March 7, 2015 at 1:30 P.M. Senator Menendez's recent press conference was clearly intended to intimidate or head-off the FBI's and Justice Department's prosecution effort and is the latest -- also, perhaps, the greatest -- horrible mistake by a major political figure whose political intelligence and skills seem to have deserted him at his crucial hour.
Mr. Menendez has now nailed himself to the factual statements he made during that lengthy press conference -- statements which can and will be used against him -- that were made without having counsel present, at his side, and which went into the factual details of potential criminal charges in ways that, I am sure, are deeply harmful to his position.
Someone who is not an experienced criminal lawyer would fail to recognize all of the ways in which the Senator has hurt himself in preparing a defense in these matters because of that one ill-considered press conference. Perhaps this staged event was a kind of Freudian slip. Very unwise, Senator.
I have argued and struggled for Mr. Menendez to be indicted and to face ethics charges for many years, but I find no joy in Mr. Menendez's predicament today, nor do I delight in Senator Menendez's decision to commit legal and political suicide so publicly.
Either the Senator was very badly advised, or Mr. Menendez (in some bizarre way) has willed his own destruction rather than acknowledge and face persons, like me, with difficult questions for him.
It is incomprehensible why Mr. Menendez is not facing ethics charges before the New Jersey Bar Association's so-called "Ethics Committee" or the U.S. Senate's Select Committee on Ethics. One hopes that such charges would emerge once Mr. Menendez is indicted. ("New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System.")
Perhaps it is fitting that, at what is obviously the beginning of Menendez's political end and the total obliteration of his life, the tragedy is brought nearer, as in Greek drama, by the hero's tragic flaw -- hubris, excessive pride. So much could have been avoided by Senator Menendez with recognition and atonement.
The decision by a group of U.S. Senators -- presumably including Mr. Menendez, tacitly or overtly -- to write a letter essentially threatening Iran and seeking to undermine President Obama's authority in delicate international negotiations is merely more unprecedented partisanship from the "angry white men."
Republican presidents will face similar (or worse) tactics in response to their initiatives as a further irresponsible transgression of what were once sacred boundaries. It is difficult (for me) to understand this hostility to Mr. Obama except for the ubiquity of racism in American public life.
Perhaps New Jersey's inaction and silence in my matters is the result of similar racism or bias. ("Stuart Rabner and Conduct Unbecoming to the Judiciary in New Jersey.")
Please meet with me now and tell me the truth, New Jersey. ("John McGill, Esq., the OAE, and New Jersey Corruption" and "New Jersey's Office of Attorney Ethics.")
Kate Zernike & Matt Apuzzo, "U.S. Set to Charge Menendez in Case Alleging Favors: New Jersey Senator and Ranking Latino, is Said to Have Taken Illegal Gifts," The New York Times, March 7, 2015, p. A1. ("Does Senator Menendez have mafia friends?" and "Menendez Croney's Office Raided" then "Another FBI Investigation of Menendez" and "Is Menendez For Sale?" and "Was Menendez Bribed to Get a Visa For a Croney?")
Alexandra Burns, "With Case Hanging Over Menendez, Democrats Lack a Clear Successor," The New York Times, March 8, 2015, p. A16. ("Alexandra Burns" is also "Manohla Dargis," and this is probably Lilian Munoz and/or Estela De La Cruz as well as "others." It is a mistake to try to "spin" this forthcoming indictment the Senator's way. The charges now will not go away. The U.S. Justice Department is not pleased by attempts at political manipulation. Perhaps the less said now by the Senator's camp the better. Mr. Codey is thrilled no matter what he may say publicly. Much is already admitted when Mr. Menendez's troops are discussing his possible "successor." It is not difficult to read the tea leaves here. "Menendez Consorts With Underage Prostitutes.")
"How to distinguish smoke from fire when your hallowed premise is that your prisoner is a 'smart-beyond-belief terrorist' and anything he says to the contrary is dismissed as lies? Rules of evidence, demands of due process: These are designed to separate justice -- founded on real facts that can be proved -- from suspicion and paranoia. When they are discarded, we plunge into Cheney's world, [N.J.?] where all is sacrificed to security, and suspicion and fear take the place of evidence of guilt. Our country tortured [Mr.] Slahi and this made it impossible, as the prosecutor determined, to try him; fear and suspicion leave us unable still to follow the judge's order and free him. It is easier on us to let him suffer indefinite detention. When the suffering of the untried and unconvicted [victims] becomes nothing more than 'collateral damage,' America has crossed a gulf. The steps that took us there were largely secret, but thanks to this [book] and other accounts we know about them now: We know where we came from, and we know where we are. We do not yet know how to get back."
Mark Danner, "No Exit," The New York Times Book Review, February 1, 2015, p. 19. ("Terry Tuchin, Diana Lisa Riccioli, and New Jersey's Agency of Torture" and "An Open Letter to My Torturers in New Jersey, Terry Tuchin and Diana Lisa Riccioli.")
No response has yet been received (by me) from Mr. Vance or any of the prosecutors that I (and others) have contacted in connection with these matters. The whole world is watching.
A list of sources will be attached to this essay in the days ahead. Completion of the work will take some time. I am denied access to the Internet from my home. I must rely on 45 minutes per day at library computers.
Brent Johnson & Samantha Marcus, "Give It Back!: Pension Ruling Deals Major Blow Day Before Proposal Due," The Star-Ledger, February 24, 2015, p. 1.
"In a significant blow to Gov. Chris Christie, a judge ruled Monday that the governor broke a law he signed by cutting a $1.57 BILLION payment from the pension system for public employees this year, and must now work with state lawmakers to restore the money."
Considering that a substantial percentage of N.J. pension fund recipients are "deceased persons," whose names are taken from registers of the dead, allegedly, this is a most worrisome development. ("New Jersey is the Home of the Living Dead!" then "Is Union City, New Jersey is Meyer Lansky's Whore House?" and "Law and Ethics in the Soprano State.")
Setting aside the usual Trenton rhetoric, it is asserted by The Star-Ledger and The Record that $7.1 BILLION remains of the deficit despite Mr. Christie's claims to have "wiped out" all deficits in order to achieve a "balanced budget." It is unethical for members of the bar to lie. ("New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System" and "Christie Gives a Donor $1 Million of New Jersey Money.")
The New Jersey Superior Court's recent decision finds that Mr. Christie refused to make the statutorily-mandated deposit in the pension fund leaving --
" -- a huge hole in the current state budget, sending the Republican governor and the Democratic-controlled state Legislature scrambling to come up with the funds by June 30, when the fiscal year ends."
Governor Christie claimed to make deposits that he did not, in fact, make and to balance a budget that is not balanced; other New Jersey governors (McGreevey) made "unknown and uncertain" deposits, according to the SEC, which for the first and last time (so far) brought an action for fraud against the entire state of New Jersey; worse, other officials in the past made mysterious and unexplained removals or "re-allocations" of funds from the pension accounts. ("New Jersey Pension Funds Are $56 Billion Short" and "SEC Sues New Jersey For Pension Fraud.")
Mr. Christie's efforts to get control of New Jersey's disastrous finances and organized crime-saturated state government as well as failed courts is hampered by such entities as a hostile judiciary, labor unions accustomed to being "on the tit," as they say in Trenton, and a political class angered by attempts at reform. ("Christie Attacks New Jersey's Corrupt Judges" and "New Jersey's Failed Judiciary.")
It is also true that, as beneficiaries of the pension fund, judges are deciding a matter where their personal interests are at stake and usurping a policy and priority decision that belongs, exclusively, to the Chief Executive of the state under the constitution. Failing to mention this fact is lying through silence by Judge Jacobson. ("Trenton's Nasty Lesbian Love-Fest!" and "New Jersey's Judges Disgrace America.")
To find the $1.57 BILLION in the tight $32 BILLION New Jersey budget is going to be difficult and could result in the loss of financing for many programs, including those in universities and hospitals as well as programs affecting jurisdictional security issues for innocent residents of the state. ("Neil M. Cohen, Esq. and Conduct Unbecoming to the Legislature in New Jersey.")
It is estimated that from 1/3 to 1/2 of New Jersey's budget will be misspent and/or "wasted," if not stolen. ("New Jersey's Politically-Connected Lawyers On the Tit" and "Cement is Gold!" then "Corrupt Law Firms, Senator Bob, and New Jersey Ethics" and "New Jersey is Lucky Luciano's Havana.")
New Jersey's pension system, for example, faces $83 BILLION of "unfunded liabilities." ("John McGill, Esq., the OAE, and New Jersey Corruption" and "Senator Bob Says -- 'Xanadu and You Are Perfect Together!'")
It is EXPECTED that Christie's two-year $2.4 billion cut from "people programs" will turn into twice that sum in liability for the state over the next five years. I cannot say what is a non-people program. Judge Jacobson (Whitman's appointee and a fellow Republican!) stated:
" ... the court cannot allow the state to 'simply walk away from its financial obligations,' especially when these obligations were the state's own creation."
Stop lying and covering-up the dirty truth, Mr. Rabner. It is time to talk to me, New Jersey. ("No More Cover-Ups and Lies, Chief Justice Rabner!" and "Stuart Rabner's Selective Sense of Justice" then "Have you no shame Mr. Rabner?" and "What did you know, Mr. Rabner, and when did you know it?")
Maggie Haberman [Jennifer Velez?] & Nicholas Confessore, ["Big Nicky" Sacco?] "Critics View Christie As in 'Bubble,'" The New York Times, February 20, 2015, p. A1. ("He does not return phone calls. He does not ask for support. He acts as if he has all the time in the world." Mr. Christie has LIED, publicly, about the GWB crisis and other matters, allegedly, according to The Star-Ledger. Like his political hero, Richard Nixon, Mr. Christie occupies a "bunker mentality" when it comes to opponents of his policies. As a member of the New Jersey Bar Association, Mr. Christie is subject to legal ethics rules, but he is protected from any proceedings because of political influence, like Mr. Menendez. Sleazy political lawyers use the ethics process to target adversaries or dissidents from New Jersey's corrupt system. Is the N.J. legal ethics system a lie? "New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System" and "Is America's Legal Ethics a Lie?" then "Legal Ethics Today" and "American Lawyers and Torture.")
William K. Rashbaum, "Ex-Speaker Of Assembly Is Indicted: Panel Acts on 3 Charges That Led to an Arrest," The New York Times, February 20, 2015, p. A21. (Sheldon Silver, Esq. is the latest politician and lawyer to be indicted for graft, theft, corruption with the assistance and/or partnership of multiple lawyers in New York and New Jersey. Did Mr. Silver say: "My people don't steal!")
Nate Cohn, "Christie's Struggles Give an Advantage to Bush," The New York Times, February 24, 2015, p. A3. (Mr. Christie's "self-destruction" may be the most spectacular in recent American political history. What happened to the crusading U.S. Attorney determined to end corruption in Trenton? Is the Exxon settlement a favor for contributors on the part of Mr. Christie?)
Kate Zernike, "Judge Rejects Christie Move On Funding State Pensions: Governor is Told to Put $1.57 BILLION Into the System," The New York Times, February 24, 2015, p. A17. (The New Jersey pension system is "short" about $80 BILLION, in real terms, after all of the "creative" accounting. Mr. Christie may have illegally failed to deposit nearly two billion dollars required to meet obligations. Does he have the money now? I doubt it. Judge Jacobson has a conflict of interest, is lying through silence about that conflict, and may benefit from her own opinion, giving her decision the "appearance of impropriety" in violation of N.J.'s judicial ethics. "New Jersey's Judges Disgrace America" then "Trenton's Nasty Lesbian Love-Fest" and "New Jersey's Supreme Court Implosion.")
Kate Zernike, "Once 'Fixed,' Now Pensions Haunt Christie," The New York Times, February 25, 2015, p. A1. (Mr. Christie's claim to have "fixed" -- his word -- New Jersey's pension crisis has turned out to be a lie. Thanks to Judge Jacobson acting for public employees -- like herself -- Mr. Christie will have to "cough-up," as it were, at least $1.57 BILLION or more like $2.1 BILLION when you factor in the costs of finding this extra money. In other words, New Jersey's long-suffering taxpayers will have to come up with this money. If you do not believe that taxes are going to rise, again, as the state is losing jobs and businesses, you are sadly mistaken.)
Stephen Castle, "British Lawmaker, Caught in Scandal, to Step Down," The New York Times, February 25, 2015, p. A7. (If only Bob Menendez were British, he would be forced to resign: "Illegal Payments to Bob Menendez!" and "Bribery in Union City, New Jersey.")
