May 31, 2014 at 6:47 P.M. A single word in this text was enlarged by a hacker since this morning. The use of frustrations and anxiety are tactics that I know well by now. Curiously, it appears that a New Jersey Supreme Court computer may have been used by a hacker attacking these blogs. I will try to make the necessary corrections.
May 30, 2014 at 5:15 P.M. I will be adding a list of sources underlining the realities of the world in which we live as well as several works addressing, specifically, the issues raised in this essay. Google Chrome is occasionally unavailable as is the print-feature at the new laptops at NYPL, Morningside Heights, and it only took about a week to "install" 14 laptops from which printing is impossible.
The Real World:
Charlie Savage, "U.S. Judge Decides 'Anguishing' Case On Force-Feeding," The New York Times, May 24, 2014, p. A1. (Would "force-feeding" or torture be O.K. for the good folks in Scarsdale, Connecticut, your Honor? "Law and Literature.")
Jonathan Gilbert, "A Desperate Mother's Search Leads to a Fight Against Sex Trafficking," The New York Times, May 24, 2014, p. A8. ("I live a permanent battle. From when I awake to when I sleep, I live for this. I'm looking for my daughter alive." I am involved in a similar struggle: "Marilyn Straus Was Right!")
Kate Zernike, "Christie's Budget Woes May Hurt More Than a Scandal," The New York Times, May 24, 2014, p. A17. (N.J. faces a $2.7 BILLION budget hole and has, perhaps, the lowest credit rating and the "least respected state legal system" in the nation.)
"The C.I.A.'s Deadly Ruse in Pakistan," (Editorial) The New York Times, May 27, 2014, p. A22. (Millions who may benefit from immunizations are endangered by a CIA deception designed to kill "militants." Thousands of children have already been hurt -- perhaps they were militant children.)
Charlie Savage, "U.S. Seeks to Censor More of Memo That Approved Drone Strike on American," The New York Times, May 27, 2014, p. A24. (The Constitution prohibits any killing of an American without due process of law even in wartime.)
Elena Schneider & Steven Kearny, "Snowden Defends Actions in [a] Lengthy T.V. Interview," The New York Times, May 27, 2014, p. A24. (It is not Mr. Snowden who needs to defend his actions now, but the U.S. government that should explain the secret violations of human rights under the "surveillance state.")
Sam Roberts, "Arthur Gelb, 1924-2014: A Passionate Editor Who Elevated the Times," The New York Times, May 21, 2014, p. A1. (This newspaper once set the standard for excellence in journalism before intelligence agency "fictitious names" used by various writers became common: "Manohla Dargis," "Anemona Hartocolis," "Carlotta Gall, "Victoria Burnett.")
Jenny Anderson, "Credit Suisse Investors Shrug Off Tax Plea," The New York Times, May 21, 2014, p. B1. (Who cares? It's a cost of doing business. $2.6 billion for a $90-100 billion per-year financial institution is meaningless.)
"Judges and Justice For Sale," (Editorial) The New York Times, May 19, 2014, p. A16. (Corruption in the judicial selection process has reached a crisis stage.)
America's Intellectual Culture:
Anne Enright, "By the Booker: In a Change of Pace, Edward St. Aubyn's Novel Satirizes the Awarding of a British Literary Prize," The New York Times Book Review, May 25, 2014, p. 10.
Michiko Kakutani, "Skewering Britain's High-Tone Scribblers," The New York Times, May 20, 2014, p. C1.
John Banville, "Overbooked," The New York Review of Books, June 5, 2014, p. 41. ("John Banville's 'The Newton Letter'" and "'Brideshead Revisited': A Movie Review" and "What is it like to be plagiarized?")
Edward St. Aubyn, Lost For Words (New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2014).
Have we lost appreciation for genuine literary or artistic merit? Do we recognize the importance of the classics today? Can we distinguish art from artist, beauty or meaning from political content? Has political correctness replaced merit in evaluating books?
John Searle, "The Storm Over the University," in Paul Berman, Ed., Debating P.C. (New York: Dell, 1992), p. 85.
Camille Paglia, "The Nursery-School Campus: The Corrupting of the Humanities in the U.S.," in Vamps and Tramps (New York: Vintage, 1994), p. 97.
Annie Karni, "Zing Crimson: Mike in Harvard Rant at Ivy Liberals," The Daily News, May 30, 2014, p. 6. (Mike Bloomberg lashed out at intolerance by liberals on college campuses, presumably including mandatory "political correctness." As a political Leftist, I agree with the former mayor about this nonsense, and about the absurdity of Brown's insult of former New York police commissioner, Ray Kelly. The turning of police officers' backs on ANY mayor on the occasion of an officer's funeral is disgraceful politicizing and using of an occasion that should transcend politics for partisan purposes. Mr. De Blasio is doing exactly what he should be doing in recognizing both protesters' rights and police needs for safety in the struggle to meet the city's security needs. Ignoring the information I have brought to the attention of Mr. Vance endangers all of us -- especially the magnificent men and women of the NYPD. "An Open Letter to Cyrus Vance, Jr., Esq.")
Jennifer Medina, "Warning: The Literary Canon Could Make Students Squirm," The New York Times, May 18, 2014, p. A1.
"Colleges across the country this spring have been wrestling with student requests for what are known as 'trigger warnings,' explicit alerts that the material they are about to read or see in a classroom might upset them or, as some students assert, cause symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder in victims of rape or in war veterans."
As I read this article in the Times detailing further evidence of what many intellectuals throughout the world regard as the sad decline in America's universities and high-brow culture, I could not avoid being struck by the confusions in the text resulting from failures to define key concepts being used and the values appealed to by all participants in the debate over this issue, or in the growing journalistic discussions of the controversy. ("Nihilists in Disneyworld" and "Arthur Schopenhauer and the Metaphysics of Art.")
