Monday, April 28, 2014

Primates and Personhood.

April 28, 2014 at 1:40 P.M. This morning I attempted to complete a telephone call to Invicta Watch Company in South Florida -- a territory where, I am told, Cuban-American politicians hold sway -- specifically, from my home number to 1-800-327-7682 at about 9:49 A.M. 

I waited the required time on-line only to find that my call was "dropped" at the last minute before it could be answered by an Invicta employee. Repeated attempts to make the call resulted in the same outcome. 

Since this is a long-distance call, for me, and since I doubt that (through no fault of Invicta which, probably, welcomes the opportunity to make money!), I will probably not be able to call Invicta, at any time, I have decided to send a certified letter with return receipt to the company -- a letter which I will also post at these blogs. 

Regrettably, I am prevented from accessing my email accounts and cannot send (or receive) electronic communications for reasons (if any) that are not explained to me. The size of the text in this essay will be altered by hackers from New Jersey and Miami. ("How censorship works in America.")

It may be that these experiences are only a coincidence. Alternatively, "Muhammad" at Time/Warner may now be employed at Invicta. No doubt the Cuban American National Foundation and Ms. Ros-Leghtinen or Mr. Menendez can clarify this mystery.

I have only the highest regard for Invicta's personnel and their watches, which are among the finest and most reasonably-priced in the world, and look forward to doing more business with the company in the future as well as resolving my current minor problem.

An essay will be posted soon responding to the continuing controversy surrounding the claim of "Tommy" the chimp (Mr. Rubio?) to be regarded as a person with full legal rights. ("Marco Rubio Lies About His Past!" and "Menendez Consorts With Underage Prostitutes" then "Does Senator Menendez have mafia friends?" and "Time to End the Embargo Against Cuba.")

Invicta sells watches and has no opinions on political issues of any kind beyond hoping that everyone buys an Invicta watch.

My discussion of "Tommy's" legal odyssey is based on the articles listed below. "Tommy" owns and wears a Rolex which, in my opinion, is less good than my Invicta and costs much more. I have offered the observation to "Tommy" that Rolex does not make watches in Taiwan. 

William C. Rhoden, "A Disturbing Tape and a Potential Moral Quandary," The Sunday New York Times, Sports Sunday, April 27, 2014, p. 1. 

Charles Siebert, "His Day in Court," The New York Times Magazine, April 27, 2014, p. 28.  ("Charles Siebert" is "Manohla Dargis" and "Jennifer Shuessler.") 

Concerning the metaphysics of the person, or "personhood" as a jurisprudential or philosophical category, the following works may be useful:

David Braine, The Human Person: Animal and Spirit (Indiana: Notre Dame U. Press, 1992), pp. 340-350.

Teilhard De Chardin, The Phenomenon of Man (London: Collins, 1959), entirety.

Kenan Malik, Man, Beast and Zombie: What Science Can and Cannot Tell Us About Human Nature (London: Phoenix, 2000), p. 25. 

Ervin H. Pollock, Jurisprudence (Columbus: Ohio U. Press, 1979), pp. 233-301. 

A.O. Rorty, Ed., The Identities of Persons (Berkeley: U. Cal. Press, 1976). (Please see Daniel Dennett's "The Conditions of Personhood" and Bernard Williams' "Persons, Character and Morality.") 

A.O. Rorty, Ed., Explaining Emotions (Berkeley: U. Cal. Press, 1980), p. 299.

Roger Scruton, "Persons," in An Intelligent Person's Guide to Philosophy (London: Penguin, 1996), pp. 39-53.

P.F. Strawson, Individuals (New York: Anchor Books, 1963), ch. 3 "Persons."

On December 5, 2013 I posted an essay at this blog ("Ape and Essence") examining the issue of whether a chimpanzee named "Tommy" could bring a legal action claiming the status of a "person," under the law, so as to be "liberated" from confinement in what I take to be an adequate animal shelter in New York. 

I predicted at that time that this law suit would be dismissed on the pleadings, either for lack of standing (no "in personam" jurisdiction?) for "Tommy," or by way of summary judgment for the defendants due to a "failure to state a cause of action." Legally, property cannot be "confined" (even if it can be seized) "without due process of law." Eminent domain requires compensation for a seizure to the owner, not to the property. 

None of this applies if you happen to be one of the undisputed persons "confined" at Guantanamo prison or, worse, someone killed by a U.S. drone without explanations, charges, or evidence of any kind. Also, many persons, like me, find themselves in legal blackholes interfered with, damaged, or injured by public officials for secret reasons, or held illegally, killed, or "disappeared" in one of America's numerous "black sites." ("Glen Greenwald's Partner Detained" and "America's Torture Lawyers" and "American Doctors and Torture.")

Persons in all of these groups and many others may be far worse off than "Tommy." Mr. Wise, counsel for "Tommy" -- if such a thing is possible -- seems somewhat deranged to me: Khalid Al-Masri lacks standing to sue the U.S. government for being tortured by American intelligence agents by "mistake." However, "Tommy's" lack of standing keeps Professor Wise awake at night. 

Mr. Wise seems unconcerned about those many human beings who may benefit from his services and his students' efforts, such as the thousands of African-American defendants and inmates falsely convicted in the American legal system and languishing in prisons that are far worse places than the cages housing "Tommy" and his fellow chimpanzees. ("Justice For Mumia Abu-Jamal" and "Albert Florence and New Jersey's Racism.")

Some of these individuals are convicted because of inadequate representation and others receive excellent representation and are convicted anyway because of racism. ("America's Holocaust" and "Louis C. Taylor Serves 42 Years as an Innocent Man.")

Many women in America are certainly treated more violently and with less regard for their welfare or rights than "Tommy." ("Abuse and Exploitation of Women in New Jersey" and "Not One More Victim.")

Professor Wise teaches law somewhere (Boston University?) and he has not been charged with ethics violations for bringing this absurd and, I believe, offensive litigation. He is very fortunate. ("New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System" and "Is America's Legal Ethics a Lie?")

In my comment on this -- perhaps, unintentionally -- highly amusing article, I will focus on a few of the absurdities and errors in the text: First, there are a number of conceptual confusions equating persons and personhood with the legal fiction of person-status based on public policy goals that always need to be clarified; second, there are procedural issues that, as I anticipated, preclude the matter from being heard in any U.S. courtroom and will always do so. In other words, the problems with this law suit are -- and will remain -- dispositive for Mr. Wise and "Tommy." Third, social policy considerations cut against granting the status of person to chimpanzees even if courts wish to protect animals. Besides, separation of powers issues kick-in. Only a legislature could enact into law such a radical transformation of American jurisprudence as extending the ontological and moral status of "person" to chimpanzees and/or other animals. 

Mr. Wise tends to confuse being a person (in a metaphysical sense) or legal theory, within the natural law tradition that provides the basis for "rights talk," with the fictional status of person that allows for SOME legal rights of human beings to be shared with, say, corporations for limited public policy purposes. 

The basis for the Bill of Rights protections was the humanism of the Enlightenment as expressed in America's Constitutional law, notably in the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery that applies exclusively to human beings as persons. ("What is Enlightenment?" and "Manifesto For the Unfinished American Revolution.")

Underlying the rights recognized in law is a concept of human persons as self-determining or autonomous in a moral sense and therefore free agents capable of transcendence. No research into the cognitive capacities of apes is relevant to what is essentially a moral and jurisprudential determination that human persons ALONE are moral subjects burdened with responsibility as a locus of obligations and claims upon others as well as the state regardless of their physical condition. Again: this is about capacity for humanity. The mere capacity for agency and transcendence confers responsibilities and entitlements. ("Robert Brandom's 'Reason in Philosophy.'")

The following comment by Mr. Wise is not only mistaken, it is so absurd as to border on insanity:

" ... because animals are not legal persons, they don't even have the capacity to sue in the first place. [Precisely.] They're totally invisible. [Their owners are visible and may express concern for their welfare.] I knew that if I was going to begin to break down the wall that divides human and non-humans, I first had to find a way around this issue of personhood." (p. 32.)

If this statement is sincere, I suggest that Mr. Wise see a psychiatrist. To tear down the metaphysical and ethical wall between animals and human beings means not that "Tommy" will learn to play bridge and develop an interest in Opera, but that selected human beings will be reduced in the "thinking" of persons, like Donald Sterling, to the status of animals. Accordingly, some persons who are disliked by the powerful will seem less human, more like "Tommy," making it unimportant what we do to them. This was the view of Dr. Josef Mengele as regards the Jewish children he had no trouble torturing to death. ("Drawing Room Comedy: A Philosophical Essay in the Form of a Film Script.")

