All writings are copyright protected and may not be altered, copied or published, or used in any way without the express and written permission of the author. All rights reserved. Copyright (2020) by Juan Galis-Menendez.
Thursday, January 6, 2022
Copyright Renewed in 2025 and Beyond.
These blogs are copyright protected in 2025. All rights are hereby renewed by the author of these texts in each of the separate blogs. No part of these blogs may be reprinted or reproduced in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying or recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author.
I am still subjected to censorship and prevented from posting new works or even spacing between paragraphs in this text. It is possible that these blogs will be destroyed at any time. For as long as these texts exist, however, to the extent that U.S. laws are valid (or if they are at all respected by New Jersey's alleged "courts"), my writings should be protected even if they have not been very safe in the past.
I am unconcerned about what further online posts or fabrications may come from New Jersey's OAE, DRB, AG, or self-styled "courts" that are really something other than courts.
This includes additional anonymous "background reports" allegedly about me that are posted online or claims about my character made by persons representing themselves as legal officials in New Jersey or elsewhere.
No answer has yet been received by me to my communications from American officials, lawyers and/or judges, including lawyers in Trenton ignoring their ethical obligations to answer in "good faith" and in a "timely" manner each of my letters or those of others.
I have no idea what Justice Gorsuch thinks about this mysterious silence that includes his own failure to answer letters concerning my case sent to him not only by myself but (I have reason to believe) also by others.
Copies of my communications and proofs along with evidence of mailing are available upon request if any items should be "lost."
All opinions expressed in these blogs are mine alone and should not be attributed to any other person.
President Lopez-Obrador of Mexico sent an official letter to Donald J. Trump during the final days of the U.S. president's first administration requesting a pardon for Julian Assange as well as offering sanctuary for Mr. Assange as have many other countries.
Mr. Lopez-Obrador never received a response to his letter either from President Trump or (as I write this text) current U.S. President Joe Biden.
Relegating the president of Mexico to silence insults Mr. Lopez-Obrador and all Mexicans.
I am in good company by also being ignored to say nothing of the criminal violation of my rights through not receiving the simple decency and professionalism of a timely response over a period of decades despite the risk to many innocent persons caused by New Jersey's OAE and/or other U.S. officials now seeking to silence me in order to get away with their crimes.
Governmental content-based censorship of any person's expression of opinions is unconstitutional and criminal in the U.S., so that it should never be tolerated or rewarded in America, nor should judges and lawyers ever engage in illegal censorship of their critics in any democracy.
No one (certainly no American) should be prevented from writing a blog in 2025.
If they continue to censor dissidents U.S. lawyers (including those in Miami) will lose the right to criticize other nations that merely do the same.
Censorship denies human recognition to the person prevented from speaking freely and amounts to a tacit admission that what that person says is true or impossible to refute.
Censorship -- if it succeeds in silencing anyone's voice -- will never be limited to one person or set of opinions and always curtails the free speech rights of those who wish to read what is prohibited.
I join many persons from all over the world (with belated recognition of the point by "The New York Times") demanding a pardon for Julian Assange along with his immediate release from incarceration and the final termination of the hideous torture of a heroic journalist and publisher.
I am in receipt of what purports to be a letter from the IRS containing a number of stylistic as well as other errors (something about a $1,050.00 payment to me) that was sent in an envelope with a N.J. Pitney Bowes machine stamp rather than regular postage.
It is my practice to send all such bogus communications -- presumably from New Jersey's OAE or that agency's friends -- to the Department of Justice and U.S. Supreme Court as well as the Cuban Embassy which seems to find this spectacle amusing. I will post proof of mailing at some point in time after I have sent these new packages to my intended recipients.
I do not understand how or why N.J. officials violate the U.S. Constitution while enjoying the protection of the same federal courts and Department of Justice that are supposed to enforce the nation's highest law.
I have always been skeptical about the legal system's promise of "justice for all" but I did not believe that things could be this bad or even laughable.
It boggles the mind that N.J. lawyers live so easily with their lies and total absence of shame about what they have done and become in Trenton. For such persons to lecture me (or anyone) about ethics and legality borders on farce and for them to be rewarded with judgeships for their crimes is tragic.
It remains true that I have never been arrested or charged with a crime nor do I know of any legally valid debts that I have accrued at this time anywhere or with anyone.
There are no photos of me posted online. I am not on twitter or any other social media.
I am in receipt of a letter dated February 25, 2022 mailed from N.J. on March 4, 2022 seeking reimbursal of the OAE's or DRB's "costs" (no specific amount is mentioned but I estimate their "costs" to be about $250.00) for "disciplinary matters" brought against me dating, roughly, from 1998 very likely at the behest of Mr. Menendez.
A threatening collection letter where no specific amount is mentioned runs afoul of the statute against extortion especially when 10% per year (what year?) of this unspecified sum is also sought.
Criminal attempts to collect non-existing or DISCHARGED -- debts are a sign of frustration (so is pretending to be a public official when you are not) or just plain theft by OAE lawyers. Attempts to involve the IRS or other agencies in such bogus collection schemes is reprehensible.
This letter is probably a 20-year-old form letter repackaged for harrassment purposes appearing over the name of someone called KAROLYN HAYS, Costs Coordinator, (609) 815-2920 at extention 52318 at the OAE in Trenton. Ms. Hays, if she exists, was probably about 12 years-old or younger in 1998 and may have nothing to do with any items about me being posted "anonymously" online by Mr. McGill and/or "others."
Maurice Gallipoli's name is listed on the letterhead to this letter as "Chair" of the District Review Board (DRB) for Hudson County whatever that means.
