All writings are copyright protected and may not be altered, copied or published, or used in any way without the express and written permission of the author. All rights reserved. Copyright (2020) by Juan Galis-Menendez.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
No Longer Able to Write at Blogger!
Since April 21, 2012 I have been unable to regain access to these blogs. I cannot be certain of posting this item. I do not believe this is due to blogger. I have created a group at Google Groups under my own name. I will try to regain access to this blog in the future. However, I cannot expect to succeed in doing so. No bold script or italics now seem to be available at Dark Arts. I cannot determine who is responsible for the alterations of this site. I continue to receive no response to my requests for information from Trenton officials. If there is some way to continue writing here, then I will try to post more essays and other texts. My content will not change. My political opinions will not be any different nor will my reactions to events in New Jersey be altered in the slightest way -- unless there is a change in the reality of the Garden State, which is unlikely. It may be that I will post this notice today only to be prevented from commenting here ever again.I take nothing for granted. I expect censorship, harassment, plagiarism all the time. Thus far, I have rarely been wrong in my expectations.