August 24, 2012 at 1:30 P.M. I am unable to print from laptops at the Morningside Heights branch of the NYPL. I will attempt to print from print shops in the future or other branches of the library. I will not sign-in to blogger except from library computers. (I continue to receive a request for my ID number when I try to print.)
I am at computer number #3, downstairs, 110th Street and Broadway, New York, New York.
August 23, 2012 at 2:45 P.M. I am unable to print items from NYPL computers today, despite using my library card to access the computer. This obstruction is the result of hacks into the NYPL computer, perhaps, or corruption of library employees by a person or persons unknown. I will attempt to print my texts tomorrow, if I am able to regain access to blogger from some library computer. ("How censorship works in America" and "What is it like to be censored in America?")
August 22, 2012 at 2:10 P.M. I made a reservation today at computer number #1, Morningside Heights branch of the NYPL. I was prevented from using this computer by a lecture which should have prevented my receipt of the reservation in the first place. ("Censorship, Again?" and "Censorship and Cruelty in New Jersey" then "More in Sadness Than in Anger.")
With the assistance of a librarian, I was reassigned to a desk-top computer (which is apparently easier to tamper with), where I was prevented from accessing blogger.
I will attempt to write, again, on August 23, 2012.
Use of frustrations, anxiety, as well as economic-professional harms, or personal destruction through behind-the-back efforts, are common in American politics and law. What I have experienced is much worse than the "norm" -- if there is such a term for such criminal efforts -- since sexual and other assaults are unusual even for sadists involved in such tactics. Anyway, I can never know from one day to the next whether I will be able to write, print, or edit my texts at blogger.
The goal of these government-developed psychological torture techniques is to "dehumanize persons ... making them 'walking coprses.'" Adjustment to the tortures is "learned helplessness, a surrender of identity and dignity" (comparable to slavery); torturers aim to make persons "indifferent to their own enslavement and/or death." ("Freedom for Mumia Abu-Jamal" and "Justice for Mumia Abu-Jamal.")
Ideally, for torturers, ALL "capacity for self-determination, ability to predict the future and to prepare for it, is systematically destroyed." When these methods are combined with financial pressures and induced social stigma produced by vilification through lies, over decades, the intended outcome for the victim is "suicide or severe psychosis." ("Psychological Torture in the American Legal System" and "American Doctors and Torture" then "America's Holocaust" and "Is America's Legal Ethics a Lie?" also "Terry Tuchin, Diana Lisa Riccioli, and New Jersey's Agency of Torture" and "Torture.")
I believe the censorship I experience that is on display at these blogs is one small part of the psychological torture to which I have been subjected. My opinions have not changed. I will continue to express them. ("An Open Letter to My Torturers in New Jersey, Terry Tuchin and Diana Lisa Riccioli" and "New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System" then "Time to End the Embargo Against Cuba.")
William Neuman & Maggy Ayala, "Ecuador to Let Assange Stay In Its Embassy," in The New York Times, August 16, 2012, at p. A4. (UK still seeks to extradite Mr. Assange, possibly under CIA pressure, and now offers to exchange Tony Blair for Mr. Assange, allegedly. Ecuador has no desire to receive or host Tony Blair as, indeed, neither does Britain.)
Azam Ahmed & Ben Protess, "As Libor Fault-Finding Grows, It is Now Every Bank For Itself," in The New York Times, August 16, 2012, at p. A1. (HSBC, Barclays Bank, and others are heading for regulatory hearings in London where fines are expected in the equivalent of millions of dollars. No one has yet been indicted. Each of these banks is blaming the others for the financial crisis. I agree with all of them.)
Azam Ahmed & Ben Protess, "No Criminal Case is Likely in Loss at Corzine Firm; Inquiry Nears an End," in The New York Times, August 16, 2012, at p. A1. (3 months for this investigation? I have seen much smaller investigations take many more months.)
"A criminal investigation into the collapse of the brokerage firm MF Global and the DISAPPEARANCE of about $1 BILLION [more like $1.8 or close to $2 BILLION!] in customer money is now heading into its final stage without charges expected against any top executive."