I suspect this letter to be the work of John McGill hiding behind Ms. Hay's name and title with the possible secret assistance of either Maureen Manteneo or Lourdes Santiago and/or both of those "ladies." The letter was addressed to me along with the fraudulent IRS letter that I had already received -- both envelopes bearing postage from the same N.J. Pitney Bowes machine -- and they are equally and unforgivably (if typically) ungrammatical and ignorant.
Since any claims for costs due that is more than 20 years-old is barred by limitations of actions provisions of New York and New Jersey laws and calculating 10% of an unspecified amount is mathematically impossible I can only assume that this document is absurd or a joke or strictly about trying to annoy me.
A copy of this offensive letter along with the fraudulent IRS letter has been sent to the following recipients who continue to be shy about answering me: Justice Elena Kagan of the U.S. Supreme Court on March 10, 2022 (priority mail tracking number #9505 5145 2843 2069 4805 88 with delivery expected on March 14, 2022); Merrick Garland, Esq., U.S. Attorney General, on March 10, 2022 (priority mail tracking number #9505 5145 2843 2069 4805 71 with delivery expected on March 11, 2022); The Embassy of Cuba to the U.S. on March 10, 2022 (priority mail tracking number #9505 5145 2843 2069 4805 95 with delivery expected on March 14, 2022); Hon. Maurice J. Gallipoli, A.J.S.C. (Ret.) on March 10, 2022 (priority mail tracking number #9505 5145 2843 2069 4806 01 with delivery expected on March 11, 2022); Ms. Katrina Vanden Heuvel, Editor, "The Nation" on March 10, 2022 (priority mail tracking number #9505 5145 2843 2069 4816 18 with delivery expected on March 11, 2022).
If the OAE or DRB lies (not for the first time) to N.Y. or the IRS about the "collectivity" (to use their word) of this amount, whatever it may be, this will only be another crime and fraud that may be charged to these "dreadful" people.
It has been suggested to me that I should bill the OAE for my far greater costs over all of these years in this matter. I would never do such a thing where fundamental issues of human and Constitutional rights are at stake and I only sign my own name to all of my communications with others.
The DRB's letter was also addressed incorrectly to the wrong apartment in my building perhaps in order to malign my name among my neighbors or simply as a matter of the OAE's now proven incompetence and sleaze.
I invite readers to decide who is "unethical" whether myself or New Jersey's corrupt and inept lawyers in Trenton and Jersey City.
I will disregard this latest letter allegedly from the DRB and Judge Gallipoli and rise to higher ground.
I am told that Judge Gallipoli has died. If this is true I find it amazing that Judge Gallipoli continues to serve as "Chair" of the DRB (if he does) and even more astonishing that he dictates letters to me from beyond the grave.
According to New Jersey lawyers while I am legally correct about my criticisms of the OAE I will never receive a response to my communications from anybody in America since the OAE will lie and cover-up their sins forever if they are allowed to get away with their crimes.
If this pessimistic assessment of the American legal system is accurate (I hope that it is not) it will have no effect on my actions or upon the law.
It is significant, however, to learn what New Jersey lawyers really think of their Office of Attorney Ethics and Supreme Court or by implication of the U.S. legal system in which they "serve."
I will continue to insist on the truth from the OAE and Trenton's government officials expecting -- perhaps naively -- some "good faith" response to my questions in my lifetime from the highest levels of the U.S. court system if not from anyone in New Jersey.
Denial of my claims (or my very existence) through silence endangers everyone's rights and is a form of dehumanization or "slavery" for me.
Criminal abuse of disfavored persons is rarely limited to one individual or group. If one lawyer (and, therefore, his or her clients) can be targeted by politicians or crooked judges (or others) through criminal conspiracies it is only a matter of time until non-lawyers are also targeted by the use of such despicable and unethical methods. Cover-ups of such tactics should surprise no one.
At issue in this continuing controversy in my life that is now decades-old is the authenticity or reality of U.S. Constitutional rights even in the swamps of New Jersey.
More than anger or hatred at the hypocrisy and lies of the likes of John McGill of the OAE -- or of Maurice Gallipoli for that matter -- what I feel is sadness and DISGUST at the lie that is New Jersey law in my life and in the lives of so many other persons victimized every day in the garden state. ("Albert Florence and New Jersey's Racism.")
How N.J. lawyers can live with themselves while continuing to harm innocent persons through their cover-ups and frauds to say nothing of inaction and indifference to evil is beyond my comprehension.
If I am wrong about what I have said please find (or borrow) the courage at the OAE to face me before a federal tribunal and demonstrate why this is so. Otherwise, I ask for an admission of the "errors" or crimes committed by OAE lawyers against me along with so many innocent others and some attenpt to make amends for them.
It is finally time to protect the public and N.J.'s courts from corruption and incompetence as well as criminality found in so many high places in that unfortunate jurisdiction and, most especially, among leading lawyers in the state.
A package of materials relevant to these matters will be sent to Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson with the hope that no important American judicial or political figure will be uninformed about this situation that has drawn a growing international audience regardless of what may happen (or not happen) to me in the future.
Naturally most of these people receiving certified mail packages will eventually lie and claim that they did not know what was going on or for how long these crimes were ignored with serious harm resulting to many persons -- harm that might well have been prevented by prompt action.
Whether I ever receive a response depends, of course, on Justice Jackson's and her fellow justices' appreciation of the illegality of slavery as well as concern to protect freedom of speech and due process of law under the U.S. Constitution in light of their "good faith" as distinguished jurists with an ethical and legal obligation to bring any and all crimes of which they become aware to the immediate attention of the police and never to become complicit in illegality much less heinous criminal offenses committed against anyone.
