October 26, 2011 at 12:57 P.M. The UN voted yesterday to condemn the embargo against Cuba. Only the U.S. and Israel voted to keep the embargo in place. The Obama administration, once again, was isolated on this "cruel embargo" and disappointed international observers on human rights issues who expected some change from the Bush administration's policies. We have chosen to continue the failed policies of the past.
"What Kind of Government?: A Federal Court Compounds the F.B.I.'s Wrongful Acts by Dismissing Suits in the Bulger Case," in The New York Times, October 24, 2011, at p. A22. (Throwing out suits by victims rewards government criminality. Time to face the music, New Jersey. Turn over the torture files, Mr. Rabner.)
AP, "5-Year Inquiry On Menendez is Terminated," in The New York Times, October 24, 2011, at p. A20. (No action will be brought against Menendez by the Democrat-appointed U.S. Attorney's Office in New Jersey. Compare "Senator Bob, the Babe, and the Big Bucks" with "Does Senator Menendez Have Mafia Friends?")
Evonne Coutros, "Internet Shifting Sex Trade to Suburbs: Police Note Rise in Prostitution Arrests," in The Record, October 24, 2011, at p. A-1. (Arrests of "secret prostitution center" located off Route 17, near Ridgewood, New Jersey -- symbolically significant! -- which was said to be protected by Cuban-American organized crime as well as traditional mafia families along with their bought politicians, allegedly, including Senator Menendez: "New Jersey's Child Sex Industry." Mr. Christie's northern office was in Ridgewood, New Jersey which is the home of the so-called "Jewish Mengele," Terry Tuchin. "Terry Tuchin, Diana Lisa Riccioli, and New Jersey's Agency of Torture.")
Senator Menendez "raised" $120 MILLION for Democrats in 2010. This fund-raising has "absolutely nothing to do with the dismissals" of possible charges and/or an investigation against Mr. Menendez by the feds. Are you concerned about the "ethics" of Mr. Menendez, Terry Tuchin? Or was it only my virtue that troubled you? Mr. Menendez is a member of the bar in New Jersey. ("Bob Menendez Has Not Been Indicted Today" and "Is Senator Bob 'For' Human Rights?")
Mr. Fishman, current New Jersey U.S. Attorney, was appointed to his position with the assistance of Mr. Menendez, who aggressively supported him for the job. Mr. Fishman did not participate in deliberations, on the record, leading to the current dismissals of the matters against Mr. Menendez. This is not to say what actions, if any, Mr. Fishman took from behind the scenes "for" Mr. Menendez. ("No More Cover-Ups and Lies, Chief Justice Rabner!" and "Stuart Rabner and Conduct Unbecoming to the Judiciary in New Jersey.")
There are still several matters pending against Mr. Menendez, including an alleged ethics investigation before the U.S. Senate and other legal authorities. Rumors of a deal whereby Menendez will not run for re-election are probably disinformation (lies) coming from Menendez himself or his people. I do not believe that Mr. Menendez will be indicted for his alleged "assistance" to organized crime figures nor because of his "peccadillos" involving young lobbyists. ("Senator Bob, the Babe, and the Big Bucks" and "Senator Bob Loves Xanadu!")
"Mr. Menendez declined to comment on the conclusion of the investigation, which focused on his relationship with the North Hudson Community Action Corporation, an antipoverty group that he helped [to] secure [for themselves!] millions of dollars in federal financing."
"The agency rented office space in Union City from Mr. Menendez, who collected more than $300,000 in rent from it between 1994 and 2003, while he was serving in the House." ("Is Senator Menendez a Suspect in Mafia-Political Murder in New Jersey?")
"Mr. Menendez said the rental agreement had been approved by the House Ethics Committee" -- the only official who could confirm this allegation was deceased -- "and he maintained [that] it was appropriate. [Conflict of interest, Bob?] But Republicans used the issue to question his integrity [His what?] when he was running against state Senator Thomas H. Kean, Jr."
It does seem hopeless to expect real fairness or equal justice from a state or federal legal system that is so responsive to money and political influence. ("Duncan Kennedy, Peter Gable, and the Critical Legal Studies Movement" and "Roberto Unger's Revolutionary Legal Theory.")
It is important, nevertheless, to persist in the struggle. Hopefully, the system may be forced to face its contradictions and lies. No plausible justification for Mumia Abu-Jamal's continued incarceration, for example, can be offered by a system that allows a man (like Bob Menendez) to avoid the legal consequences of his actions based on how much loot he brings in to Democrat coffers. ("Fidel Castro's 'History Will Absolve Me'" then "Havana Nights and C.I.A. Tapes" and "America's Holocaust.")
Together, we can compel necessary changes in the legal system through advocacy, peaceful protest, and selective patronage of responsible media while encouraging opposition journalism or dissident activity. ("The Protests on Wall Street" and "Corrupt Law Firms, Senator Bob, and New Jersey Ethics.")
Networks are already forming among like-minded persons from all over the world. More persons are joining a global struggle to increase representation and concern for the poor and damaged in today's faltering economy as well as the millions of lives obliterated as part of the detritus of our wars in the Middle East, including many servicepersons handicapped for life -- or unemployed, permanently -- because of our efforts to pay for those wars that have produced over two trillion dollars in national debt. In the future we will have to ask China's permission to go to war. Maybe this economic dependency will be a good thing.
The U.S. embargo costs the Cuban people, according to Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez, about $1 TRILLION in lost revenue per year. I do not believe that the Cuban people will be starved into submission. I will certainly not be stopped from writing by the destruction of my personal computer by N.J. hackers nor by the continuing cybercrime and harassment campaign against me and my blogs. Starvation tactics are now also being used against Wikileaks. I hope that people's access to information increases in the years to come.
I am aware of the experience of hunger by millions in Cuba -- I understand hunger quite well as do the 44 million Americans who experience hunger, every day -- also the suffering felt on behalf of children denied basic goods, including books and technology needed for their education. The costs of independence and dignity for any of us may be very high, but they are always worth paying. ("Manifesto for the Unfinished American Revolution.")
The only answer to injustice is struggle. ("Freedom for Mumia Abu-Jamal" and "Mumia Abu-Jamal and the Unconstitutionality of the Death Penalty.")