The author of this article -- who seems to approve of "trigger warnings" for art -- and a number of persons quoted who, evidently, share "her" values or opinions, is not very clear on whether it is believed that great literature, or materials deemed important or "relevant" in the university curriculum, are or should be "nice" or not the sort of things that should "upset" people, as distinct from accepting that some of what we read in (and out of) school is bound to be troubling for excellent reasons.
If so -- if either this journalist or some of the "experts" consulted genuinely believe that great works of art ought to be "nice," or that they are the opposite of upsetting or disturbing -- then these persons simply have no idea what is meant by a classic or magnificent work of art of any kind. ("Is Humanism Still Possible?")
Nothing is as disturbing or upsetting an intellectual-aesthetic experience as one's first encounter with the arguably bleak vision of life in Greek tragedy or, say, King Lear; there is no work of literature as concerned with justice as the allegedly "anti-semitic" Merchant of Venice (which has been read as an argument against anti-semitism); Goya's graphic depiction of firing squads in Spain is likely to upset persons who have lost family members to firing squads, as I have, which is probably Goya's intention; depictions of the "Rape of the Sabine Women" in classical art could dampen the mood of someone, like me, who has been "affected" by rapes and abuse of various kinds. ("Terry Tuchin, Diana Lisa Riccioli, and New Jersey's Agency of Torture.")
Representations in art of suffering and loss at the absence of a loved-one, as in Massenet's "Werther" based on Goethe's The Sorrow's of Young Werther chronicling a romance of the 1770s between a married woman and a young man, could be a tad vexing for a person, like me, who has experienced similar emotions.
Who hasn't experienced painful emotions at the loss of love or separation from a lover or the death of a loved-one?
It may be that the PURPOSE of real art is to upset people in order to expiate or allow for transcendence of the evils that artistic masterpieces reflect and express through what Aristotle calls "catharsis." ("But wasn't Aristotle insensitive to women's issues?")
Good art should disturb you, as the recipient of art, boys and girls, in order to perform a powerful liberating function. All authentic art and, indeed, life itself comes with a "trigger warning." Literal "trigger warnings" attached to art objects --
" -- suggest a certain fragility of mind that higher learning is meant to challenge, not embrace." ("David Hume's Philosophical Romance" and "Shakespeare's Black Prince.")
Included in this "trigger warning" nonsense is everything from Shakespeare's tragedies to a very interesting sculpture at Wellesley College of a man who "appeared" to be wandering around the campus in his underwear in a kind of "lost state" perceived by young women and others as a "stalker." ("Why I am not an ethical relativist" and "John Finnis and Ethical Cognitivism.")
Such is the power of our psychobabble, middle-brow culture that has invaded academia that the professors at this liberal arts college were unable to explain (if they were even aware of it) to students that free speech and expression issues are more important in this context than aesthetics.
Democratic principles of pluralism are to be examined by (and taught to) women -- not children -- entering a democracy with a Constitutional commitment to freedom of expression for all.
The lessons being taught to students at this shady and beautiful campus about censorship in this incident are not very comforting for their future civic responsibilities.
Bear in mind that there are "state contacts" with this college because the school receives federal money. Accordingly, any censorship would be deemed a kind of state censorship that is profoundly offensive to the First Amendment.
In fact, this life-size and highly realistic figure of a middle-aged guy in his underwear was one of a set of two figures, male and female, similarly clad and equally "representative" of the bafflement and forlorn nature of Americans wandering in the wasteland of postmodernist culture that have reminded critics of Edvard [Edward] Munch's "The Scream."
Massacio's "Expulsion From Paradise" has also been mentioned as a predecessor work to this statue.
Many of the sculptures at the MET Museum in New York -- as I noticed on a recent visit -- are unclothed, to say nothing of many paintings by great masters depicting nudes, all of which should be removed from the sight of fragile young women, evidently, according to some P.C. professors.
Perhaps the young ladies at Wellesley should be discouraged from contemplating these art objects that may "disturb" their peaceful delight in television sit-coms or on-line "twittering."
The sculpture at Wellesley is a serious and important piece of art that this college is lucky to have.
Have they traded the controversial figure of the middle-aged American man for a plastic and non-threatening Mickey Mouse statue to stand at the entrance to the college? ("Why Jane can't read.")
One of the charming young ladies at this distinguished college explained that, had the naked man been Brad Pitt, she would not have minded. ("Whatever" and "What is Education For?")
There are an infinite number of interpretations of this particular work of art that was so troubling to the young ladies at Wellsley College, establishing the work's value, because it generates a strong response of some kind from viewers -- viewers who have often lapsed into entertainment-induced lobotomies thanks to "The Simpsons" and "Diet Coke" commercials to say nothing of something called: "The Hunger Games." ("Nihilism Against Memory.")
Art is indeed often confused by the Internet generation with entertainment. Great art is sometimes entertaining, even if this quality is irrelevant to its merits.
Art and Hollywood "fun-stuff" are assumed to be always "soothing" to the mind after a long day at the coffee shop, or "texting," like Alka-Seltzer for the intellect, or binge-viewing of an entire season of "Gray's Anatomy." ("God is Texting Me!")
Who or what is "McDreamy"? How about "McSteamy"? Are these two names attached to the same "person" or "character"?
Think outside the box, kids. All of this typical absurdity seems especially "demeaning to women." Women are assumed to need protection from "disturbing" things -- like wars and men without (or wearing) their underwear -- as young ladies were once warned in the nineteenth century about the dangers of the "passions found in Romantic poetry and the obscene music of Ludwig Beethoven." ("Master and Commander" and "Serendipity, III.")
