I will write (not necessarily in my own name) additional philosophical essays, short stories, scripts, while working on a novel. I will publish my work in America (where and when censorship permits!), but also and much more beyond the U.S. -- where I have reason to believe and hope that my writings are attracting a small following as they continue to appear in more than one language. I am actually being read (allegedly) in Cuba and, maybe, in China -- or so I believe. This unexpected popularity surprises and delights me.
Sadly, I expect continuing defacements of texts and other harassment efforts that have been the only response provided, thus far, to overwhelming evidence of New Jersey's governmental criminality aimed against me and others.
All posts at each of the blogs are copyright protected (2025) and beyond. The texts may not be altered, copied, or published without the express and written permission of the author.
Copyright protection will be renewed on a yearly basis (if possible) to comply with changes in U.S. and international intellectual property laws.
Racism and censorship are evils that create their own forms of resistance. The goal of the various frustrations and attacks aimed against me and my writings -- all of it is criminal -- is to discourage my writing, even as my work is often plagiarized. In fact, the opposite of the expected reaction has occurred: I have continued to write. My work is being read in many places in the world, I have reason to believe, where (as I say) I hope for more publications of my writings in the years to come.
Curiously, I have yet to be banned in Boston.
It has been said that the first casualty of any war is freedom of speech.
If this is true, then democracy loses every war.
I am sure that this statement is not true.
It is precisely in times of war that truth must be spoken, freely. My truth is found in these blogs. No one will intimidate me or discourage my writing efforts.
Do not allow anyone to prevent you from reading whatever you decide is meaningful for you.
No justice, no peace.
Shame on you, New Jersey.
"Behavior modification, with its brute offspring of electroshock and psychosurgery, is the creature of an apprehensive society in full retreat from the ancestral values of the Bill of Rights and its accumulated legacy of constitutional law focused upon the person -- manifesting concern for his liberty and a respect for his privacy, extending around him a blanket of immunities and protections, and furnishing a framework for the free exercise of self-expression and self-determination. That democratic spirit, with its generous faith in the potentiality of human nature (what used to be called its 'indefinite perfectibility'), has represented the mainstream of American thought and belief up to the present day -- when it has been abruptly and formidably challenged by forces of reaction" -- Mr. Trump? -- "whose hour, it is supposed, has come round at last. These are the same dark forces that have always lurked in the shadows and waited in the wings ["The Dark Arts"] and more than once have had their brief hour upon the stage -- but each time have been undone by their ruthlessness and 'paranoid style' of politics, as Richard Hofstadter termed it."
Ashley Montague & Floyd Matson, "Dehuman Engineering: The Science of Good Behavior," in The Dehumanization of Man (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1983), pp. 57-109, esp. pp. 108-109.