Thursday, April 10, 2014

Christie's Charm Offensive.

April 11, 2014 at 8:23 P.M. I am so proud of my daughter and her mother who are to be "interviewed" by a person named "Raquel Cepeda" allegedly (and exclusively) about "growing up in a bilingual home" -- and anonymously -- since, I am told, they will not be quoted by name. 

All of these women are very "successful." I could not be more delighted about this development. 

Perhaps "hip-hop" will feature in the conversations of these women. At any time the size of this text may be altered by New Jersey's hackers, emphasizing the point I am making in these paragraphs and accomplishing little else that I can see.

I wonder whether Ms. Cepeda has visited my sites and/or read any of my writings? If so, at whose requests would such reading of my prose have taken place? Ms. Cepeda is the author of what purports to be a "scholarly memoir" entitled Bird of Paradise: How I Became a Latina -- A Memoir (New York: Atria, 2013). (This work appears to be based on ostensible "expertise" concerning the concept of identity, presumably expertise in philosophy and psychology, or women's studies possibly.)

Regrettably, due to repairs, there will be no hot water in my building from Sunday to Monday.   

April 10, 2014 at 10:55 A.M. Yesterday I was unable to reach my blogs from NYPL, computer #6, because of diversion to something called "Broadband/Computer Access Survey" rather than the library's home page. 

The so-called "survey" -- asking for personal information -- purported to come from the library and the web address of the home page, allegedly from the NY public library, is as follows:

New Jersey persons affiliated with the legal system or government may have hacked into New York Public Library computers. 

Along with cybercrime and censorship, I have been overwhelmed with telephone calls, allegedly, from 800 numbers and (April 10, 2014 at 10:59 A.M.) from "cleaning service" 917-398-3825. 

Perhaps "Muhammad" at Time/Warner has obtained new employment at "Cleaning Service"? So far, all of these tactics seem very familiar and rather boring. ("How censorship works in America.")

I have kept copies of the home page for the purported "survey." I am sure that the source of this survey and harassing phone calls is the same as the person responsible for the letters I have referred to FBI, New York, and Mass. prosecutors. ("Have you no shame, Mr. Rabner?")

I will be adding a list of sources to this text in the days ahead.

David E. Sanger, "U.S. Tries Candor to Assure [Reassure?] China On Cyberattacks," The New York Times, April 7, 2014, p. A1. (U.S. will ask China for "transparency" in Internet policing and cybercrime. China will ask the U.S. for the same. Both nations will continue to spy on each other.)

Ginger Thompson [Manohla Dargis?] & Sarah Cohen, [Jennifer Shuessler?] "More Deportations Follow Minor Crimes, Data Shows," The New York Times, April 7, 2014, p. A1. (Republicans, who would happily deport legal resident aliens, criticize Mr. Obama as the "deportation president." U.S. treatment of illegal aliens offends human rights laws and destroys families through forced separations.)

Jim Yardley, "Facing His Torturer as Spain Confronts Its Past," The New York Times, April 7, 2014, p. A1. (No reconciliation or forgiveness is possible without truth, confrontation, justice. Again: "Have you no shame, Mr. Rabner?")

"The Mentally Ill Behind Bars," (Editorial) The New York Times, April 7, 2014, p. A22. ("40 percent of the 12,000 inmates [in city jails] have mental illnesses -- up from about a quarter seven years ago." We have criminalized mental illness. Why not outlaw cancer? Perhaps persons who develop cancer may be incarcerated rather than treated.)

Charlie Savage, "Judge Dismisses Suit Against Administration Official Over Drone Strikes," The New York Times, April 5, 2014, p. A10. (A cowardly judiciary has abdicated its responsibility to enforce persons' rights. This abdication has allowed the imperial presidency to absorb the power to KILL American citizens, anywhere in the world, without any judicial review or due process of law.)