Failure to adhere to this fundamental judicial canon of ethics is far worse than not disclosing the lucrative and convenient "hospitality" of a "friend."
In the N.J. Supreme Court's landmark decision 'Henningsen v. Bloomfield Motors,' 32 N.J. 358, 389 (1960) the court stated: "Is there any principle which is more firmly established in the history of Anglo-American law than the basic doctrine that the courts will not permit themselves to be used as the instruments of inequity and injustice?"
To be made an accessory to frauds, lies, thefts, assaults and continuing computer crime and censorship by the New Jersey Supreme Court's own Office of Attorney Ethics hardly fits the standard set forth in this case by that magnificent tribunal. ("New Jersey's Feces-Covered Supreme Court" and "New Jersey is America's Legal Toilet.")
Perhaps one of the U.S. Supreme Court justices will be so kind as to "leak" information concerning this matter to the press that will then feel an obligation to no longer ignore the matter. Jodi Kantor, "Fruitless Leak Inquiry Heightens Air of Distrust in Supreme Court," 'The New York Times,' January 22, 2023, p. A1.
I received a jury summons form April 29, 2022 concerning prospective jury service in N.Y. city's legal system. I am to return this completed form or "quetionaire" within 10 days.
I do not believe that I was selected randomly for this honor. Perhaps the OAE -- or Mr. Menendez -- arranged or paid for this latest communication to me.
Having served twice in the city system and once in a federal jury panel I am, as a matter of law, precluded or "excused" from serving on a city, state, or federal jury for 4 years (federally) and/or 6 years (N.Y.) as of November, 2021. I will be eligible to serve as a juror once again in 2025 (federally) and 2027 (N.Y.).
I will, accordingly, complete this questionaire returning the jury form with a copy of my proof of federal jury service that was kindly provided to me by Ms. Rhonda Mayers-Best of the Southern District of New York (SDNY) while retaining multiple copies of all of these documents as well as proof of mailing so that the authorities will not lie about whether I returned the form in a timely manner.
Curiously, it appears that the letter I received was not the letter sent by Ms. Mayers-Best.
I will then also send copies of these documents to Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson of the U.S. Supreme Court; U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland; and the Cuban Embassy to the U.S. which continues to find these events highly diverting and illuminating on the workings of the U.S. legal system as do many other observers in the world.
It should be noted that, according to New York city and state as well as this federal jury form, I am (again as a matter of law) a person of "good faith and ethical character."
This fact infuriates functionaries at the OAE in Trenton for some mysterious reason.
Manipulation of the jury selection system is a form of jury tampering that undermines faith in the courts by preventing the public from trusting the integrity of the legal process which is unethical and a serious crime, and it is not the sort of thing in which New Jersey's Office of Attorney Ethics or any lawyers should be involved.
This serious CRIMINAL infraction of the law does not seem to disturb N.J.'s ethics attorneys or the state's many soiled courts which continue to choke on their own hypocrisy as they speak of ethics or legality even as they obstruct justice, publicly, to the amusement of their colleagues and peers from the U.S. and elsewhere.
May 2, 2022 at 2:38 P.M. a package of documents was mailed to the Commissioner of Jurors in New York by priority mail tracking number #9505 5121 7078 2122 4051 83 with delivery expected March 3, 2022; another parcel was sent on the same date to the following recipients: Justice Kentanji Brown Jackson tracking number #9505 5121 7078 2122 4051 76 with delivery expected May 5, 2022; Merrick Garland, Esq., U.S. Attorney General, tracking number #9505 5121 7078 2122 4052 06 with delivery expected May 3, 2022; Cuban Embassy to the U.S. tracking number #9505 5121 7078 2122 4051 90 with delivery expected May 5, 2022.
An envelope sent to the Cuban Embassy was returned to me because, essentially, on this occasion the post office could "not locate" 2650 15th Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20009.
The U.S. post office is unlikely to stamp "not picked up" on priority or overnight mail where no signature is required because such mail is simply delivered to the designated recipient. Nor is it likely that a package mailed to Washington, D.C. would be returned to me by way of New Jersey bearing a non-post office stamp.
I will send the contents of this envelope to the Cuban Embassy by overnight mail (once again) with a copy of the illegally stamped envelope.
Another copy of this envelope will then be sent to the U.S. attorney's office for the Southern District of Manhattan which, sadly, may be required once again to cover-up and remain silent (or lie) about the crimes of N.J. government lawyers tampering with the U.S. mail.
The Cubans must be enjoying this drama and are probably very interested in seeing this envelope indicating that their embassy's mail has been interfered with (or altered by) "unofficial" parties possibly associated with Senator Menendez and Congressman Albio Sires in violation of international and U.S. domestic laws.
The Cuban government, apparently, refuses to pay-off Mr. Menendez for his "services" and, therefore, cannot be sure of the protection of the laws.
The OAE has made no effort to deny and seems to admit coaching a witness to lie under oath in my matters -- or at least submitting criminally fraudulent testimony from the daughter of a woman who had no daughter -- after altering the transcript of an illegally recorded conversation and then leaking all of these lies to the media thereby defrauding and making a fool of their own New Jersey Supreme Court and its distinguished "justices."
Besides these many crimes persons were threatened and/or deceived by by the OAE in order to compel them to testify falsely against me and are now tormented by guilt over their illicit actions as well as expressing the hope that they will be permitted to apologize to me.
The OAE's hiding of exculpatory (or of any) materials despite an ostensible "open-file" policy is a minor infraction by comparison.
