of the federal Constitution and statutory laws.

As I type these words, I cannot be certain of whether I will be able to write, again, on-line nor whether I will manage to keep copies of my own writings. Uncertainty and anxiety is only a small part of the torture. Induced stress is a pervasive feature of my life, twenty-four hours per day, that is often combined with much worse. ("What is it like to be tortured?" and "Censorhip and Cruelty in New Jersey.")

I appreciate how hurtful these experiences of censorship and cybercrime are for witnesses as well as myself. Nevertheless, it is important that they be seen by Internet readers from all over the world. My protest is important to bringing about necessary changes in New Jersey law and ethics regardless of what you think of me or my opinions. ("Law and Ethics in the Soprano State" and "No More Cover-Ups and Lies, Chief Justice Rabner!")

My fall into apathy and/or despair would be useful for those who wish to silence dissent by destroying dissenters. There are many such persons in America and, especially, in New Jersey. I will not cooperate with your efforts to discourage me. I will never give up.

No matter what anyone says, publicly, the N.J. state police has a real problem with minority relations (racism) and must do more to correct the problem. Speeches will not be enough. ("Albert Florence and New Jersey's Racism" and "Driving While Black [DWB] in New Jersey" then "Give Us Free!")

All content-based political censorship is unconstitutional and criminal, Mr.Menendez.

"What kind of justice is this?
Where the poor go to prison and the rich go free?
Where witneses are rented, bought, or bribed.
Where evidence is made or manufactured.
Where people are tried not because of any criminal actions
but because of their political beliefs.
Where was the justice for men at Attica?
Where was the justice for Medgar Evers, Fred Hampton, Clifford Glover?
Where was the justice for the Rosenbergs?
And where is the justice for the Native Americans who we presumptuously call Indians?"

Assata Shakur, Assata: An Autobiography (Connecticut: Laurence Hill & Co., 1987), p. 167.


All ability to make use of italics and bold script is gone once again. The harassment as I struggled to log-on this afternoon may be designed to create a "bridge" -- or some other obstruction -- that will prevent me from reaching these blogs. If more than two days pass without a new post from me, or other alteration of the contents of these blogs, it means that I am prevented from writing against my will.

Ruth Baker, "Fighting the War On Women," MS, in , Spring/Summer, 2012, at p. 26. (Important.)

Stephanie Akin, "Chief Admits On-Duty Politics: Says Police Equipment Was Used in Campaigning," in The Record, August 18, 2012, at p. A-1. (Politicizing police services is dangerous in a democracy. Thomas Padilla, Chief of Hackensack's Police Department, is only the latest politician/cop in New Jersey to get in trouble for confusing his roles.)

Deena Yellin, "Towns Taken to Federal Court: Angry Citizens Bypass State Level," in The Record, August 18, 2012, at p. A-1. (New Jersey residents have figured out that the state court system is a joke. Chris Christie said: "Time to get off the beach, New Jersey!")

Mike Frassinelli, "Child Porn Charges Mount For Man, 52: Sexual Assault, Spying On Boys," in The Record, August 18, 2012, at p. A-4. (Patrick T. Deck arrested and charged in the state that leads the nation in child porn, allegedly.)

AP, "Teacher Receives 5-Year Term for Sex With Students: Guilty of Encounters With 5 in Home," in The Record, August 18, 2012, at p. A-5. (Brittini Nicole Colleps, 28, facing prison time for what is routine in Clifton, New Jersey -- child abuse. Friend of yours, Diana Lisa Riccioli? I wonder whether Diana Lisa Riccioli can shed some light on the computer crimes that I deal with every day?)

John Petrick, "Haledon Owes Its Top Cop $302,092: Payment of Legal Fees Ordered in Court Fight," in The Record, August 18, 2012, at p. L-1. (YOU will be paying Chief Luis Mercuro's legal fees.)

Peter J. Sampson, "Lawsuits Target 132 New Jersey Internet Users Over Sharing Porn: Studios Are Seeking Names and Addresses," in The Record, August 20, 2012, at p. L-1. (I wonder how many of these people have been among the hackers into my sites who have violated not only my intellectual property rights, but also those of Google, MSN, Yahoo and others, including Time/Warner.)

Stephanie Akin, "City Reports $2.48 MILLION Police Settlement: Hackensack Police Chief Faced Harassment Suit," in The Record, August 22, 2012, at p. A-1. (The ex-girlfriend of Frank Zisa, Jr. -- does she want half of his pensions? -- will receive $2.48 MILLION to settle a harassment suit which the taxpayers will have to cover. Ken Zisa is not the only member of the family with legal troubles. How long will people in N.J. put up with this nonsense?)

Tiffany Hall, "40% of U.S. Food Supply WASTED, Study Says," in The Record, August 22, 2012, at p. A-7. ($165 BILLION in uneaten food is wasted, every year, in America as thousands DIE of hunger in the world, every day. A family of four squanders $2,275.00 in food each year; 20 pounds of food per person, per month, is wasted. Much of this food can be recovered and may feed many persons. Please see: "Richard A. Posner On Voluntary Actions and Criminal Responsibility.")

Peter J. Sampson, "Lawyer, Facing Retrial in Killing, Seeks Hearing: Alleges Government Misconduct in Case," in The Record, August 22, 2012, at p. L-3. (I agree with Mr. Bergrin -- much as I hate to do so -- that the government's conduct in prosecuting him violates the Constitution.)