Monica Davey, [Anne Rodgers, Esq.?] "Emmanuel is Forced Into a Run-Off in Chicago," The New York Times, February 25, 2015, p. A11. (Mr. Netanyahu's man in Chicago is "shocked" by this outcome -- despite a vast money advantage -- and Mr. Obama should be wary of thinking the "Windy City's" mayor a "friend." Go Chuy! "So Black and So Blue in Prison" and "Justice For Mumia Abu-Jamal.")
Gail Collins, "The Unsinkable R.B.G.: The Non-Retiring Justice Gingsburg," (Op-Ed) The New York Times, February 22, 2015, p. 1. (Has the Justice's notorious lapse into a stupor during President Obama's speech become a daily ritual as with Deborah T. Poritz's dismal and failed final years on the New Jersey Supreme Court bench, allegedly. "Deborah T. Poritz and Conduct Unbecoming to the Judiciary in New Jersey" and "Sybil R. Moses and Conduct Unbecoming to the Judiciary in New Jersey" then "Paul W. Bergrin, Esq. is an Ethical New Jersey Attorney" and "Neil M. Cohen, Esq. and Conduct Unbecoming to the Legislature in New Jersey.")
David Cole, "Did the Torture Report Give the C.I.A. a Bad Rap?," (Op-Ed) The New York Times, February 22, 2015, p. 7. ("Blaming one agency was easier than focusing on illegality at the top." Was the OAE merely reflecting the torture orders of Ms. Poritz? The C.I.A. and O.A.E. are similar to the KKK! -- They cannot be slandered. "Nihilists in Disneyworld.")
Matt Arco, "Christie to Announce Detente With Teachers' Union," The New York Times, February 24, 2015, p. A11. (Governor Christie learned that the teachers' union -- Maria Martinez's protection? -- is "connected" to New Jersey's Democrat "grass roots" organizations and the county "bosses," like Bob Menendez. Cooperation is needed to fix the state's ailing pension system, partly ruined by previous thefts from which the union may have shared. "Jennifer Velez is a Dyke Magnet!")
Julie Hirschfeld, "Obama Calls For New Laws to Bolster Cybersecurity," The New York Times, January 14, 2015, p. A15. (My access to the Internet continues to be blocked on my home laptop. No answers to my communications to the U.S. Attorney or Mr. Vance have been received by me. Perhaps Mr. Putin is to blame for these crimes and censorship I struggle against?)
Kate Zernike, "Christie's National Aspirations Underlie State Speech," The New York Times, January 14, 2015, p. A18. (Mr. Christie claimed that Mr. Obama displayed a pattern of "indecision and inconsistency." The very same accusations are now being made against Governor Christie. Mr. Christie also claims that President Obama may be responsible for Bridgegate in New Jersey. "Christie's Bridge of Sighs.")
John Hurdle & Timothy Williams, "Grand Jury Recommends Pennsylvania Attorney General be Charged With Perjury," The New York Times, January 22, 2015, p. A12. (Kathleen G. Kane, Esq. claims to have learned to lie from Anne Milgram, Esq., allegedly. "All lawyers lie!" Ms. Kane is rumored to have said. Ms. Kane denies that she is -- or ever has been -- a lesbian: "Another Mafia Sweep in New Jersey and Anne Milgram is Clueless.")
Adam Liptak, "Justices Rule Dismissal Of Air Marshal Unlawful," The New York Times, January 22, 2015, p. A15. (U.S. Supreme Court says you cannot fire, or declare unethical, persons telling the truth about corruption and/or incompetence in government: "John McGill, Esq., the OAE, and New Jersey Corruption" and "New Jersey's Office of Attorney Ethics.")
Peter Baker, "Boehner Invites Another Response to State of the Union, From Israel's Premier," The New York Times, January 22, 2015, p. A16. (This invitation has the effect of making the U.S. Congress a stage set or "prop" in a campaign commercial for Mr. Netanyahu. The forthcoming Netanyahu speech is already universally regarded as a drastic error by both Mr. Boehner and Mr. Netanyahu that will create enemies for Israel within the U.S. political system and which suggests an affiliation between Republicans and a foreign political leader against the foreign policy and person of the President of the United States of America, Barack Obama. This is a dangerous precedent which has shocked the world. Furthermore, the inference for "observers" throughout the world is that, because most American politicians are bought, Mr. Netanyahu's claim that he "controls America" may have some validity. With whom should foreign leaders negotiate -- with Mr. Obama or Mr. Netanyahu? I do not believe that Americans voted for Benjamin Netanyahu as their president. No wonder I am subjected to serious crimes and law enforcement in America can do nothing about it. "The Audacity of Hope" and "Israel Heightens Gaza Crisis.")
Samantha Marcus, "Christie Faces $7.35 BILLION Structural Deficit, Legislative Analysts Say," The Star-Ledger, February 24, 2015, p. 4. ("The total [gap between revenue and full obligations in N.J.] is $7.35 billion. The state's current budget is $32.5 billion." Good luck, Mr. Christie.)
Thomas Zambito, "FBI Arrests Englewood Doctor On Health Care Fraud Charges," The Star-Ledger, February 24, 2015, p. 14. (Albert Ades, 60, of Englewood, New Jersey -- an alleged Bob Menendez supporter and financial contributor -- was arrested for Medicare fraud. Dr. Ades invented interviews and patient care for patients who never saw him and for others after they died. Dr. Ades allegedly explained that Dr. Salomon Melgen would vouch for him: "Menendez Croney's Office Raided" and "Another FBI Investigation of Menendez.")
"Christie and Friends: Loophole On Lavish Gifts Must be Closed," (Editorial) The Record, February 12, 2015, p. A-18. (Governor Christie has accepted "travel expenses" -- i.e., bribes -- from the owner of the Dallas Cowboys and the King of Jordan. Is there anyone's money that Mr. Christie will not accept? As U.S. Attorney, did Mr. Christie not criticize his predecessor, Mr. McGreevey, for lesser sins with regard to accepting money from "friends"? Exxon?)
Chris Harris, "Coin Theft Audit Called Unreliable: Prosecutor Disputes Theft in Ridgewood Case," The Record, February 12, 2015, p. L-1. (The theft from Ridgewood's coin room was $377,526 GREATER than originally thought. Similar thefts have been discovered, allegedly, in Hudson, Essex, and Union Counties, but are being kept quiet. Bob Menendez always has plenty of quarters. "Illegal Payments to Bob Menendez" and "Bribery in Union City, New Jersey.")
Kim Lueddeke, "Senator Seeks Probe Into Alleged Insurance Fraud," The Record, February 20, 2015, p. A-4. (Sandy victims in New Jersey were "shortchanged" MILLIONS of dollars of your federal tax dollars, as I predicted after the storm, dollars which have "disappeared." Mr. Christie explained: "We're stronger than the storm!")
Samantha Marcus, "Last Scratch: When New Jersey Lottery Winners Used Dead People's Social Security Numbers to Claim Prizes, the State Missed Out On Big Money, Audit Finds," The Star-Ledger, February 20, 2015, p. 1. (Not only do the dead vote in N.J. elections -- always for Bob Menendez! -- but they also work for the state government, purchase property, and sometimes "win" the lottery. A number of deceased persons "successful" in their lottery efforts have been traced to organized crime figures in the state. Diana Lisa Riccioli claims that she "doesn't know from nothing." "Jaynee LaVecchia and Conduct Unbecoming to the Judiciary in New Jersey" and "Diana's Friend Goes to Prison!" Is there a "connection" between Ms. Riccioli and Barbara Buono?)
Matt Apuzzo, "Justice Report to Fault Bias by Ferguson: Years of Discrimination Seen in Traffic Stop," The New York Times, March 2, 2015, p. A1. (Discriminatory and selective enforcement of ethics rules by the OAE in New Jersey has had a similar effect in dividing the state's legal profession and judiciary from the public ostensibly to be protected: "New Jersey's Office of Attorney Ethics" and "New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System" then "Sexual Favors For New Jersey Judges.")
Michael R. Gordon, "Kerry Pushing For Agreement in Nuclear Talks: Meeting With Iranians -- Netanyahu Arrives in U.S. to Discourage Negotiations," The New York Times, March 2, 2015, p. A1. (Mr. Netanyahu does not want Iran to become a "rival" for America's affections. There is little danger of that. However, a diplomatic "solution" to the nuclear and other issues is in everyone's interests and -- for America -- preferable to a proxy war fought for Israel in Iran or Syria. At the moment 62-70 percent of Americans oppose Mr. Netanyahu's speech before Congress that has been boycotted by many Democrats. Mr. Netanyahu's threats to push in Congress to defeat President Obama's treaty are premature before any proposed treaty is brought before Congress, especially for a political leader from another country, who may mistake his nation's interest for that of the United States of America. Follow-up efforts by American senators in the pay of the Israeli lobby -- possibly at the request of Mr. Netanyahu -- to undermine the administration's negotiations with Iran that are in the interests of Americans are especially shameful and unfortunate because they will invite reprisals against any future Republican president.)
Helene Cooper & Michael R. Gordon, "Kerry Welcoming, but Wary of Netanyahu," The New York Times, March 2, 2015, p. A9. (A majority of Americans favor Mr. Obama's diplomacy; many oppose efforts to govern America from Jerusalem.)
Isabel Kerschner, "Netanyahu's Speech Opens Political Divisions in Israel," The New York Times, March 2, 2015, p. A9. (There is a serious challenge to Netanyahu in Israel. The Prime Minister may have to share power by becoming less of a dictator in a new government.)
Gail Collins, "Adieu, Chris Christie, Adieu," (Op-Ed) The New York Times, February 26, 2015, p. A27. (Gail Collins is probably, in this instance, a team effort involving Maureen Dowd and Jill Abramson, Jennifer Velez and Barbara Buono's brigade in New Jersey relishing the self-destruction of Mr. Christie. These female persons and/or women would be far worse for N.J. than Mr. Christie could ever be: "Skinny People Dressed in Black" and "Trenton's Nasty Lesbian Love-Fest!")
Susan K. Livio, "Human Services Director Left Behind Legacy Amid Change," The Star-Ledger, March 2, 2015, p. 3. (Allegations of sexual abuse and other assaults against women at the now closed Vineland Development Center and unspoken "lesbian loyalties" in violation of ethics rules continue to haunt Jennifer Velez and her unexplained "associations" with Diana Lisa Riccioli and Maria Martinez. Barbara Buono? Was Ms. Velez present at hypnosis sessions involving Marilyn Straus? Did Ms. Velez have sexual contact with Marilyn Straus at such sessions, or elsewhere? Was Ms. Velez present at 512 42nd Street, Union City, New Jersey and/or elsewhere when I was subjected to interrogational torture under hypnosis and/or drugged? "Marilyn Straus was Right!" and "Diana's Friend Goes to Prison!" Finally, was Jennifer Velez a participant in discussions at my Philosophy Cafe?)
"Governor Caught in Lies On Planned Parenthood," (Editorial) The Star-Ledger, March 2, 2015, p. 8. ("It was interesting to hear Gov. Christie finally ADMIT he was flat-out LYING about his reasons for cutting funding to Planned Parenthood, as many charged at that time." Mr. Christie is a member of the New Jersey Bar Association. "Is America's Legal Ethics a Lie?" and "John McGill, Esq., the OAE, and New Jersey Corruption.")
Brent Johnson & Claude Brodesser-Akner, "State's Leaders Work Both Sides of the (Amtrak) Aisle," The Star-Ledger, February 20, 2015, p. 15. (The yearly train trip to Washington, D.C. usually features secret FBI recordings of the merry men and women from the Garden State happily chatting about bribes and planned thefts from the public treasury, as my old friend Alex Booth, Esq., once explained with utter glee: "New Jersey's Politically-Connected Lawyers On the Tit.")
Bill Wichert, "Lawyer: Teacher is Only Victim in Sex Assault Case," The Star-Ledger, March 2, 2015, p. 19. ("The attorney for the Maplewood teacher accused of assaulting six male students says she is the only victim." Attorneys always tell the truth in New Jersey. It appears that further allegations of sexual assault are likely against the former school teacher and "mom." "Neil M. Cohen, Esq. and Conduct Unbecoming to the Legislature in New Jersey" and "New Jersey Rabbi Faces Child Porn Charges.")
Anthony G. Alterino, "Woodbridge: Official Bought Drugs Near School, Cops Say," The Star-Ledger, March 2, 2015, p. 18. ("Woodbridge Township's school district business administrator was arrested Wednesday after police said they found a gram of cocaine during a search of his car." Allegations that this official and others -- including local attorneys and judges -- have indulged in this habit or appeared "blind drunk" in public cannot be confirmed. Any thoughts on this, Mr. Menendez? Cocaine? "Menendez Consorts With Underage Prostitutes.")