Representations of horrors and paradoxical emotions in art are meant to assist persons in grappling with such things in life. Grim realities must be faced and dealt with in the world. There will be pain, loss, and suffering in every human life. Even the most privileged and fortunate lives will contain moments of abject misery. Art is about coming to terms with the human condition that involves so much agony and heroism as well as love and compassion. ("Magician's Choice" and "The Soldier and the Ballerina" then "Oh, to be in India!")
Education is designed to help you do that "facing-up" to terrible things, not to spare your feelings by providing you with a taste for the soothing lies found in bad art and bogus philosophies.
At this same college, in 2014, a "swing" has been installed. Perhaps the administration will consider installing a water ride? ("Who killed the liberal arts?")
Do we need to be told by a tenured fool that we should beware of racism? ("Whatever.")
" ... classism, sexism, heterosexism, [homosexism,] cessixism, ableism, [ism-ism?,] and other issues of privilege and oppression."
To quote Professor Camille Paglia, who is not a Republican or any kind of white male person, but a feminist as well as a serious literary critic:
" ... coddling has led, in my view, to the outrageous speech codes which are designed to shield students from the realities of life. The campus is now not an arena of ideas but a nursery school where adulthood can be indefinitely postponed."
The greatest postponing of adulthood takes place among many professors and not their students:
"Faculty who are committed to the great principle of free speech are therefore at war with paternalistic administrators in league with misguided parents."
"In the summer-camp mentality of American universities, the ferocity of genuine intellectual debate would first seem like spoiling everyone's fun."
All writings are copyright protected and may not be altered, copied or published, or used in any way without the express and written permission of the author. All rights reserved. Copyright (2020) by Juan Galis-Menendez.
Friday, May 30, 2014
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Christie Abandons Promise by Endorsing Rabner.
May 29, 2014 at 6:26 P.M. "Errors" have been inserted in this text, apparently, by persons using N.J. government computers. If Mr. Rabner is unable to control his troops, he is not a very effective Chief Justice; but if Mr. Rabner is suggesting to people that they engage in computer-crime, he is far worse than even I imagined. I will attempt to make all necessary corrections.
May 28, 2014 at 3:50 P.M. The print feature seems to have been affected when I signed-in to the new laptop today at NYPL, Morningside Heights, computer #14. This may be designed to prevent me from printing today (or in the future) at this library.
Writing has been a war this afternoon. I expect to continue fighting this war. I am prepared to do so.
Bob Menendez may -- or may not -- run for reelection. It is smarter not to accept any rumors or representations from anyone on this subject until an official statement is made.
A list of sources of more disgusting corruption and incompetence in New Jersey will be added to this text soon.
Jim Norman, "Bail Bond System Riddled by Abuse, State Probe Finds," The Record, May 22, 2014, p. A-4. (Pervasive corruption in New Jersey's bail bond system that includes allegations of "kickbacks" to judges and prosecutors for providing convenient bail amounts to defendants.)
Karen Sudol, "Bank Worker Gets 1&1/2 Years for Loan Scam: Ex-Employee in Elmwood Park Accepted Bribe, False Statements," The Record, May 20, 2014, p. L-3. (Active in local politics, Menendez supporter, JOSE DOMINGUEZ, may face more charges soon. Why did it take so long? Legal department in the bank?)
Kibret Marcos, "Councilman to Fight Fraud Case," The Record, May 22, 2014, p. L-1. (Councilman, who is probably on the legal ethics committee, engaged in fraud. "New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System.")
Jim Norman, "Ramsey Man Charged On Child Porn Charges," The Record, May 22, 2014, p. L-3. (EDWARD FORD is arrested as another network of child-porn and -prostitution enthusiasts is disrupted. Not all "customer names" are being disclosed. Allegations that physicians and attorneys are among these enthusiasts seem to be confirmed by "other" events.)
Joe Malinconico, "Contributions to Council Victor Doubled Near the End: $25,000 Came From Unions," The Record, May 22, 2014, p. L-2. (Allegations of mafia corruption using labor unions as fronts have resulted in a possible federal investigation of these contributions: "Does Senator Menendez have mafia friends?")
Shawn Boburg, "Port Board Delays Two Key Votes: Debate Intensifies Over NJ Transit Lot, WTC Deal," The Record, April 24, 2014, p. A-1. (New allegations of corruption at the end of May, after Mr. Samson's departure, may delay further votes.)
Barbara Williams, "Hawthorne Cardiologist Indicted in Sex Case: Innovative Doctor Accused of Fondling Two Patients," The Record, April 24, 2014, p. L-2. (A physician -- who may be a part of a child sex network -- is also fond of sexually-exploiting incapacitated women. The POWER over helpless others is the sexual addiction for such offenders.)
Joe Malinconico, "Man Faces Child Porn Charges: Sold Computer Images, Sheriff Says," The Record, April 24, 2014, p. L-3. (Bob Menendez supporter and lynchpin of yet another computer network -- with global affiliates or an "international customer" base -- CESAR GARCIA-LIRIA, 55 years-old, is facing multiple criminal charges in New Jersey and, maybe, federal charges as well.)
Kate Zernike, "Christie Renominates Chief Justice Despite Vows to Remake New Jersey's Supreme Court," The New York Times, May 22, 2014, p. A25.
Michael Phillis, "Governor Strikes Deal to Retain Chief Justice: Renomination Follows Political Controversy," The Record, May 22, 2014, p. A-1.
Charles Stile, "In Compromise Over High Court: Sweeney Was in Driver's Seat," The Record, May 22, 2014, p. A-1.
