Jonathan Lemire, "Governor Soprano: Christie to Iowa -- Do yerself a favor and vote for Mitt, Capice?," in The Daily News, December 31, 2011, at p. 5. (Even Christie's "help" and all the money and power of the Republican establishment was not enough to ensure a decisive victory for Mr. Romney. Fortunately for Mr. Obama, Republicans remain bitterly divided and engaged in a slugfest as the national election approaches. What happened to Newt? Mr. Gingrich called Mitt Romney, "a liar" on CNN today, January 5, 2012. Will this help to unify Republicans? Is Gingrich right?)
John Marzulli & Gary Siemaszko, "Dem Fund Raiser Guilty in $21 MILLION Bank Rip Off," in The Daily News, December 31, 2011, at p. 7. (Garcia & Kricko, allegedly? Jon Corzine? Mr. Toricelli?)
New Jersey's Governor Christopher Christie, former corruption fighting U.S. Attorney for the Garden State, now seems to take pride in his jurisdiction's affiliation with the mafia.
Garden State Italian-Americans -- who are not in organized crime (yes, there are or must be many such persons!) -- are, evidently, too embarassed to object to the Daily News article.
This news item has yet to be criticized, to my knowledge, by Governor Cuomo of New York and/or other distinguished Italian-Americans -- with the exception of Justice Scalia who has sent Mr. Christie a dead fish as a warning. Mr. Alito concurred in part and dissented in part. I guess you can't defame the mafia. ("Law and Morality.")
"Tough-talking New Jersey Governor Chris Christie swaggered [warbled?] into the heartland Friday and made an Iowa crowd an offer it couldn't refuse -- support Mitt Romney [,] or else." ("Manohla Dargis Strikes Again!")
"The larger than life Governor" -- irony intended? -- "channeled fellow Garden State tough guy Tony Soprano by THREATENING the hundreds of people who braved a cold, wet morning to back Romney in the state's caucuses." (emphasis added!)
Was this article written by Codey or Sweeney? Obviously, Menendez is not sufficiently fluent in the English language to pull off this essay. ("Is Senator Bob 'For' Human Rights?")
The New Jersey Governor promised Iowa voters that if they did not do what he asked, he would be "back[,] Jersey style."
Taking pride in criminal associations as well as his state's popular identification with organized crime is unusual for a Chief Executive and former federal prosecutor with presidential aspirations. This may not be a wise move, Mr. Christie.
Perhaps this is an example of the fun-loving governor's famous wit and humor?
According to Richard J. Codey, Esq., negotiations with Mr. Christie are always a million laughs as the charming Mr. Christie is unfailingly blissfully pleasant company. Codey is rumored to be under investigation by the FBI. I am sure that FBI attention makes Mr. Christie chuckle even more. ("Richard J. Codey Immortalized on Canvas at Taxpayer Expense.")
All of this jocularity raises the question of who is the true organized crime-affiliated party in New Jersey, Republicans or Democrats? Naturally, there are those cynics who say that both parties in this state filled with rural splendors are "connected" to such alleged gangsters as Angelo "The Horn" Prisco. ("Is Senator Menendez For Sale?" and "Is Senator Menendez a Suspect in Mafia-Political Murder in New Jersey?" and "Does Senator Menendez Have Mafia Friends?" then "Stuart Rabner and Conduct Unbecoming to the Judiciary in New Jersey.")
Even the state's besmirched and bemerded Chief Justice is rumored to be on the payroll of such alleged mafia figures as Mr. Prisco. ("No More Cover-Ups and Lies, Chief Justice Rabner!" then "Deborah T. Poritz and Conduct Unbecoming to the Judiciary in New Jersey.")
This shocking inability to discover the boundaries of propriety by a sitting governor is not helpful to the state's dismal and failed efforts to redeem its image as a cesspool of corruption, child molestation, soiled courtrooms that are literally and figuratively covered in feces, with judges wearing -- with pride -- the same drek on their judicial robes. ("New Jersey's Feces-Covered Supreme Court" and "New Jersey's Political and Supreme Court Whores.")
For politicians, prosecutors, judges and attorneys affiliated with the state's tainted "Office of Attorney Ethics" ("OAE") to take pride in corruption and organized crime credentials is shameful and frightening, Mr. Christie -- especially for all decent, law-abiding residents of the Garden State, including many Italian-Americans. Capice, Mr. Christie? ("New Jersey's Office of Attorney Ethics" and "New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System.")