Emma Fitzimmons & John Surico, "Hundreds in New Jersey Flee Fire at Apartments," The New York Times, January 22, 2015, p. A25. (I anticipate that we will see more such fires at well-insured properties owned by friends of Mr. Menendez in Hudson and Bergen Counties. As Bob Menendez would say: "Jewish lightning!")
"Discrimination With a Smile," (Editorial) The New York Times, January 22, 2015, p. A22. ("Under Chief Justice John Roberts, Jr., the Supreme Court has developed a remarkably sanguine view of race in America. 'Things have changed dramatically,' Mr. Roberts wrote in 2013 in striking down the heart of the Voting Rights Act." For Mr. Roberts, evidently, we live in a color-blind society where -- let us say -- racist opposition to an African-American president would never lead Republican "angry white men" to invite a foreign political leader to insult and undermine the AMERICAN president from the podium of the U.S. Congress even as his efforts may have led Iran to cooperate in the liberation of Tikrit from ISIS hands. Cover stories in The New York Times for March 6, 2015 seem to suggest this point very clearly. "'For America to Lead Again': An Inaugural Address by President Hussein Barack Obama.")
William K. Rashbaum & Thomas Kaplan, "U.S. Says Assembly Speaker Took Millions in Payoffs, Abusing Office: Silver Arrested -- Says He'll be Vindicated," The New York Times, January 23, 2015, p. A1. (Personal injury firms have runners, cops, judges and politicians on the payroll or getting kickbacks as "rain-makers." Mr. Silver is not alone. "Have you no shame, Mr. Rabner?")
Patrick McGeehan, "In Executive Order, Christie Appoints Emergency Manager in Atlantic City," The New York Times, January 23, 2015, p. A22. (Mr. Christie's "imperial Governorship" will continue until the voters put an end to Christie's reign. The N.J. governor has appointed a Republican corporate lawyer to micro-manage Democrat Atlantic City's finances in order, presumably, to maximize profits for the child porn industry in the area.)
Michael Barbaro, "Christie Plans to Create a PAC," The New York Times, January 26, 2015, p. A12. ("Mr. Christie's PAC, to be called 'Leadership Matters For America,' will allow the New Jersey governor to raise and spend the money necessary to woo Republicans across the country over the next year." Thus far, Republicans are coy about Mr. Christie's "overtures.")
Charles Stile, "Christie Loses Pension Case: Ruling is a Black Eye When Some Good P.R. Was Needed," The Record, February 24, 2015, p. A-1. (Mr. Christie's presidential efforts have become increasingly laughable in light of his "belly flop" in Trenton over the budget. N.J.'s continuing "sad and disgusting spectacle" of corruption and incompetence further disgraces the Garden State.)
AP, "U.S., Iran Report Progress On Nuclear Deal: Plan Would Freeze Program for At Least 10 Years," The Record, February 24, 2015, p. A-10. (Contrary to Mr. Netanyahu's rhetoric, U.S. and Iranian diplomats report "progress" on negotiations concerning nuclear and other issues. Iranian ASSISTANCE to U.S.-sponsored Iraqui fighters against ISIS may result in the liberation of Tikrit, and this may be the first major defeat of ISIS. U.S. assistance and proposed control of Iranian nuclear energy development facilities may improve the quality of life for Iranians without further sanctions being imposed or isolation of Iran from the world community. These facts disprove the campaign speech by Mr. Netanyahu while supporting the president's statements concerning the so far "undisclosed deal with Iran.")
Helene Cooper, "Iran as Unlikely Ally: A Traditional Foe of the U.S. Becomes Pivotal in the Fight Against ISIS in Iraq," The New York Times, March 6, 2015, p. A1. (I wonder whether this strange new development in the war against ISIS has something to do with Mr. Obama's "Iran strategy"? What do you think, Mr. Menendez? Mr. Netanyahu?)
Peter J. Sampson, "Ferreiro Juror Pool to Report: 50 Called in For Racketeering Trial," The Record, February 24, 2015, p. L-1. (As the jury is selected for Ferreiro's trial -- the alleged mafia boss and Democrat powerhouse from Bergen County -- a number of his former associates are getting nervous. Diana Lisa Riccioli? Kim Guardagno? Ken Zisa? Bob Menendez?)
Richard Cowen, "Judge is Gone, and Anger Has Subsided: Hopes of Raising Revenue Fell Short," The Record, February 24, 2015, p. L-1. (After the controversial removal of African-American Judge Karen Brown, allegedly because of a shortfall in revenues from Municipal Court, the "disappearing" funds have become worse. What happened to the coins from meters? About $55,800 was "missing" from the total $3,779,855 collected in 2014 as opposed to $3,775,684 collected in 2013. Reportedly, additional sums have been "misplaced" from the 2014 figures in Paterson. Judge Brown may have been too honest for Passaic County.)
Peter J. Sampson, "Jurors Selected in Ferreiro Graft Trial: Opening Statements Expected Today," The Record, February 24, 2015, p. L-1. ("Twelve jurors and four alternates were chosen Wednesday for the racketeering trial of Joseph A. Ferreiro, accused of orchestrating a series of bribery, kickback and shakedown schemes during his decades-long tenure as the leader of Bergen's Democrat party." Bob Menendez should be Ferreiro's co-defendant. Why are prosecutors protecting people violating my rights to free expression and your rights to access speech? Corruption? Friends of Mr. Netanyahu? "An Open Letter to Cyrus Vance, Jr., Esq.")
Peter Baker, "A Strong Warning, Swiftly Countered by Obama," The New York Times, March 4, 2015, p. A1. ("In an extraordinary spectacle pitting the leaders of two close allies against each other, Mr. Netanyahu took the rostrum in the historic chamber of the House of Representatives to tell a joint session of Congress that instead of stopping Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons, Mr. Obama's diplomatic initiative 'would all but guarantee' that it does [get such weapons,] in turn setting off a regional arms race." The truly "extraordinary" and inexplicable theatrics involved in members of one party giving a standing ovation to a foreign political leader excoriating the President of the United States of America -- who happens to be from a rival political party on this occasion -- suggests that there are no limits to partisanship in Washington, D.C. today. Worse, for many Americans, the event further indicates that there are still vicious and intense racist feelings among many leaders of the Republican party who are bent upon preventing either another African-American person or ANY woman, of any color, from becoming president of this country in the future. This is scary. "America's Banana Republicans.")
Michael S. Schmidt & Amy Chozick, "Using Private Email, Clinton Thwarted Records Requests," The New York Times, March 4, 2015, p. A1. (Every major political candidate, especially Jeb Bush, has used and continues to use personal emails to do some government business. This attack accompanying the assault by Mr. Netanyahu -- which comes from the same territory of the political map -- reveals cooperation between Netanyahu's people, using intelligence agency data and techniques financed by American taxpayers, and the Republican attack machine. Is Karl Rove involved, in any way, in this attack against Mrs. Clinton or in the dissemination of information concerning Mrs. Clinton's emails? The two leading Democrats were "hit" at the same time. As Michael Corleone settled his family's business with the Barzini and Tataglia families on the same day, so Mr. Boehner and his "boys" have started a war on two fronts against Obama and Clinton who are the leaders of the Democratic party. Senator Menendez, as a major recipient of Israeli lobby money, favors the opponents of Obama and Clinton. Is Senator Menendez a "Democrat"? Joe Biden said: "We'll have to make them an offer they can't refuse.")
Matt Apuzzo, "Police Routinely Violate Rights Of Blacks in Ferguson, U.S. Says," The New York Times, March 4, 2015, p. A1. ("The police department in Ferguson was routinely [and deliberately] violating the Constitutional rights of its black residents." This was before and after the Michael Brown incident. "Organized Crime Group in New Jersey's State Police" and "New Jersey's KKK Police Shocker!")
Campbell Robertson, "Alabama Court Halts Licenses for Same-Sex Marriages," The New York Times, March 4, 2015, p. A12. (Alabama judges know the law and are aware of Supreme Court precedents on this issue, but they will try to subvert and undermine that decision and all laws in order to deny the equal humanity of same-sex residents of their state: "Is there a gay marriage right?")
Jonathan M. Katz, "In Chapel Hill, Suspect's Rage Went Beyond a Parking Dispute," The New York Times, March 4, 2015, p. A12. (Terrorism includes the murder by Craig Stephen Hicks of Ms. Abu-Saliha and Deah Shaddy Barakat, young dental students who happened to be Muslims. Is this not a hate crime?)
"Mr. Netanyahu's Unconvincing Speech," (Editorial) The New York Times, March 4, 2015, p. A24. (This editorial is the best comment on the ugly farce involving Mr. Netanyahu attacking the U.S. president before the cheering Republicans in the U.S. Congress.)
Samantha Marcus, "Unions to Sue Over Pensions," The Star-Ledger, March 4, 2015, p. 1. ("More than a dozen New Jersey unions anounced plans Tuesday to sue Governor Christie to force him to more than double next year's payment into the public worker pension system." A recent poll asked N.J. voters if they approved of how Chris Christie is doing his job: 51% of N.J. voters DISAPPROVE of the governor's job performance; 35% approve of the governor's efforts; 6% to 8% of Republicans support Christie's run for president. The numbers are falling.)
"Defining Hate Crimes: No Federal Charges Against Zimmerman," (Editorial) The Record, February 26, 2015, p. A-11. (Unless the victim is white, preferably Jewish, it is almost impossible to get prosecutors to file hate crime charges -- as they should in my matters for example. "An Open Letter to Cyrus Vance, Jr., Esq.")
Richard Cowen, "Passaic Teacher On Leave in Noose Allegation Probe: Seen in School Hallway With a Rope?," The Record, February 26, 2015, p. L-3. (Paul Schmitz will continue collecting his $86,000 salary while police investigate his possible staging of a "mock" lynching in the classroom, presumably, to humiliate African-American students. Mr. Schmitz is not a history teacher. How many of Schmitz's students were sexually molested?)
Tom Robbins & Laura D'Avolio, "Attica Guards Resign in Deal to Avoid Jail," The New York Times, March 3, 2015, p. A1. (After nearly killing a man during a beating without a charge being filed against the inmate, the guards will be allowed to plead to a misdemeanor offense and avoid all prison time. Slavery? The lives of -- often unjustly -- imprisoned African-American men seem to matter less than the lives of dogs and other animals in city streets to the American legal system: "America's Holocaust" then "Foucault, Rose, Davis and the Meaning(s) of Prison" and "Justice For Mumia Abu-Jamal" and "So Black and So Blue in Prison.")
All writings are copyright protected and may not be altered, copied or published, or used in any way without the express and written permission of the author. All rights reserved. Copyright (2020) by Juan Galis-Menendez.
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Menendez and Christie May Face Ethics Charges.
February 24, 2015 at 1:34 P.M. I returned the form, allegedly from the U.S. Attorney, to the U.S. Justice Department with attachments.
I find it amazing that the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York needs to ask whether I am a U.S. citizen. It is also unusual for the U.S. Attorney to use a postage meter number belonging to a Trenton, New Jersey government agency.
The package to the U.S. Attorney was sent by me via overnight mail under the following tracking number: EK 701672829 US. Delivery will take place before 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, February 25, 2015.
It is a federal crime to represent yourself as the U.S. Justice Department, or the I.R.S. (or as Ms. Letitia James, N.Y.'s Public Advocate), and it is far worse to use the U.S. mails in furtherance of a criminal conspiracy. ("New Jersey's Office of Attorney Ethics" and "Have you no shame, Mr. Rabner?")
February 18, 2015 at 1:31 P.M. I am in receipt of a request for further information from the Department of Justice in connection with matters that I have brought to the attention of the U.S. Attorney.
I will complete the necessary form and return it to the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York. I will supply copies of this form to the District Attorneys that I contacted in connection with previous matters detailed in these blogs. ("An Open Letter to Cyrus Vance, Jr., Esq." and "The Invicta Watch Company" as well as the "Invicta Watch Company Caper" then "Stuart Rabner's Selective Sense of Justice" and "Have you no shame, Mr. Rabner?")
I would be happy to meet -- privately, if you prefer -- with officials at the U.S. Attorney's Office and/or representatives of the OAE and/or New Jersey's Supreme Court (if they deem it appropriate) to examine these issues. ("New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System.")
February 17, 2015 at 1:25 P.M. Did Ms. Poritz have sexual contact with Marilyn Straus at the time of Ms. Poritz's undisputed "erotic relationship" with Diana Lisa Riccioli? Did Ms. Riccioli supply young women as sexual partners for Ms. Poritz? If so, was this "supplying" of young women on the part of Ms. Riccioli "compensated" in any way by Ms. Poritz, New Jersey's former Chief Justice? Was Ms. Riccioli allowed to identify herself as a "therapist" by Ms. Poritz? Did Jennifer Velez have sexual contact with Marilyn Straus? Did Jennifer Velez participate in hypnosis or other "therapy" sessions involving Marilyn Straus?