A legal decision based on fraud is void ab initio so that the status between the parties is restored to whatever it was before the initiation of legal proceedings.
It is strange that despite the very public nature of these crimes and the large number of persons seeking answers I have yet to receive any response to my communications from seemingly "bashful" lawyers, judges, justices, police, prosecutors or media in the U.S. in 2022 and, probably, this will remain true in 2023 and beyond.
During a time in which the "American Dream Mall" in New Jersey has gone into default while developers are seeking another $800 million in public funds as a bailout, cops have been shot in West New York and elsewhere in Hudson County, feces has been discovered in multiple New Jersey courtrooms, again, and several New Jersey police chiefs have been arrested within 24 hours for D.W.I., numerous computer crimes targeting Trenton government computers have been covered-up as more bad news is about to be disclosed, allegedly, concerning skyrocketing cancer rates due to contamination in several New Jersey counties there seems to be nothing more important for lawyers at the OAE to do than to send additional moronic communications to me while lying (or stonewalling) in response to requests for the truth about my life even when they come from the federal government or U.S. Supreme Court or the press.
Perhaps I should next contact the Pope about these issues.
This blog does not allow for "members." There are, nevertheless, two "members" of this blog listed: "M.M. Larios" and "Phil George." These false names may be traced to Trenton government offices -- and to Senator Menendez, allegedly -- offices that are responsible for computer crimes and censorship in violation of First Amendment rights without any legal consequences for the perpetrators of these despicable and cowardly offenses that are listed as crimes under the U.S. Code.
Crimes are usually considered "unethical" for attorneys to commit especially if they are "ethics attorneys."
I wonder whether it was John McGill or Gilberto Garcia (both perhaps?) who illegally closed a trust account belonging to me by claiming to be me and then stole the funds in that account that belonged only to me?
If the New Jersey Supreme Court is willing to cover-up such offenses to avoid "embarrassment" to themselves then that court deserves to be humiliated further by this continuing saga of corruption and organized crime involvement in the state's legal ethics and judicial systems.
A package has been mailed to the Cuban Embassy in the U.S. by priority mail bearing tracking number # 9505 5146 2845 2181 1540 82 with expected delivery on July 2, 2022 and another parcel was mailed to Merrick Garland, Esq., U.S. Attorney General by priority mail tracking number # 9505 5146 2845 2181 1540 75 with expected delivery on July 1, 2022.
As I approach my sixty-third birthday there continues to be no response to my communications nor to those of others in connection with these matters from U.S. officials and American media often in violation of sunshine and full disclosure laws as well as the federal Constitution and national as well as N.J. and N.Y. state civil rights laws.
A copy of the foregoing comment with a complaint about censorship and computer crime will be sent to American PEN which (I am told) is an organization concerned to defend freedom of speech by protecting dissent and dissidents, and by opposing all forms of censorship of ideas everywhere in the world.
I can only hope that this concern or "mission" to defend intellectual freedom on the part of PEN America will include protecting the rights of thinkers and writers in New York.
I am pleased that persons in many countries have this splendid opportunity to evaluate the sincerity of the U.S. commitment to freedom of expression, tolerance of dissent, and due process of law in accordance with the Constitution even for those of us who happen to be gentiles and not billionaires.
I anticipate that, like "The New York Times" and "The Nation," PEN America will be prevented from responding to -- or even acknowledging -- my communications because of secret government pressures that judges and lawyers will be required to deny or lie about publicly.
If U.S. officials and PEN America are not interested in this matter please simply communicate this fact to me and I will make that decision public.
I cannot understand how PEN America expects to be taken seriously by other nations when expressing concern for dissidents when it ignores America's own tortured dissidents.
I will post proof of mailing and tracking numbers in the days ahead for this organization: PEN America, 588 Broadway, Suite 303, New York, N.Y. 10012, tel. (212) 334-1660.
September 30, 2022 at 2:39 P.M. a package was sent by priority mail to PEN America bearing tracking number #9505 5121 7077 2273 4862 23 with delivery expected October 1, 2022 before 5:00 P.M. unless there is "interference" with this U.S. Post Office mail.
In addition to alleged "gifts" (bribes?) to Mr. Menendez's current wife as well as "others" (bag persons?) and ostensible exchanges of cash for "Boss Bob" Mr. Menendez may have profited from the abrupt decision by Egyptian authorities to provide halal certification only for a single N.J. start-up company in which the senator is said to remain a "secret sharer."
Will Mr. Menendez claim that these recent gifts were due to "friendship" between himself and Mr. Wael Hana?
How and why did Egyptian officials suddenly decide to award this lucrative status to a new N.J. company precisely as Mr. Menendez came to serve on the U.S. Senate's Foreign Relations Committee? Please see: Tracey Tulley, Benjamin Wieser, William K. Rashbaum, "Inquiry of Menenedez Is Said To Include Certifier of Halal," 'The New York Times,' October 29, 2022, p. A18.
A second federal indictment of Mr. Menendez is expected in 2023 unless this humiliating "situation" is "fixed" for "Boss Bob."
As of November 2, 2022 there is still no response to my communications (nor to those of others) from American police, prosecutors, judges and justices even as the press continues to be muzzled and intimidated to prevent coverage of my story.
A package and money sent to my daughter (who is a graduate student) was stolen from her mailbox.
I will do my best to make-up this sum that she has now lost and to double it when I next see her.
This crime victimizing my child not for the first time will not prevent me from speaking about issues in New Jersey.
As of January of 2023 there is no response of any kind to my communications or to the letters of others concerning my matters from U.S. officials, organizations, or American media, nor are the reasons for this illegal and unethical silence discussed or explained publicly or privately.
