Thursday, August 16, 2012

Judge Solomon Goes to New Jersey Supreme Court.

Kim Lueddeke, "Comp Time Under Fire: Garfield Police Chief Logs 400 Hours in 4 Years on Top of $168,000 Salary," in The Record, August 14, 2012, at p. A-1. (Chief Kevin Amos is "on the tit.")

Janet Renshaw & Mary Ann Spoto, "Solomon is Christie's Pick for High Court: Superior Court Judge is Former Prosecutor Who Once Headed BPU," in The Star Ledger, July 17, 2012, at p. 1.

AP, "F.B.I. Raids The Home of the Mayor of Trenton," in The New York Times, July 17, 2012, at p. A24.

Mr. Christie has grown tired of grandstanding by Democrats concerned (please don't laugh) about judicial "integrity" and "independence" all of a sudden in opposing the governor's judicial nominees.

Mr. Christie has done his homework and found the most impeccable choice for a spot on the high court: Lee Solomon is Christie's guy.

I do not know Mr. Solomon. He was reputed to be "competent" as a prosecutor with good political skills. These qualities are rare on the New Jersey Supreme Court these days. As they say in Trenton, "who is Solomon's godfather?" Mr. Norcross? Mr. Sweeney? Party affiliation may mean nothing. ("Is Stephen M. Sweeney, Esq. a Liar?" and "George E. Norcross, III is the Boss of New Jersey's Politics and Law.")

I am not aware of any rumors or allegations against Mr. Solomon. This is also unusual with regard to N.J. political and legal officials. Mr. Solomon may be the only candidate for the New Jersey Supreme Court on whom George E. Norcross, III and Chris Christie agree. But then, in the words of Assembly Speaker Oliver, Christopher Christie, Esq. is "mentally deranged and a liar." ("Is Chrisopher Christie 'Mentally Deranged' and a 'Liar'?")

New Jersey politics makes for very strange bedfellows. The recent romance between Christie and Norcross is just plain weird. ("Is there a gay marriage right?")

I am sure that Judge Solomon (aptly named!) will be loyal to his political protectors. This is often the problem with New Jersey judges -- an unofficial system of loyalties and tribute at the expense of the law and its public processes. ("Law and Ethics in the Soprano State" and "New Jersey's Politically-Connected Lawyers On the Tit.")

Will Mr. Norcross call on Judge Solomon for favors? If he does, will Mr. Solomon be able to refuse favors for his political godfather(s)? I doubt it.

Is this soiled system and tainted legal reality the so-called "judicial independence" that prevents the governor from asking judges to share in financial pain like all other public servants, Chief Justice Rabner? ("No More Cover-Ups and Lies, Chief Justice Rabner!")

An F.B.I. raid at the home of the Democratic mayor of Trenton, Tony Mack, (attorney?) suggests levels of cronyism and corruption worthy of Union City:

"Agents also searched the home of Mr. Mack's brother, Raphiel Mack, and Joseph Giorgianni, ["Joey-Lollipops"] a convicted former sex offender" -- Mr. Giorgianni did time for having sex with a 14 year-old girl who may be a friend of (or supplied by) Diana Lisa Riccioli -- "who was one of the mayor's biggest campaign donors." ("Trenton's Nasty Lesbian Love-Fest!" and "Jennifer Velez is a Dyke Magnet!")

Trenton's "business administrator" under Mr. Mack pleaded "guilty to [theft] ... Mr. Mack's housing director quit after it was learned he had [also] been convicted of theft. The mayor's chief of staff was arrested after being accused of trying to buy heroin on the street. [Does the OAE's Mr. McGill know Trenton's Mayor Mack?] His half-brother, Stanley David, pleaded guilty this year to official misconduct for directing Trenton Water Works crews to perform private side jobs using city equipment and billing the city."

I'd call that misappropriation of city equipment "theft." ("New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System" and "New Jersey's Office of Attorney Ethics.")

Business as usual in New Jersey. Right, John Bruno? Good luck with your ethics troubles, Mr. Bruno. I wonder whether John Bruno visited my sites at the request of officials or politicians?

A list of sources detailing further corruption and incompetence in New Jersey politics and law will be attached to this essay in the days ahead. If more than two days pass without a new post from me, it means that I am prevented, illegally, from writing on-line.