Kim Guardagno's only statement in response to this article was that she "don't know from nothin' ... " This is almost certainly true. Ms. Guardagno added that she would do "anything for" her "godfather," Mr. Christie. Ms. Guardagno has been promised her "own family," as it were, if Mr. Christie is reelected.
James Chiesa -- not a wartime consiglieri but the "acting" N.J. Attorney General -- nonetheless promised that Mr. Christie's enemies would "sleep with the fishes." ("Mafia Influence in New Jersey Courts and Politics.")
As I write this essay, more allegations of disappearing public funds in various New Jersey towns, including fattened retirement packages and multiple pensions for individual politicians, are hitting the papers leading to even more criminal investigations of New Jersey's legal as well as political figures, or bella figuras.
Have you no sense of shame in Trenton, New Jersey? Do you need cash in an envelope to deal with this situation, Mr. Rabner? Mr. Chiesa, why not "act" on this little matter?
New York and the World:
David E. Sanger, "Iran Threatens to Choke Route of Oil Shipments: Reply to U.S. Sanctions," in The New York Times, December 28, 2011, at p. A1. (We are not in a position to go to war with Iran due to existing military "commitments." The economic consequences of this action by Iran, potentially, are quite harmful to U.S. interests.)
Michael Schmidt & Eric Schmidt, "U.S. Selling Arms to Iraq as Worry On Maliki Grows," in The New York Times, December 29, 2011, at p. A1. (Gasoline to put out the flames: Will Iran and others sell arms to the opposition in Iraq? Has Pakistan cut its own deal with the Haqqani network? Stay tuned to this channel.)
Azam Ahmed & Ben Protess, "MF Global Scrutinized On Moving of Money," in The New York Times, December 29, 2011, at p. B1. ("Federal authorities ... think the firm began improperly moving customer money to a middleman on October 27 ..." Who was that middleman? Where are the funds today? "Is Senator Bob For Sale?" and "Senator Bob, the Babe, and the Big Bucks.")
"Justice and Prosecutorial Misconduct: A Texas Case Demands Accountability After a District Attorney Withheld Evidence," (Editorial) in The New York Times, December 29, 2011, at p. A26. (Prosecutor lied, covered-up the withholding of evidence that was exculpatory, and permitted a man, Michael Morton -- who was either poor or African-American, probably both -- to sit in prison for 25 years for a crime prosecutors knew he did not commit. OAE? Anne Rodgers, Esq.? This sounds like the Union County Prosecutor's Office: "New Jersey's Office of Attorney Ethics" and "New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System" then "Larry Leroy Peterson Cleared by DNA.")
Jim Dwyer, "Lessons in DNA and Mercy: Waiting for Cuomo to Lay a Glove On Criminal Justice," in The New York Times, December 30, 2011, at p. A17. (The grotesque inequalities and errors of criminal justice in the DNA-era must be addressed systematically at a national as well as state level. America must not plunge to New Jersey-like levels of injustice and corruption in the administration of criminal laws.)
"Iran and the Straight: The Threat to Oil Shipping is a Sign of Desperation and a Reminder of Tehran's Recklessness," (Editorial) in The New York Times, December 30, 2011, at p. A22. (We cannot go to war with Iran in light of American "overextension" in the gulf region. Europe will not go along with U.S. embargo efforts or other "soft power" options aimed against Iran. What are we to do? Shall we return to the very UN institutions we have insulted and ignored?)
Elizabeth Bumiller & Thom Shanker, "Panetta to Offer Budget Strategy Cutting Military," in The New York Times, January 3, 2012, at p. A1. (Will America have the resources for the future conflicts that are expected already? Thank God for the British navy providing backup in the Straight.)
Edward Wong, "China's President Lashes Out at Western Culture," in The New York Times, January 4, 2012, at p. A7. (Rather than "lashing out" at Western culture, China's President Hu Jintao, I believe, was suggesting that China should develop its own global cultural power. This is something that is already happening and reflects concerns about "hegemony" in terms of cultural definitions of ideology and identity within China as well as the world. The best way to achieve that goal for China is through an open and free dialogue with Western media and cultural productions, a dialogue where all influences are mutual. The recent attacks on China in the Times are coming from the far Right-wing lunatic fringe in America and/or Cuban-American fascist-extremists, in my opinion, whose views are not taken seriously in most places. Is "Edward Wong" also "Manohla Dargis"? Shame on you, Ms. Ros-Leghtinen. Mr. Menendez? Mr. Rubio?)