Perhaps if I were lecturing on Zionism or defending the actions of the current Israeli government in the Palestinian territories there would be a greater concern about the continuing criminal violations of my First Amendment rights and the civil liberties of my readers. Please see: Vimal Patel, "Speaker Ban at Berkeley Law School Incites Free Speech Fight," 'The New York Times,' December 22, 2022, p. A1.
A copy of the foregoing comment with proofs will be sent to the celebrated "champion of free speech rights" and scholar (who would never refrain from the dignity or decency of responding to an interlocutor) Erwin Chemerinsky, Esq., Dean of The University of California, Berkeley, School of Law, 215 Law Building, Berkeley, CA, 94720-7200, tel. (510) 642-6483, FAX 510-642-9893.
January 26, 2023 at 2:02 P.M. a package was sent by priority mail to Mr. Chemerinsky with tracking number #9505 5121 7078 3026 4484 74 and delivery is expected January 30, 2023.
Additional proofs will be mailed to U.S. officials and media in the months ahead with further tracking numbers to be posted here.
A copy of the foregoing comment will be sent with proof of mailing to Mr. Ralph Nader's "Capitol Hill Daily Citizen," 1209 National Press Building, Washington, D.C. 20045, tel. (206) 656-7660 and this next USPS tracking number will be posted here.
March 16, 2023 at 3:24 P.M. A package was mailed to "The Capitol Hill Daily Citizen" by priority mail bearing tracking number #9505 5121 7079 3075 4555 90 with delivery expected March 18, 2023 before 5:00 P.M. unless the item is stolen or interfered with prior to that date.
In April of 2023 there is still no response to my communications from American officials (including the New Jersey Attorney General whatever may be posted online by a fraudster) or from any American media sources.
When a legal system cannot tell the truth about its failures and cover-ups or admit its lies all trust is lost by those subject to that system.
Without respect (or even any semblance of credibility) courts cannot perform their crucial function in our democracy -- a democracy that is suffering from a crisis of faith in its institutions at the moment.
It is in the interest of New Jersey's Supreme Court and bar association to stop lying about these matters and abandon the cover-ups that do so much harm to countless innocent people by (finally) providing all victims of their crimes with the full truth so that we can move on with our lives and be at peace at last.
In the months to come additional proofs will be sent to U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, Merrick Garland, Esq., U.S. Attorney General, N.J.'s Attorney General, and to the Cuban Embassy in Washington, D.C.
It is certainly a mistake for a Democrat-appointed U.S. Attorney General -- such as Mr. Garland -- to protect corrupt politicians who are members of his party (Senator Menendez for instance) while his fellow Democrats are engaged in vicious attacks by way of their media friends on the Republican-appointed U.S. Supreme Court justices as well as pressuring for an indictment of Mr. Donald J. Trump. Please see Steve Eder and Jo Becker, "As a Law School Grows, [sic.] So Do Perks for Justices," 'The New York Times,' April 30, 2023, p. A1.
June 1, 2023 at 3:25 P.M. Packages were sent to the following recipients by priority mail: U.S. Chief Justice John Roberts under tracking number #9505 5121 7077 3152 5446 45 with delivery expected June 3, 2023; U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland, Esq. under tracking number #9505 5121 7077 3152 5446 43 with delivery expected June 3, 2023; Cuban Embassy to the U.S. under tracking number #9505 5121 7077 3152 5446 21 with delivery expeted June 3, 2023; Mathew J. Plotkin, Esq., N.J. Attorney General under tracking number #9505 5121 7077 3152 5446 83 with delivery expected June 2, 2023.
If these packages are not interfered with (or destroyed in transit) they will REQUIRE a "good faith" response under the law.
Persistent cover-ups and lies from government and the courts diminishes the credibility and trust due to American institutions and officials.
Failures by police to respond to calls suggests a profound irresponsibility and double standards in law enforcement based on wealth or ethnicity that undermines respect for the law as well as American institutions.
Perhaps this loss of trust and respect helps to explain why Paterson's police department has been taken over by the state. This is only one of the many N.J. police departments and state agencies now under some form of federal investigation and possible take-over -- including several police departments in Hudson County and even N.J.'s Office of Attorney Ethics (OAE), allegedly.
Under these circumstances, sadly, I cannot describe N.J.'s legal profession, judiciary, or the state's politics as very "ethical."
Alterations in spacing between lines of this text -- presumably by "Phil George" and "M.M. Larios" -- continues to go unpunished despite the use of N.J. government computers and facilities to carry out these crimes.
Australia's Prime Minister has written to President Biden requesting a pardon for Julian Assange and the termination of the torture of this brave journalist.
No response has been received to this communication by the Aussie leader of Parliament and chief executive.
I have thus far received no response to my communications from American courts, prosecutors, police, media, professional associations, or law schools even as others sending letters on my behalf are also insulted and ignored as are the President of Mexico and Australia's Prime Minister when they express concerns for Julian Assange.
The attorney general and others continue to speak publicly of America's commitment to due process and the equal protection of laws that apply to everyone, regardless of status or influence, as well as the need for transparency in government, but it is doubtful whether even Mr. Garland actually believes these statements any longer and millions of persons can no longer take them seriously.