Richard Cowen, et als., "Police Find Woman in Locked Room: Alleged Gang Member Charged With Restraint Cops Say Lasted 2 Years," in The Record, August 14, 2012, at p. A-1. (Michael Mendes, possible supporter of Senator Robert -- "Big Bob" -- Menendez and friend of many police officers in West New York and Elizabeth, perhaps, is facing kidnapping charges. "Justice For Mumia Abu-Jamal.")

Anthony Campisi & John Reitmeyer, "Shroeder Urged to Resign: Democrats Call on Bergen GOP to Return $45,000 Donations," in The Record, August 14, 2012, at p. L-1. (Time to go, Mr. Shroeder. Bob Yudin, what do you say? Is Terry Tuchin your guy, Mr. Yudin? "An Open Letter to My Torturers in New Jersey, Terry Tuchin and Diana Lisa Riccioli.")

Stephanie Akin, "Zisa Will Ask Judge to Void Verdict: Claims Misconduct by Prosecutors," in The Record, August 14, 2012, at p. L-3. (Zisa family "connections" to Diana Lisa Riccioli are not denied to my knowledge.)

Melissa Hayes, "Developer Seeking Answers on $6 Million Investment: Says Accused Legislator Could Not Produce Paperwork," in The Record, August 10, 2012, at p. A-1. (How much of the $6 MILLION was used for bribery of New Jersey politicians? Is that why Shroeder can't produce the paperwork?)

Pete Yost, "Goldman Sachs AVOIDS Justice Prosecution," in The Record, August 10, 2012, at p. A-1. (An investment firm bearing much responsibility for the fiscal crisis and economic suffering of millions -- not only in the U.S. -- which was "serviced" by a number of prominent New Jersey law firms, will not be prosecuted for what appears to be "obvious fraud." Mr. Corzine will probably not face ANY criminal inquiry, despite testimony by his colleagues concerning his "appropriation" of client funds to cover "shortfalls" at MF Global and the insulation of Mr. Corzine's funds before the crisis that Mr. Corzine claimed he "did not see coming." I will be writing about these matters at greater length very soon. Mr. Corzine is the former governor of New Jersey who appointed Stuart Rabner as Chief Justice and is represented by several "politically connected" N.J. law firms, including the DeCottis firm: "New Jersey's Politically Connected Lawyers On the Tit" and "Corrupt Law Firms, Senator Bob, and New Jersey Ethics." Do you speak to me of "ethics," Mr. Rabner?)

Adam Liptak, "Scalia Says He Had No 'Falling Out' With Chief Justice," in The New York Times, July 19, 2012, at p. A21. (Credibility issues for Nino who also auggested that the U.S. Supreme Court is "not political." "Law and Morals" and "Law and Morality.")

Adam Liptak & Allison Kopicki, "Public's Opinion of Supreme Court Drops After Health Care Law Decision," in The New York Times, July 19, 2012, at p. A21. (41% of Americans approve of the Supreme Court's performance. Most people -- 51% -- believe that U.S. Supreme Court's decisions are based on partisan politics. In New Jersey, about the same number believe that corruption has more to do with judicial results than law: "New Jersey's Feces-Covered Supreme Court" and "Law and Ethics in the Soprano State" then "New Jersey Supreme Court's Implosion" and "New Jersey's Legal System is a Whore House.")

Susan K. Livio, "Investigation Widens Into Allegedly Dangerous Research at State Centers," in The Star Ledger, July 17, 2012, at p. 1. (Patients subjected to "dangerous research" or "experimental treatments" without their consent or knowledge. Have they been raped? Assaulted? Stolen from? "Terry Tuchin, Diana Lisa Riccioli, and New Jersey's Agency of Torture" and "Psychological Torture in the American Legal System" then see the sources quoted in "'Inception': A Movie Review.")

James Quirk & Kim Lueddeke, "Shooting Case Was Balancing Act for Prosecutor," in The Record, July 12, 2012, at p. A-1. (Cover-up of targeting African-Americans in Bergen County is alleged.)

Kim Lueddeke, "New Look at Teens' Shooting: Garfield Chief Defends Police Response," in The Record, July 12, 2012, at p. A-1. (ANOTHER shooting of an African-American child? More cover-ups and indifference from Mr. Christie, Mr. Chiesa, Mr. Rabner.)