Was Estela De La Cruz a sexual partner of Marilyn Straus at any time, including while Ms. Straus was drugged or under hypnosis? Did Ms. De La Cruz identify herself as "Diana Lisa Riccioli" to any person at any time? Did Ms. De La Cruz, a Superior Court Judge in New Jersey, use fictitious names to contact my clients, or former clients, or any other person in connection with matters pertaining to me, or Ms. Straus, at any time? If so, when and with whom did Ms. De La Cruz engage in these activities and/or practices? Did (or does) Ms. De La Cruz use the services of prostitutes at any time? ("Marilyn Straus Was Right!" and "Protecting Sex Workers.")
Did Diana Lisa Riccioli use fictitious names (including representing herself as Estela De La Cruz) to contact or communicate with anyone at any time? Did persons falsely claim to be "judges" or other officials in order to contact persons in the life of Marilyn Straus, including her former employer, UNIVISION in Miami? Luisa Gutierrez, Esq., does this ring a bell? ("Trenton's Nasty Lesbian Love-Fest!")
Is the continuing silence and inaction by the OAE and Mr. Rabner complicity in the criminal conspiracy against me and so many others? Is this today's legal "ethics" in New Jersey, Mr. Rabner? Is the continuing cover-up and "wall-of-silence" approach to my inquiries and those of so many others concerned with these matters in Trenton an effort to protect Ms. Poritz? Mr. Rabner? Mr. Menendez? All of the above? ("Have you no shame, Mr. Rabner?" and "An Open Letter to Cyrus Vance, Jr., Esq.")
February 10, 2015 at 3:05 P.M. A list of sources will be added to this essay in the days ahead. Alterations and deformations of this text are always expected, possibly as a result of hackers using New Jersey government or police computers. Access to the Internet is still blocked from my home laptop. I continue to await (and look forward to) Mr. Vance's response to my letter. Several pages of this text were deleted before I could post them. I will retype those pages and re-post them.
Alan Blinder, "Judge Defies Gay Marriage Law," The New York Times, February 9, 2015, p. A1. (Alabama Chief Justice Roy S. Moore, borrowing a page from Stuart Rabner's book, has ordered his state's Probate Judges to refuse licenses to "anyone" whose request violates his state's constitution. The "anyone" targeted by this pronouncement refers to gay residents of the state. The Alabama legislature provided for same-sex marriage licenses and the U.S. Supreme Court's Winslow decision mandates recognition of any one state's decision on such a matter by all other states as well as by all persons -- whether they are affected, personally, or not! -- within the enacting state. Clearly, Chief Justice Moore opposes same-sex marriage and wishes to read his personal rejection of this right held by some of his fellow citizens into the Alabama constitution in the absence of a case or controversy before his court. This is to exceed the judicial power. Furthermore, preemption and supremacy provisions of the federal Constitution may well preclude this unilateral action by Mr. Moore. State constitutions may grant greater (not lesser) rights to citizens than those afforded by the U.S. Constitution. This is a fact forgotten by Ms. Poritz and her successors in the New Jersey Supreme Court. However, it is a legal principle that will certainly be brought to the attention of Chief Justice Moore by the U.S. Supreme Court. "New Jersey's Feces-Covered Supreme Court.")
Ashley Southern, "Substitute Teaching Assistant Accused of Raping Mentally Ill [sic.] Boy," The New York Times, February 9, 2015, p. A15. (Maria Contreras, 29, has been asked to move to New Jersey where this sort of thing is routine. Ms. Contreras claims to be a lesbian. "Trenton's Nasty Lesbian Love-Fest!")
Kirk Semple, "New Yorkers Clamor For IDs, Swamping the Mayor's Key Project," The New York Times, February 7, 2015, p. A1. (Republicans at this newspaper have reworked their Obamacare forecasts of doom in order to criticize the mayor's city identification card project. I appeared on the second day of availability and was given a date in April to receive my card. Perhaps this was a deliberate sabotage attempt by persons critical of the mayor, or myself. I am sure that Mr. de Blasio and I are equally flattered by this hostility.)
Kate Zernike, "U.S. Subpoenas Travel Records of Ex-Port Authority Chief," The New York Times, February 7, 2015, p. A17. (David Samson, Esq., former Chairman of the Port Authority and New Jersey Attorney General, is certainly no friend of mine nor of President Obama's administration. Exactly what role Mr. Samson played in Bridgegate is unclear and so is the amount "missing" from the P.A.'s coffers. Perhaps Sheldon Silver can shed some light on this mystery? "David Samson Resigns!")
Samuel G. Friedman, "Strains Grow Between Israel and Jews in the U.S.," The New York Times, February 7, 2015, p. A17. (Has Mr. Netanyahu's policy alienated his core constituency in the U.S. while creating unhelpful conflicts for all Jews? "The Audacity of Hope.")
Sheraib Almosowa & Rod Nordland, "Drone Strike in Yemen Said to Kill Senior Qaeda Figure," The New York Times, February 6, 2015, p. A6. (U.S. drone policies have worked brilliantly in Yemen resulting in the collapse of the U.S.-friendly government in that nation. Al Qaeda is spreading to Oman and Saudi Arabia from Yemen. Bahrain is said to be next. This is not the best of times for Mr. Netanyahu to speak before a joint session of Congress. "Israel Heightens Gaza Crisis.")
Jason Grant, "Sayerville [N.J.] Football Coach is Ousted After Scandal," The New York Times, February 6, 2015, p. A17. (George Najjar faces sex abuse and other charges in typical Jersey fashion. "Neil M. Cohen, Esq. and Conduct Unbecoming to the Legislature in New Jersey.")
J. David Goodman & Al Baker, "New Challenges to Secrecy That Shields Police Files," The New York Times, February 5, 2015, p. A19. (Please reveal the truth about my matters, Mr. Rabner. "Have you no shame, Mr. Rabner?")
"Will Anyone Pay For Abu Ghraib?," (Editorial) The New York Times, February 5, 2015, p. A26. (When "crimes against humanity" are ignored by a legal system that claims to be "ethical" -- that system loses respect and credibility. It is necessary to prosecute those who commit such atrocities in order to protect the very concept of legality. "New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System" and "John McGill, Esq., the OAE, and New Jersey Corruption.")
Michael R. Gordon & David M. Herzenhorn, "U.S. and Europe Working to End Ukraine Fighting: Conflict Intensifying," The New York Times, February 6, 2015, p. A1. (Threatening Mr. Putin will not work. The number of casualties in Ukraine has not yet matched the deaths in Gaza and East Jerusalem. "Mr. Putin's Advice to America.")
Julie Hirshfield Davis [Jennifer Shuessler] & Ashley Parker, [Manohla Dargis] "A Democrat Who Defies Obama On Cuba and Iran," The New York Times, February 6, 2015, p. A15. ("Ashley Parker" is the most WASP name this "journalist" could come up with: "Manohla Dargis"? "Lizette Alvarez"? "Lilian Munoz"? "Tricia Enright"? "Victoria Burnett"? "Estela de La Cruz"? Some help with the names may be in order, ladies. "Kim Guardagno"? "Kim Lueddeke"?)
Michael D. Shear, "Obama and Senator Spar On How to Handle Iran," The New York Times, January 16, 2015, p. A9.
Jeff Pillets & Herb Jackson, "Flurry of Political Activity on Xanadu: Emails Show Menendez as 'Amazing' Help to Project," The Record, February 7, 2015, p. A-1.
"What went wrong[?]," The Star-Ledger, February 9, 2015, p. 1.
Claude Brodesser-Akner, "It's Not Over Yet: Republican Operatives Say Gov. Christie Still Has Time to Get Back in the Groove," The Star-Ledger, February 9, 2015, p. 1. (He's "grooving" on a Tuesday afternoon.)
"ETHICS: A left-leaning [?] watchdog group has asked the New Jersey State Ethics Committee to investigate [Christie's] acceptance of free travel to Israel and Jordan. The legal fund also filed complaints regarding his trips to Dallas Cowboys games."
New Jersey residents may be more unhappy that Mr. Christie was allowed to return to the Garden State. ("Is Christopher Christie 'Mentally Deranged' and a 'Liar'?")
I have reason to believe that numerous groups have requested the truth in my matters from the Office of Attorney Ethics (OAE) and New Jersey Supreme Court without receiving the courtesy of a response from Trenton. ("New Jersey's Political and Supreme Court Whores" and, again, "New Jersey's Feces-Covered Supreme Court.")
Such requests for the truth in my matters continue to be ignored. Mr. Vance -- evidently, for reasons unknown -- cannot respond to my communications even if this silence violates his oath of office and professional ethics standards as a prosecutor. ("An Open Letter to Cyrus Vance, Jr., Esq." and "Prosecutorial Misconduct.")
"PORT AUTHORITY: United Airlines confirmed it has been asked to turn over information to federal prosecutors who are looking into flights by David Samson, [who is seemingly protected by Stuart Rabner from any meaningful New Jersey ethics inquiry,] the former Port Authority Chairman [and loyal friend to Mr. Netanyahu?] who resigned in the aftermath of the GWB scandal." ("David Samson Resigns!")
Mr. Samson is said to detest President Obama. David Samson, former N.J. Attorney General, was probably among the persons going after me on behalf of Senator Menendez -- perhaps for some under-the-table cash. ("New Jersey's Office of Attorney Ethics" and "New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System.")
Accusations of racism and strange bookeeping against Essex County's David Samson have been made in the past.
"PR: An off-the-cuff comment on vaccination backfired on Christie, prompting his office to issue a clarifying statement and drawing fire from likely Democratic presidential contender Hillary Clinton. [Christie] also refused to answer a journalist's question about ISIS while in London." ("Christie Gives a Donor $1 MILLION of New Jersey Money.")
Meanwhile back at the ranch: Menendez must have spent a great deal of money for what purported to be a "favorable" article in America's newspaper of record:
This sort of "puff-piece" in America's self-proclaimed newspaper of record (see above) is known as a form of "journalistic fellatio." In fact, the gist of this article is unhelpful to Menendez as it arrives with new allegations of corruption and secret calls for legal ethics investigations against the Senator over the doomed Xanadu project. ("Menendez Loves Xanadu!" and "Cement is Gold!")
Menendez was "amazingly helpful" (according to emails) in exchange for what appears to be a small fee from developers who scammed billions of dollars of N.J. and federal taxpayer money. ("Xanadu and You Are Perfect Together!" then "Is Menendez For Sale?" and "Bribery in Union City, New Jersey.")
Menendez asked for $50,000 for his efforts, but (allegedly) only received $20,000 from the Xanadu people. ("Senator Bob, the Babe, and the Big Bucks" and "Corrupt Law Firms, Senator Bob, and New Jersey Ethics.")
In the discovery emerging from the latest Joe Ferreiro corruption trial, it is clear that Menendez traded efforts to secure the Xanadu "Developer's" (I use the word loosely) "efforts" against federal officials -- including the Army Corps of Engineers who smelled a rat -- to "facilitate" a project that never happened, except that BILLIONS of New Jersey taxpayer dollars were lost. ("Does Senator Menendez have mafia friends?")
Worse, it seems that Menendez's "running of interference" was deemed "amazing" by the Xanadu people, perhaps because they resulted in Menendez asking, through his "friend" Kay LiCausi (the so-called "bag person"), for $50,000 in "contributions." ("Joe Ferreiro is Bergen's Godfather.")
"The [Army Corps of Engineers expressed concerns about Xanadu] and is 'playing games at the last minute,' executive Jim Dausch [then legally represented by the man who is now N.J.'s U.S. Attorney, Paul Fishman, who obviously "ain't gonna do nothing!"] wrote in an email to his lobbyist Kay LiCausi [who was really Menendez's "lobbyist," as it were,] a former aide to then Rep. Bob Menendez, the third-highest ranking Democrat in the House at that point."
Mr. Dausch said:
" ... 'Could you dial up Menendez and tell these guys [the feds, that is,] to lay off?' ..." ("Mafia Influence in New Jersey Courts and Politics" and "More Mafia Influence in New Jersey Courts and Politics" then "Joe Ferreiro Indicted Again.")
The feds have a very poor sense of humor about these things. Sure enough, good-old-Bob's efforts to "block the feds" paid off:
"Democratic leader Joe Ferreiro depicts Menendez jumping into action and winning a lucrative approval for jubilant Xanadu developers, who called the Congressman 'amazing.' ... "
Yes, but does Ms. LiCausi feel the same, Bob? Alicia Mucci? ("Wedding Bells Ring For Menendez!" and "Menendez Consorts With Underage Prostitutes!" and "Another FBI Investigation of Menendez.")