Millions of animals are grown for food in a world where millions of humans nevertheless starve to death; billions of animals and fish or insects may find lawyers willing to represent them flooding American courts with further law suits since judges have so little to do already. Realistically, the rights sought for "Tommy" and all other animals will (and should) never come into existence.

While "Tommy" merits our concern and protection merely because he can feel pain, this protection is about human morality and law, motivated by our concern to avoid cruelty or causing suffering unnecessarily to any sentient being -- among sentient beings are illiterate young men tortured in prisons and young women forced to sell their bodies to survive in America. Let us worry about such unfortunate human beings before we worry about "Tommy." ("Abuse and Exploitation of Women in New Jersey" and "Not One More Victim.")

Procedurally, Mr. Wise has brought a writ of habeas corpus which is usually filed in criminal cases against the state for the release of a person held illegally. Mr. Wise assumes what he wishes to prove by seeking a writ that requires a person as "beneficiary of relief" before it is established that "Tommy" is a person. 

Without a prior determination of personhood for "Tommy," the writ will always be denied because "Tommy" has no standing to sue anyone for anything. 

The N.Y. Civil Practice Rules govern all legal proceedings in this state, but public law (where the state is usually a party imposing penalties on individuals) is distinct from private (usually civil litigation over money and other remedies where the state may be a party). 

This lawsuit may have been written and filed by "Tommy" because it does not seem to be the work of any lawyer. Is "Tommy" from New Jersey? ("Ape and Essence.")

In rejecting a similar law suit in a California Federal District Court, a weary judge made the point also articulated in New York's courtrooms:

"The only reasonable interpretation of the 13th Amendment's plain language is that it applies to persons and not to non-persons, such as Orcas." (p. 33.)

Much the same applies to the hallowed writ of habeas corpus. The law confers a unique set of protections upon persons because of the singular ONTOLOGICAL STATUS of persons, human beings, the basis for which status in the modern era is derived from the works of Immanuel Kant. The most powerful recent defense of this special status is found in the Nuremberg Proceedings against the Nazis responsible for the Holocaust. The Nazis claimed that Jews were subhumans, "rodents," whose "extermination" was a service to humanity. 

Justice Robert Jackson -- one of those annoyingly legalistic and philosophical American jurists -- rejected this argument, knowingly encouraging litigation by African-Americans and women in subsequent decades in pursuit of their rights in American courtrooms, as equal persons, based on their shared humanity with, say, Justice Jackson. 

The experience of Hitler and the Holocaust was the motivation for international human rights laws that we have steadily dismantled after 9/11. We will come to regret this destruction of the system of international law and Mr. Bush's now infamous "torture policy." ("Nihilists in Disneyworld.")

To bring this tongue-in-cheek litigation on behalf of "Tommy" insults the victims of the Nazi horror and Dr. King along with many persons who gave their lives in the struggle for human freedom and equality that today is crucially focused on the plight of women in the world. 

Many young women, my daughter's age, in other countries and in America are denied all opportunity to develop their minds equally with young men, poverty afflicts women and girls much more than men, nutrition is more of a problem for women, access to health care and procreative choice is being taken from women without the resources to fight costly legal battles, women are sexually assaulted and raped -- as I have been raped -- more often and brutally than men, seemingly to the indifference of establishments that minimize the emotional and physical cost of this horrible crime upon victims. 

Before we spend any more time worrying about "Tommy," let us focus on these burning issues being ignored by many of our politicians. A final word on the meaning of persons in our civilization should be sufficient to discourage future lawsuits like this unfortunate action by making it clear why "Tommy" will never make it: 

" ... it has become commonplace to think of humans as simply beasts or zombies. Specifically human aspects -- such as the importance of history, culture and agency -- are often written out of the story. Contemporary theories of humanness tend to regard a human being less as a subject capable of acting upon the world, than as an object through whom nature acts. It is this vision of humans as objects that is most troubling. Not only does it celebrate a sense of fatalism about human prospects, but history also reveals that once you view human beings as objects, then the normal restraints of humanity become loosened."

This is the crucial point:

" ... 'There can be no philosophy,' Jacob Bronowski once suggested, 'nor even a decent science without humanity.' Bronowski was a scientist, educator and broadcaster, who, in 1972, wrote and presented a glorious BBC television series, The Ascent of Man. The series was an exploration of the development of science, and more broadly of humanity's attempts to understand and control nature, from the Stone Age to the Space Age. For Bronowski, 'Man is unique not because he does science, and he is unique not because he [or she] does art, but because science and art equally are expressions of marvellous plasticity of mind.' The Ascent of Man was the story of man's [and woman's] freedom, of his gradual emancipation from nature, an expression of the way that man's imagination, his reason, his emotional subtlety and toughness, make it possible for him not to accept the environment, but to change it." (Kenan Malik, p. 25, emphasis added. Mr. Malik is a  neurobiologist and research psychologist.)

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Ruben Carter Goes Out a Winner.

April 26, 2014 at 1:55 P.M. I am told that tomorrow's New York Times Magazine will feature an article that plagiarizes or paraphrases my essay "Ape and Essence" which was published at this blog, December 5, 2013, under copyright protection.

Evidently, my text is not mentioned in the Times. It is further suggested that my essay "Ape and Essence" may have been brought to the specific attention of persons at the "newspaper of record" who are certainly aware of journalistic ethics as well as scholarly obligations to acknowledge sources for ideas and analysis in written work.

I cannot say whether this allegation of theft is accurate because I have yet to read the forthcoming article. I will read and respond to such an article, if it appears. I must wonder whether the "real" author of that piece has read my writings, so as to be ethically obligated to acknowledge the fact if my ideas or words are "borrowed" or used at all. "A.O. Scott"? "Jennifer Shuessler"? Jill Abramson?

Many persons are stolen from in our world. No ruling class that bases its privileges on theft or domination will endure the passage of time. (Please compare "What is it like to be plagiarized?" with "'Brideshead Revisited': A Movie Review" then "Thomas Nagel's Guilt by Association" and "New Jersey Lawyers and Judges Pay Themselves OT.") 

April 24, 2014 at 1:22 P.M. Google Chrome could not be accessed from NYPL, Morningside Heights, Computer #07. I have reached this computer the old fashioned way. I was denied the ability to access the Internet from my home yesterday. No member of my family could reach the Internet. I do not know whether I will be able to return to this blog, make corrections, or write additional essays. I will certainly try to do so. 

If two days pass without alteration at these blogs, it means that I am prevented from writing against my will. I do not know when (or if) my home access to the Internet will be restored for myself or the members of my family. I cannot say whether I will suffer serious injury or if I will be killed. I ignore all threats. I will continue to insist for as long as I live on receiving the truth from New Jersey. I will try to meet with Marilyn Straus to determine her situation and condition. ("Marilyn Straus Was Right!") 

My home telephone connection has been blocked for 24 hours, presumably as part of the denial of Internet service or an "accident." I do not believe that such crimes could continue to be committed against me and others without the cooperation of government agencies in New Jersey and, perhaps, elsewhere.

April 23, 2014 at  3:27 P.M. I am told that the OAE and other Trenton officials have taken to posting insults and allegations concerning my "ethics" as determined by the DRB or some other acronym in New Jersey government. 

All personal insults of me seem pointless at this stage of my adventure in New Jersey law. I welcome such smears as being helpful in drawing attention to the issues raised in these blogs concerning New Jersey's legal ethics. You decide who is ethical. ("New Jersey's Supreme Court Implosion" and "New Jersey's Corrupt Judiciary" and "New Jersey Lawyers' Ethics Farce" and "Edward M. De Sear, Esq. and New Jersey's Filth.") 

Selwyn Roab, "Ruben (Hurricane) Carter, Twice Wrongly Convicted of Murder, Dies at 76," The New York Times, April 21, 2014, p. A22.

William C. Rhoden, "A Fighter Who Stood His Ground," The New York Times, April 21, 2014, p. D4.

Dave D'Alessandro, "His Battle Over, Fight Lives On," The Star Ledger, April 21, 2014, p. 1.

Stephanie Clifford, "Even With Dying Boxer's Appeal, Tough Road Ahead for a Convicted Man," The New York Times, April 22, 2014, p. A22. (Ruben Carter's final days were spent fighting for the release of yet another falsely convicted African-American prisoner.)

Richard Cowen, "'Hurricane' Carter Loses His Final Bout: Paterson boxer fought years to clear name and died a free man," The Record, April 22, 2014, p. A-1. 