"In a decision long anticipated as an indicator of his political fortunes, Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey renominated the Chief Justice of the state's Supreme Court on Wednesday, despite his promises to remake what he has called an 'activist' and 'liberal' court."
The reappointment of Chief Justice Stuart Rabner -- like most things in New Jersey politics and law -- is shrouded in obfuscation and sanctimony as well as the usual hand-on-heart hypocrisy from politicians. ("Law and Ethics in the Soprano State" and "Nihilists in Disneyworld.")
There is much talk of "judicial independence," for instance, which has certainly not existed in New Jersey for decades -- if it ever was to be found in Trenton -- as demonstrated by the division between Rabner's supporters (Sweeney and other Democrats) versus his detractors (Christie and Republicans).
Ironically, Mr. Rabner has listed himself as a Republican at times and also as a Democrat, much depends on which way the wind is blowing. These days, evidently, Mr. Rabner claims to be a Democrat. ("Stuart Rabner and Conduct Unbecoming to the Judiciary in New Jersey" and "Have you no shame, Mr. Rabner?")
The significance of this reappointment is, first of all, jurisprudential: Rabner is a legal pragmatist and social engineer who views the judicial function, in Posnerian terms, as a form of political-economic policy-making from the bench, but also because of the hubris that Rabner represents in the American and N.J. legal systems; second, there are unique aspects of this bizarre reappointment that can only be understood in the context of New Jersey's wonderland-like political "reality"; finally, the sad and revolting personal meaning of this tragic reappointment (for me and so many others) is the perpetuation of New Jersey's "culture of corruption," lies, cover-ups, frauds and various forms of judicial theft for the foreseeable future, or until Mr. Rabner turns 70. ("Solomon Dwek Gets 6 Year Sentence.")
I plan and expect to be there on that happy 70th birthday for Mr. Rabner when I will still be fighting for the truth, if necessary, for myself and for Marilyn Straus as well as for the many victims of the state's dismally failed and even fraudulent courts. ("New Jersey is the Home of the Living Dead" and "Larry Peterson Cleared by DNA" then "So Black and So Blue in Prison" and "Marilyn Straus Was Right!")
Many persons have been denied their rights, falsely convicted of crimes, damaged in legal proceedings contaminated by fraudulent evidence and the interference of N.J.'s Democrat machine in the courts to the delight (or indifference) of Mr. Rabner and his "brethren" on the bench. ("No More Cover-Ups and Lies, Chief Justice Rabner!" and "What did you know, Mr. Rabner, and when did you know it?")
The Times article appearing under Ms. Zernike's byline is slanted in favor of the Democrat perspective on these matters. Some of the text may have been written by Mr. Sweeney or Barbara Buono, or another powerful New Jersey politician, if not by their staff members.
The real criticisms surrounding the New Jersey Supreme Court's activism is not about the possibly admirable social policy goals pursued by the court, but whether such determinations concerning what is good for society are properly made, if at all, by a small group of like-minded judges as opposed to a legislature representing all of the people.
The people can, theoretically, choose not to reelect incompetent officials, rather than being stuck with someone until that person is 70 years-old or worse, for much longer than that, as happened with Ms. Poritz and Mr. Wilentz.
Mr. Rabner is essentially irremovable short of impeachment until his 70th birthday and, heaven help us, possibly beyond that date. Imbecility is no bar to continued "service" on the court -- as Ms. Poritz has proven -- and many current members of the court continue to establish this point "beyond a reasonable doubt." ("Jaynee La Vecchia and Conduct Unbecoming to the Judiciary in New Jersey" and "Deborah T. Poritz and Conduct Unbecoming to the Judiciary in New Jersey.")
The influence or "shadow" of Solomon Dwek and Angelo ("The Horn") Prisco and "friends" have been difficult for Mr. Rabner to leave behind. Most New Jersey lawyers regard Mr. Rabner as mediocre, intellectually and judicially, embroiled in behind-the-scenes politics, and probably corrupt in his friendships that include the likes of David Samson and Solomon Dwek. Dwek's cash may have found its way, mysteriously, into Rabner's pockets -- according to the "rabbi's son," Mr. Dwek. ("David Samson Resigns.")
"Mr. Christie ran in 2009 on a platform of remaking the judiciary, and in office has long crusaded against the court, particularly its decisions on money for poor school districts, [corrupt administrators] affordable housing [money for developers] and same-sex marriage. [Ms. Poritz and her "friends."] Democrats, the state bar association and even Chief Justice Rabner himself have responded with public warnings about the risk to judicial independence." ("Trenton's Nasty Lesbian Love-Fest" and "Sexual Favors For New Jersey Judges" then "Christie Attacks New Jersey's Corrupt Judges" and "N.J. Female Professor Rapes Disabled Man.")
The suggestion that there is "judicial independence" in the "Soprano State" is absurd. ("New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System" and "John McGill, Esq., the OAE, and New Jersey Corruption.")
Mr. Menendez and Mr. Sweeney will have their calls and suggestions "put through" to Mr. Rabner, especially when the issue of judicial compensation -- which is close to Chief Justice Rabner's heart -- comes up for debate. Mr. Rabner will do exactly what he is told to do (or not do) by New Jersey's Democrat and other bosses after they have "gone to bat" for him in getting Rabner his "tenure" and his cushy pension(s). This is the opposite of judicial independence. ("New Jersey's Judges Disgrace America" and "New Jersey's Failed Judiciary" then "New Jersey Supreme Court's Implosion.")
Mr. Rabner has been informed that I am the victim of a criminal fraud upon the court committed by Mr. McGill and the OAE, and he does nothing; I am sure that representatives of the Trenton court and other government agencies in many states (and countries) read my blogs, every day, and they can do nothing; I know that Mr. Rabner is aware of the rapes and thefts that have been committed in these matters as well as computer crimes along with censorship victimizing many innocent persons besides myself. Nothing happens. ("Terry Tuchn, Diana Lisa Riccioli, and New Jersey's Agency of Torture" and "Psychological Torture in the American Legal System.")
