Monday, March 19, 2012

Bribery in Union City, New Jersey.

John Petrick, "Clifton Man Faces Charges of Bribery: Contractor Alleged Union City Go-Between," in The Record, March 17, 2012, at p. L-1.
One of the aspects of legal practice for which a law school education does not prepare anyone is the ubiquity of corruption.
The presence of money everywhere in the legal system and what filthy lucre does to people and institutions is not a subject that can be analyzed until one has witnessed the phenomenon up close and personal. Not offering bribes makes one unethical in New Jersey.
I do not mean simply the obvious cash-in-an-envelope for the judge or mayor kind of bribe. The official making a decision affecting one's client -- an official who may be bribed by the opposing side rendering all of one's most effective and valid legal arguments, or the law itself for that matter, pointless -- that official may "belong" to a local politician who must be "taken care of." ("Law and Ethics in the Soprano State" and "Mafia Influence in New Jersey Courts and Politics.")
Setting aside these unique wrinkles to law practice in New Jersey, there is the acid-like effect of money used to provide one side in litigation with unfair advantages over the other side. The inequalities between litigants are the proverbial elephants in American courtrooms. No one will mention what everyone knows is going on: Money buys outcomes in cases. ("So Black and So Blue in Prison" and "Justice for Mumia Abu-Jamal.")
It is sometimes necessary to "trash" legal proceedings that have become grotesquely unfair in order to avoid giving such proceedings any patina of legitimacy. ("New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System" and "New Jersey's Office of Attorney Ethics.")
"A Clifton man appeared in federal court on a charge that he agreed to give bribes in connection with a zoning board matter." ("Cement is Gold!" and "Jennifer Velez is a Dyke Magnet!")
Any bribes coming to Union City's zoning board or other agencies make their way up the chain of command to Brian Stack, allegedly, and/or to Senator Menendez, who gets to dip his finger in any pies, also allegedly.
Rumors are that prices to purchase a zoning variance that violates the law are a little higher in North Bergen than in Union City. (Again: "Jennifer Velez is a Dyke Magnet!" and "North Bergen, New Jersey is the Home of La Cosa Nostra.")
"BRYANT VENEGAS, 26, a Union City contractor, is charged in a federal complaint with one count of knowingly and corruptly agreeing to give a bribe. Venegas surrendered to the FBI and appeared later that day before U.S. District judge Joseph A. Dickson in Newark on the charge. He was released on $50,000 bond."
I have reason to believe that Federal District Judge Jose Linares will not seek reappointment. Otherwise, I am sure that Senator Menendez would attempt to arrange for his fellow Cuban-American, Mr. Linares, to hear this matter. Cuban American National Foundation, Jose? Doing any favors for the boys? ("Anthony Suarez Goes On Trial" and "Does Senator Menendez Have Mafia Friends?")
"Venegas was RECORDED by investigators" -- unlike the OAE, the FBI does not alter surreptitious recordings! -- "about his plans to pass cash and other benefits to contacts in Union City government." ("Is Union City, New Jersey Lansky's Whore House?" and "Is New Jersey Lucky Luciano's Havana?")
Will these people in Union City ever be ethical and competent legal professionals? I doubt it.
A list of additional examples of corruption and incompetence in New Jersey's legal and political system will be attached to this essay in the days ahead -- if New Jersey-based cybercrime permits me to continue writing.
New York & the World:
Michael S. Schmidt, "New Interest in Hacking as Threat to Security," in The New York Times, March 14, 2012, at p. A16. (International cybercrime as a weapon in people's struggles for democracy or for criminals. It is rumored that New Jersey has been subjected to a wave of cyberattacks.)
Israel Kerschner & Fares Akrams, "In Gaza, Fight is Familiar, But Commissions Have Changed," March 13, 2012, at p. A4. (The effects of rocket attacks are depicted in a photograph of terrified Palestinian schoolgirls forced to exit a bus. Among the people Israel is trying to protect from these attacks are such children.)
Taimoor Shah & Graham Bowley, "G.I. Kills Afghan Villagers; Children Among 16 Dead," in The New York Times, March 12, 2012, at p. A1. (Regardless of compensation, this catastrophe will delay U.S. departure efforts.)
"A Way Forward on Judicial Ethics: Why the Supreme Court Must Change How it Handles Requests for Recusal," (Editorial) in The New York Times, March 13, 2012, at p. A20. (Virginia Long, Stuart Rabner, Jaynee LaVecchia and others must adopt new judicial ethics standards, at the state level, to preserve some integrity in America's "Soprano State" and most soiled appellate court. No more favors for the Democrat machine, Stuart. "No More Cover-Ups and Lies, Chief Justice Rabner!")