Recent years have seen the emergence of racism from some surprising quarters, including from ethnic and religious groups who should know better than to perpetuate racist stereotypes and hateful bigotry. ("Drawing Room Comedy: A Philosophical Essay in the Form of a Film Script.")

"Richard Cowen" -- a fictitious name? -- appears to be part of what I am fighting against in New Jersey. I am confident that the same was true for Ruben Carter. Mr. Carter fought against what this so-called "article" by Richard Cowen represents in New Jersey and throughout the world -- the arrogance of racist power used to enslave people by those who deem themselves "superior" to others based on race or religion. ("Terry Tuchin, Diana Lisa Riccioli, and New Jersey's Agency of Torture" and "Psychological Torture in the American Legal System.")

I am not overly troubled by New Jersey's posting of the usual lies and slanders, or insults, whether from the OAE or DRB, AG or Supreme Court in Trenton. In fact, anything that brings attention to my efforts at these blogs -- including slanders -- now helps in my quest for the truth.

Readers from all over the world have made their own determinations as to whether I am telling the truth or concerning my ethics as compared with the ethics of New Jersey's legal establishment. ("John McGill, Esq., the OAE, and New Jersey Corruption" and "New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System.")

Perhaps "Terry Tuchin's" real name is "Richard Cowen"? (Again: "Terry Tuchin, Diana Lisa Riccioli, and New Jersey's Agency of Torture.") 

To take a cheap shot at a civil rights hero, Ruben Carter -- whose achievement outside the ring in demonstrating the pervasive corruption and racism of New Jersey's befouled legal system is a far greater accomplishment than even "Hurricane" Carter's prowess in the boxing ring -- strikes me as evil. ("Have you no shame, Mr. Rabner?" and "David Samson is On the Tit" then "New Jersey Rabbi Charged With Child Molesting" and "44 Persons Arrested in Latest N.J. Corruption Sting.")

Mr. Carter did not "lose" his final fight. Mr. Carter won the fight that was his life by k.o. even as New Jersey's legal system was, and remains, the dismal loser in yet another sordid affair. 

No matter what New Jersey chooses to cover-up and lie about in my life, I will win my struggle by simply continuing to fight for the truth as long as I live. ("New Jersey's Judges Disgrace America" and "New Jersey's Supreme Court Implosion.")

The struggle by Ruben Carter was not about clearing his name, a name that remains unsullied by the insults and absurd accusations (similar to those made against me and often far WORSE) by many of the very same officials I deal with every day. ("Justice For Mumia Abu-Jamal.")

Mr. Carter not only died a free man, he lived each day as a free man, demanding the respect and dignity to which he and each of us is entitled, but he also embodied and defined what is meant by a free person:

"After learning of Carter's death, I reread [a] 1974 article [dealing with his case] and was struck by much of what Carter said, about individuality and about preserving one's dignity when confronted by those trying to take it away. Asked about the effectiveness of prisons, Carter said: 'Throwing people in jail and painting the windows black is not a solution. It is the problem.' ..."

This insight led to an important realization:

" ... While he was incarcerated, Carter refused to perform any type of prison work. He refused to wear prison clothing. He refused to submit to the normal prison routine."

I refuse to "wear" New Jersey's lies. I cannot accept New Jersey's fraudulent and self-serving efforts to evade responsibility for civil and criminal wrongs committed in my matters that are evident to attorneys from America and many other countries. ("Have you no shame, Mr. Rabner?" and "Jay Romano and Conduct Unbecoming to the Judiciary in New Jersey.")

The "feces" that clings to New Jersey's institutions -- and the stench associated with it -- belongs and remains entirely with lawyers, judges, and other officials in Trenton still posting lies about me as they try to silence me while preventing readers from accessing my texts. ("New Jersey's Office of Attorney Ethics" and "New Jersey's Feces-Covered Supreme Court.")

Mr. Carter's final conclusion has become one of my guiding principles in life:

" ... 'You have to determine which way you allow these people to treat you.'" (Times, p. D4.)

"Richard Cowen" -- or whoever wrote the headline in The Record under this byline -- must await a man's death to insult him in an underhanded and snide way, as the ultimate example of a behind the back attack, without fear of a response from the victim of this vicious comment. There will be no shortage of friends of Ruben Carter to answer this sort of despicable and shocking insult on his behalf.

To suggest that "John Artis was at Carter's bedside" is to imply that one (or both) men were homosexual. I do not believe such a suggestion is accurate or appropriate at this stage in their story of New Jersey's criminality. ("Albert Florence and New Jersey's Racism.")

At least in the boxing ring, your opponent faces you with courage and sincerity, rather than attacking you from behind your back while smiling to your face. Alex Booth? ("New Jersey's Politically-Connected Lawyers On the Tit" and "An Open Letter to My Torturers in New Jersey, Terry Tuchin and Diana Lisa Riccioli.") 

Mr. Carter was one more victim of America's notorious racism, but he was also damaged by the most corrupt, mafia-saturated, incompetent legal system anywhere in the United States, perhaps one of the worst court systems in the world. 

New Jersey's bemerded legal processes function well below the level of many Third World countries and can only be described as a disgrace to human decency. ("New Jersey is the Home of the Living Dead" and "Law and Ethics in the Soprano State" then "New Jersey is the Home of Child Molesters" and "New Jersey's Legal System is a Whore House.")

What was taken from Mr. Carter was the life he should have led, a life of great athletic achievement as the middle weight champion he almost certainly would have become, an easy road as a broadcaster after retirement from the ring, money, fame. 

Ironically, life delivered the glittering prizes of "success" to Ruben Carter, anyway, with his triumph in a federal courtroom (which is only another kind of arena) came fame, wealth, even greater success that included Denzel Washington playing the "Hurricane" in a movie based on Ruben Carter's life. (Denzel would be perfect to play me in a movie, but only if they can't get Chris Rock.)

The difference is that the ultimate and well-earned "success" in Hurricane Carter's life was attained as an engaged intellectual, as expressed in the works of Jean-Paul Sartre (a philosopher Mr. Carter read and admired, as do I), as a crusader for the civil rights of all Americans, in opposition to racism, as a prison reformer shaming a failed legal system into implementing necessary improvements, and a great humanitarian whose suffering never became bitterness or indiscriminate hatred, but was transformed -- through a heroic example of transcendence (Dr. King) -- into compassion for others falsely convicted of crimes languishing in America's concentration camps.

Mr. Carter -- in accordance with Nietzsche's most gnomic utterance -- "became the man he was": 

"In the darkest hours, when his only reality was a life-sentence and a 5-by-7 cell, Rubin 'Hurricane' Carter studied Plato, George Gurdjieff, Viktor Frankl, ... Krishnamurti, and every criminal law book he could get his hands on."

As a result, Ruben Carter acquired ...

" ... 'All of the world's wisdom,' he later wrote, '(for) trying to find my spiritual path to freedom.' ..."

And like Nelson Mandela, he came to see:

"In the earliest days of a 19-year internment he endured for a murder conviction [unethical?] that was later overturned, he also wrote an eloquent autobiography that burst through the walls of Trenton State Prison and [obtained] the compassion of people throughout the world, including Muhammad Ali and Bob Dylan."


"So when this former middleweight contender with an 8th-grade education and a truculent countenance died yesterday morning a free man at his home near Toronto, Carter could mostly be remembered as a self-made symbol of implacable resolve, one who authored his own quest for freedom and became [a symbol] for the way millions perceived racial justice in America." (The Star Ledger, p. 1, emphasis added.)

Monday, April 21, 2014

Stanley L. Cohen, Esq. is a Civil Rights Hero Targeted by I.R.S.

April 21, 2014 at 3:09 P.M. I will add further items to the list of sources accompanying this essay soon. No damage to any personal property of mine will intimidate me, or prevent me from continuing to write at these blogs. 

I can only hope that persons who cooperated with efforts to violate my rights will make no effort to communicate with, or "spend" time, with me. I suggest that you call your friends at the OAE if you need company during the holidays. 

I expect, soon, to see the ladies and gentlemen at the OAE -- also the attorneys working at that office -- in order to resolve these matters.   

France Robles, "Prisoner to Face Parole Board as Questions Grow About His Conviction," The New York Times, April 14, 2014, p. A18. (One of fifty persons convicted of crimes as a result of frauds by one, allegedly, racist and dirty cop. Many of the victims of this policeman have served years in prison for crimes they did not commit. All of the victims are African-Americans.)

Christopher Baxter, "Cops: Heroin Mills Busted in Paterson," The Star Ledger, April 2, 2014, p. 21. (Alleged Bob Menendez supporter, Juan Perez Guerrero, was among the men arrested as part of a heroin operation that may have included police and prosecutors on the payroll. This would not be the first such operation in Paterson. "Is Menendez For Sale?" and "New Jersey's Child Sex Crisis.")