A wall of silence in response to such atrocities is a violation of the affirmative legal obligation upon the court and Mr. Rabner to remedy the effects of "outrageous and cruel injustices" for victims in order to limit their suffering -- this obligation should preclude further harm and suffering by many persons in this matter concerning me, but is ignored on a daily basis. No media coverage is allowed in America. Continued apathy to this disaster for New Jersey's court system is for Mr. Rabner to make legality, legal ethics and his own office, a lie. ("Is America's Legal Ethics a Lie?")
To quote Mr. Christie: " ... 'This judicial independence thing is a crock, it's a complete crock,' he said." I concur. ("Mafia Influence in New Jersey Courts and Politics" and, again, "New Jersey's Judges Disgrace America.")
May 28, 2014 at 3:50 P.M. The print feature seems to have been affected when I signed-in to the new laptop today at NYPL, Morningside Heights, computer #14. This may be designed to prevent me from printing today (or in the future) at this library.
Writing has been a war this afternoon. I expect to continue fighting this war. I am prepared to do so.
Bob Menendez may -- or may not -- run for reelection. It is smarter not to accept any rumors or representations from anyone on this subject until an official statement is made.
A list of sources of more disgusting corruption and incompetence in New Jersey will be added to this text soon.
Jim Norman, "Bail Bond System Riddled by Abuse, State Probe Finds," The Record, May 22, 2014, p. A-4. (Pervasive corruption in New Jersey's bail bond system that includes allegations of "kickbacks" to judges and prosecutors for providing convenient bail amounts to defendants.)
Karen Sudol, "Bank Worker Gets 1&1/2 Years for Loan Scam: Ex-Employee in Elmwood Park Accepted Bribe, False Statements," The Record, May 20, 2014, p. L-3. (Active in local politics, Menendez supporter, JOSE DOMINGUEZ, may face more charges soon. Why did it take so long? Legal department in the bank?)
Kibret Marcos, "Councilman to Fight Fraud Case," The Record, May 22, 2014, p. L-1. (Councilman, who is probably on the legal ethics committee, engaged in fraud. "New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System.")
Jim Norman, "Ramsey Man Charged On Child Porn Charges," The Record, May 22, 2014, p. L-3. (EDWARD FORD is arrested as another network of child-porn and -prostitution enthusiasts is disrupted. Not all "customer names" are being disclosed. Allegations that physicians and attorneys are among these enthusiasts seem to be confirmed by "other" events.)
Joe Malinconico, "Contributions to Council Victor Doubled Near the End: $25,000 Came From Unions," The Record, May 22, 2014, p. L-2. (Allegations of mafia corruption using labor unions as fronts have resulted in a possible federal investigation of these contributions: "Does Senator Menendez have mafia friends?")
Shawn Boburg, "Port Board Delays Two Key Votes: Debate Intensifies Over NJ Transit Lot, WTC Deal," The Record, April 24, 2014, p. A-1. (New allegations of corruption at the end of May, after Mr. Samson's departure, may delay further votes.)
Barbara Williams, "Hawthorne Cardiologist Indicted in Sex Case: Innovative Doctor Accused of Fondling Two Patients," The Record, April 24, 2014, p. L-2. (A physician -- who may be a part of a child sex network -- is also fond of sexually-exploiting incapacitated women. The POWER over helpless others is the sexual addiction for such offenders.)
Joe Malinconico, "Man Faces Child Porn Charges: Sold Computer Images, Sheriff Says," The Record, April 24, 2014, p. L-3. (Bob Menendez supporter and lynchpin of yet another computer network -- with global affiliates or an "international customer" base -- CESAR GARCIA-LIRIA, 55 years-old, is facing multiple criminal charges in New Jersey and, maybe, federal charges as well.)
Kate Zernike, "Christie Renominates Chief Justice Despite Vows to Remake New Jersey's Supreme Court," The New York Times, May 22, 2014, p. A25.
Michael Phillis, "Governor Strikes Deal to Retain Chief Justice: Renomination Follows Political Controversy," The Record, May 22, 2014, p. A-1.
Charles Stile, "In Compromise Over High Court: Sweeney Was in Driver's Seat," The Record, May 22, 2014, p. A-1.
"In a decision long anticipated as an indicator of his political fortunes, Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey renominated the Chief Justice of the state's Supreme Court on Wednesday, despite his promises to remake what he has called an 'activist' and 'liberal' court."
The reappointment of Chief Justice Stuart Rabner -- like most things in New Jersey politics and law -- is shrouded in obfuscation and sanctimony as well as the usual hand-on-heart hypocrisy from politicians. ("Law and Ethics in the Soprano State" and "Nihilists in Disneyworld.")
There is much talk of "judicial independence," for instance, which has certainly not existed in New Jersey for decades -- if it ever was to be found in Trenton -- as demonstrated by the division between Rabner's supporters (Sweeney and other Democrats) versus his detractors (Christie and Republicans).
Ironically, Mr. Rabner has listed himself as a Republican at times and also as a Democrat, much depends on which way the wind is blowing. These days, evidently, Mr. Rabner claims to be a Democrat. ("Stuart Rabner and Conduct Unbecoming to the Judiciary in New Jersey" and "Have you no shame, Mr. Rabner?")