Very few people in the world find it possible to continue believing in (or respecting) the U.S. commitment to the rule of law and human rights as they contemplate the glaring catastrophes of the American legal system today and the many failures by U.S. government officials to abide by those values or even the law:
"Federal prosecutors and the FBI are investigating whether Senator Robert Menendez or his wife received unreported gifts of a luxury car [or cars] and an apartment in Washington from a halal meat company that is also the focus of a criminal inquiry, two people with knowledge of the matter said on Thursday." Tracey Tuley and William K. Rashbaum, "Menendez Investigation Is Said to Include Queries, Regarding Luxury Gifts," 'The New York Times,' May 27, 2023, p. A19 then Jean Rimbach, "NJ Business Owner With Stark Change in Business Fortune is at Center of Menendez Investigation," August 8, 2023, North Jersey.Com.
Mr. Menendez is now alleged to have "assisted" with a low-interest loan from U.S. taxpayers of $2 million to Mr. Wael Hana and/or his company that remains unpaid as well as "helping" with "Big Nicky" Sacco's proposed legislation to enhance the value of Fred Daibes's properties in Edgewater (including, allegedly, Mr. Hana's apartment in one Daibes property) that has involved the "cooperation" of Brian Stack -- the former Union City mayor and Menendez croney.
The OAE deems all of this to be highly ethical for Mr. Menendez as a leading member of the New Jersey Bar Association.
Among the alleged "gifts" -- also unreported -- to "Boss Bob's" latest wife is a man's gold Rolex wristwatch as well as luxury trips to vacation destinations.
The foregoing comment with attachments will be sent by priority mail to Justice Clarence Thomas of the U.S. Supreme Court; Senator Christopher R. Coons, Chairman of the U.S. Senate's Ethics Committee; Merrick Garland, U.S. Attorney General; Edward Caban, Commissioner of the N.Y. Police Department.
I continue to believe that a legal system that can no longer tell the truth about its failures and lies is bound to lose the respect of the persons it is meant to serve as well as of observers from other parts of the world.
Any official response that I receive from justices or judges; U.S. media and academics; police and prosecutors or other lawyers; state agency officials or anyone else I will make public immediately at this blog to the extent that censorship allows me to do so and even if I cannot write essays to be posted here.
Continued silence from New Jersey (with cooperation from officials elsewhere) is not only an admission of guilt, but also further evidence of cowardice and cynicism on the part of lawyers entrusted with enforcing the state's legal ethics standards while complying with due process laws.
Remember your oaths as OAE lawyers and New Jersey Supreme Court justices so as to, finally, abide by the Constitution and all other laws in connection with my matters.
To anticipate further N.J. insults and lies: I have never been charged with misappropriating even one cent of a former client's money.
It was my policy to reimburse the unused protion of a client's fees whenever a person was told by my secret enemies (or threatened by them) to seek a new lawyer. I did this whether or not the person requested the return of fees.
I am prepared to post my academic record online, if necessary, together with the dates on which I received my degrees, also a copy of the letter recognizing that I passed the bar examination and providing the date on which I was sworn-in as a lawyer in New Jersey. Also available is the letter I received communicating my admission to the Ph.D. program in philosophy at New York University.
I have no objection to comparing my GPA at these institutions with those of the persons named in these blogs -- including N.J.'s former governor, Christopher Christie, Esq., who attended my law school where he was known, I believe, as "Mr. Gentleman C."
September 21, 2023 at 2:03 P.M., on the day of Senator Menendez's second federal indictment, a package of materials has been sent by priority mail to the following recipients: Justice Clarence Thomas of the U.S. Supreme Court, tracking no. #9505 5121 7077 3264 5785 90 with delivery expected 9-23-23; Merrick Garland, U.S. Attorney General, tracking no. #9505 5121 7077 3264 5786 75 with delivery expected 9-22-23; Senator Christopher R. Coons (D), Chairman of the U.S. Senate's Ethics Committee, tracking no. #9505 5121 7077 3264 5786 37 with delivery expected 9-23-23; Mr. Edward A. Caban, NYPD Commissioner, tracking no. #9505 5121 7077 3264 5786 13 with delivery expected 9-22-23.
It is likely that these packages will be examined, illegally, but that most of the documents I have sent will be delivered (eventually) if not in a timely fashion.
Please compare Joe Becker and Julie Tate, "How a Justice Came to Own a Luxury R.V.: A Friend Helped Thomas Get a $267,230 Ride," 'The New York Times,' August 6, 2023, p. A1 with Isabel Vincent, "Senator a 'Cash Cow' for Gal Pal's Friend," 'The New York Post,' September 1, 2023, p. 27.
I cannot provide Supreme Court justices with luxury vehicles and expensive vacations, nor can I serve as a "front person" for senators selling information to foreign governments or looking to "scam" public funds. Accordingly, it is uncertain whether I can expect or will receive a response from American judges, police, prosecutors, politicians or media.
All I can rely on is the U.S. Constitution and other laws which, seemingly, matter very little to decision-makers today.
Mr. Menendez has not helped himself, thus far, by claiming to have withdrawn $500,000 from his personal savings account without providing evidence of properly dated deposit and withdrawal slips, or explaining how it is that the fingerprints of Mr. Uribe in one instance and Egyptian officials in other instances were found on the envelopes in which the cash was placed that was then discovered in his home, nor did he account for the gold bars, his wife's "no-show" job(s), the Mercedes paid for by Mr. Uribe, and other items of "concern" to the U.S. Justice Department and, allegedly, now also to the NSA and U.S. Senate's Ethics Committee. Please see: "Havana Laugh," 'The New York Post,' September 26, 2023, p. 1: "Senator comically claims he hid cash 'because of Cuban history' (He was born in New York)."
Mr. Menendez's family came to the U.S. in 1953 before the Castro revolution triumphed in 1959.
It is unethical for Mr. Menendez, as a member of the N.J. Bar Association, to lie in a public press conference or in sworn disclosure statements filed with the U.S. government.