Joseph Berger, "2 Men Get $18 Million Each In Wrongful Conviction Case," The New York Times, April 18, 2014, p. A18. ($18 MILLION awarded to two persons who were wrongly convicted as a result of "police error" and the withholding of exculpatory evidence from the defense: "Prosecutorial Misconduct.")

Frances Robles, "Prisoner Whose 1988 Conviction is Under Review Is Granted Parole," The New York Times, April 19, 2014, p. A15. (Robert Hill was falsely convicted because of the actions of a "crooked cop." Mr. Hill is an African-American man.)

Jim Norman, "Teen Charged With Sharing Child Porn," The Record, April 16, 2014, p. L-2. ("Teens" are often used to "front" private networks of adults who are smart about legal standards and interested in New Jersey's tons of child-porn and/or -prostitution.)

Mary Deduch, "Hackensack Man Accused of Sexually Assaulting a Girl," The Record, April 16, 2014, p. L-3. (Darion Benbow charged with sexually assaulting a 14 year-old girl.)

Michiko Kakutani, "Etwining Tales of Time, Memory and Love," The New York Times, April 18, 2014, p. A1. (Gabriel Garcia Marquez established the "boom" generation of Latin American novelists -- and his own work -- as among the best in the world. Along with Borges, Fuentes, Vargas-Llosa, Paz and Carpentier, he will be remembered as one of the great novelists of the twentieth century. "What is Memory?")

Kate Zernike, "Scandal Prompts More Changes For Christie," The New York Times, April 18, 2014, p. A17. (This is about protecting against future scandals rather than dealing with the underlying problem of corrupt and brutal politics in New Jersey.)

Joe Malinconico, "Sealed Criminal Record Exposed: Ex-Councilman Says Filing is Politically Motivated," The Record, April 18, 2014, p. L-1. (Former Councilman Aslon Goow Sr. was arrested and/or convicted 15 times for robbery and managed to expunge his record, even though expungement is not usually available to repeat offenders. This man is expected to serve on the ethics committee of the bar association and may become a rabbi.)

Charles Stile, "Christie Embraces an Embattled Samson: Stands by 'General' Amid Ethics Questions," The Record, March 29, 2014, p. A-1. (Mr. Christie's willingness to "embrace" an utterly despicable and unethical attorney, David Samson, disgraces N.J.'s governor who is the state's former U.S. Attorney. "David Samson Resigns!")

John Brennan, "One Last Deal Ends En-Cap Probes: Founder Sees All but One Charge Dismissed," The Record, April 1, 2014, p. A-1. (William Gauger, contributor to both parties in New Jersey, will see most charges against him dismissed and will not go to prison after paying a $5,000 fine. The loss of public funds in the En-Cap scam -- and in the Meadowlands "projects" -- is in the millions of dollars.)

David Giambuso, "Report: PA Broken by DEBT, Pet Projects -- NYU Study Says That Agency's Original Business Model is No Longer Sustainable," The Star Ledger, April 2, 2014, p. 17. (After David Samson's departure, the extent of the financial catastrophe at the PA is beginning to be seen, including allegations of missing funds and "pet projects" grossly over-budget at the people's expense. "David Samson is On the Tit!")

Colin Moynahan, "Lawyer Will Plead Guilty to Impeding the I.R.S.," The New York Times, April 14, 2014, p. A18.

Defense lawyers have become targets for the federal government. Numerous government agencies are used to injure radical or politically active lawyers, such as Lynne F. Stewart, Esq. and Stanley L. Cohen, Esq., or to prevent them from fighting vigorously for their clients' civil rights -- which is also to fight for your civil rights. ("Lynne F. Stewart, Esq.'s Path of Thorns.")

"Stanley L. Cohen, a prominent lawyer who has represented Lower East Side squatters, political activists and terrorism suspects, announced on Sunday that he is planning to plead guilty this week to a charge of impeding the Internal Revenue Service. ("Aaron Schwartz, Freedom, and American Law" and "Justice For Mumia Abu-Jamal.")

Several attempts to charge me for something, anything, have faltered, perhaps due to the fact that I have not committed a crime in my life. As a result of NOT committing a crime, I am accused of "failing to cooperate" with efforts to charge me with "something." ("Terry Tuchin, Diana Lisa Riccioli, and New Jersey's Agency of Torture.") 

I doubt that Mr. Cohen has committed a crime, except aggressive lawyering for the least powerful members of our community, which may have become a crime for the NSA as well as the OAE. ("New Jersey Lawyers' Ethics Farce" and "NSA Spying is Illegal.")

No doubt New Jersey officials are still trying to charge me for something this week. I doubt that they will succeed. ("New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System" and "New Jersey's Office of Attorney Ethics.")

It is a frightening climate of intimidation of defense lawyers that leads to violations of privacy, censorship, forced impoverishment, threats and assaults that are secretly orchestrated by legal authorities against defense lawyers and many others, together with trumped-up, or framed-up, or bogus charges that destroy people's lives. ("John McGill, Esq., the OAE, and New Jersey Corruption.")

The real crime committed in America by radical lawyers is speaking truth to power -- truth concerning racism, corruption, incompetence and worse in the American legal system. ("Freedom For Mumia Abu-Jamal" and "Have you no shame, Mr. Rabner?" then, again, "Terry Tuchin, Diana Lisa Riccioli, and New Jersey's Agency of Torture.")

Mr. Cohen stated: "I have elected to end this particular witch hunt and harassment. ... These trials [for alleged taxes due] would have made the work that I love and live for, namely resistance and the support of resistance, ineffective for the foreseeable future." 

Mr. Cohen embodies what I understand by legal ethics. New Jersey's OAE represents the opposite of legality and ethics. Computer crime, Mr. McGill? Censorship? ("Manifesto For the Unfinished American Revolution.")

Contributing to the civil rights struggle and providing representation for the poor and marginalized becomes impossible, if lawyers' lives are turned into hell unless they accept unjust rulings and look the other way at corruption. Illicit control of lawyers undermines everyone's Constitutional rights. Shame on you, Mr. McGill. Shame on you, I.R.S. (No doubt I can now expect to be audited.)

Massive control is the point of legal and illegal harassment efforts by government agents (or quasi-agents) that are usually directed against politically radical lawyers. 

Harassment is something that I have experienced which has made me MORE committed to the struggle for the truth in my life and for social justice. ("Psychological Torture in the American Legal System.")

Many persons are severely damaged by prolonged subjection to harassments of various kinds -- usually surreptitious ones -- taking place with the cooperation of law enforcement. ("What is it like to be tortured?")

Richard Nixon spoke of using the I.R.S. against his enemies. The Justice Department under Bush/Cheney as well as Obama/Biden has done exactly that: targeting political radicals for I.R.S. scrutiny and making use of law enforcement efforts to criminalize dissent. Thank you, Ed Snowden and Glen Greenwald. ("Glen Greenwald's Partner Detained" and "The FBI Wants Assata Shakur.") 

The result of these control efforts by government is our National Security State (NSS), where civil rights and due process of law are traded-in for an illusory security. Americans can be killed today for secret reasons never made known to them on the secret order of the president; drones may kill civilians anywhere with impunity; billions of phone calls are recorded, secretly, and privacy rights of persons from all over the world -- including U.S. citizens -- are routinely violated by law enforcement agencies for any reason (or no reason) that is communicated to any victim. Judges do nothing to protect persons' rights. ("Foucault, Rose, Davis and the Meanings of Prison.")

Persons continue to be incarcerated and tortured in Guantanamo, and elsewhere, without being charged for any crimes. ("Is America's Legal Ethics a Lie?" and "America's Torture Lawyers" then "American Doctors and Torture.")

No one who understands what it means to be a lawyer can remain silent in the face of such state crimes and atrocities by law enforcement. America's NSS is the true offense against the Constitution and legal ethics in America:

"In 2012, Mr. Cohen was indicted in Syracuse on a charge of obstructing the I.R.S."

Not surprisingly,

"Mr. Cohen will lose the law license he has held for 31 years, he wrote, but can reapply for it after he is out of prison."

The only real crime in this situation is committed by a government that has become increasingly fond of charging political Leftists in the legal profession with crimes. This policy is meant to intimidate lawyers into providing the appearance of a defense without actually doing much for clients. 