The significance of this reappointment is, first of all, jurisprudential: Rabner is a legal pragmatist and social engineer who views the judicial function, in Posnerian terms, as a form of political-economic policy-making from the bench, but also because of the hubris that Rabner represents in the American and N.J. legal systems; second, there are unique aspects of this bizarre reappointment that can only be understood in the context of New Jersey's wonderland-like political "reality"; finally, the sad and revolting personal meaning of this tragic reappointment (for me and so many others) is the perpetuation of New Jersey's "culture of corruption," lies, cover-ups, frauds and various forms of judicial theft for the foreseeable future, or until Mr. Rabner turns 70. ("Solomon Dwek Gets 6 Year Sentence.")
I plan and expect to be there on that happy 70th birthday for Mr. Rabner when I will still be fighting for the truth, if necessary, for myself and for Marilyn Straus as well as for the many victims of the state's dismally failed and even fraudulent courts. ("New Jersey is the Home of the Living Dead" and "Larry Peterson Cleared by DNA" then "So Black and So Blue in Prison" and "Marilyn Straus Was Right!")
Many persons have been denied their rights, falsely convicted of crimes, damaged in legal proceedings contaminated by fraudulent evidence and the interference of N.J.'s Democrat machine in the courts to the delight (or indifference) of Mr. Rabner and his "brethren" on the bench. ("No More Cover-Ups and Lies, Chief Justice Rabner!" and "What did you know, Mr. Rabner, and when did you know it?")
The Times article appearing under Ms. Zernike's byline is slanted in favor of the Democrat perspective on these matters. Some of the text may have been written by Mr. Sweeney or Barbara Buono, or another powerful New Jersey politician, if not by their staff members.
The real criticisms surrounding the New Jersey Supreme Court's activism is not about the possibly admirable social policy goals pursued by the court, but whether such determinations concerning what is good for society are properly made, if at all, by a small group of like-minded judges as opposed to a legislature representing all of the people.
The people can, theoretically, choose not to reelect incompetent officials, rather than being stuck with someone until that person is 70 years-old or worse, for much longer than that, as happened with Ms. Poritz and Mr. Wilentz.
Mr. Rabner is essentially irremovable short of impeachment until his 70th birthday and, heaven help us, possibly beyond that date. Imbecility is no bar to continued "service" on the court -- as Ms. Poritz has proven -- and many current members of the court continue to establish this point "beyond a reasonable doubt." ("Jaynee La Vecchia and Conduct Unbecoming to the Judiciary in New Jersey" and "Deborah T. Poritz and Conduct Unbecoming to the Judiciary in New Jersey.")
The influence or "shadow" of Solomon Dwek and Angelo ("The Horn") Prisco and "friends" have been difficult for Mr. Rabner to leave behind. Most New Jersey lawyers regard Mr. Rabner as mediocre, intellectually and judicially, embroiled in behind-the-scenes politics, and probably corrupt in his friendships that include the likes of David Samson and Solomon Dwek. Dwek's cash may have found its way, mysteriously, into Rabner's pockets -- according to the "rabbi's son," Mr. Dwek. ("David Samson Resigns.")
"Mr. Christie ran in 2009 on a platform of remaking the judiciary, and in office has long crusaded against the court, particularly its decisions on money for poor school districts, [corrupt administrators] affordable housing [money for developers] and same-sex marriage. [Ms. Poritz and her "friends."] Democrats, the state bar association and even Chief Justice Rabner himself have responded with public warnings about the risk to judicial independence." ("Trenton's Nasty Lesbian Love-Fest" and "Sexual Favors For New Jersey Judges" then "Christie Attacks New Jersey's Corrupt Judges" and "N.J. Female Professor Rapes Disabled Man.")
The suggestion that there is "judicial independence" in the "Soprano State" is absurd. ("New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System" and "John McGill, Esq., the OAE, and New Jersey Corruption.")
Mr. Menendez and Mr. Sweeney will have their calls and suggestions "put through" to Mr. Rabner, especially when the issue of judicial compensation -- which is close to Chief Justice Rabner's heart -- comes up for debate. Mr. Rabner will do exactly what he is told to do (or not do) by New Jersey's Democrat and other bosses after they have "gone to bat" for him in getting Rabner his "tenure" and his cushy pension(s). This is the opposite of judicial independence. ("New Jersey's Judges Disgrace America" and "New Jersey's Failed Judiciary" then "New Jersey Supreme Court's Implosion.")
Mr. Rabner has been informed that I am the victim of a criminal fraud upon the court committed by Mr. McGill and the OAE, and he does nothing; I am sure that representatives of the Trenton court and other government agencies in many states (and countries) read my blogs, every day, and they can do nothing; I know that Mr. Rabner is aware of the rapes and thefts that have been committed in these matters as well as computer crimes along with censorship victimizing many innocent persons besides myself. Nothing happens. ("Terry Tuchn, Diana Lisa Riccioli, and New Jersey's Agency of Torture" and "Psychological Torture in the American Legal System.")
A wall of silence in response to such atrocities is a violation of the affirmative legal obligation upon the court and Mr. Rabner to remedy the effects of "outrageous and cruel injustices" for victims in order to limit their suffering -- this obligation should preclude further harm and suffering by many persons in this matter concerning me, but is ignored on a daily basis. No media coverage is allowed in America. Continued apathy to this disaster for New Jersey's court system is for Mr. Rabner to make legality, legal ethics and his own office, a lie. ("Is America's Legal Ethics a Lie?")
To quote Mr. Christie: " ... 'This judicial independence thing is a crock, it's a complete crock,' he said." I concur. ("Mafia Influence in New Jersey Courts and Politics" and, again, "New Jersey's Judges Disgrace America.")
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Will Cecily McMillan Go To Jail?