To my knowledge, at this time, there is no OAE ethics proceeding against Mr. Menendez in connection with these latest accusations or his behavior and statements in response to those accusations.
As news of the reinvestigation of Ms. Menendez's fatal collision with a pedestrian while she was driving a previous Mercedes Benz -- that is "previous" to the one provided by Mr. Uribe -- is breaking in the media it also appears that Mr. Menendez has been "excluded" from classified discussions concerning the Gaza crisis by his fellow senators and pleaded "not guilty" on October 23, 2023 to new charges that are tantamount to treason while ignoring additional calls for his resignation from fellow Democrats in the Senate and House of Representatives.
The new charges allow the D.O.J. to avoid issues concerning the preexisting bribery charges in connection with Mr. Daibes and Mr. Uribe as well as Wael Hana resulting from the notorious U.S. Supreme Court decision that was so useful to Senator Menendez in his previous trial for bribery with Dr. Melgen as co-defendant. Please see: Erica Orden, "Menendez Accused of Acting as a Foreign Agent for Egypt While Helming the Senate's Foreign Relations Committee," Politico, October 12, 2023, p. 1 and
With the arrival of 2024 I am shocked to discover that no response to my communications has been received by me from U.S. officials and/or media.
I experienced new difficulties reaching this blog today and cannot say how much longer I will be able to post any statement online.
Government agencies and media entities terminate calls, immediately, when they pertain to my matters even when the calls are made by international lawyers and foreign officials.
It is strange that N.J. lawyers and judges as well as POLICE and journalists are disdainful of their legal obligations with regard to events in my life.
I am especially dismayed that Senator Coons has ignored the first principle of public ethics which is to respond in "good faith" and with "full transparency" to the communications of citizens despite the fact that this inaction is seen by an international audience of his peers.
It is now not only America's failure to respond to my inquiries that is disturbing, but also the inability to explain this failure that is revealing and frightening.
I am experiencing what many Palestinians are also enduring -- double standards and indifference to crimes from officials entrusted with abiding by legal standards that prohibit exactly such offenses.
More developments are expected in Senator Menendez's and his wife's criminal prosecutions.
Perhaps the convictions of Senator Menendez and his wife -- if they take place (as now seems likely) -- will finally facilitate the exposure of the truth about my life in New Jersey.
Mr. Codey will retire soon.
Chief Justice Rabner may be unable to sustain the cover-up on his own.
More of the persons named in this blog seem to be facing legal difficulties and the pressures are growing for N.J. to deal with these matters at last. Please see: Shawn Boburg, "Businessman Accused of Bribing Senator Menendez Had Deep Ties to Egypt," 'The Washington Post,' November 27, 2023 and
It is alleged that not only Egyptian officials but also N.J. judges and politicians were bribed along with Mr. Menendez.
Efforts by Mr. Menendez's lawyers to adjourn or postpone the trial date of May 6, 2024 have failed.
Allegations in this blog -- that Mr. Menendez sold his office for a Rolex timepiece and "other items" -- have now been confirmed.
Further charges of corruption are expected in 2024 and not only for Mr. Menendez.
Is this N.J.'s legal ethics?
In March, 2024 a package sent to me by Amazon disappeared as have funds from my account. I will do my best to restore (or replace) the funds and re-purchase the stolen item.
Thefts and attempts at intimidation -- and/or threats aimed against me or my family members -- have not altered my belief that Mr. Menendez will be found guilty in 2024.
If so, if New Jersey's senior senator is convicted, Mr. Menendez is likely to be sentenced to federal prison along with his lovely wife.
No word has been heard from N.J.'s Attorney General concerning the re-investigation of the accident in which Ms. Menendez drove a vehicle so negligently that she caused the death of a man standing in his driveway and who was certainly not "crossing the street."
Evidently, according to the media, after the collision there was a delay of 90 minutes before the police were called to the scene by Ms. Menendez or by "someone."
For at least some of that time the victim was alive.
Mrs. Menendez claims that the accident was the fault of the pedestrian who happened to be standing in his driveway at a very inopportune moment while she was texting her husband as well as driving her vehicle.
All defense motions by Mr. Menendez's legal team have been lost, including efforts at severance of the happy couple's trials and also postponements of the trial date, with the addition of serious new charges -- especially obstruction of justice accusations -- the consequences of conviction have become more severe for all parties with the exception of Mr. Uribe who is now (not surprisingly) a cooperating felon.
Despite multiple requests for a full and truthful response from numerous quarters N.J. officials and the state's Supreme Court continue to refuse to answer questions concerning my life and any allegations against me in violation of their own laws and the U.S. Constitution.
Governor Murphy's recent decision to make public records less available to New Jersey's citizens will make corruption easier and efforts to make informed decisions in elections more difficult.
An adjournment has been granted (finally and somewhat inexplicably) in Senator Menendez's federal criminal trial which will now begin, allegedly, May 13, 2024.
There are some difficulties for Senator Menendez in his proposed defense relying on a psychologist to testify to the "unresolved trauma" caused by the seizure of his family's property in Cuba after the success of the revolution.
For one thing Mr. Menendez's family, as I have noted, left the island before the success of the revolution and had no properties to seize in Cuba.
Also, Mr. Menendez was born in New York where he and his family were property-less until fairly late in his life.
As for the cash he felt compelled to withdraw from his account: the feds have proof that the money came from banks in which neither Mr. (nor Mrs.) Menendez have, or ever had, accounts of any kind even as fingerprints from some of the other co-defendants (Mr. Uribe and Mr. Daibes) have been detected both on the gold bars and some of the cash stuffed into the N.J. senator's clothing and shoes as well as found in his wife's safe.