Many of those clients are often charged (falsely) with serious crimes for political reasons, and their rights are violated, routinely, by the state. Without lawyers pursuing the claims of the least powerful individuals and offering their best legal arguments to tribunals, such persons are essentially defenseless against overreaching by the state:

"Some of Mr. Cohen's earliest cases involved issues on the Lower East Side in the 1980s and 1990s. There, he defended a needle-exchange program, an anarchist newspaper, and the right of the homeless inside Tompkins Square to keep warm using fire lit in metal barrels."  

Friday, April 18, 2014

N.J.'s Republican and Democrat Lawyers On the Tit.

April 18, 2014 at 2:19 P.M. A list of sources will be attached to this text in the days ahead. Expressions of disgust and outrage at New Jersey's foul corruption continue to be made to the U.S. Justice Department and Supreme Court. No action is taken. 

Peter Sampson, "5 Indicted on Charges in $60K Courier Theft," The Star Ledger, April 10, 2014, p. 15. (5 men -- four from Elizabeth, New Jersey and one from Miami, Florida -- have been indicted on robbery charges for stealing $60,000 from a "cash courier." Alleged Bob Menendez supporter, Julian Pena-Santana, is among the men facing charges.)

Susan K. Livio, "Menendez's Friend Tops List at $21 MILLION," The Star Ledger, April 10, 2014, p. 9. (Salomon Melgen "earned" $21 MILLION for treating elderly eye patients in Florida, many of whom were surprised to learn that they had received eye surgery. In order to "earn" the necessary fees, Dr. Melgen would have had to perform multiple 6 to 8 hour surgeries and other procedures, every day, upon dozens of patients. Senator Menendez had no comment on alleged fraud investigations by medicaid targeting Dr. Melgen.)

Hannan Adeley, "$8 MILLION Later Last Suit Against Zisa Settled: Convicted Police Chief's [Also a Former Hackensack Municipal Court Judge Involved in a Heated Conflict With Me!] Home is Going Up For Auction," The Record, April 11, 2014, p. A-1. (Ken Zisa has cost the city of Hackensack at least $8 MILLION in lawsuits in addition to the costs of his incompetence and unethical conduct which never interested the OAE. Mr. Zisa provided protection for Diana Lisa Riccioli. Zisa should be serving time in prison.)

John Reitmeyer, "Wall Street Skeptical of New Jersey's Reforms: Credit-Ratings Among the Nation's Three Worst," The Record, April 11, 2014, p. A-1. (Corruption is listed as a major reason for Wall Street's lack of trust in, and/or respect for, New Jersey institutions. Incompetence is also listed as a concern for the financial industry with regard to New Jersey's government and courts.)

Abbott-Koloff, "Luring Suspect, 65, Has History of Sex Arrests: Englewood Man is Still Paying Fines in N.H. Incident," The Record, April 11, 2014, p. L-2. (Jay Dorfman attempted to lure two girls into his SUV in Leonia. Videos of sex with 7 year-olds are sold -- often by police officers on the side -- for about $500.00)

Peter Sampson, "More Women Allege Sexual Abuse From a Massage Therapist," The Record, April 11, 2014, p. L-2. (At the time that Diana Lisa Riccioli was involved in an alleged sexual affair with former Chief Justice Poritz and "Judge" Estela De La Cruz, Ms. Riccioli was listed as a "therapist." What credentials did -- or does -- Ms. Riccioli possess to be so listed in New Jersey?) 

Chris Hayes, "Villages to Study Finances After Theft: Stolen Meter Coins Prompt Two Analyses," The Record, April 11, 2014, p. L-3. (Town officials in Ridgewood, New Jersey admitted stealing $450,000 from meters in town. Ridgewood is a hot bed of criminal activity.)

Ben Horrowitz, "Ex-Teacher Pleads Not Guilty in Sex Case Involving Student," The Star Ledger, April 9, 2014, p. 13. (Jenna Leahy, 32, former English teacher in a local high school in Morris County has been indicted after a sexual relationship with student. "Diana's Friend Goes to Prison" and "Marilyn Straus Was Right!")

Ashley Peskal, "15 Men Arrested in Prostitution Ring," The Star Ledger, April 9, 2014, p. 13. (15 men arrested in Wall Township for soliciting prostitution and others for profiting from the services of prostitutes. Allegations that local officials and judges were "served" cannot be confirmed.)

Mathew McGrath, "'Improper' Overtime Flagged: State Faults Several Towns in North Jersey," The Record, April 10, 2014, p. L-1. (Some officials earned an average of $100.00 per hour overtime for working less than full-time for the taxpayers.)

Michael Linhorst, Melissa Hayes & Herb Jackson, "Firm Hired for Probe is GOP Donor: $10,000 Disclosed as Christie Backs Unlimited Contributions," The Record, April 16, 2014, p. A-1. 

Joe Malinconico, "City Bills [Mr.] Goow for $500,000: Lawyers Filed For Fees From Civil Rights Lawsuit," The Record, April 16, 2014, p. L-1. (Lawyers seeking payment from Paterson for defending civil rights lawsuits are contributors to elected officials who will probably "share" some of the wealth with these same politicians in future contributions and/or cash "gifts," or both.)

"The law firm that cleared Governor Christie of any involvement in the George Washington Bridge scandal gave $10,000 to a national political group [Republican Governors' Conference] he [Christie] leads, a disclosure made public hours after the governor said donors like that [wealthy law firm] should face no limits to the amounts they can give to candidates."

Lawyers who, essentially, bribe politicians usually get to serve on local and/or state ethics committees which are used to go after other lawyers who are "not team players." By "team players" is meant either seekers of political patronage or "ass kissers." Ramon Gonzales? John Bruno? Jay Romano? Estela De La Cruz? All of these persons were routinely described by other lawyers as "ass kissers" for local politicians.

The $10,000 contribution obtained a chance for Mr. Mastro's firm to rake-in $1 MILLION. I must admit the $10,000 was well spent. It is better than advertising to make a little donation to the Republican Governors' Conference and get a nice big fee out of it. ("New Jersey's Politically-Connected Lawyers On the Tit" and "New Jersey Lawyers' Ethics Farce" then "Corrupt Law Firms, Senator Bob, and New Jersey Ethics.")

Governor Christie is a public official who might well have faced indictment from Chris Christie when he was U.S. Attorney in New Jersey. Mr. Christie, as U.S. Attorney, spoke of New Jersey's "culture of corruption" and was "appalled" at the tradition of "pay-to-play" among politicians (Jim McGreevey) and contractors or lawyers doing business with public entities in New Jersey only after making "necessary" political contributions. ("Joe Coniglio Charged With Extortion.")

When Mr.Christie went after a number of politically-connected attorneys, whose contributions bought public fees and protection from the state's Attorney General and Office of Attorney Ethics (OAE), there was applause from many of his colleagues in G.O.P. circles who were tired of Third World levels of corruption in America's Soprano State. ("Law and Ethics in the Soprano State" and "New Jersey is the Home of the Living Dead" then "Cement is Gold!" and "Senator Bob Loves Xanadu!")

Republican lawyers were not happy about being "excluded from the party" for so many years. Hence, they sought a means to provide patronage and buy loyalty. Mr. Christie's election to the governorship of New Jersey has allowed Republicans to "get on the tit" -- and they have. ("David Samson is On the Tit" and "David Samson Resigns!" then "Herbert Klitzner, Esq.'s Greed and New Jersey's Hypocrisy.")

The $1 MILLION fee for Mr. Mastro came from the taxpayers who were also the ultimate victims of the GWB disaster. ("New Jersey's Office of Attorney Ethics" and "New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System.")

No conflict of interest, abuse of office, exploitation of public office or authority for personal benefit or gain has taken place in this sad episode of New Jersey legal and political history, according to the ethics committee of the N.J. bar association. ("John McGill, Esq., the OAE, and New Jersey Corruption.")

Attorneys serving on these committees and/or employed at the OAE often come from the same politically-connected law firms and are the storm troopers used to go after people questioning this farce. I am questioning this farce. I expect the OAE to continue coming after me. ("New Jersey's Legal System is a Whore House" and "New Jersey's Feces-Covered Supreme Court.")

Connected lawyers benefiting from the current system of kickbacks and bribery are unlikely to become eager reformers. Legal "whores" (I can name prominent attorneys who described themselves in such terms) are hardly in a position to judge or comment on anyone's ethics, especially after committing crimes against that person. 

For this reason I experience not merely a lack of respect for the New Jersey Supreme Court's ethics pronouncements, but revulsion for the hypocrisy of persons who should be in prison even as they presume to judge others, like me, or to comment on the merits of officials in public life. ("Have you no shame, Mr. Rabner?" and "Stuart Rabner and Conduct Unbecoming to the Judiciary in New Jersey.")