May 25, 2014 at 11:50 A.M. Attempts to access the Internet from my home were obstructed. I will try again at one hour intervals to get online. Library computers will not be available until after Tuesday. I may be stuck at home for a few days, but I will try to find a way to continue writing and posting essays.
May 23, 2014 at 11:06 A.M. I was surprised to receive a visit from the Super in my building early this morning suddenly concerned about leaks in my bathroom. I will take my own photos. I will be happy to cooperate with all repair efforts, if any are needed. I will take such actions as may rationally be required to facilitate repairs when it becomes necessary to take such actions.
It appears that new laptops will not be available today at NYPL, Morningside Heights. I will try again tomorrow to add the essay concerning Cecily McMillan to this text.
Mr. Christie's collapse and surrender on the Stuart Rabner reappointment is a terrible mistake for the governor that restores a political enemy -- a man allied with the "friends" of Solomon Dwek -- to the New Jersey Supreme Court. Mr. Rabner will oppose the governor's policies and obstruct every effort to resolve my matters. ("Have you no shame, Mr. Rabner?")
Mr. Rabner's conflicts of interest -- given his actions and inactions in my matters -- and his desire to protect the OAE as well as himself and his friends (Ms. Poritz), should preclude him from taking any role in my matters or deciding any issue affecting me. ("New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System" and "John McGill, Esq., the OAE, and N.J. Corruption.")
Mr. Rabner's continued presence on the Supreme Court in Trenton is sufficient to establish the appearance -- if not the reality -- of impropriety or corruption. ("N.J.'s Moshe 'David' Schwartz Guilty of Fraud" and "David Samson Resigns.")
Mr. Rabner's reappointment is a defeat for the people of New Jersey and a betrayal of Mr. Chritie's campaign promises concerning reforming the state Supreme Court that is only made possible by the N.J. Governor's weakening as a result of the GWB scandal. Maybe this "weakening" and hurting of Mr. Christie, politically, was the point of that media-generated scandal: Kate Zernike, "Christie Renominates Chief Justice Despite Vows to Remake New Jersey's Supreme Court," The New York Times, May 22, 2014, p. A25.
Mr. Rabner's continued presence on the court is said to displease U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts. I concur. ("Have you no shame, Mr. Rabner?" and "No More Cover-Ups and Lies, Chief Justice Rabner!")
May 21, 2014 at 5:46 P.M. Earlier today I was denied access to my blogs and was forced to sign-out from NYPL, Morningside Heights, computer #10.
I made copies of a number of bogus pages requesting a "password" (after I had signed-in) or other absurd insults. Some day I may receive an explanation of these tactics from New Jersey. ("New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System" and "New Jersey's Office of Attorney Ethics.")
Similar harassments, obstructions, censorship of communication efforts in violation of First Amendment rights have been a part of my writing experience on-line for more than a decade and are clearly the work of government and/or police officials emanating from state offices, probably in New Jersey and/or Florida. ("Time to End the Embargo Against Cuba.")
After years of this sort of attack and the frustration of many communication or writing efforts, I have come to expect this war, every day, in my struggle for the truth from N.J. and to express my thoughts and opinions.
Deliberate infliction of emotional harm and silencing -- however hurtful to me -- is primarily aimed, I believe, at producing permanent harm only in order to prevent the expression of opinions and ideas that powerful individuals dislike because of their social effects or controversy surrounding my views and myself. ("Torture" and "Dehumanization.")
Truths concerning social justice and the reality of oppression are bound to displease those doing the oppressing and seeking to avoid legal outcomes that benefit the many at the expense of the few. Censorship is always the totalitarian response to anyone speaking truth to power.
I should not expect to be liked or popular in a society that I love for its ideals, but that I feel compelled to criticize for moral as well as political reasons concerning a number of issues. The size of the text in this paragraph was altered by hackers as I posted revisions. ("Manifesto For the Unfinished American Revolution" and "American Lawyers and Torture" then "Fidel Castro's 'History Will Absolve Me.'")
Threats or actual harm, anxiety induced through frustrations, economic deprivations, stigmatizing, professional harm -- all of these devices are expected ingredients in the witches' brew conjured by politicians hoping to silence a tortured dissident. Ideally, the victim will give up in despair and commit suicide or sink into severe depression. I will not allow these methods to work with me. I am not alone in this implacable resolve to seek and speak the truth about the injustices with which we live. ("Glen Greenwald's Partner Detained" and "Freedom For Mumia Abu-Jamal.")
I also sense that for sadists engaging in these tactics there is a sexual thrill that accompanies the ability to "affect" victims who cannot respond in kind to cyber-attacks using government technology and resources from New Jersey. ("Terry Tuchin, Diana Lisa Riccioli, and New Jersey's Agency of Torture.")
"The purpose of torture," as George Orwell noted and I never tire of repeating, "is torture." ("How censorship works in America" and "Censorship and Cruelty in New Jersey.")
To acquiesce in these hateful tactics, or remain apathetic to them, is complicity in evil. The sickness or control aimed against me is something that must be stopped in this country. If I can be silenced because of the content of my opinions, then soon others with minority opinions will be subjected to similar treatment and silencing. ("Aaron Schwartz, Freedom, and American Law" and "Abuse and Exploitation of Women in New Jersey.")
I was using a public computer when this cyber-crime occurred. My home Internet connection is obstructed, regularly, and I anticipate more such attacks against me and my writings, together with responses in kind against my enemies from unknown "friends" and sympathetic colleagues, in many countries, who are offended and infuriated at seeing a human being tormented and deprived of his rights, as billions of powerless persons also are denied their rights in our world. ("Thomas Nagel's Guilt by Association.")
I fear that someone may be seriously injured -- as I have been
hurt over many years -- because of the brutality and stupidity of persons unable to grasp the points and arguments being offered at these blogs. ("Senator Bob, the Babe, and the Big Bucks" and "Does Senator Menendez have mafia friends?")
