Monday, January 9, 2012

Boss Bob Holds a Grudge!

January 10, 2012 at 11:45 A.M. President Obama's signing of the NDAA law that allows for seizure and detention of anyone, including U.S. citizens, for any reason or no reason that is made known to that individual, or to anyone else in the public, strictly on the basis of the Chief Executive's order -- regardless of the geographical location of the individual in question -- is the ultimate abandonment of the federal Constitution. If deprivation of "life, liberty, or property" can take place without due process of law, then America's Constitution has been effectively abandoned. ("Manifesto for the Unifinished American Revolution.")

With all due respect to the President, when this grab for power is combined with tolerance of torture at Guantanamo prison -- a prison which is a global symbol of the violation of human rights -- President Obama's civil rights record becomes less than impressive. All the more so as the president continues to claim the right to assassinate American citizens living anywhere in the world for secret reasons that may never be made known to that person's family or to history. As the first African-American U.S. President, Mr. Obama will be judged harshly on this issue by historians. Ironically, I will probably find myself voting for Mr. Obama, again, because he remains preferable to his Republican opponents. ("'For America to Lead Again': A Speech for President Barack Obama of the United States of America.")

"Mr. Menendez's Missing Blue Slip," (Editorial) in The New York Times, January 10, 2012, at p. A22.

Kate Zernike, "In Act of Defiance, A Democrat Stalls On Obama Court Nominee," in The New York Times, January 6, 2012, at p. A1.

Kate Zernike, "Senator Says His Concerns With Nominee Aren't Personal," in The New York Times, January 7, 2012, at p. A17.

Ted Sherman, "Senator's Take: I'm Not Petty, She's Not Qualified: Menendez Denies Personal Vendetta is Why He Blocked Court Pick From Own Party," in The Star Ledger, January 7, 2012, p. 1.

Ted Sherman, "Menendez Says Politics Not Behind Judge Delay," in The Record, January 7, 2012, at p. A-1.

New Jersey Senator Robert ("Boss Bob") Menendez is famous for behind-the-back attacks against enemies, whether these enemies are merely perceived or real. Bob is notorious, also, for his alleged underworld affiliations resulting in enthusiastic acceptance of bribes -- the bigger the bribe the better for Bob -- and for being a Democrat "money man" who delivers votes (occasionally from living persons!) and dollars to his party in exchange for a little leeway when it comes to Senator Bob's slimeball tactics. ("New Jersey is the Home of the Living Dead" and "Is Union City, New Jersey Meyer Lansky's Whore House?")

Boss Bob is rumored to be the force behind his Jersey City rival, Glen Cunningham's, destruction as well as his former law partner's legal troubles, together with many other mysterious and sinister events in my life as well as in the lives of countless others. ("Does Senator Menendez Have Mafia Friends?" and "Senator Bob, the Babe, and the Big Bucks" then "Is Menendez For Sale?" and "Menendez Gets Over on the Feds" also "Senator Menendez Has Not Been Indicted Today!")

I believe that Senator Bob or someone close to the Senator -- possibly his sister or daughter -- was involved in a disastrous (for her) debate against me at "The Philosophy Cafe" at MSN. Perhaps Senator Bob visited that site and did not do as well as he hoped against me. I did not realize that you are interested in philosophy as well as physics, Senator.

This unfortunate debator -- whether Big Bob or his "close friend," Ms. LiCausi possibly (maybe both?) -- then engaged in a number of illegal tactics, including cybercrime, in response to the humiliation of this defeat. ("Why I am not an ethical relativist" and "John Finnis and Ethical Cognitivism.")

Menendez is a skillful politician. However, Boss Bob is not an intellectual nor a very good attorney. I doubt that Bob ever tried a Superior Court case to conclusion or handled most of the matters in his thriving Union City law office. ("Law and Ethics in the Soprano State" and "Is Senator Menendez a Suspect in Mafia-Political Murder in New Jersey?")