Among the contributors to the Republican Governors' Association since Mr. Christie took over the organization are hedge fund billionaires, large pharmaceuticals, and (surprise!) Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, Esqs., a firm that was recently enriched (again) thanks to Mr. Christie. ("You gotta pay to play!")

"Gibson, Dunn gave $10,000 to the RGA on March 18, nine days before a team of its top lawyers made public a report clearing Christie in the bridge scandal. The report which critics called a 'Whitewash,' said that Christie had no prior knowledge of the lane closures that created huge traffic jams in Fort Lee in September ..."

Mr. Christie -- like Solomon Dwek -- believes in the right to make unlimited donations to politicians, in cash perhaps. If I were given $1 MILLION, I probably would conclude that Mr. Christie knew nothing about the GWB traffic jam:

" ... [donors] should be able to give UNLIMITED AMOUNTS of money, Christie said Tuesday in a Town Meeting Hall-style event in Somerset. But their gifts should be quickly made public, he said." (emphasis added!)

I am doing my best to make many cash and other "gifts" received by New Jersey politicians and judges "public." ("Sexual Favors For New Jersey Judges" and "Bribery in Union City, New Jersey.")

Mr. Christie favors disclosures of unlimited donations. Mr. Christie's old concern with conflict of interest principles and the corruption that he believed, as U.S. Attorney, was likely to result from pay-to-play practices and unlimited contributions seems to have vanished entirely. ("U.S. Attorney Calls New Jersey a 'Culture of Corruption.'")

57% of REPUBLICANS do not want Mr. Christie to run for president. Mr. Christie is now irrevocably associated with New Jersey's filth and his credibility is seriously damaged. Mr. Christie should hesitate before bringing these practices and associates to the White House. ("Edward M. De Sear, Esq. and New Jersey's Filth.")

I no longer expect much from the Christie administration. Nevertheless, I will continue to fight for the truth in my life no matter who holds public office in New Jersey. 

Monday, April 14, 2014

N.J. Lawyers and Judges Pay Themselves OT.

A.O. Scott, [G.O.P.] "Art and Style Are Their Lifeblood," The New York Times, April 11, 2014, p. C1. 

Billions of persons are stolen from, on a daily basis, by the wealthiest 1% of the U.S. population -- land is stolen, money is stolen, our voices and creative works are stolen by persons expressing contempt for our humanity and rights. ("Ape and Essence.") 

The clearest example of this theft is the taking of the creative achievements of powerless artists and intellectuals -- regardless of the provisions of intellectual property law -- in America and throughout the world, by the so-called "corporate entertainment industry." ("'Brideshead Revisited': A Movie Review" and "What is it like to be plagiarized?") 

A new vampire movie, for example, seems to mirror some of the themes and details of a short story that I published at these blogs, and elsewhere, under copyright: "What you will ..."

Perhaps any resemblance between my story and this new movie is merely a coincidence. You decide. 

Most people seem to agree with me that my writings have been plagiarized, again. ("How censorship works in America.")

Literary "thefts" will not be punished by the American legal system if the victims lack the resources for expensive litigation.  ("Thomas Nagel's Guilt by Association.")

I live in a nation that has claimed the right to torture, kill, interrogate and monitor anyone in the world, U.S. citizens included, for "secret" reasons that need never be disclosed to victims. ("America's Drone Murders" and "America's Torture Lawyers" then "Terry Tuchin, Diana Lisa Riccioli, and New Jersey's Agency of Torture.")

Sanctioned computer crime may result in theft or destruction of artistic works with impunity for protected thieves. ("Censorship and Cruelty in New Jersey.") 

The person writing this movie review for the Times is probably among the readers of my story, but felt no need to mention the text in a review echoing its plot and ideas.

A list of additional sources will be attached to this essay in the days ahead. 

Abbott-Koloff, "Luring Attempt Reported Outside Garfield School," The Record, April 4, 2014, p. L-3. (Luring attempts outside grade schools -- often making use of an identical script and in a coordinated manner -- have become a preferred technique for New Jersey's thriving child prostitution industry. "New Jersey Welcomes Child Molesters" and "New Jersey is the Home of Child Molesters.")

Ron Nixon, ["Ron" as in Ronald Reagan and "Nixon as in Richard Nixon] "Cuba Social Media Project Was No Plot, Agency Says," The New York Times, April 9, 2014, p. A7. (Right-wing Cuban-American interests, affiliated with the C.I.A. and protected by Marco Rubio also Iliana Ros-Leghtinen as well as Senator Menendez, were probably behind the effort to "penetrate" Cuban communications for the NSA.)

Jim Norman, "Man, 65, Held in Sex Assault On a Girl, 12," The Record, March 29, 2014, p. L-3. (One of many essentially identical assaults on children in New Jersey during March/April, possibly by the same organization or its sympathizers involved in anti-Cuba activity. "New Jersey's Child Sex Crisis" and "Is Menendez For Sale?")

Seth Augustine, "Report: Black, Latino Children's Chances of Success 'Distressingly Lower,'" The Star Ledger, April 2, 2014, p. 1. (It is not so distressing, perhaps, to the "Ron Nixon-types" that minority children are suffering. Requests to spend more millions "undermining" the Cuban Revolution continue to be made. Undermining -- or intervening -- in the affairs of a sovereign country violates international law, as does the U.S. embargo. "Time to End the Embargo Against Cuba.")

James Risen & Laura Poitras, "Spying by N.S.A. Ally Entangled U.S. Law Firm," The New York Times, February 11, 2014, p. A1. (Developments are expected in this continuing saga of secret actions by U.S. law firms with judicial connections, ostensibly acting in the "national interest" as defined by intelligence agencies rather than the president, in committing illegal and maybe criminal actions, secretly. No ethics actions or other legal proceedings will be brought against most of these attorneys committing crimes, allegedly, in the national interest. "A Letter to My Torturers in New Jersey, Terry Tuchin and Diana Lisa Riccioli" and "Marilyn Straus Was Right!" then "Is America's Legal Ethics a Lie?")

Adam Liptak, "Justices 5-4, Void Key Spending Cap in Political Races: Ruling Ends Limits On Individual's Total Donations to Federal Candidates," The New York Times, April 3, 2014, p. A1. (This is a disgraceful decision that, essentially, turns over the electoral process to the wealthiest 1%, who will dominate U.S. elections, and come to own politicians required to beg for money in order to remain in office.)

Ben Protess & Michael Corkery, "Crime Inquiry Said to Open On Citygroup," The New York Times, April 3, 2014, p. A1. (Nothing will come of this investigation; no one at Citygroup will be indicted. However, readers will get the impression that persons are being monitored in the financial industry.)

Stephanie Clifford, "Man Wrongfully Convicted in 1989 Murder is Set Free," The New York Times, April 9, 2014, p. A18. (The Brooklyn district attorney's office may have withheld evidence from the defense that was crucial to establishing the innocence of the accused after years of incarceration. Is this America's legal ethics? Does race -- the accused is African-American -- enter into this matter and so many others like it? "Prosecutorial Misconduct.")

Frances Robles, "Notes Found in Review of Police Work Could Exonerate 2 Convicted in Killing," The New York Times, April 9, 2014, p. A16. (ALVENA JENNETTE served nearly 21 years for a 1985 murder he did not commit. All of these innocent persons recently exonerated after convictions in different parts of the country happen to be African-Americans. "Justice For Mumia Abu-Jamal" and "Louis C. Taylor Serves 42 Years as an Innocent Man.")

Matt Apuzzo, "Profiling Rules Said to Give the F.B.I. Tactical Leeway," The New York Times, April 10, 2014, p. A1. (Let's give the F.B.I. "leeway" to withhold exculpatory evidence from African-American defendants by way of the Justice Department. "The F.B.I. Wants Assata Shakur.")

Kate Zernike [Barbara Buono] "Judge Allows Christie Aide to Withhold Bridge Emails," The New York Times, April 10, 2014, p. A18. (Ms. Kelly gets to remain silent protecting Governor Christie. Democrats in the state Legislature may be out of bullets.)

Christopher Baxter, "Report: Officials Pay Selves Unapproved OT: Review of 14 Municipalities Found Executive Salaries PADDED Without Public Approval," April 10, 2014, p. 11. 

New Jersey is famous for enacting legislation designed to "end pay-to-play" practices or "to enhance transparency" in government spending. 