This is a revealing example of the lies and hypocrisies detected by many observers of the American legal system. ("America's Holocaust" and "So Black and So Blue in Prison.")
There are persons serving multiple state prison sentences for thefts of a few thousand dollars. Mr. Corzine, indisputably, "appropriated client funds" (accidentally?) and sheltered his own assets while claiming under oath that he had "no knowledge of what happened."
This claim is somewhat undermined by e-mails and testimony by former colleagues who 1) advised Mr. Corzine of possible "merger" of funds; and 2) warned of the danger of losses and crises affecting accounts where Mr. Corzine's funds would be at risk.
This warning allowed Corzine to take dramatic and expedient action, promptly, before the stocks "hit the fan," as it were. ("Justice for Mumia Abu-Jamal" and "Corrupt Law Firms, Senator Bob, and New Jersey Ethics" then "New Jersey's Politically-Connected Lawyers On the Tit.")
$1.8 BILLION or so of client money was lost, injuring, severely, persons in mutual funds and other small investors (i.e., pensioners) who trusted N.J.'s former governor while enriching the "elite" law firms who served Corzine/MF Global needs. ("Law and Ethics in the Soprano State" and "Eric Wisler, Esq. is an Ethical New Jersey Attorney" then "No More Cover-Ups and Lies, Chief Justice Rabner!" and "New Jersey Pension Funds $56 Billion Short" and "Senator Bob Says Xanadu and You Are Perfect Together!")
NONE of these models of integrity, former members of the New Jersey Bar Association's Ethics Committee, perhaps, and pillars of the community in the Garden State will face ethics or criminal charges, although law suits may be brought against Mr. Corzine.
The trustee in bankruptcy was reputedly "discouraged" from taking all actions necessary to protect assets for creditors, which is highly unusual and may be illegal. I wonder why that is?
New Jersey politicians have not risen on their soapboxes to demand that Mr. Corzine and/or others be indicted nor that the many urgent questions of victims be answered. How curious?
Rather, persons like Mr. Corzine and his lawyers -- including his son-in-law and former North Bergen Municipal Prosecutor, Scott Bazzani, Esq. -- will judge the ethics of others in the community, like the victims of this disaster perhaps. ("North Bergen, New Jersey is the Home of La Cosa Nostra" and "Jay Romano and Conduct Unbecoming to the Judiciary in New Jersey" then "Mafia Influence in New Jersey Law and Politics.")
This offensive and absurd -- I believe also RACIST -- reality is typical of the fraud and farce that is New Jersey law, especially, and of the corruptions of money and influence in American law generally. ("Albert Florence and New Jersey's Racism" and "Driving While Black [DWB] in New Jersey.")
There is nothing to prevent Mr. Chiesa from seeking an indictment under applicable state laws not subject to federal preemption of the securities field. Mr. Chiesa has not indicated that he will indict Mr. Corzine. Gee, I wonder why not?
No wonder they want to prevent me from writing on-line and to keep you from reading these essays:
"Just a few individuals -- none of them top Wall Street players -- have been prosecuted for the risky acts that led to recent failures and billions of dollars in losses."
These losses have a lot to do with the European crisis that has produced misery for millions and that still threatens the lives of persons all over the globe.
Will Mr. Corzine seek asylum in the Ecuadorian Embassy?
A list of sources will be attached to this essay in the days ahead, if I am able to regain access to the dashboard at blogger. I will try to find a place from which to print these essays to discourage repeated insertions of "errors" in the text.
New York and the World:
David Itzhoff, "A Biography of Gore Vidal is Planned for 2015," in The New York Times, August 23, 2012, at p. C3. (Jay Parini, novelist and critic from Columbia University as well as friend of Mr. Vidal, will write a biography of the Maestro. A number of Vidal's manuscripts were not to be published until after his death. I expect that several "new" Vidal books will appear in the months or years ahead.)