I suspect that either Bob or someone close to Bob and/or Iliana Ros-Leghtinen, or her Miami crew (Marco Rubio?) has used the name "Manohla Dargis," as well as other names, to write what purport to be articles at The New York Times.

Journalistic writing or activity is a clear conflict of interest for any American political figure or elected official "commenting" on world events along with their own actions or disseminating cultural opinions, such as they are, through employees or cronies. ("Manohla Dargis Strikes Again!" and "'The Reader': A Movie Review.")

I "herewith" (as they say at the courthouse) invite the Senator from Hudson County to deny any or all of this on the record. ("Is Senator Bob 'For' Human Rights?")

I am, apparently, not the only person whom the Senator dislikes intensely and holds a grudge against: James Nobile, Esq., a federal prosecutor looking into corruption in New Jersey (Mr. Nobile must be a very busy man!) is on the Senator's hit list because Mr. Nobile investigated Bob for taking $300,000 as "rent" from the Community Action Corporation on the condition, allegedly, that Bob obtained government grants and/or other benefits for that entity. Don't spend it all in one place, Bob.

Mr. Nobile's life-partner, Judge Patty Shwartz, who has an excellent reputation among lawyers, was nominated by President Obama for the Circuit Court, I believe. Senator Menendez has withheld the so-called "blue slips" or "ticket" that would allow for a Senate hearing on the nomination. ("Law and Ethics in the Soprano State" and "New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System" then "Jennifer Velez is a Dyke Magnet!")

Bob's calculated inaction effectively blocks the Shwartz nomination which will not be considered at all during Bob's tenure as New Jersey Senator. Mr. Sweeney's decision to run for the Senate, presumably against Mr. Menendez, is welcome even for those who do not think much of Sweeney -- like Christopher Christie. ("Is Steven M. Sweeney, Esq. a Liar?" then "Is Christopher Christie 'Mentally Deranged' and a 'Liar.'")

To suggest that this refusal by the Senator is due to Bob's disagreement with the nominee's views on Citizens' United, or other court cases that she would never discuss as a federal judge who may be asked to apply the decisions, is simply absurd. I doubt that Bob has read or understands those decisions or, indeed, that Bob is familiar with the subtleties of the Constitution of the United States of America.
Bob is preventing Judge Shwartz from becoming a Circuit Court judge or even from receiving a hearing -- to signal his disapproval of Mr. Nobile's "presumption" in questioning his fondness for graft, allegedly. Also, Bob dislikes Hillary Clinton (as everyone says in the Union City cafeteria) who probably endorsed the Shwartz nomination by President Obama.

I wonder whether Bob discussed me with Terry Tuchin and/or Diana Lisa Riccioli and/or others during my Union City days? If so, when did those conversations take place? What decisions were made about actions to take against me from "behind-my-back" after those conversations? Garcia and Kricko? Navarete? Booth and Brownstein? When did you first meet with John McGill, Esq., Senator Bob, and did you discuss me with Mr. McGill at that meeting or later, both? Did you contact any of my family members or friends, Senator Bob, through "surrogates" to assist in your efforts against me? ("An Open Letter to My Torturers in New Jersey, Terry Tuchin and Diana Lisa Riccioli.")

Boss Bob is very likely behind many of the attacks against my blogs and me, along with other efforts, past and present, to harm me and my family members. Maybe I will get to meet Big Bob, again, soon. A list of sources detailing recent instances of filthy corruption in New Jersey's political and legal system will be attached to this essay in the days ahead.

"In a statement from a spokesman, Eric Schultz, the Obama administration said, 'Judge Patty Shwartz is an exceptionally well-qualified nominee, and we are hopeful she will be confirmed in short order to fill this important seat on the Third Circuit.' ..." (New York Times, 1-6-12, p. A25.)