Cash for Menendez soon followed from his "legislative efforts" to coin a phrase. ("Was Menendez Bribed to Get a Visa For a Croney?")
"In Grand Jury testimony released this week, Dausch said Menendez or someone Dausch believed was speaking for Menendez [Ms. LiCausi?] sought $50,000 in campaign contributions from the Xanadu developer after the permit was granted." ("Illegal Payments to Bob Menendez.")
It has been suggested that Menendez received the full $50,000, but only deposited $20,000 (as a campaign contribution), allowing the balance of $30,000 -- probably in cash -- to "go south," as it were, being undeclared income, or more along the lines of a personal contribution to his own wallet rather than any political campaign. ("Is Menendez For Sale?" and "Union City New Jersey is Meyer Lansky's Whore House.")
"Baby, we were born to run!"
Mark Mazetti, "C.I.A. Report Found Value of Brutal Interrogation Was Inflated," The New York Times, January 2, 2015, p. A7. (The C.I.A. now admits lying about the value of torture-generated "information." Please see: "C.I.A. Lies and Torture.")
Stephen Castle, "A Cover-Up, Of Sorts, At a Tabloid in Britain," The New York Times, January 21, 2015, p. A7. ("After more than 40 years of running a picture of a topless woman almost daily on its page 3, 'The Sun,' Britain's raucus and best selling newspaper, [sic.] appears to have given in [sic.] to changing social attitudes." Nothing is sacred in today's Britain. By way of response, apparently, The New York Times featured a photo of a shirtless man on the front page February 19, 2015.)
Adam Liptak, "Scalia Lands On Top of Sarcasm Index of Justices," The New York Times, January 30, 2015, p. A10. ("As his acid dissent in a 2013 gay rights case [indicated, Scalia opposes] the cause of same-sex marriage. The 'legalistic argle-bargle in Justice Kennedy's majority opinion,' [in Winslow,] Justice Scalia wrote, 'suggested that it was only a matter of time until the court established a constitutional [sic.] right to same-sex marriage.' ... " Horrors!)
Bruce Webber, "Robert Stone, Novelist of the Vietnam Era [sic.] and Beyond, Dies at 77," The New York Times, January 12, 2015, p. A16. (Robert Stone's "A Hall of Mirrors" may be the best political novel of the contemporary era. There is no one writing novels today -- especially among younger American novelists -- to equal Stone's best work.)
"Judges With Hat in Hand," (Editorial) The New York Times, January 19, 2015, p. A19. ("The Florida judiciary is no stranger to misconduct and corruption." New Jersey is the only state that surpasses Florida for judicial misconduct and incompetence as well as corruption in the United States of America. "New Jersey's Failed Judiciary" and "Christie Rails Against New Jersey's Corrupt Judges.")
Lizette Alvarez & Kirsten Hussey, [Manohla Dargis] "Cubans Convicted in the U.S. Face New Fears of Deportation," The New York Times, January 19, 2015, p. A1. (Many of Senator Menendez's contributors may face deportation to Cuba, including "Manohla Dargis," perhaps, who has "opened her legs." Please see "Manohla Dargis Strikes Again!" then "'The Reader': A Movie Review" and "Cubanazos Pose a Threat to National Security.")
Matt Arco, "As Trip Ends, Christie Zips His Lips Amid Controversy," The Star-Ledger, February 4, 2015, p. 1. (Mr. Christie's "foot-in-mouth" disease is getting worse. It appears that New Jersey's governor has sacrificed his political fortunes through ill-considered remarks. "Is Christopher Christie 'Mentally Deranged' and a 'Liar'?)
Jonathan D. Salant, "Targeting State Department, Menendez Pushes Extradition of Chesimard at Senate Forum," The Star-Ledger, February 4, 2015, p. 3. (Mr. Menendez urges extradition of Assata Shakur from Cuba, but opposes deportation of convicted Cuban-Americans who contribute to his campaign and the efforts of fellow Cuban-American politicians. "Another FBI Investigation of Menendez" and "Is Menendez For Sale?")
Christopher Baxter, "Former Jersey Teacher Admits Stealing $249K in Disability Benefits," The Star-Ledger, February 4, 2015, p. 20. (A former Parsipany [N.J.] teacher stole $249,000 in disability benefits, possibly while working in another state. Sound familiar, Maria? Is Menendez providing protection for you, Maria? Were you approached to inform against me by Menendez or the OAE, Maria? Jennifer Velez? Were extra rewards available for lying about me, Maria? And how much did you steal from me or my office, Maria? "Jennifer Velez is a Dyke Magnet!")
Dan Ivers, "Teacher Accused of Hitting First-Graders With a Ruler," The Star-Ledger, February 4, 2015, p. 20. (An elementary school teacher ENJOYED -- probably sexually -- hitting small children with a ruler, including in allegedly "erotic" ways. "Diana's Friend Goes to Prison!")
Ben Horrowitz, "Teacher to Face Grand Jury On Misconduct Charge," The Star-Ledger, February 4, 2015, p. 20. (Nicole McDonough, 32, former high school teacher joins the growing ranks of teachers involved in sexual relationships with their students. Perhaps only the legal profession in the Garden State can claim as many child molesters as are found among N.J. school teachers. "Edward M. De Sear, Esq. and New Jersey's Filth" and "New Jersey Female Professor Rapes a Disabled Man.")
Christopher Baxter, "Man Accused of Hiding Child Porn in False Can," The Star-Ledger, February 4, 2015, p. 20. (Michael Prinzo, 24, joins the many child porn enthusiasts, consumers, and distributors in America's child porn capitol, New Jersey. "New Jersey Welcomes Child Molesters.")
"How to Force Prosecutors to Play Fair," (Editorial) The New York Times, February 16, 2015, p. A16. ("When prosecutors cheat and lie repeatedly to win convictions, should their office be held accountable? When a man spends years, or decades, in prison as a result of such prosecutorial misconduct, should he be compensated?" Please see: "New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System" and "New Jersey's Office of Attorney Ethics.")
Campbell Robertson, "Most Alabama Judges Begin to Issue Licenses For Same-Sex Marriages," The New York Times, February 14, 2015, p. A13. ("After a week of conflicting court orders and sparring theories of judicial authority, the showdown over same-sex marriage in Alabama seemed to be heading toward an endgame on Friday." The Alabama Chief Justice finally accepted the supremacy of the federal Constitution. If only New Jersey could do the same all would be well. "New Jersey's Political and Supreme Court Whores.")
Jason Grant, "Selling a Cure For Being Gay Found Illegal In New Jersey," The New York Times, February 14, 2015, p. A19. (A Superior Court Judge in Hudson County, Peter J. Bariso, ruled that so-called "conversion therapy" which claims that homosexuality is a "curable mental disorder" is a form of criminal fraud. I concur. Interference in the sex life of anyone -- including heterosexuals! -- is illegal and fraudulent, especially when undertaken by crackpots calling themselves "therapists" while lacking all credentials and acting without the consent of victims. "Terry Tuchin, Diana Lisa Riccioli, and New Jersey's Agency of Torture" and "An Open Letter to My Torturers in New Jersey, Terry Tuchin and Diana Lisa Riccioli.")
Natalie O'Neill, "Hung Jury: Justice is Blind Drunk at Obama's Address," The New York Post, February 14, 2015, p. 3. (Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Gingsburg, 81, was fast asleep during President Obama's State of the Union Address. Ms. Poritz, New Jersey's former Chief Justice, was often inattentive, or asleep -- maybe worse! -- during arguments, even as Ms. LaVecchia, allegedly, received phone calls from the now-indicted Joe Ferreiro and other alleged underworld figures while on the bench. Hey, Jaynee -- did they ever find the $300 MILLION "lost" in the HIP scam on your watch? "Jaynee LaVecchia and Conduct Unbecoming to the Judiciary in New Jersey" and "Deborah T. Poritz and Conduct Unbecoming to the Judiciary in New Jersey.")
Joseph Berger, "Dutchess County to Pay $7.5 MILLION For a Wrongful Conviction," The New York Times, February 13, 2015, p. A23. (Dursey Barzula is the latest African-American exonerated after appeals and after spending 26 years in prison for a murder he did not commit thanks to prosecutors' incompetence -- at best -- and/or heinous misconduct at worst: "John McGill, Esq., the OAE, and New Jersey Corruption" and "Prosecutorial Misconduct.")
John C. Ensslin, "Jury Trial for Dems' Ex-Chief: Feds Drop Bid for New Evidence in Ferreiro Case," The New York Times, February 5, 2015, p. A-1. (M. Robert De Cotiis, Esq., the Dean of N.J.'s corrupt political lawyers -- and a distinguished former member of the New Jersey Legal Ethics Committee! -- is witness number one for the feds in Mr. Ferreiro's organized crime and/or racketeering trial. This is probably in exchange for not being prosecuted himself. Mr. De Cotiis was counsel to Governor McGreevey and alleged front-person on a number of scams in Trenton. Bob Menendez is also an alleged "unindicted and unidentified co-conspirator" in this matter. Do you fine ladies and gentlemen of the N.J. Bar Association speak to me of "ethics"? "New Jersey's Politically-Connected Lawyers On the Tit" and "Corrupt Law Firms, Senator Bob, and New Jersey Ethics.")
"Christie's Travels: England Trip Muddies Ethical Waters," (Editorial) The Record, February 5, 2015, p. A-8. (Mr. Christie's trip was funded by "Choose New Jersey" an organization made up of entities doing business in -- and with -- the state of New Jersey, possibly fronting for Sheldon Adelson, a very pro-Israeli citizen. What hurts investment in New Jersey is the corruption and ineptitude of the state's legal and political system as evidenced by this very trip to promote investment, allegedly. "New Jersey is the Home of the Living Dead" and "Law and Ethics in the Soprano State.")
Shawn Boburg, "PA Inquiry Puts Official in Unwanted Spotlight: Transport Chief Has No Comment On Subpoenas," The Record, February 7, 2015, p. A-5. (N.J. Transportation Commissioner Jamie Fox did some lobbying for United Airlines and may face conflict of interest and other ethics charges in matters that may have enriched the former Chairman of the Port Authority, David Samson. "David Samson Resigns!")
Stephanie Dazio, "Fugitive in Stalking Case Extradited: Tenafly Activist For Kids With Special Needs Back in Bergen," The Record, February 7, 2015, p. L-1. (Jon Singer, 50, is fond of working with "special kids" and also involved in cyberstalking and harassment. Malbus? More child abuse allegations involving prominent officials in New Jersey are forthcoming. "New Jersey is the Home of Child Molesters.")
Melissa Hayes, "Ex-Christie Aide Named to State Commission of Investigation: Rosemary Iaconne Has Long Service With the Governor," The Record, February 10, 2015, p. A-5. (Ms. Iaconne is rumored to have underworld affiliations. America's "Soprano State" has selected the right person for the state's soiled Commission of Investigation: "Mafia Influence in New Jersey's Courts and Politics.")
Amir Alexander, "Disorder Rules the Universe," (Book Review) The New York Times, Science Times, February 17, 2015, p. D3. (A serious misunderstanding is revealed in this review by "Amir Alexander" -- who is probably "George Johnson" -- that reduces the value of this review substantially. It is not, in fact, "disorder" that governs REALITY, but rather more complex notions of "order" are necessary to encompass quantum mechanics and the requirement of a participatory element in scientific KNOWLEDGE. Chaos physics is not the same thing as quantum physics. Quantum physics "explains" phenomena where "prediction" is meaningless or irrelevant. Chaos principles apply in the every day world we inhabit. For example, they trouble persons concerned to "predict" the weather with imperfect success, who may be perfectly able to "explain" weather phenomena. "Is the universe only a numbers game?")
Kathleen Lynn, "Ex-CEO to Pay $793,000: Englewood [N.J.] Man Who Led G-Trade Services Settles Federal Fraud Accusations Related to Taking Secret Profits," The Record, February 17, 2015, p. A-6. (Craig Lax, 50, former CEO of G-Trade Services, LLC. admitted "wrongdoing" -- not criminal conduct -- in settling the case, according to the SEC. Mr. Lax thanked his attorneys for all the help. He will enjoy a trip to the Bahamas for a little vacation.)
Ylia Khrennikou & Cornelius Rhan, "Hacker Group Blamed for $1 BILLION in Bank Thefts: Financial Institutions in 30 Nations Targeted , Firm Says," The Record, February 17, 2015, p. A-6. (Hackers based in Russia have found creative ways to counter the effects of the U.S.-sponsored sanctions. Mr. Putin said that he can neither condone or approve of such methods. "Mr. Putin's Advice to America.")
John Brennan, "1,700 Izod Center Workers Receive Their Pink Slips," The Record, February 5, 2015, p. A-6. (339 additional workers at Arcamak Food and Beverage Company will also lose their jobs because the Izod Center will close. Perhaps they can find jobs at the Xanadu Mall or working for Mercedes Benz in New Jersey, except that those entities are not available any more.)
