Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Guardano Versus Zimmer.

January 24, 2014 at 5:40 P.M. Earlier today I was prevented from accessing my sign-in sheet at blogger or even my profile page at NYPL, Morningside Heights branch, computer 11 at about 2:40 P.M. I made copies of the bogus warnings concerning "Error 503." These copies are dated and indicate the computer of origin. Evidently, the message is that New Jersey can prevent me from writing at any time. ("How censorship works in America.") 

I suggested a new problem for Mr. Menendez and the likely use of Ms. Zimmer's accusations against Kim Guardagno to promote the Hoboken Mayor's candidacy for higher office in Hudson County -- if Mr. Menendez is indicted, eventually, as seems likely. Whatever happens, I believe there will be political payback for Ms. Zimmer from all sides:

N.R. Kleinfeld, "In New Jersey, Claims Elevate Mayor's Profile," The New York Times, January 23, 2014, p. A1. ("N.R. Kleinfeld" is also "Jennifer Shuessler" and/or Jill Abramson. This article reads like a paid political advertisement for Ms. Zimmer -- which it may be. "Trenton's Nasty Lesbian Love-Fest!")

Mike Kelly, "Low-Key Mayor at Center of Storm: From Unlikely Start to National Spotlight," The Record, January 24, 2014, p. A-1. (Good luck with your future plans, Ms. Zimmer.)

Matt Friedman, "Menendez Said to be Under Investigation in Fugitive Case," The Record, January 24, 2014, p. A-7. (In addition to the U.S. Senate's Ethics Committee going forward with their investigation and a previous FBI inquiry into Dr. Melgen's relations with the Senator, there is a related inquiry into Mr. Menendez's acceptance of payoffs from fugitive money-laundering bankers and others. I am afraid there may SOON be more bad news for Senator Menendez. Perhaps it is for this reason that I find it difficult to use computers so as to write my essays at the New York Public Library. I will attempt to post the new essay that I have already written from public computers tomorrow.)

January 23, 2014 at 8:10 A.M. Efforts to target Mr. Christie have not been as successful as many of the governor's enemies may have hoped, being limited (mostly) to liberal media stalwarts. Rumors are that new allegations concerning Mr. Menendez and/or others are about to break in the media. 

Scott Fallon, "Port-Backed Report Favorable to Builder," The Record, January 21, 2014, p. A-1. (Christie and Hoboken Mayor Dawn Zimmer dispute whether the administration withheld Sandy funds because Ms. Zimmer did not favor "fast-tracking" a $1.1 BILLION development in her city that would have "involved" or benefitted the governor's "friends.")

Melissa Hayes & John Reitmeyer, "Both Sides Sticking to Their Stories: Christie's No. 2 Staunchly Denies Mayor's Allegations," The Record, January 21, 2014, p. A-1. (Why did Ms. Zimmer wait so long to complain and express her outrage at this so-called threat, even taking her picture smiling, beatifically, with Mr. Christie after Ms. Guardagno's alleged threat?)

AP, "Arrests High For Men Not Yet 23: Study Shows Black Rate Almost 50%," The Record, January 21, 2014, p. A-3. (50% of black men and 40% of [blue collar] white men arrested before age 23 for non-traffic related crimes. As many as 75% of minority men will be arrested when you include traffic offenses and expand the age group to include 25 year-olds. Given the disparity in education and a number of other factors, we seem to be increasing the social distance between men and women. "So Black and So Blue in Prison.")

"Zimmer's Charges: Serious Allegations and Questionable Timing," (Editorial) The Record, January 21, 2014, p. A-8. (An incident that, allegedly, occurred last May, 2013 leads to complaints by Ms. Zimmer now, in January, 2014. Why this substantial delay? Ms. Zimmer claimed that this was due to her original concern that she would not be believed. However, if her primary motivation was "outrage" on behalf of her city, why does she feel more outraged now -- nearly a year later -- than when the incident happened, allegedly, and why would she be photographed during the interim period with the governor and Ms. Gaurdagno  offering a beaming smile for the camera? Does the political firestorm over the GWB delays have something to do with this sudden accusation? Was Ms. Zimmer approached by Barbara Buono -- Tattaglia? -- or Mr. Menendez -- Barzini? -- to make these allegations at this time? Was Ms. Zimmer promised "something" by prominent N.J. Democrats in exchange for making her accusations against Ms. Guardagno?)

Joe Malinconico, "Schools Settled Ousted Official's Bias Suit: Paterson District Paid Him $275,000 in '12 Deal," The Record, January 21, 2014, p. L-3. (Michael Maglio, one of multiple school employees claiming termination, for political reasons, by Democrat-controlled school boards in New Jersey. Ms. Maddow?)

Eric Lipton, "(Legal) Spree With Lobbyists," The New York Times, January 20, 2014, p. A1. (Lots of partying Republicans being entertained by the very lobbyists with legislation before these same individuals receiving the lobbyists' little "favors." FOX News?)

Patrick McGeehan, "U.S. Attorney Said to Meet With Hoboken Mayor," The New York Times, January 20, 2014, p. A1. (The cat fight between Ms. Guardagno and Ms. Zimmer is getting nasty. My money is on Kim Guardagno who can probably beat up Chris Christie. It is interesting that Ms. Guardagno is a lawyer, Christie is a lawyer, David Sampson is a lawyer and his firm is clearly involved in these shenanigans -- where's the OAE on this one? Too political, boys? Payoffs? "New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System" and "New Jersey's Office of Attorney Ethics.")

