Friday, March 23, 2012

Trayvon Martin is Another Murdered Child.

March 27, 2012 at 1:50 P.M. Yesterday all computers used to access the NYPL catalogue at my local library branch were disabled by hackers. I hope that repairs have now been made. I am not the only person using this library, Senator. "Errors" inserted overnight and not found in my print version of this essay will now be corrected. ("Torture.")
March 23, 2012 at 11:10 A.M. Curiously, the printer at my library branch has been disabled. I will be moving to different branches of the library on alternate days during the forthcoming week and hereafter. I am looking forward to posting sources for my two most recent essays dealing with New Jersey corruption. I have completed a long essay entitled "What is memory?" I hope to find a place to post the work on to the Internet. I have also returned to a short story, "Hansel and Gretl." Later this week I hope to post a review of "In Time" from some computer in the city. I will continue to do my best to stay a step or two ahead of New Jersey's hackers. ("New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System" and "How censorship works in America.")
I am grateful for any and all international readers and attention. ("Time to End the Embargo Against Cuba.")
The horrifying spectacle of Trayvon Martin's murder requires a response from persons of conscience.
It is not simply the number of times that we have seen this crime committed against African-American children nor the certain knowledge that one of every three African-American children is likely to end in prison -- or dead -- under circumstances like those that took the life of this brave young man in Florida that offends or disgusts persons from all over the world. ("I Am Sean Bell!" and "Driving While Black [DWB] in New Jersey" then "Give Us Free!")
Perhaps the most offensive aspect of this tragedy is the insult to our intelligence and denial in claims that Mr. Zimmerman was engaged in "self-defense" or took "appropriate action" in killing this innocent child.
Worse is the unseemly post-mortem staining of the victim's character by police leaks concerning the reasons for the boy's suspension from school. To my knowledge, there is no jurisdiction -- not even Florida! -- where suspension from school may result in a death penalty.
The African-American population, or America as a whole, and persons of conscience everywhere are not so stupid or ignorant of this nation's ways to believe for a single moment such lies about "self-defense." ("So Black and So Blue in Prison" and "America's Holocaust.")
Racism is simply part of what America is and must deal with. ("Foucault, Rose, Davis and the Meanings of Prison" and "Justice for Mumia Abu-Jamal.")
Most disappointing and sad is the failure by the local police in Florida to appreciate the insanity of calling themselves "officers of the law" when they see their task not as a matter of protecting all law-abiding citizens, but as conducting a war against the African-American community and/or others resembling or sympathetic to that community.
There may be occasional isolated incidents where this is not true, but New York's Police Department is a vastly more professional and a better force than any I have seen in Florida, including Miami's police.
Not to arrest the culprit, Mr. Zimmerman, is an unforgivable (if revealing) dereliction of duty on the part of a former police chief who seems not to understand what is meant by law "enforcement." Among the laws which should be enforced are those that prohibit the murder of unarmed children.
Mr. Obama's comments were welcome. Even more welcome is a civil rights investigation which is also desperately needed in my matters involving the corrupt and similar governmental structure in New Jersey. ("Terry Tuchin, Diana Lisa Riccioli, and New Jersey's Agency of Torture" and "New Jersey's Unethical Judges" then "New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System.")
The failure of America's -- not just Florida's -- legal system uncovered in this hideous crime of murder and social indifference is one that I have seen repeated many times. It is a failure that causes a loss of talent and genius for America that is impossible to make up or compensate for: we are bleeding to death on the sidewalks of this nation alongside of thousands and even millions of young African-American men and women whose talents are needed by this country. ("America's Holocaust.")
The pain we feel cannot be obscured with the usual distractions and nonsense from Conservative politicians. This matter is not about the right to "self-defense," Mr. Gingrich, and it certainly has to do with race.
RACIST evil resulting in the murder of innocent children must be faced, dealt with, and stopped, today and forever.