John C. Ensslin, "Ferreiro's Racketeering Trial On Hold: Judge Weighs Defense Claim That U.S. Attorney Has Conflict," The Record, February 10, 2015, p. L-1. (A District Court Judge must consider whether N.J.'s U.S. Attorney has a conflict of interest in indicting Joe Ferreiro. I think Paul Fishman may have indicted Mr. Ferreiro to protect himself, Jim Dautsch, and Bob Menendez. This has nothing to do with how one feels about Joe Ferreiro. Menendez should have been indicted first and foremost. "Menendez Loves Xanadu!")
Jim Norman, "Accounts by Girls Lead to Sex Charges Against Two Men," The Record, February 10, 2015, p. L-3. (John Molinelli, Bergen County's Prosecutor, has indicted 2 men in separate incidents of aggravated sexual assaults: Bob Menendez supporter Julio Peralta-Aguilar, 47, from Cliffside Park, engaged in "inappropriate sexual activity with a 7-year-old girl"; Daniel O'Brien, 38, of Saddle Brook, molested a 9-year-old girl. I doubt that, given their ages, this is the first time for these offenders.)
David E. Sanger, "Fear of Israeli Leaks Fuels Distrust as U.S. and Iran Hold Nuclear Talks," The New York Times, February 18, 2015, p. A6. (Will Mr. Obama's "Iran strategy" succeed? Will leaks and subversion efforts from Israeli lobby politicians cause the failure of the strategy? We will see.)
Jodi Rudoren, "Inquiry by Israeli Comptroller Criticizes Spending Habits of Netanyahu and Wife," The New York Times, February 18, 2015, p. A7. (Among the incidental costs paid by Israeli taxpayers, in addition to salaries, was "nearly $120,000 in 2012, a third of that money for take out [sic.] meals. The state [sic.] paid $2,000 to clean the Netanyahu's private home" even when the Netanyahu family was residing in Jerusalem, also at public expense.)
"A Stronger Freedom of Information Act," (Editorial) The New York Times, February 18, 2015, p. A20. (Stop the cover-up and lying, New Jersey. Please tell me the truth. "No More Cover-Ups and Lies, Chief Justice Rabner!")
Susan K. Livio, "Long-Serving Head of Human Services Ready to Step Down," The Star-Ledger, February 18, 2015, p. 13. ("State Human Services Commissioner JENNIFER VELEZ, the top executive of the largest and most expensive department in state government, is resigning at the end of the month." Did Jennifer Velez use a fictious name, like Diana Lisa Riccioli, to communicate with persons in connection with me at any time? Is there a connection between Jennifer Velez and Maria Martinez? Diana Lisa Riccioli is also a "friend" of Ms. Velez, allegedly, as is Estela De La Cruz: "Jennifer Velez is a Dyke Magnet!")
Bill Wichert, "Maplewood Teacher Indicted On Charges of Sex Assaults On [Upon] Students," The Star-Ledger, February 16, 2015, p. 13. ("Nicole Dufault, 35, of Caldwell was indicted for assaulting six male students." There may be a repressed incident of sexual assault in this young woman's life that explains these events. "Protecting Sex Workers.")
Bill Amoral, "Teacher is Charged After Drinking at a Party Leaves Teen in Hospital, Cops Say," The Star-Ledger, February 18, 2015, p. 16. (A party at an Edison school teacher's home placed a 15-year-old's life in danger from excessive drinking. What else might have happened had police not arrived at the scene is impossible to tell since many children were "blind drunk.")
Hugh R. Morley, "Business Rebates Go Unpaid by State: After Companies Do Their Part, N.J. Cuts Funds for Tax Breaks," The Record, February 18, 2015, p. A-1. (N.J. lied to businesses concerning tax rewards or incentives. Hence, more jobs will be leaving the state in 2015, probably because the money is "missing" to fulfill the state's obligations. Is this the "Christie miracle"?)
Melissa Hayes, "68% of N.J. Voters Find Fault With Christie," The Record, February 18, 2015, p. A-3. (Mr. Christie is planning a "good will tour" of Disneyworld with his family at N.J. taxpayers' expense. Say hello to Mickey, Chris!)
Peter J. Abramson, "Russia Denies Role in $300 MILLION Hacking: Accused in Global Theft of Hacking Data," The Record, February 18, 2015, p. A-3. (Mr. Putin is "shocked" to learn that this hacking has taken place and, allegedly, blames Mr. Medvedev, for the incident.)
Kibret Marcos, "Dad of 9 gets 3 Years for Selling Stolen Goods: $275,000 in Appliances on EBay and Amazon," The Record, February 18, 2015, p. L-2. (Allegedly, Abraham Baruchov of Clifton, N.J. -- was Diana Lisa Riccioli "cut in" on his scams? -- cried and said: "My people don't steal." Please see: "Taking My Business Elsewhere.")
Richard Correa, "Fired Recreation Chief Denies He Extorted Fees: Passaic Ex-Official Turns Down Plea Offer," The Record, February 18, 2015, p. L-1. (Eddie Carrero, 54, former Passaic Recreation Director, pocketed more than $11,000 in program fees while he worked for the department. This is little league theft compared to Bob Menendez's "efforts." Ethics, Bob? Compare "Bribery in Union City, New Jersey" with "Illegal Payments to Bob Menendez.")
I find it amazing that the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York needs to ask whether I am a U.S. citizen. It is also unusual for the U.S. Attorney to use a postage meter number belonging to a Trenton, New Jersey government agency.
The package to the U.S. Attorney was sent by me via overnight mail under the following tracking number: EK 701672829 US. Delivery will take place before 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, February 25, 2015.
It is a federal crime to represent yourself as the U.S. Justice Department, or the I.R.S. (or as Ms. Letitia James, N.Y.'s Public Advocate), and it is far worse to use the U.S. mails in furtherance of a criminal conspiracy. ("New Jersey's Office of Attorney Ethics" and "Have you no shame, Mr. Rabner?")
February 18, 2015 at 1:31 P.M. I am in receipt of a request for further information from the Department of Justice in connection with matters that I have brought to the attention of the U.S. Attorney.
I will complete the necessary form and return it to the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York. I will supply copies of this form to the District Attorneys that I contacted in connection with previous matters detailed in these blogs. ("An Open Letter to Cyrus Vance, Jr., Esq." and "The Invicta Watch Company" as well as the "Invicta Watch Company Caper" then "Stuart Rabner's Selective Sense of Justice" and "Have you no shame, Mr. Rabner?")
I would be happy to meet -- privately, if you prefer -- with officials at the U.S. Attorney's Office and/or representatives of the OAE and/or New Jersey's Supreme Court (if they deem it appropriate) to examine these issues. ("New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System.")
February 17, 2015 at 1:25 P.M. Did Ms. Poritz have sexual contact with Marilyn Straus at the time of Ms. Poritz's undisputed "erotic relationship" with Diana Lisa Riccioli? Did Ms. Riccioli supply young women as sexual partners for Ms. Poritz? If so, was this "supplying" of young women on the part of Ms. Riccioli "compensated" in any way by Ms. Poritz, New Jersey's former Chief Justice? Was Ms. Riccioli allowed to identify herself as a "therapist" by Ms. Poritz? Did Jennifer Velez have sexual contact with Marilyn Straus? Did Jennifer Velez participate in hypnosis or other "therapy" sessions involving Marilyn Straus?
Was Estela De La Cruz a sexual partner of Marilyn Straus at any time, including while Ms. Straus was drugged or under hypnosis? Did Ms. De La Cruz identify herself as "Diana Lisa Riccioli" to any person at any time? Did Ms. De La Cruz, a Superior Court Judge in New Jersey, use fictitious names to contact my clients, or former clients, or any other person in connection with matters pertaining to me, or Ms. Straus, at any time? If so, when and with whom did Ms. De La Cruz engage in these activities and/or practices? Did (or does) Ms. De La Cruz use the services of prostitutes at any time? ("Marilyn Straus Was Right!" and "Protecting Sex Workers.")
Did Diana Lisa Riccioli use fictitious names (including representing herself as Estela De La Cruz) to contact or communicate with anyone at any time? Did persons falsely claim to be "judges" or other officials in order to contact persons in the life of Marilyn Straus, including her former employer, UNIVISION in Miami? Luisa Gutierrez, Esq., does this ring a bell? ("Trenton's Nasty Lesbian Love-Fest!")
Is the continuing silence and inaction by the OAE and Mr. Rabner complicity in the criminal conspiracy against me and so many others? Is this today's legal "ethics" in New Jersey, Mr. Rabner? Is the continuing cover-up and "wall-of-silence" approach to my inquiries and those of so many others concerned with these matters in Trenton an effort to protect Ms. Poritz? Mr. Rabner? Mr. Menendez? All of the above? ("Have you no shame, Mr. Rabner?" and "An Open Letter to Cyrus Vance, Jr., Esq.")
February 10, 2015 at 3:05 P.M. A list of sources will be added to this essay in the days ahead. Alterations and deformations of this text are always expected, possibly as a result of hackers using New Jersey government or police computers. Access to the Internet is still blocked from my home laptop. I continue to await (and look forward to) Mr. Vance's response to my letter. Several pages of this text were deleted before I could post them. I will retype those pages and re-post them.
Alan Blinder, "Judge Defies Gay Marriage Law," The New York Times, February 9, 2015, p. A1. (Alabama Chief Justice Roy S. Moore, borrowing a page from Stuart Rabner's book, has ordered his state's Probate Judges to refuse licenses to "anyone" whose request violates his state's constitution. The "anyone" targeted by this pronouncement refers to gay residents of the state. The Alabama legislature provided for same-sex marriage licenses and the U.S. Supreme Court's Winslow decision mandates recognition of any one state's decision on such a matter by all other states as well as by all persons -- whether they are affected, personally, or not! -- within the enacting state. Clearly, Chief Justice Moore opposes same-sex marriage and wishes to read his personal rejection of this right held by some of his fellow citizens into the Alabama constitution in the absence of a case or controversy before his court. This is to exceed the judicial power. Furthermore, preemption and supremacy provisions of the federal Constitution may well preclude this unilateral action by Mr. Moore. State constitutions may grant greater (not lesser) rights to citizens than those afforded by the U.S. Constitution. This is a fact forgotten by Ms. Poritz and her successors in the New Jersey Supreme Court. However, it is a legal principle that will certainly be brought to the attention of Chief Justice Moore by the U.S. Supreme Court. "New Jersey's Feces-Covered Supreme Court.")
Ashley Southern, "Substitute Teaching Assistant Accused of Raping Mentally Ill [sic.] Boy," The New York Times, February 9, 2015, p. A15. (Maria Contreras, 29, has been asked to move to New Jersey where this sort of thing is routine. Ms. Contreras claims to be a lesbian. "Trenton's Nasty Lesbian Love-Fest!")
Kirk Semple, "New Yorkers Clamor For IDs, Swamping the Mayor's Key Project," The New York Times, February 7, 2015, p. A1. (Republicans at this newspaper have reworked their Obamacare forecasts of doom in order to criticize the mayor's city identification card project. I appeared on the second day of availability and was given a date in April to receive my card. Perhaps this was a deliberate sabotage attempt by persons critical of the mayor, or myself. I am sure that Mr. de Blasio and I are equally flattered by this hostility.)
Kate Zernike, "U.S. Subpoenas Travel Records of Ex-Port Authority Chief," The New York Times, February 7, 2015, p. A17. (David Samson, Esq., former Chairman of the Port Authority and New Jersey Attorney General, is certainly no friend of mine nor of President Obama's administration. Exactly what role Mr. Samson played in Bridgegate is unclear and so is the amount "missing" from the P.A.'s coffers. Perhaps Sheldon Silver can shed some light on this mystery? "David Samson Resigns!")
Samuel G. Friedman, "Strains Grow Between Israel and Jews in the U.S.," The New York Times, February 7, 2015, p. A17. (Has Mr. Netanyahu's policy alienated his core constituency in the U.S. while creating unhelpful conflicts for all Jews? "The Audacity of Hope.")
Sheraib Almosowa & Rod Nordland, "Drone Strike in Yemen Said to Kill Senior Qaeda Figure," The New York Times, February 6, 2015, p. A6. (U.S. drone policies have worked brilliantly in Yemen resulting in the collapse of the U.S.-friendly government in that nation. Al Qaeda is spreading to Oman and Saudi Arabia from Yemen. Bahrain is said to be next. This is not the best of times for Mr. Netanyahu to speak before a joint session of Congress. "Israel Heightens Gaza Crisis.")