Shane Harris, "Giving In to the Surveillance State," in The New York Times, August 23, 2012, at p. A25. (What if we give up privacy not to catch terrorists, but only to allow our government to become more totalitarian?)
"DNA and the Fourth Amendment," (Editorial) in The New York Times, August 6, 2012, at p. A16. (See what I mean? "Larry Peterson Cleared by DNA" and "An Open Letter to My Torturers in New Jersey, Terry Tuchin and Diana Lisa Riccioli.")
"Names of the Dead," in The New York Times, August 22, 2012, at p. A9. (2,084 dead Americans in Afghanistan; new attacks in Iraq bring the total in that country to close to 10,000; more than 100,000 wounded in both conflicts and other "activity" in the region.)
James Dao & Andrew W. Lehren, "In Toll of 2,000, New Portrait of Afghan War," in The New York Times, August 22, 2012, at p. A1. (Continuing deaths of Americans at the hands of units trained by U.S. forces that have been penetrated by Taliban forces.)
Jessica Silver-Greenberg, "Laundering Case Settled by Bank For $340 MILLION," in The New York Times, August 22, 2012, at p. A1. (No criminal charges will be brought that will require anyone to serve time with this financial "resolution" of the matter: "Law and Ethics in the Soprano State.")
New Jersey's Fiasco:
Melissa Hayes & Kibret Marcos, "Lawsuit Will Center on Official's $1.5 MILLION Loan," in The Record, August 9, 2012, at p. A-1. (Investors may sue Mr. Schroeder for what amounts to a Ponzi scheme, even as the New Jersey Assembly member may continue to serve on the New Jersey Bar Association's Ethics Committee, perhaps. No wonder they don't want me to print these essays.)
John Reitmeyer, "Christie Seeking Outside Audits of Halfway Houses," in The Record, August 9, 2012, at p. A-3. (The incompetence and thefts as well as threats to the public must be controlled without turning the matter over to Democrats, who will merely seek to hurt the governor politically. Perhaps this scandal and alleged corruption will be the subject of Mr. Christie's keynote speech at the GOP convention?)
Zach Patberg, "Corrections Officer Sues Sheriff's Office: Alleges Coercion to Wrangle Latino Support," in The Record, August 10, 2012, at p. L-1. (C.O. ordered to raise campaign contributions from Latino community in order to keep his job.)
Peter J. Sampson, "Bergen Man, 9 Others Tied to Mortgage Scam: Indictment Says Scheme Cost Lenders More Than $40 MILLION," in The Record, August 10, 2012, at p. L-3. (Victims allege collusion with local politicians and judges as the only way this scam could have been pulled off. No one is going to prison at this time.)
Juliet Fletcher & John Reitmeyer, "N.J. Jobless Rate at 9.8%: Reaches Its Highest Level in 35 Years," in The Record, August 17, 2012, at p. A-1. (Employers dread corruption levels that are unmatched in America, gross incompetence in delivery of legal services, high taxes, state government controlled by organized crime.)
Peter J. Sampson, "Judge Upholds Prison Sentence in $100 MILLION Scam," in The Record, August 16, 2012, at p. L-3. ($100 MILLION Ponzi scheme results in 18 year sentence for culprit, Wayne Puff. None of the political friends of this individual will be charged. Mr. Puff will appeal and is offering fellow inmates a great investment opportunity, allegedly.)
Charles Stile, "Factional Feud: Battle Over County Police Merger Latest in a Long Line of Republican Skirmishes," in The Record, August 16, 2012, at p. A-1. (Bob Yudin belongs to Israeli interests financing his efforts, allegedly, and his opposition is connected to Mr. Christie, also allegedly. Who will control New Jersey's GOP? We will have to ask Jerusalem. "Terry Tuchin, Diana Lisa Riccioli, and New Jersey's Agency of Torture.")
Kim Lueddeke, "Chief Defends Comp Request: Says He Doesn't Expect a Big Payout," in The Record, August 15, 2012, at p. A-1. (In addition to salary and overtime, Kevin Amos, is looking for 410 hours of comp time putting him at close to $300,000 in compensation, approximately.)