Saturday, June 22, 2013

You've got mail!

June 22, 2013 at 11:34 A.M. I am in receipt of a letter that purports to come from William de Blasio's Office of the Public Advocate in New York, signed by "Mr. Nicholas Gatto." I suspect that Mr. Gatto is also "Kimberly Zalazar" of the New York Consumer Protection Agency. The letter was addressed by hand, bearing Postage Meter #041L11236097. I do not know and cannot say why the Public Advocate would use a Law Department or N.J. Office of Attorney Ethics Postage Meter number. The postmark is June 19, 2013, zone 10001. 

New Jersey's hackers have taken to altering the typeface in these posts in an effort to deface the texts in violation of copyright laws and the Constitution. The effect has been to emphasize, helpfully, a number of points that I am making. Thank you, New Jersey's OAE. Keep up the good work. You are proving my point. 

Via Certified Mail, Return Receipt
Mr. Nicholas Gatto
c/o William de Blasio, Public Advocate
Office of the Public Advocate
1 Centre Street
New York, N.Y. 10007
tel. 212-669-7200

Dear Mr. "Gatto":

I am in receipt of your letter dated June 18, 2013. You state that you have received my request for assistance, but "due to incorrect contact information, we [the Public Advocate] have not been able to pursue it."

This is puzzling since your office was able to contact me, successfully, at my home address by means of this very letter signed by "Nicholas Gatto." Also, a number of other government agencies, state and federal, are successfully pursuing this matter against CCA-EOS. 

My address and telephone number are already in your possession and appear below. Furthermore, you have used this information to contact me and will now receive my response. 

In the event that political interference of any kind is generating these difficulties, I will post on-line my letter responding to your request for information. 

My matter cannot be closed since your office is bound by statute to investigate matters "in good faith." A resolution on the merits is called for in this investigation.

Please note that it is a criminal offense to impersonate a public official and a federal offense to use the U.S. mail to perpetuate the fraud. 

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Very truly yours,

Juan Galis-Menendez

cc: Cyrus R. Vance, District Attorney (w/encl. certif.).
      Federal Bureau of Investigation (w/encl. certif.).