Jason Grant, "Sayerville [N.J.] Football Coach is Ousted After Scandal," The New York Times, February 6, 2015, p. A17. (George Najjar faces sex abuse and other charges in typical Jersey fashion. "Neil M. Cohen, Esq. and Conduct Unbecoming to the Legislature in New Jersey.")
J. David Goodman & Al Baker, "New Challenges to Secrecy That Shields Police Files," The New York Times, February 5, 2015, p. A19. (Please reveal the truth about my matters, Mr. Rabner. "Have you no shame, Mr. Rabner?")
"Will Anyone Pay For Abu Ghraib?," (Editorial) The New York Times, February 5, 2015, p. A26. (When "crimes against humanity" are ignored by a legal system that claims to be "ethical" -- that system loses respect and credibility. It is necessary to prosecute those who commit such atrocities in order to protect the very concept of legality. "New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System" and "John McGill, Esq., the OAE, and New Jersey Corruption.")
Michael R. Gordon & David M. Herzenhorn, "U.S. and Europe Working to End Ukraine Fighting: Conflict Intensifying," The New York Times, February 6, 2015, p. A1. (Threatening Mr. Putin will not work. The number of casualties in Ukraine has not yet matched the deaths in Gaza and East Jerusalem. "Mr. Putin's Advice to America.")
Julie Hirshfield Davis [Jennifer Shuessler] & Ashley Parker, [Manohla Dargis] "A Democrat Who Defies Obama On Cuba and Iran," The New York Times, February 6, 2015, p. A15. ("Ashley Parker" is the most WASP name this "journalist" could come up with: "Manohla Dargis"? "Lizette Alvarez"? "Lilian Munoz"? "Tricia Enright"? "Victoria Burnett"? "Estela de La Cruz"? Some help with the names may be in order, ladies. "Kim Guardagno"? "Kim Lueddeke"?)
Michael D. Shear, "Obama and Senator Spar On How to Handle Iran," The New York Times, January 16, 2015, p. A9.
Jeff Pillets & Herb Jackson, "Flurry of Political Activity on Xanadu: Emails Show Menendez as 'Amazing' Help to Project," The Record, February 7, 2015, p. A-1.
"What went wrong[?]," The Star-Ledger, February 9, 2015, p. 1.
Claude Brodesser-Akner, "It's Not Over Yet: Republican Operatives Say Gov. Christie Still Has Time to Get Back in the Groove," The Star-Ledger, February 9, 2015, p. 1. (He's "grooving" on a Tuesday afternoon.)
"ETHICS: A left-leaning [?] watchdog group has asked the New Jersey State Ethics Committee to investigate [Christie's] acceptance of free travel to Israel and Jordan. The legal fund also filed complaints regarding his trips to Dallas Cowboys games."
New Jersey residents may be more unhappy that Mr. Christie was allowed to return to the Garden State. ("Is Christopher Christie 'Mentally Deranged' and a 'Liar'?")
I have reason to believe that numerous groups have requested the truth in my matters from the Office of Attorney Ethics (OAE) and New Jersey Supreme Court without receiving the courtesy of a response from Trenton. ("New Jersey's Political and Supreme Court Whores" and, again, "New Jersey's Feces-Covered Supreme Court.")
Such requests for the truth in my matters continue to be ignored. Mr. Vance -- evidently, for reasons unknown -- cannot respond to my communications even if this silence violates his oath of office and professional ethics standards as a prosecutor. ("An Open Letter to Cyrus Vance, Jr., Esq." and "Prosecutorial Misconduct.")
"PORT AUTHORITY: United Airlines confirmed it has been asked to turn over information to federal prosecutors who are looking into flights by David Samson, [who is seemingly protected by Stuart Rabner from any meaningful New Jersey ethics inquiry,] the former Port Authority Chairman [and loyal friend to Mr. Netanyahu?] who resigned in the aftermath of the GWB scandal." ("David Samson Resigns!")
Mr. Samson is said to detest President Obama. David Samson, former N.J. Attorney General, was probably among the persons going after me on behalf of Senator Menendez -- perhaps for some under-the-table cash. ("New Jersey's Office of Attorney Ethics" and "New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System.")
Accusations of racism and strange bookeeping against Essex County's David Samson have been made in the past.
"PR: An off-the-cuff comment on vaccination backfired on Christie, prompting his office to issue a clarifying statement and drawing fire from likely Democratic presidential contender Hillary Clinton. [Christie] also refused to answer a journalist's question about ISIS while in London." ("Christie Gives a Donor $1 MILLION of New Jersey Money.")
Meanwhile back at the ranch: Menendez must have spent a great deal of money for what purported to be a "favorable" article in America's newspaper of record:
This sort of "puff-piece" in America's self-proclaimed newspaper of record (see above) is known as a form of "journalistic fellatio." In fact, the gist of this article is unhelpful to Menendez as it arrives with new allegations of corruption and secret calls for legal ethics investigations against the Senator over the doomed Xanadu project. ("Menendez Loves Xanadu!" and "Cement is Gold!")
Menendez was "amazingly helpful" (according to emails) in exchange for what appears to be a small fee from developers who scammed billions of dollars of N.J. and federal taxpayer money. ("Xanadu and You Are Perfect Together!" then "Is Menendez For Sale?" and "Bribery in Union City, New Jersey.")
Menendez asked for $50,000 for his efforts, but (allegedly) only received $20,000 from the Xanadu people. ("Senator Bob, the Babe, and the Big Bucks" and "Corrupt Law Firms, Senator Bob, and New Jersey Ethics.")
In the discovery emerging from the latest Joe Ferreiro corruption trial, it is clear that Menendez traded efforts to secure the Xanadu "Developer's" (I use the word loosely) "efforts" against federal officials -- including the Army Corps of Engineers who smelled a rat -- to "facilitate" a project that never happened, except that BILLIONS of New Jersey taxpayer dollars were lost. ("Does Senator Menendez have mafia friends?")
Worse, it seems that Menendez's "running of interference" was deemed "amazing" by the Xanadu people, perhaps because they resulted in Menendez asking, through his "friend" Kay LiCausi (the so-called "bag person"), for $50,000 in "contributions." ("Joe Ferreiro is Bergen's Godfather.")
"The [Army Corps of Engineers expressed concerns about Xanadu] and is 'playing games at the last minute,' executive Jim Dausch [then legally represented by the man who is now N.J.'s U.S. Attorney, Paul Fishman, who obviously "ain't gonna do nothing!"] wrote in an email to his lobbyist Kay LiCausi [who was really Menendez's "lobbyist," as it were,] a former aide to then Rep. Bob Menendez, the third-highest ranking Democrat in the House at that point."
Mr. Dausch said:
" ... 'Could you dial up Menendez and tell these guys [the feds, that is,] to lay off?' ..." ("Mafia Influence in New Jersey Courts and Politics" and "More Mafia Influence in New Jersey Courts and Politics" then "Joe Ferreiro Indicted Again.")
The feds have a very poor sense of humor about these things. Sure enough, good-old-Bob's efforts to "block the feds" paid off:
"Democratic leader Joe Ferreiro depicts Menendez jumping into action and winning a lucrative approval for jubilant Xanadu developers, who called the Congressman 'amazing.' ... "
Yes, but does Ms. LiCausi feel the same, Bob? Alicia Mucci? ("Wedding Bells Ring For Menendez!" and "Menendez Consorts With Underage Prostitutes!" and "Another FBI Investigation of Menendez.")
Cash for Menendez soon followed from his "legislative efforts" to coin a phrase. ("Was Menendez Bribed to Get a Visa For a Croney?")
"In Grand Jury testimony released this week, Dausch said Menendez or someone Dausch believed was speaking for Menendez [Ms. LiCausi?] sought $50,000 in campaign contributions from the Xanadu developer after the permit was granted." ("Illegal Payments to Bob Menendez.")
It has been suggested that Menendez received the full $50,000, but only deposited $20,000 (as a campaign contribution), allowing the balance of $30,000 -- probably in cash -- to "go south," as it were, being undeclared income, or more along the lines of a personal contribution to his own wallet rather than any political campaign. ("Is Menendez For Sale?" and "Union City New Jersey is Meyer Lansky's Whore House.")
"Baby, we were born to run!"
Mark Mazetti, "C.I.A. Report Found Value of Brutal Interrogation Was Inflated," The New York Times, January 2, 2015, p. A7. (The C.I.A. now admits lying about the value of torture-generated "information." Please see: "C.I.A. Lies and Torture.")
Stephen Castle, "A Cover-Up, Of Sorts, At a Tabloid in Britain," The New York Times, January 21, 2015, p. A7. ("After more than 40 years of running a picture of a topless woman almost daily on its page 3, 'The Sun,' Britain's raucus and best selling newspaper, [sic.] appears to have given in [sic.] to changing social attitudes." Nothing is sacred in today's Britain. By way of response, apparently, The New York Times featured a photo of a shirtless man on the front page February 19, 2015.)
Adam Liptak, "Scalia Lands On Top of Sarcasm Index of Justices," The New York Times, January 30, 2015, p. A10. ("As his acid dissent in a 2013 gay rights case [indicated, Scalia opposes] the cause of same-sex marriage. The 'legalistic argle-bargle in Justice Kennedy's majority opinion,' [in Winslow,] Justice Scalia wrote, 'suggested that it was only a matter of time until the court established a constitutional [sic.] right to same-sex marriage.' ... " Horrors!)
Bruce Webber, "Robert Stone, Novelist of the Vietnam Era [sic.] and Beyond, Dies at 77," The New York Times, January 12, 2015, p. A16. (Robert Stone's "A Hall of Mirrors" may be the best political novel of the contemporary era. There is no one writing novels today -- especially among younger American novelists -- to equal Stone's best work.)
"Judges With Hat in Hand," (Editorial) The New York Times, January 19, 2015, p. A19. ("The Florida judiciary is no stranger to misconduct and corruption." New Jersey is the only state that surpasses Florida for judicial misconduct and incompetence as well as corruption in the United States of America. "New Jersey's Failed Judiciary" and "Christie Rails Against New Jersey's Corrupt Judges.")
Lizette Alvarez & Kirsten Hussey, [Manohla Dargis] "Cubans Convicted in the U.S. Face New Fears of Deportation," The New York Times, January 19, 2015, p. A1. (Many of Senator Menendez's contributors may face deportation to Cuba, including "Manohla Dargis," perhaps, who has "opened her legs." Please see "Manohla Dargis Strikes Again!" then "'The Reader': A Movie Review" and "Cubanazos Pose a Threat to National Security.")
Matt Arco, "As Trip Ends, Christie Zips His Lips Amid Controversy," The Star-Ledger, February 4, 2015, p. 1. (Mr. Christie's "foot-in-mouth" disease is getting worse. It appears that New Jersey's governor has sacrificed his political fortunes through ill-considered remarks. "Is Christopher Christie 'Mentally Deranged' and a 'Liar'?)
Jonathan D. Salant, "Targeting State Department, Menendez Pushes Extradition of Chesimard at Senate Forum," The Star-Ledger, February 4, 2015, p. 3. (Mr. Menendez urges extradition of Assata Shakur from Cuba, but opposes deportation of convicted Cuban-Americans who contribute to his campaign and the efforts of fellow Cuban-American politicians. "Another FBI Investigation of Menendez" and "Is Menendez For Sale?")
Christopher Baxter, "Former Jersey Teacher Admits Stealing $249K in Disability Benefits," The Star-Ledger, February 4, 2015, p. 20. (A former Parsipany [N.J.] teacher stole $249,000 in disability benefits, possibly while working in another state. Sound familiar, Maria? Is Menendez providing protection for you, Maria? Were you approached to inform against me by Menendez or the OAE, Maria? Jennifer Velez? Were extra rewards available for lying about me, Maria? And how much did you steal from me or my office, Maria? "Jennifer Velez is a Dyke Magnet!")
Dan Ivers, "Teacher Accused of Hitting First-Graders With a Ruler," The Star-Ledger, February 4, 2015, p. 20. (An elementary school teacher ENJOYED -- probably sexually -- hitting small children with a ruler, including in allegedly "erotic" ways. "Diana's Friend Goes to Prison!")
Ben Horrowitz, "Teacher to Face Grand Jury On Misconduct Charge," The Star-Ledger, February 4, 2015, p. 20. (Nicole McDonough, 32, former high school teacher joins the growing ranks of teachers involved in sexual relationships with their students. Perhaps only the legal profession in the Garden State can claim as many child molesters as are found among N.J. school teachers. "Edward M. De Sear, Esq. and New Jersey's Filth" and "New Jersey Female Professor Rapes a Disabled Man.")
Christopher Baxter, "Man Accused of Hiding Child Porn in False Can," The Star-Ledger, February 4, 2015, p. 20. (Michael Prinzo, 24, joins the many child porn enthusiasts, consumers, and distributors in America's child porn capitol, New Jersey. "New Jersey Welcomes Child Molesters.")