New Jersey's Fiasco:
Herb Jackson, "Corzine Apologizes But Can't Explain: Stunned by MF Global's Loss of $1.2 BILLION From Clients," in The Record, December 9, 2011, at p. A1. (It now appears that Mr. Corzine was well aware of the movement of money belonging to his clients. Maybe I can explain what happened at MF Global. Theft, perhaps?)
Shawn Boburg, "Fight Over Toll Hike Plays Out in Court," in The Record, December 9, 2011, at p. A-3. (PA claims they need more overtime to consider ways to save money. Turnpike tolls are expected to generate millions, much of which will be stolen. Drive safely.)
Jason Grant, "Stock Scammer Pleads Guilty: Admits $37 MILLION Inside Trading," in The Record, December 9, 2011, at p. A-9. (Too bad Garrett D. Bauer, "connected" to New Jersey politicians, obtained about $37 MILLION in illicit profits which would not have been illegal if this defendant, like Senator Menendez, were a member of the Congress. How about that, Marilyn? How many people in prisons have stolen less than $1.2 BILLION or $37 MILLION? Some people scam that much and do very little or no time in prison, but few of them are minorities or powerless women.)
Adam Goldman & Matt Apuzzo, "CIA Lockup Uncovered in Romania: Harsh Tactics Used in 2003-06," in The Record, December 9, 2011, at p. A-10. (Was Terry Tuchin a developer and participant in this CIA torture center by contributing to the psychological protocols used against victims, perhaps by testing these techniques on unsuspecting minority persons in the U.S. -- persons like Asata Shakur or myself?)
Melissa Hayes & John Reitmeyer, "Christie Delivers Message in Person," in The Record, December 9, 2011, at p. L-10. (Various Democrat scams to get pay outs on unused sick time and multiple pensions are opposed by this governor. Possibly including some alleged "pay outs" to the retiring Paterson sheriff.)
Peter J. Sampson, "Lawyer Would Wait for a Retrial: Still Behind Bars in Murder Plot Case," in The Record, December 9, 2011, at p. L-2. (Mr. Bergrin seeking a new trial may have to sit in prison for a year. A mistrial was declared when it appeared that prosecutors could lose the case against Bergrin. An appeal is pending on some of the original counts. Is Mr. Rabner helping his former colleague from behind the scenes? Loyalty, Stuart? Omerta?)
Scott Fallon, "EPA Will Dig Deep to Assess Threat: Plans to Measure Chromium Spread," in The Record, December 13, 2011, at p. A-1. (New Jersey continues to lead the nation in cancer rates in some areas as a result, many believe, of contamination made possible by decades of bribery of state officials and inspectors in the Soprano State.)
Mathew McGrath, "Deal For Top Cop's Exit Delayed: Paterson Council Blasts Mayor," in The Record, December 22, 2011, at p. L-1. (Outgoing police chief is finagling a $215,000 retirement package plus multiple pensions as well as other perks.)
Mathew McGrath, "OT Hearings Conclude: Jones Testifies, Spars With City Councilman," in The Record, December 22, 2011, at p. L-1. (Mayor Jones struggles to justify overtime payments to himself and friends, but no one is asking Jon Corzine equally tough questions about $1.2 BILLION that "vanished like a gambler's lucky streak" from his clients' pockets then reappeared, allegedly, in Corzine's own pockets. Will Jaynee LaVecchia explain what happened to the disappearing $300 MILLION in the HIP "deal"? Many New Jersey persons were stuck with medical bills they could not afford, Ms. LaVecchia, when HIP folded. Have you no sense of ethics, madam? John McGill, Esq. can you explain why the OAE is not interested in the HIP transaction, or the ethics of the shady attorneys involved, including Justice Jaynee -- "Hot Hands" -- LaVecchia? Is it true that John McGill, Esq. is facing ethics charges at last? Is the OAE not humiliated by this continuing public lying through silence and criminal farce in cyberspace? I demand the truth in my matters, Mr. Christie and Mr. Rabner. Capice? "Law and Ethics in the Soprano State" and "Jaynee LaVecchia and Conduct Unbecoming to the Judiciary in New Jersey.")