Kate Zernike, "Grand Jury Questions Christie Aide In an Inquiry," The New York Times, April 5, 2014, p. A17. ("The governor's chief spokesperson testifies in the lane closing case. Mr. Mastro was not interested, but the legislature may be establishing that Mr. Christie LIED about what he knew and when he knew it. I believed -- naively it seems! -- that Christie was smarter than this GWB scandal suggests.)

David S. Joachim, "Panel Votes to Reveal How C.I.A. Interrogated," The New York Times, April 4, 2014, p. A6. (The Senate report "exposes brutality that stands in stark contrast to our values as a nation." Please see: "America's Torture Lawyers" and "America's Torture Doctors" then "Terry Tuchin, Diana Lisa Riccioli, and New Jersey's Agency of Torture.")

David E. Sanger, "U.S. Says It Tried to Build a Social Media Site in Cuba, but Failed," The New York Times, April 4, 2014, p. A8. (Possible CIA money -- disseminated through the Cuban American National Foundation or its fronts -- going into further destabilization efforts against Cuba's revolution. No exploding cigars; only exploding cellphones this time. It appears that Right-wing Cuban-American political organizations are behind the sabotage and alteration in the size of the text in this essay and many others. These computer criminals may be protected by corrupt politicians accepting their bribes, such as -- allegedly -- Senator Menendez. "Is Menendez For Sale?")

"The C.I.A. Torture Cover-Up: Senator Feinstein suggests criminal behavior in the agency's search of Senate computers," (Editorial) The New York Times, March 12, 2014, p. A26. (Nearly a month after this Editorial appeared no one at the CIA is being investigated or indicted for evading or ignoring Senate inquiries. The Justice Department is out to lunch. Mr. Brennan's smoke and mirrors worked.)

Michael M. Grynbaum & Kirk Semple, "De Blasio Plans a Minimum Wage and City ID Cards," The New York Times, February 11, 2014, p. A1. (Makes sense for many reasons to create this city ID.)

AP, "Report Accuses CIA [OAE?] of Brutality: Assails Questioning of Terror Suspects," The Record, April 4, 2014, p. A-5. (Hideous tortures by CIA -- known to Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney -- have taken place and are still covered-up. Ethics? "New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System" and "New Jersey's Office of Attorney Ethics.") 

Shawn Boburg, "GWB Inquiry Panel Considering Asking for More Records: May Move to Call Witnesses Under Oath," The Record, April 4, 2014, p. A-4.

"State lawmakers investigating the George Washington Bridge lane closures said they will meet Tuesday [April 8, 2014] when they are expected to consider whether to demand new documents related to the scandal and whether to call witnesses to testify under oath."

Curiously, the same politicians and lawyers seeking the "truth" from Mr. Christie may be involved in lying about my matters and seeking to cover-up crimes committed against me. Mr. Menendez? ("Terry Tuchin, Diana Lisa Riccioli, and New Jersey's Agency of Torture.")

Sworn testimony -- if it is sought -- will open witnesses to perjury charges, including possible charges against Ms. Guardagno if she is called as a witness and testifies falsely. I doubt that Ms. Guardagno would be so foolish as to lie under oath, although others have certainly done so. ("John McGill, Esq., the OAE, and New Jersey Corruption" and "Guardagno Versus Zimmer.")

Mr. Christie is "disturbed" (how right he is!) to discover that the GWB scandal refuses to go away and may have been worsened by Mr. Mastro's alleged "whitewash" attempt in his notorious report. 

Mr. Christie has only himself to blame for the fact that the scandal has "legs," as they say in the media, because it is his own foolish and overly aggressive mishandling of what should have been a two-day story, about yet another unseemly spectacle in New Jersey's filthy and brutal political world, that has caused this ugly episode to define the Garden State's governor as a thug. ("New Jersey's Legal System is a Whore House" and "New Jersey's Feces Covered Supreme Court" and "Christie Attacks New Jersey's Corrupt Judges.")