These "sunshine" laws are simply ignored by politicians at the municipal level (and their croneys) who are accustomed to being, as it were, "on the tit." ("Law and Ethics in the Soprano State" and "New Jersey is the Home of the Living Dead" then "Herbert Klitzner, Esq.'s Greed and New Jersey's Hypocrisy" and "David Samson is On the Tit.")

Analogously, there are ethics rules on the books that ostensibly apply to all lawyers in New Jersey, but which state government lawyers -- including, most egregiously -- Office of Attorney Ethics (OAE) lawyers violate with impunity. Many such hypocritical "ethics" attorneys even commit crimes while having the nerve to criticize or regulate the conduct of their more talented and intelligent colleagues. ("John McGill, Esq., the OAE, and New Jersey Hypocrisy" and "New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System.")

Some of the officials fortunate enough to receive Overtime Compensation (OT) -- often after working far less than 8 hours or not working at all! -- are LAWYERS. Some of these well-compensated lawyers serve as municipal attorneys or town judges. 

Did you get any overtime for your services to numerous municipalities John Bruno, Esq.? Jim Orlando, Esq.? Estela De La Cruz, Esq.? ("Jay Romano and Conduct Unbecoming to the Judiciary in New Jersey" and "North Bergen, New Jersey is the Home of La Cosa Nostra.")

"A handful of municipalities in New Jersey improperly padded the salaries of their top executives by paying overtime and compensatory time without passing an ordinance, [as required by New Jersey state law,] a new report released yesterday by the state comptroller found." (emphasis added!)

Luckily, all of this theft did not cause a traffic jam at the GWB, so as to trouble Kate Zernike and Rachel Maddow, who (evidently) could not care less about corruption by Democrats, especially if lesbians are stealing your money -- allegedly:

"The investigation examined 14 municipalities and found that six had paid more than $195,000 in overtime to 'high-level employees' in 2010 and 2011 without passing a public ordinance, which requires public comment and a public vote, the report said." ("Trenton's Nasty Lesbian Love-Fest!" and "New Jersey Lawyers' Ethics Farce" and "Corrupt Law Firms, Senator Bob, and New Jersey Ethics.")

I am sure that "Big Nicky" Sacco has received substantial overtime compensation:

"Several executives approved their own overtime payments, [emphasis added] the report said, while, in two cases, executives padded their salary [salaries?] with an overtime rate of pay for working regular hours during Tropical Storm Irene, which struck the state in 2011." ("New Jersey's Politically-Connected Lawyers On the Tit" and "Does Senator Menendez have mafia friends?" then "Mafia Influence in New Jersey Courts and Politics.")

Curiously, some "officials" (unidentified) paid themselves overtime while on vacation in Disneyworld, allegedly. Others working part time, as many lawyers do, were awarded "overtime" for spending a little more time at their temp jobs, which is also illegal.

Given the mess discovered at the Port Authority that is accompanied by allegations of missing funds after the departure of David Samson -- a man who is still praised by Governor Christie as "General" for his brief and failed stint as Attorney General -- this further example of New Jersey corruption is merely "business as usual." ("Cement is Gold" and "Is Menendez For Sale?" then "Bribery in Union City, New Jersey" and "David Samson Resigns!")

More revelations of blatant thefts and incompetence should enrage a population in a state suffering from lowered credit worthiness and multiplying lies from the Governor's Mansion as corruption increases. ("Christie's Bridge of Sighs.")

Recent prostitution rings in Wall Township, Jersey City, and heroin distribution networks in Passaic County -- allegedly, with police and prosecutors on the payroll -- also with a tie-in to prostitution making use of minors, combine to give a full-rounded and multidimensional image of why New Jersey is deservedly described as "America's Legal Toilet." ("New Jersey Welcomes Child Molesters" and "New Jersey is the Home of Child Molesters" then "New Jersey's Legal System is a Whore House" and "New Jersey's Judges Disgrace America" then "Judges in Bayonne, New Jersey Protect Child Molesters" and "Diana's Friend Goes to Prison!" and "Edward M. De Sear, Esq. and New Jersey's Filth.")

The state's capacity to cover-up, lie, hide and/or deny what is obvious to most observers throughout the world gives a new meaning to the word "denial." ("New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System" and "John McGill, Esq., the OAE, and New Jersey Corruption" and "New Jersey's Office of Attorney Ethics.")

The state's festering and foul-smelling corruption as well as legal incompetence is a major problem that is growing worse under Mr. Christie's administration. 

New Jersey has been called a "humiliation for America," notably by lawyers from other states and countries. I concur. "Gilberto Garcia, Estela De La Cruz, Mary Anne Kriko" -- may all be living proof of this foul-smelling corruption.

"The comptroller's review also found that 10 of the municipalities examined awarded their executives more than 4,000 hours of compensatory time [in a single day, no doubt] during the same two-year period WITHOUT an ordinance, which is also a violation of state law."

Many of these so-called officials are lawyers. However, the OAE has no interest in theft of public funds by many senior lawyers. According to the state comptroller Mark Larkins:

"If municipalities choose to extend these benefits to their executives, they must do so in a way that is transparent and adheres to the law."

Allegations that a number of recipients of OT were also disabled through public workers' compensation cannot be confirmed, but it does seem clear that a few officials who received OT, amazingly, were probably in Disneyworld when performing the overtime work for which they were compensated. ("Nihilists in Disneyworld" and "New Jersey is Lucky Luciano's Havana" then "New Jersey's Feces Covered Supreme Court" and "Is Union City, New Jersey Meyer Lansky's Whore House?")

Do you speak to me of "ethics," Mr. Rabner? ("Have you no shame, Mr. Rabner?")  

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Christie's Charm Offensive.

April 11, 2014 at 8:23 P.M. I am so proud of my daughter and her mother who are to be "interviewed" by a person named "Raquel Cepeda" allegedly (and exclusively) about "growing up in a bilingual home" -- and anonymously -- since, I am told, they will not be quoted by name. 

All of these women are very "successful." I could not be more delighted about this development. 

Perhaps "hip-hop" will feature in the conversations of these women. At any time the size of this text may be altered by New Jersey's hackers, emphasizing the point I am making in these paragraphs and accomplishing little else that I can see.

I wonder whether Ms. Cepeda has visited my sites and/or read any of my writings? If so, at whose requests would such reading of my prose have taken place? Ms. Cepeda is the author of what purports to be a "scholarly memoir" entitled Bird of Paradise: How I Became a Latina -- A Memoir (New York: Atria, 2013). (This work appears to be based on ostensible "expertise" concerning the concept of identity, presumably expertise in philosophy and psychology, or women's studies possibly.)

Regrettably, due to repairs, there will be no hot water in my building from Sunday to Monday.   

April 10, 2014 at 10:55 A.M. Yesterday I was unable to reach my blogs from NYPL, computer #6, because of diversion to something called "Broadband/Computer Access Survey" rather than the library's home page. 

The so-called "survey" -- asking for personal information -- purported to come from the library and the web address of the home page, allegedly from the NY public library, is as follows:

New Jersey persons affiliated with the legal system or government may have hacked into New York Public Library computers. 

Along with cybercrime and censorship, I have been overwhelmed with telephone calls, allegedly, from 800 numbers and (April 10, 2014 at 10:59 A.M.) from "cleaning service" 917-398-3825. 

Perhaps "Muhammad" at Time/Warner has obtained new employment at "Cleaning Service"? So far, all of these tactics seem very familiar and rather boring. ("How censorship works in America.")

I have kept copies of the home page for the purported "survey." I am sure that the source of this survey and harassing phone calls is the same as the person responsible for the letters I have referred to FBI, New York, and Mass. prosecutors. ("Have you no shame, Mr. Rabner?")

I will be adding a list of sources to this text in the days ahead.

David E. Sanger, "U.S. Tries Candor to Assure [Reassure?] China On Cyberattacks," The New York Times, April 7, 2014, p. A1. (U.S. will ask China for "transparency" in Internet policing and cybercrime. China will ask the U.S. for the same. Both nations will continue to spy on each other.)

Ginger Thompson [Manohla Dargis?] & Sarah Cohen, [Jennifer Shuessler?] "More Deportations Follow Minor Crimes, Data Shows," The New York Times, April 7, 2014, p. A1. (Republicans, who would happily deport legal resident aliens, criticize Mr. Obama as the "deportation president." U.S. treatment of illegal aliens offends human rights laws and destroys families through forced separations.)

Jim Yardley, "Facing His Torturer as Spain Confronts Its Past," The New York Times, April 7, 2014, p. A1. (No reconciliation or forgiveness is possible without truth, confrontation, justice. Again: "Have you no shame, Mr. Rabner?")