The feds will insist on their own shrink, if necessary, who will probably testify that the so-called "psychobabble" defense is nonsense.
I must say, however, that chivalry is not dead since Mr. Menendez is willing to face, bravely, the possibility of sending his beloved Nadine (to whom he sang off-key before the Taj-Majal) to prison in his place as he now blames her for soliciting bribes on his behalf at his instruction but without his knowledge -- bribes for actions that he delivered after the pay-off to the little lady.
I am in receipt of a letter purportedly from DANIEL PETKEVICH, 1280 Lexington Ave., Ste. 2-1185, New York, N.Y. 10028.
The envelope in which this letter arrived suggests that the letter comes from the same source as previous communications ostensibly from the Social Security Administration or I.R.S. agency to say nothing of the OAE.
Like those previous letters this item was mailed from New Jersey.
A copy of this envelope and letter will be sent to Damian Williams, Esq., U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, tel. (212) 637-2200, 1 Saint Andrew's Place, New York, N.Y. 10007.
Tactics now apparently being used in the Menendez trial (such as flooding the jurors' bathroom and getting jurors stuck in an elevator) seem familiar to me.
Will feces be discovered in Judge Stein's courtroom as a next little trick by the "friends" of Mr. Menendez?
New Jersey's sleaze has invaded a New York federal court.
Is this yet another example of New Jersey's legal ethics?
A package was sent to Damian Williams, Esq., U.S. Attorney, Southern District of New York, June 6, 2024 at 2:33 P.M. by priority mail and under tracking number #9505 5121 7080 4159 4431 64 with delivery expected June 8, 2024 before 5:00 P.M.
Given Mr. Uribe's on-going testimony, of course, there is every likelyhood that Mr. Williams is busy in the Menendez trial at the moment.
Congratulations are due to Julian Assange for (finally) achieving his freedom with a face-saving (for the U.S. government) plea of guilty to a crime that he did not commit but that will permit him to rejoin his family and end his nightmare.
My nightmare has not ended.
I have obtained a new laptop with which I may try to create a new blog, although not at blogger, where I probably will continue to be subjected to illegal monitoring and computer crimes that could result either in preventing me from writing again, or destroy the new computer.
Complaints to the authorities continue to be ignored and telephone calls -- even to the police -- result in people terminating the calls without providing their names nor answers to my questions.
The indictment of Mr. Norcross and new investigations targeting many of the persons named in these blogs seems to have made New Jersey's "minions" even more shy and nervous about encountering me.
I will not stop until "we" -- the "Gremlins" and I -- are all face-to-face in a federal courtroom.
July 16, 2024: The conviction of Mr. Menendez on all counts in the federal indictment against him along with the convictions of his co-defendants has long been expected by me.
"Boss Bob" should now be DISBARRED as a proven liar, fraudster, and thief and, eventually, I expect that he will go to prison for five-to-ten years.
Mr. Menendez's behind-the-back efforts against me --making use of the services of corrupt lawyers such as John McGill, Maureen Manteneo, Lourdes Santiago, and his former partner Lilian Munoz as well as others willing to kiss his behind for the crumbs from his table -- say everything about who this man was, is, and always will be: a coward and con-artist suffering from delusions of self-importance and narcissism as well as a pathological and self-serving liar.
Perhaps now the cover-up of the truth in my matters will end and N.J. will finally comply with its own laws by doing the right thing and ending the nightmare in my life and (much more) the stain on the entire legal profession in the state.
Stop lying and deal with this matter at the OAE and New Jersey Supreme Court.
Congratulations to Damian Williams, Esq., and the Department of Justice prosecutors to whom I have been writing for so long and that I hope to meet some day.
As I write these words Mr. Menendez has not only refused to resign, but has made it clear in public statements quoted in the media that "he is not going anywhere."
This attitude on the part of "Boss Bob" makes it likely that his colleagues will have to vote to remove Mr. Menendez from his senate seat.
Efforts are already underway, apparently, to remove Mr. Menendez from the senate forcibly unless he finally accepts his guilt and resigns from the office that he has disgraced.
For the sake of the people of New Jersey (and especially those in his own community) I hope that Menendez finds or is compelled to display the minimal decency necessary to bow out gracefully while he still can.
January 29, 2025: Mr. Menendez has been sentenced to 11 years in federal prison. He will report on June 6, 2025 to begin serving his custodial sentence.
Due to being sentenced to more than 10 years of incarceration "Boss Bob" should not be elligible for a minimum security facility in the federal system.
Mr. Menendez may, however, retain enough political influence to "arrange" for a so-called "Club-Fed" location in which to do his time. Perhaps for a small fee this accomodation can be managed for the former New Jersey Senator.
It is further reported in the media that Mr. Daibes will serve 84 months of incarceration and will pay $1.75 million in restitution; Wael Hana will serve 97 months in prison and pay $1.25 million in restitution for his offenses.
Mr. Menendez will also have to forfeit $992,188.10 of his ill-gotten gains.
Efforts by Bob Menendez to avoid any prison experience failed and, so far, he has not persuaded Judge Stein that Nadine Menendez should do the time for him.
According to D.O.J. prosecutors: "Mr. Menendez will live the rest of his days as a social and political pariah, whether inside or outside of jail."
It is yet to be seen whether Bob Menendez will ever "pay his full debt to society."
Finally, Jose Uribe will be sentenced after (I suspect) he testifies against Mrs. Menendez later this year.
Legal authorities in New Jersey remain silent about my situation and painfully shy about facing me in a federal courtroom.
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