Mr. Christie has become a Nixonian political figure for our times: burdened with a perhaps understandable paranoia about the political opposition and press, undone by a tendency to lash out at perceived enemies and criticisms, while adopting a bunker mentality worthy of Bob Menendez. Oh, what a falling off was there in Trenton's version of Elsinore. ("Christie's Bridge of Sighs" and "The Teflon Governor.")

If Mr. Christie remains inept in his handling of this blatantly "politically-motivated" crisis or "attack" by the Democrat-mafia machine in New Jersey -- by the "boys from New Jersey" by way of their "gal-pals" Barbara Buono and/or Kate Zernike -- then what would he be like in the White House?  ("Trenton's Nasty Lesbian Love-Fest!")

Luckily, we may never have to find out what President Christie would be like or do to the nation if he enjoyed supreme power. After all, the U.S. President may expect the opposition to toss into his or her Oval Office a p.r. grenade, every morning, followed by unfair and mendacious criticisms before lunch. 

At least President Obama always remains cool under pressure and knows how to kill the opposition with a charming smile. Right, Mr. Boehner? ("America's Banana Republicans.")

Obviously, the goal for Trenton's Democrats is for Christie to spend his second term doing nothing but responding to these GWB allegations, thus shifting attention from Menendez's bribe-taking and sex with fourteen year-olds and/or Mr. Codey's brother's disbarment and probable indictment, or additional corruption charges for many more Democrat politicians. ("Menendez Consorts With Underage Prostitutes" and "Does Senator Menendez have mafia friends?" then "David Samson Resigns.")

"The meeting [of the N.J. Legislature] anounced [sic.] on Tuesday, comes amid legal challenges to the panel's subpoena power and a passive criminal investigation that has the potential to complicate the lawmakers' efforts to get ANSWERS. [emphasis added!] Two important figures in the scandal, both former aides to Governor Christie, are fighting subpoenas for documents in court, and another person has declined to testify before the committee. All have cited Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination." 

The legislative committee should grant immunity at a state level to Kelly -- to the extent this is possible -- as should the N.J. Attorney General (who, as a Christie appointee, will claim not to speak English or to have any knowledge of these proceedings) in order to encourage the feds to do the same, so as to get to the truth. 

We will get to the truth. We need the truth. Most of the witnesses seem to be unable to keep their lies straight by this point. ("An Open Letter to My Torturers in New Jersey, Terry Tuchin and Diana Lisa Riccioli" and "Marilyn Straus Was Right!")

Ms. Kelly is a sympathetic witness who has been shockingly ill-treated by Mr. Christie and the media. Mr. Christie's partial truths are also obvious. As a member of the bar, Governor Christie is required to be truthful at all times, being "under oath" -- as it were -- whenever he speaks publicly. 

Has Mr. Christie spoken the truth at all times? Will Mr. Christie always tell the truth as president? If required to "dissemble" (lie) for political reasons, will Mr. Christie do so effectively? 96% of Americans admit to lying every day, few of them lie under oath -- unless they work for New Jersey's OAE or other branches of government.

Governor Christie seems to contradict himself on the details of the GWB "story" in a highly suspicious manner. As President of the United States, Mr. Christie would need to be a better liar. ("America's Torture Lawyers" and "America's Drone Murders" then "Is America's Legal Ethics a Lie?")

Deception may be accomplished through a tepid non-response. An ethics proceeding may allow observers to nail down Mr. Christie's shifting and never-ending story. (Again: "New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System" and "New Jersey's Office of Attorney Ethics" then "New Jersey's Politically-Connected Lawyers On the Tit" and "New Jersey Lawyers' Ethics Farce.")

The governor's seeming acceptance of blatant thefts of billions of dollars by David Samson is far more dangerous, politically, for Mr. Christie. Rude and inaccurate responses to questions at carefully orchestrated "Town Hall Meetings," in friendly territory, are the opposite of helpful for Mr. Christie. ("David Samson is On the Tit.")

Recent media accounts indicating that Ms. Guardagno is "keeping her head down" are puzzling. It is Mr. Christie who should have kept his head down early in this process. 

Too late now for such tactics. It's on!