"How to Force Prosecutors to Play Fair," (Editorial) The New York Times, February 16, 2015, p. A16. ("When prosecutors cheat and lie repeatedly to win convictions, should their office be held accountable? When a man spends years, or decades, in prison as a result of such prosecutorial misconduct, should he be compensated?" Please see: "New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System" and "New Jersey's Office of Attorney Ethics.")
Campbell Robertson, "Most Alabama Judges Begin to Issue Licenses For Same-Sex Marriages," The New York Times, February 14, 2015, p. A13. ("After a week of conflicting court orders and sparring theories of judicial authority, the showdown over same-sex marriage in Alabama seemed to be heading toward an endgame on Friday." The Alabama Chief Justice finally accepted the supremacy of the federal Constitution. If only New Jersey could do the same all would be well. "New Jersey's Political and Supreme Court Whores.")
Jason Grant, "Selling a Cure For Being Gay Found Illegal In New Jersey," The New York Times, February 14, 2015, p. A19. (A Superior Court Judge in Hudson County, Peter J. Bariso, ruled that so-called "conversion therapy" which claims that homosexuality is a "curable mental disorder" is a form of criminal fraud. I concur. Interference in the sex life of anyone -- including heterosexuals! -- is illegal and fraudulent, especially when undertaken by crackpots calling themselves "therapists" while lacking all credentials and acting without the consent of victims. "Terry Tuchin, Diana Lisa Riccioli, and New Jersey's Agency of Torture" and "An Open Letter to My Torturers in New Jersey, Terry Tuchin and Diana Lisa Riccioli.")
Natalie O'Neill, "Hung Jury: Justice is Blind Drunk at Obama's Address," The New York Post, February 14, 2015, p. 3. (Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Gingsburg, 81, was fast asleep during President Obama's State of the Union Address. Ms. Poritz, New Jersey's former Chief Justice, was often inattentive, or asleep -- maybe worse! -- during arguments, even as Ms. LaVecchia, allegedly, received phone calls from the now-indicted Joe Ferreiro and other alleged underworld figures while on the bench. Hey, Jaynee -- did they ever find the $300 MILLION "lost" in the HIP scam on your watch? "Jaynee LaVecchia and Conduct Unbecoming to the Judiciary in New Jersey" and "Deborah T. Poritz and Conduct Unbecoming to the Judiciary in New Jersey.")
Joseph Berger, "Dutchess County to Pay $7.5 MILLION For a Wrongful Conviction," The New York Times, February 13, 2015, p. A23. (Dursey Barzula is the latest African-American exonerated after appeals and after spending 26 years in prison for a murder he did not commit thanks to prosecutors' incompetence -- at best -- and/or heinous misconduct at worst: "John McGill, Esq., the OAE, and New Jersey Corruption" and "Prosecutorial Misconduct.")
John C. Ensslin, "Jury Trial for Dems' Ex-Chief: Feds Drop Bid for New Evidence in Ferreiro Case," The New York Times, February 5, 2015, p. A-1. (M. Robert De Cotiis, Esq., the Dean of N.J.'s corrupt political lawyers -- and a distinguished former member of the New Jersey Legal Ethics Committee! -- is witness number one for the feds in Mr. Ferreiro's organized crime and/or racketeering trial. This is probably in exchange for not being prosecuted himself. Mr. De Cotiis was counsel to Governor McGreevey and alleged front-person on a number of scams in Trenton. Bob Menendez is also an alleged "unindicted and unidentified co-conspirator" in this matter. Do you fine ladies and gentlemen of the N.J. Bar Association speak to me of "ethics"? "New Jersey's Politically-Connected Lawyers On the Tit" and "Corrupt Law Firms, Senator Bob, and New Jersey Ethics.")
"Christie's Travels: England Trip Muddies Ethical Waters," (Editorial) The Record, February 5, 2015, p. A-8. (Mr. Christie's trip was funded by "Choose New Jersey" an organization made up of entities doing business in -- and with -- the state of New Jersey, possibly fronting for Sheldon Adelson, a very pro-Israeli citizen. What hurts investment in New Jersey is the corruption and ineptitude of the state's legal and political system as evidenced by this very trip to promote investment, allegedly. "New Jersey is the Home of the Living Dead" and "Law and Ethics in the Soprano State.")
Shawn Boburg, "PA Inquiry Puts Official in Unwanted Spotlight: Transport Chief Has No Comment On Subpoenas," The Record, February 7, 2015, p. A-5. (N.J. Transportation Commissioner Jamie Fox did some lobbying for United Airlines and may face conflict of interest and other ethics charges in matters that may have enriched the former Chairman of the Port Authority, David Samson. "David Samson Resigns!")
Stephanie Dazio, "Fugitive in Stalking Case Extradited: Tenafly Activist For Kids With Special Needs Back in Bergen," The Record, February 7, 2015, p. L-1. (Jon Singer, 50, is fond of working with "special kids" and also involved in cyberstalking and harassment. Malbus? More child abuse allegations involving prominent officials in New Jersey are forthcoming. "New Jersey is the Home of Child Molesters.")
Melissa Hayes, "Ex-Christie Aide Named to State Commission of Investigation: Rosemary Iaconne Has Long Service With the Governor," The Record, February 10, 2015, p. A-5. (Ms. Iaconne is rumored to have underworld affiliations. America's "Soprano State" has selected the right person for the state's soiled Commission of Investigation: "Mafia Influence in New Jersey's Courts and Politics.")
Amir Alexander, "Disorder Rules the Universe," (Book Review) The New York Times, Science Times, February 17, 2015, p. D3. (A serious misunderstanding is revealed in this review by "Amir Alexander" -- who is probably "George Johnson" -- that reduces the value of this review substantially. It is not, in fact, "disorder" that governs REALITY, but rather more complex notions of "order" are necessary to encompass quantum mechanics and the requirement of a participatory element in scientific KNOWLEDGE. Chaos physics is not the same thing as quantum physics. Quantum physics "explains" phenomena where "prediction" is meaningless or irrelevant. Chaos principles apply in the every day world we inhabit. For example, they trouble persons concerned to "predict" the weather with imperfect success, who may be perfectly able to "explain" weather phenomena. "Is the universe only a numbers game?")
Kathleen Lynn, "Ex-CEO to Pay $793,000: Englewood [N.J.] Man Who Led G-Trade Services Settles Federal Fraud Accusations Related to Taking Secret Profits," The Record, February 17, 2015, p. A-6. (Craig Lax, 50, former CEO of G-Trade Services, LLC. admitted "wrongdoing" -- not criminal conduct -- in settling the case, according to the SEC. Mr. Lax thanked his attorneys for all the help. He will enjoy a trip to the Bahamas for a little vacation.)
Ylia Khrennikou & Cornelius Rhan, "Hacker Group Blamed for $1 BILLION in Bank Thefts: Financial Institutions in 30 Nations Targeted , Firm Says," The Record, February 17, 2015, p. A-6. (Hackers based in Russia have found creative ways to counter the effects of the U.S.-sponsored sanctions. Mr. Putin said that he can neither condone or approve of such methods. "Mr. Putin's Advice to America.")
John Brennan, "1,700 Izod Center Workers Receive Their Pink Slips," The Record, February 5, 2015, p. A-6. (339 additional workers at Arcamak Food and Beverage Company will also lose their jobs because the Izod Center will close. Perhaps they can find jobs at the Xanadu Mall or working for Mercedes Benz in New Jersey, except that those entities are not available any more.)
John C. Ensslin, "Ferreiro's Racketeering Trial On Hold: Judge Weighs Defense Claim That U.S. Attorney Has Conflict," The Record, February 10, 2015, p. L-1. (A District Court Judge must consider whether N.J.'s U.S. Attorney has a conflict of interest in indicting Joe Ferreiro. I think Paul Fishman may have indicted Mr. Ferreiro to protect himself, Jim Dautsch, and Bob Menendez. This has nothing to do with how one feels about Joe Ferreiro. Menendez should have been indicted first and foremost. "Menendez Loves Xanadu!")
Jim Norman, "Accounts by Girls Lead to Sex Charges Against Two Men," The Record, February 10, 2015, p. L-3. (John Molinelli, Bergen County's Prosecutor, has indicted 2 men in separate incidents of aggravated sexual assaults: Bob Menendez supporter Julio Peralta-Aguilar, 47, from Cliffside Park, engaged in "inappropriate sexual activity with a 7-year-old girl"; Daniel O'Brien, 38, of Saddle Brook, molested a 9-year-old girl. I doubt that, given their ages, this is the first time for these offenders.)
David E. Sanger, "Fear of Israeli Leaks Fuels Distrust as U.S. and Iran Hold Nuclear Talks," The New York Times, February 18, 2015, p. A6. (Will Mr. Obama's "Iran strategy" succeed? Will leaks and subversion efforts from Israeli lobby politicians cause the failure of the strategy? We will see.)
Jodi Rudoren, "Inquiry by Israeli Comptroller Criticizes Spending Habits of Netanyahu and Wife," The New York Times, February 18, 2015, p. A7. (Among the incidental costs paid by Israeli taxpayers, in addition to salaries, was "nearly $120,000 in 2012, a third of that money for take out [sic.] meals. The state [sic.] paid $2,000 to clean the Netanyahu's private home" even when the Netanyahu family was residing in Jerusalem, also at public expense.)
"A Stronger Freedom of Information Act," (Editorial) The New York Times, February 18, 2015, p. A20. (Stop the cover-up and lying, New Jersey. Please tell me the truth. "No More Cover-Ups and Lies, Chief Justice Rabner!")
Susan K. Livio, "Long-Serving Head of Human Services Ready to Step Down," The Star-Ledger, February 18, 2015, p. 13. ("State Human Services Commissioner JENNIFER VELEZ, the top executive of the largest and most expensive department in state government, is resigning at the end of the month." Did Jennifer Velez use a fictious name, like Diana Lisa Riccioli, to communicate with persons in connection with me at any time? Is there a connection between Jennifer Velez and Maria Martinez? Diana Lisa Riccioli is also a "friend" of Ms. Velez, allegedly, as is Estela De La Cruz: "Jennifer Velez is a Dyke Magnet!")
Bill Wichert, "Maplewood Teacher Indicted On Charges of Sex Assaults On [Upon] Students," The Star-Ledger, February 16, 2015, p. 13. ("Nicole Dufault, 35, of Caldwell was indicted for assaulting six male students." There may be a repressed incident of sexual assault in this young woman's life that explains these events. "Protecting Sex Workers.")
Bill Amoral, "Teacher is Charged After Drinking at a Party Leaves Teen in Hospital, Cops Say," The Star-Ledger, February 18, 2015, p. 16. (A party at an Edison school teacher's home placed a 15-year-old's life in danger from excessive drinking. What else might have happened had police not arrived at the scene is impossible to tell since many children were "blind drunk.")
Hugh R. Morley, "Business Rebates Go Unpaid by State: After Companies Do Their Part, N.J. Cuts Funds for Tax Breaks," The Record, February 18, 2015, p. A-1. (N.J. lied to businesses concerning tax rewards or incentives. Hence, more jobs will be leaving the state in 2015, probably because the money is "missing" to fulfill the state's obligations. Is this the "Christie miracle"?)
Melissa Hayes, "68% of N.J. Voters Find Fault With Christie," The Record, February 18, 2015, p. A-3. (Mr. Christie is planning a "good will tour" of Disneyworld with his family at N.J. taxpayers' expense. Say hello to Mickey, Chris!)
Peter J. Abramson, "Russia Denies Role in $300 MILLION Hacking: Accused in Global Theft of Hacking Data," The Record, February 18, 2015, p. A-3. (Mr. Putin is "shocked" to learn that this hacking has taken place and, allegedly, blames Mr. Medvedev, for the incident.)
Kibret Marcos, "Dad of 9 gets 3 Years for Selling Stolen Goods: $275,000 in Appliances on EBay and Amazon," The Record, February 18, 2015, p. L-2. (Allegedly, Abraham Baruchov of Clifton, N.J. -- was Diana Lisa Riccioli "cut in" on his scams? -- cried and said: "My people don't steal." Please see: "Taking My Business Elsewhere.")
Richard Correa, "Fired Recreation Chief Denies He Extorted Fees: Passaic Ex-Official Turns Down Plea Offer," The Record, February 18, 2015, p. L-1. (Eddie Carrero, 54, former Passaic Recreation Director, pocketed more than $11,000 in program fees while he worked for the department. This is little league theft compared to Bob Menendez's "efforts." Ethics, Bob? Compare "Bribery in Union City, New Jersey" with "Illegal Payments to Bob Menendez.")
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