Michael Barbaro & Bill Carter, "For Christie and MSNBC, a Messy Public Divorce Plays Out in Public View," The New York Times, January 20, 2014, p. A13. (Rachel Maddow and Kim Guardagno break-up? Dawn Zimmer says: 'It's her party and she'll cry if she wants to!' ...)

Nicholas Confessore, "Governor Tells Donor 'Come See Me Next Year,'" The New York Times, January 20, 2014, p. A13. (Christie puts off his presidential run until after he deals with this "Zolozzo business.")

"The Christie administration is now accused of tying Superstorm Sandy relief funds to a mayor's support of a development project. The charges come from Hoboken Mayor Dawn Zimmer" -- whose two Democrat predecessors were indicted in office! -- "who claims Lt. Gov. Kim Guardagno applied the pressure in May, 2013. These new allegations that the Christie administration promised to retaliate against a public official who would not acquiesce to its will [something that NEVER happens in N.J. politics] come in the wake of the lane closure scandal at the George Washington bridge." (Record, 1-21-14, p. A-8.)

Mr. Christie finds himself embroiled in yet another scandal aimed at destroying his future as a politician, notably ending any possible presidential hopes. 

Destroying people's lives, illegally and from behind their backs, is a "sport" in New Jersey's slimy political and legal circles.

This crisis is especially troublesome because the governor created a reputation as a "corruption busting crusader," as U.S. Attorney, by going after the "pay-to-play" culture of bribes and kickback schemes that always featured in Trenton's politics and that has made the state a byword for incompetence and malfeasance in government as well as soiled courts. ("U.S. Attorney Calls New Jersey a 'Culture of Corruption.'")

A notable feature of this allegedly "past" practice was the use of "connected" law firms to transfer bribes to politicians in exchange for political favors that allowed money interests and organized crime groups, also (allegedly) such entities as the makers of child porn, to do very well indeed in the Garden State. ("New Jersey Welcomes Child Molesters.")

The public treasury became a personal bank for the Democrat-mafia machine. ("New Jersey is the Home of the Living Dead" and "New Jersey Lawyers' Ethics Farce.")

The development in Hoboken, if allowed by the mayor and other authorities under existing zoning laws, would certainly enrich a Republican law firm (and its clients) who boast that they are "close" to the governor. In fact, David Sampson, Esq. -- who was appointed to head the Port Authority by Mr. Christie -- is a senior partner at this firm. ("Corrupt Law Firms, Senator Bob, and New Jersey Ethics.")

It is difficult for me to believe that Mr. Sampson and his "successful" clients would fail to show their appreciation to the governor who makes their sudden prosperity possible, whether in the form of political contributions or, more darkly, in the Menendez-preferred form of cash-in-an-envelope. ("Is Menendez For Sale?" and "New Jersey's Politically-Connected Lawyers On the Tit.")

So much for Mr. Christie's reputation for impeccable honesty. 

If Mr. Christie loses the perception among New Jersey's residents that he is an honest public official, then what does he have left to run on? Not much. ("De Blasio and Christie.")

It is not enough to be against political corruption by members of the opposing political party. It is also necessary to be against corruption by one's own political friends and contributors -- which is much more difficult -- who may select another "boy" or "girl" to carry the ball in the next election:

"Guardagno denies Zimmer's charges, first made this past week-end on cable television rather than directly to prosecutors. That choice raises the question of whether these allegations are linked to a political opportunity. [emphasis added!] Zimmer says she did not speak out in May because she did not believe that anyone would take her seriously." (Record, 1-21-14, p. A-8.)

Why would the Mayor of Hoboken, New Jersey making a serious allegation of unethical or criminal conduct by an assistant of the state's governor NOT be taken very seriously by law enforcement or the media? No answer. 

If a person believes in the truth of what he or she is saying, then being ignored by a politically-connected and corporate media, or tainted law enforcement, will not be sufficient to silence that person. Threats and censorship will not silence any committed critic. These tactics have not worked against me and few people -- who are honest in New Jersey -- doubt that what I am saying is true. ("How censorship works in America" and "Censorship and Cruelty in New Jersey.")

A passionate opponent of tactics deemed illegal or unethical is unlikely to pose for a photo with the alleged culprit who sought to intimidate that person. ("Terry Tuchin, Diana Lisa Riccioli, and New Jersey's Agency of Torture.")

These realities suggest a problem of credibility and proofs in terms of allegations made against a former Assistant U.S. Attorney, Ms. Guardagno, who is unlikely to threaten someone in so stupid a manner in order to obtain cooperation on a controversial real estate development deal. 

Ms. Guardagno strikes me as too smart for the charges made against her in this matter:

"If Christie used Sandy aid as a cudgel to force a mayor to support a development project tied to one of his political allies, an ethical line was crossed and his higher political ambitions are almost certainly destroyed. There is much at stake here -- for Christie and for his rivals." 

Please deal with the issues I continue to raise in my matter Mr. Rabner, the OAE, Mr. Fishman, Mr. Christie. Many persons are suffering, endangered, and denied their Constitutional rights by the continuing spectacle of corruption, stupidity, ignorance, incompetence and arrogance that have come to define New Jersey's legal establishment to the world. It is time to end the cover-up, Mr. Rabner, and the computer crimes as well as censorship efforts. ("Have you no shame, Mr. Rabner?" and "No More Cover-Ups and Lies, Chief Justice Rabner!")

It is because of this spectacle of corruption and history of the "Soprano State" that any allegations made against N.J. public officials or judges -- no matter who makes them -- must be taken very seriously by lawyers and observers in the world.