New York and the World:

Jack Healy & Michael S. Schmidt, "Iraqi Insurgents Take Up Politics, Raising Tensions," in The New York Times, January 6, 2012, at p. A1. (Will we avoid returning to Iraq?)

William Neuman & Simon Romero, "Iranian Leader, Increasingly Isolated, to Visit Latin America," in The New York Times, January 7, 2012, at p. A9. (China has rejected U.S.-proposed sanctions against Iran while warning of U.S. saber-rattling in the Pacific; much of Europe will not go along with the sanctions; new alliances are being forged for Iran in the Americas -- Iran is not isolated at this time.)

Jack Healy, "Iraq Turns Justice Into a Show, and Terror Confession Script," in The New York Times, January 2, 2012, at p. A1. (It is a little too soon for show trials on sectarian grounds: " ... detainees are mostly Sunni men ...")

Adam Liptak, "Study Challenges Supreme Court's Image as Defender of Free Speech," in The New York Times, January 8, 2012, at p. A25. (U.S. Supreme Court defends free speech mostly for corporations and not, necessarily, for individual human beings. This may explain the continued sanctioned cybercrime against me: "How censorship works in America" and "What is it like to be censored in America?" Do we criticize China for its treatment of dissidents? Cuba? How often do those nations torture and rape disfavored dissidents? "Justice for Mumia Abu-Jamal.")

Graham Bawley & Shakfulah Sahar, "Afghan Soldier Shoots Americans, Killing One," in The New York Times, January 10, 2012, at p. A9. (Casualties in Afghanistan have now reached 1,854; nearly 7,000 -- so far -- killed in Iraq after a $6 BILLION embassy in Terhan provides "optimum security" more threats are envisioned; 100,000 wounded Americans cannot find employment upon their return to the United States.)

New Jersey's Absurdity:

Marlene Noones, et als., "Math Teacher Faces Sex Charge: Had Relationship With Park Ridge Student," in The Record, January 7, 2012, at p. A-1. (Joseph Greco, 27, of Garfield, New Jersey is the latest name added to the list of alleged child molesters from the state that leads the nation in this category. "New Jersey's Child Sex Industry" and "Is Menendez For Sale?")

Hannan Adeley, "Clifton Man Charged in Sex Sting," in The Record, January 7, 2012, at p. L-1. (Leonard Brownstein, 48, "enjoyed" sexually explicit conversations with a 12 year-old girl, allegedly. It is not known whether there is any relation between this defendant and attorney Howard Brownstein of Union City or Diana Lisa Riccioli of Clifton, New Jersey.)

Alexei Friedman, "Millburn Man Charged in $100K Fraud Scheme," in The Star Ledger, January 7, 2012, at p. 9. (William Martucci, [Esq.?] of crime-riddled Millburn, New Jersey -- a mere stone's throw from Rabner's urban war zone of Short Hills -- will be charged with "scooping" $100,000. Any kickback for Rabner?)

Karen Rouse, "Canceled Tunnel Created Big Hole: NJ Transit Audit Details $297 MILLION Loss," in The Record, January 9, 2012, at p. A-1. (More OT will solve the problem. Where did all that money go?)

Karen Rouse, "N.J.'s Legal Tab to Fight Feds Put at $1.2 Million: U.S. Sought Repayment of Tunnel Funds," in The Record, January 9, 2012, at p. A-6. (New Jersey's people have already spent $1.2 million to defend against a federal lawsuit to recover over $200 million "lost" in the canceled tunnel project, an amount that New Jersey has agreed will have to be repaid.)

Byron Burrough, et als., "Jon Corzine's Riskiest Business," in Vanity Fair, February, 2012, at p. 94 and (Mr. Corzine's actions with MF Global suggest "serious wrongdoing" and probably "criminal" activities, allegedly. $1.2 BILLION of client funds have been "misplaced." Many lawyers have been involved in these operations by MF Global and New Jersey's former Governor and current resident of Hoboken. Is this an example of New Jersey's "ethics," Mr. Rabner?)