Sunday, July 14, 2013

Another Bizarre Letter in My Mailbox!

Via Certified Mail, R.R. (w/encls.)
& Online

Jonathan Mintz, Commissioner
NYC Department of Consumer Affairs
42 Broadway
9th Floor
New York, N.Y. 10004

Re: CD-500134247

Dear Mr. Mintz:

Attached with this letter is a copy of my correspondence with Mr. Di Blasio pertaining to what purports to be a communication from "NICHOLAS GATTO" of the Public Advocate's Office, who is also (I am sure) "KIMBERLY ZALASAR" of your office. 

In other words, both letters are obviously fraudulent and may be traced to CCA-EOS.

I also enclose what purports to be a letter from "IVY S. MCHESNEY," who claims to be "Director of Management, Wage & Investment Division" at FORS MARSCH GROUP, "hired" by the IRS, I am told, to conduct a "customer survey" of American taxpayers. 

All of these entities, mysteriously, use the word processors of New Jersey's Office of Attorney Ethics. This is very curious. 

At the bottom left-hand corner of the letter from Mr./Ms. "Ivy S. McChesney" is the following number: L1_13257-F. This may identify the author of the letter and refer to the "Law Division" or "Office of Attorney Ethics" in Trenton, New Jersey. 

The envelope does not bear a postmark. This suggests that the letter was placed in my mailbox by someone living in my building. The envelope bears the legend: "Presorted First Class Mail, Postage and Fees Paid, Internal Revenue Service, Permit No. G-48."

I suspect that this letter is also fraudulent and connected to CCA-EOS. 

The IRS does not conduct "customer surveys." The IRS does not authorize private companies to obtain confidential financial information from taxpayers. It may be that such letters are sent to persons with a demand for payment. 

It is a crime to claim to be an IRS agent, if you are not such an agent. Accordingly, I am enclosing a copy of this letter to the IRS. 

I will post my letter in response to "Mr./Ms. McChesney" online to ensure transparency. Copies will also be sent to Mr. Vance and the FBI. I will retain this so-called "survey" for the NYPD, if necessary. 

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I await your response.

Very truly yours,

Juan Galis-Menendez

cc: IRS (w/encls.)
      FBI (w/encls.)
      Mr. Vance (w/encls.)