"The Mentally Ill Behind Bars," (Editorial) The New York Times, April 7, 2014, p. A22. ("40 percent of the 12,000 inmates [in city jails] have mental illnesses -- up from about a quarter seven years ago." We have criminalized mental illness. Why not outlaw cancer? Perhaps persons who develop cancer may be incarcerated rather than treated.)

Charlie Savage, "Judge Dismisses Suit Against Administration Official Over Drone Strikes," The New York Times, April 5, 2014, p. A10. (A cowardly judiciary has abdicated its responsibility to enforce persons' rights. This abdication has allowed the imperial presidency to absorb the power to KILL American citizens, anywhere in the world, without any judicial review or due process of law.)

Kate Zernike, "Grand Jury Questions Christie Aide In an Inquiry," The New York Times, April 5, 2014, p. A17. ("The governor's chief spokesperson testifies in the lane closing case. Mr. Mastro was not interested, but the legislature may be establishing that Mr. Christie LIED about what he knew and when he knew it. I believed -- naively it seems! -- that Christie was smarter than this GWB scandal suggests.)

David S. Joachim, "Panel Votes to Reveal How C.I.A. Interrogated," The New York Times, April 4, 2014, p. A6. (The Senate report "exposes brutality that stands in stark contrast to our values as a nation." Please see: "America's Torture Lawyers" and "America's Torture Doctors" then "Terry Tuchin, Diana Lisa Riccioli, and New Jersey's Agency of Torture.")

David E. Sanger, "U.S. Says It Tried to Build a Social Media Site in Cuba, but Failed," The New York Times, April 4, 2014, p. A8. (Possible CIA money -- disseminated through the Cuban American National Foundation or its fronts -- going into further destabilization efforts against Cuba's revolution. No exploding cigars; only exploding cellphones this time. It appears that Right-wing Cuban-American political organizations are behind the sabotage and alteration in the size of the text in this essay and many others. These computer criminals may be protected by corrupt politicians accepting their bribes, such as -- allegedly -- Senator Menendez. "Is Menendez For Sale?")

"The C.I.A. Torture Cover-Up: Senator Feinstein suggests criminal behavior in the agency's search of Senate computers," (Editorial) The New York Times, March 12, 2014, p. A26. (Nearly a month after this Editorial appeared no one at the CIA is being investigated or indicted for evading or ignoring Senate inquiries. The Justice Department is out to lunch. Mr. Brennan's smoke and mirrors worked.)

Michael M. Grynbaum & Kirk Semple, "De Blasio Plans a Minimum Wage and City ID Cards," The New York Times, February 11, 2014, p. A1. (Makes sense for many reasons to create this city ID.)

AP, "Report Accuses CIA [OAE?] of Brutality: Assails Questioning of Terror Suspects," The Record, April 4, 2014, p. A-5. (Hideous tortures by CIA -- known to Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney -- have taken place and are still covered-up. Ethics? "New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System" and "New Jersey's Office of Attorney Ethics.") 

Shawn Boburg, "GWB Inquiry Panel Considering Asking for More Records: May Move to Call Witnesses Under Oath," The Record, April 4, 2014, p. A-4.

"State lawmakers investigating the George Washington Bridge lane closures said they will meet Tuesday [April 8, 2014] when they are expected to consider whether to demand new documents related to the scandal and whether to call witnesses to testify under oath."

Curiously, the same politicians and lawyers seeking the "truth" from Mr. Christie may be involved in lying about my matters and seeking to cover-up crimes committed against me. Mr. Menendez? ("Terry Tuchin, Diana Lisa Riccioli, and New Jersey's Agency of Torture.")

Sworn testimony -- if it is sought -- will open witnesses to perjury charges, including possible charges against Ms. Guardagno if she is called as a witness and testifies falsely. I doubt that Ms. Guardagno would be so foolish as to lie under oath, although others have certainly done so. ("John McGill, Esq., the OAE, and New Jersey Corruption" and "Guardagno Versus Zimmer.")

Mr. Christie is "disturbed" (how right he is!) to discover that the GWB scandal refuses to go away and may have been worsened by Mr. Mastro's alleged "whitewash" attempt in his notorious report. 

Mr. Christie has only himself to blame for the fact that the scandal has "legs," as they say in the media, because it is his own foolish and overly aggressive mishandling of what should have been a two-day story, about yet another unseemly spectacle in New Jersey's filthy and brutal political world, that has caused this ugly episode to define the Garden State's governor as a thug. ("New Jersey's Legal System is a Whore House" and "New Jersey's Feces Covered Supreme Court" and "Christie Attacks New Jersey's Corrupt Judges.")

Mr. Christie has become a Nixonian political figure for our times: burdened with a perhaps understandable paranoia about the political opposition and press, undone by a tendency to lash out at perceived enemies and criticisms, while adopting a bunker mentality worthy of Bob Menendez. Oh, what a falling off was there in Trenton's version of Elsinore. ("Christie's Bridge of Sighs" and "The Teflon Governor.")

If Mr. Christie remains inept in his handling of this blatantly "politically-motivated" crisis or "attack" by the Democrat-mafia machine in New Jersey -- by the "boys from New Jersey" by way of their "gal-pals" Barbara Buono and/or Kate Zernike -- then what would he be like in the White House?  ("Trenton's Nasty Lesbian Love-Fest!")

Luckily, we may never have to find out what President Christie would be like or do to the nation if he enjoyed supreme power. After all, the U.S. President may expect the opposition to toss into his or her Oval Office a p.r. grenade, every morning, followed by unfair and mendacious criticisms before lunch. 

At least President Obama always remains cool under pressure and knows how to kill the opposition with a charming smile. Right, Mr. Boehner? ("America's Banana Republicans.")

Obviously, the goal for Trenton's Democrats is for Christie to spend his second term doing nothing but responding to these GWB allegations, thus shifting attention from Menendez's bribe-taking and sex with fourteen year-olds and/or Mr. Codey's brother's disbarment and probable indictment, or additional corruption charges for many more Democrat politicians. ("Menendez Consorts With Underage Prostitutes" and "Does Senator Menendez have mafia friends?" then "David Samson Resigns.")

"The meeting [of the N.J. Legislature] anounced [sic.] on Tuesday, comes amid legal challenges to the panel's subpoena power and a passive criminal investigation that has the potential to complicate the lawmakers' efforts to get ANSWERS. [emphasis added!] Two important figures in the scandal, both former aides to Governor Christie, are fighting subpoenas for documents in court, and another person has declined to testify before the committee. All have cited Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination." 

The legislative committee should grant immunity at a state level to Kelly -- to the extent this is possible -- as should the N.J. Attorney General (who, as a Christie appointee, will claim not to speak English or to have any knowledge of these proceedings) in order to encourage the feds to do the same, so as to get to the truth. 

We will get to the truth. We need the truth. Most of the witnesses seem to be unable to keep their lies straight by this point. ("An Open Letter to My Torturers in New Jersey, Terry Tuchin and Diana Lisa Riccioli" and "Marilyn Straus Was Right!")

Ms. Kelly is a sympathetic witness who has been shockingly ill-treated by Mr. Christie and the media. Mr. Christie's partial truths are also obvious. As a member of the bar, Governor Christie is required to be truthful at all times, being "under oath" -- as it were -- whenever he speaks publicly. 

Has Mr. Christie spoken the truth at all times? Will Mr. Christie always tell the truth as president? If required to "dissemble" (lie) for political reasons, will Mr. Christie do so effectively? 96% of Americans admit to lying every day, few of them lie under oath -- unless they work for New Jersey's OAE or other branches of government.

Governor Christie seems to contradict himself on the details of the GWB "story" in a highly suspicious manner. As President of the United States, Mr. Christie would need to be a better liar. ("America's Torture Lawyers" and "America's Drone Murders" then "Is America's Legal Ethics a Lie?")

Deception may be accomplished through a tepid non-response. An ethics proceeding may allow observers to nail down Mr. Christie's shifting and never-ending story. (Again: "New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System" and "New Jersey's Office of Attorney Ethics" then "New Jersey's Politically-Connected Lawyers On the Tit" and "New Jersey Lawyers' Ethics Farce.")

The governor's seeming acceptance of blatant thefts of billions of dollars by David Samson is far more dangerous, politically, for Mr. Christie. Rude and inaccurate responses to questions at carefully orchestrated "Town Hall Meetings," in friendly territory, are the opposite of helpful for Mr. Christie. ("David Samson is On the Tit.")

Recent media accounts indicating that Ms. Guardagno is "keeping her head down" are puzzling. It is Mr. Christie who should have kept his head down early in this process. 

Too late now for such tactics. It's on!