Declan Walsh & Salman Masood, "Pakistan Picks New Director For Spy Agency," in The New York Times, March 10, 2012, at p. A4. (Lt. Gen. Zahir al-Islam leads effort to respond to civilian deaths in his country by terminating U.S. alliance over robot bombs and issues of territorial integrity.)
Andrew Delbanco, "A Smug Education," (Op-Ed) in The New York Times, March 9, 2012, at p. A21. (What a "snob," Mr. Santorum!)
Adam Liptak, "Supreme Court Seeks Clarification in a Human Rights Case," in The New York Times, March 16, 2012, at p. A15. (What are the boundaries on universal jurisdiction?)
"Judge Cuvell's Racist 'Joke,'" (Editorial) in The New York Times, March 6, 2012, at p. A26. (Conservatives are calling for Federal District Judge Cuvell's appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court -- if a Republican is elected President -- after the judge's racist slur of Mr. Obama.)
New Jersey's Fiasco:
James Barron, "In a Spat With a Law Student, a Governor's Tongue Is, Once Again, Too Sharp to Hold," in The New York Times, March 14, 2012, at p. A25. (A set-up heckler was probably sent by the governor's New Jersey Democrat opposition, but we only saw the end of their exchange on the news. Who was paying the law student, Codey or Sweeney? Menendez or Norcross?)
John Reitmeyer & Juliet Fletcher, "Balance of High Court Caught Up in Politics," in The Record, March 24, 2012, at p. A-1. (Democrats fighting Christie's efforts to bring balance to the Trenton Supreme Court by reducing the number of Democrat "Machine-made" judges on that court. "George E. Norcross, III is the Boss of New Jersey's Politics and Law.")
Phil Mattingly & Sheila Bush, "MF Global Executive Says Corzine OK'd Transfer of Funds," in The Record, March 24, 2012, at p. A-3. (Mr. Corzine seems to have known both what he was doing and what has happening to client funds. Mr. Corzine is not African-American. The total amount that is "missing" is now $1.8 BILLION. "So Black and So Blue in Prison.")
"Political Justice: Phillip Kwon Never Had a Chance," (Editorial) in The Record, March 24, 2012, at p. A-15. (This is what is wrong with politicizing the bench in New Jersey: talented, apolitical candidates for the judiciary are rejected for loyal and much more mediocre soldiers of the Democrat machine.)
Hannan Adeley, "Clifton Library Board to Lay Off Two: Arts, Culture Employees May Be On Payroll Illegally," in The Record, March 24, 2012, at p. L-1. (Mismanagement and corruption is producing loss of jobs for people and a diminution in the quality of life for all New Jersey residents. Talk of corruption being "worse in other states" is simply absurd.)
Juliet Fletcher, "Nominees for Court Face Heavy Scrutiny: Dems Won't Hold Back at Hearing," in The Record, March 22, 2012, at p. A-1. (The use of judges as puppets and political footsoldiers is the death of a legal system.)
Jeff Pillets, "Political Insider Can't Recall Details of En-Cap Deal," in The Record, February 22, 2012, at p. A-4. ("A Trenton insider who got $12,000 per month from En-Cap's corporate parent testified Tuesday that he could not remember any meetings ..." nor why he was receiving all that money? Is this man related to Jon Corzine? Amnesia, gentlemen?)
Jeff Pillets, "Ex-State Official Says She Balked at En-Cap Risks: Testifies in Bryant Bribery Trial," in The Record, February 23, 2012, at p. A-5. (Scam that resulted in $1 BILLION Meadowlands Golf Project -- "playing through," Senator Bob? -- defended by former N.J. official claiming she was "deceived" into allowing for expenditures. "Eric Wisler, Esq. is an Ethical New Jersey Attorney.")
Richard Cowen, "Report Confirms Overtime Abuses: Paterson Mayor, 7 Aides Targeted," in The Record, February 22, 2012, at p. L-1. (More theft from the taxpayers by attorneys and public officials: "New Jersey's Politically Connected Lawyers On the Tit" and "Corrupt Law Firms, Senator Bob, and New Jersey Ethics." Do you speak to me of "ethics," Mr. Rabner?)
John Petrick, "Judge Thwarts Council's OT Probe," in The Record, February 25, 2012, at p. L-1. (Democrat-appointed judge obstructs efforts to indict Democrat officials for corruption and waste of public funds.)
Linh Tat, "Municipal Court Employee Accused of Theft," in The Record, March 10, 2012, at p. L-3. (MARIA A. BARBARA is accused of stealing from Municipal Court and other local fees as clerk. Accusations that court clerks in Fort Lee and other Bergen and Hudson towns have stolen fees that are shared with local officials have been common for years and are now said to be subject to a federal investigation. I am sure that these thefts have, in fact, been common for years. What happened to that money in the Estevez matter, Senator Bob? "Does Senator Menendez Have Mafia Friends?" and "Senator Bob, the Babe, and the Big Bucks.")