I will not change my opinions because of threats nor will I hesitate to express thoughts online for as long as I live.
I will be adding to this text an essay examining a controversial case of police brutality and censorship in response to peaceful protest in violation of First Amendment rights, supplemented by additional examples of New Jersey's filth and corruption, suggesting that I am not alone in my experiences. ("Edward M. De Sear, Esq. and New Jersey's Filth" and "Menendez Consorts With Underage Prostitutes.")
No writing will be possible at my preferred library location due to an "upgrade" of the laptop computers at Morningside Heights on May 22, 2014. For how long laptops will be unavailable is impossible to tell.
As of May 27th, laptops are still unavailable at Morningside Heights. As of June 12, 2014 copying is impossible from the new laptops which cannot access Google Chrome and seem to be worse than what existed before these "improvements." Also, a printer has been disabled.
I cannot say whether it is true that Senator Menendez has been "persuaded" by his colleagues and the FBI not to run for reelection. I certainly hope that Mr. Menendez will be replaced in the U.S. Senate and that there will be no more persons (like him) elected to what was once called the "most exclusive club in the world."
Anna Merlan, "The Defense Breasts," The Village Voice, May 14, 2014, p. 1, p. 7.
Alan Feuer, "Officer Testifies of Scuffle During Wall Street Protest," The New York Times, April 15, 2014, p. A18.
Jessica Silver-Greenberg & Ben Protess, "In Tax Case, Credit Suisse Is Denied Milder Penalty," The New York Times, May 20, 2014, p. B1. (The total fine is far less than American yearly earnings for this bank.)
Jenny Anderson & Peter Eales, "A C.E.O. Called the 'Teflon Man,'" The New York Times, May 20, 2014, p. B1.
Ben Protess & Jessica Silver-Greenberg, "Big Swiss Bank Pleads Guilty In Felony Case: Penalty of $2.6 Billion for Credit Suisse," The New York Times, May 20, 2014, p. A1.
James C. McKinley, Jr., "Despite Calls for Release, Activist in Occupy Case Gets Three Months," The New York Times, May 20, 2014, p. A16.
"A woman whose assault case had become a [sensation,] first among Occupy Wall Street supporters and then expanding well beyond the movement, was sentenced to three months in jail on Monday, as a judge rejected calls for her immediate release."
This now celebrated case has come to symbolize many of the failures of the American legal system, not the least of these failures is the "tunnel-vision" and sheer idiocy of some judges and prosecutors who simply cannot see past their own noses in cases of political protest.
In many instances the facts the state would point to in this kind of
unfortunate situation would, rightly, lead to the conclusion that the defendant knowingly assaulted a police officer who was "only doing his duty."
A second and more careful examination of the facts in the McMillan case reveals unique features that change the legal analysis and lead to a conclusion for the defendant.
Aside from the slant in the media ("a video at the scene appeared to confirm" the police story), it is reasonably clear that Cecily McMillan -- now 25 years-old, attractive, and a graduate of the New School University -- was out "drinking" with friends during an evening in 2012 when police were "clearing out" protesters in Zuccotti Park.
By emphasizing that Ms. McMillan had been "drinking" the subtext for the upper-middle-class readers of the Times is that Ms. McMillan (who is also said to have been meeting her "boyfriend" or "-friends) is a whore who "goes out drinking" and, thus, is not to be taken seriously in her accounts of events since she was engaged in a "pub crawl." ("Would you have helped Katherine 'Kitty' Genovese?" and "Abuse and Exploitation of Women in New Jersey.")
Cecily McMillan "appears" to be the most normal 25 year-old I have ever encountered. Nevertheless, given America's contradictions concerning gender-roles and -behavior, her sex-life will soon be a part of this story. This prurience is especially likely if Ms. McMillan is in any way "unusual" in her sexual activity, i.e., if she is a lesbian.
Ms. McMillan is placed on the defensive from the outset and made to apologize for assaulting several police officers who actually assaulted her:
" ... Justice Robert A. Sweibel, who had remanded Ms. McMillan on May 5 after a four-week trial, imposed the jail sentence that prosecutors had requested, rather than release her on probation, as her lawyers had urged. She could have faced a maximum of seven years for the second degree [aggravated?] assault."
Ms. McMillan did not have the effective assistance of counsel until the eve of trial, if at all.
Weeks after the incident, Ms. McMillan was a guest on Democracy Now. There were visible bruises on her face and body, also a large male right-hand "print" on her right breast area, even as her upper back was marked by bruises and scratches that were reported in the media, and that were partly visible also during her television interview.
Ms. McMillan did not visit the hospital immediately after the incident occurred; her body bruises were not photographed on the day they were inflicted, especially those on her back and right side; no subpoena was served on persons at Democracy Now seeking the videotape in question; no charges for assault and battery as well as sexual assault or "groping" were filed against the arresting officer(s) by Ms. McMillan, or by the People of the State of New York, which is something the defendant probably did not realize that she could do and that prosecutors should have done without being asked. A notice of intent to sue the city was not filed. There are time-limitations for such notices and civil suits which are independent of the criminal case.
Why Ms. McMillan was charged with second degree assault is unexplained since she did not have a weapon. No challenge to the indictment is a part of the record in this matter.
There is a statutory PRESUMPTION of non-incarceration for a first-time offender in New York. To overcome this presumption, presumably, there was a showing of a history of violent and/or anti-social behavior by Ms. McMillan, or grievous harm suffered by her victim. Otherwise, the sentence is clearly excessive and should be (as in fact it was, eventually) overturned by appellate courts.
Most likely, the sentence will be overturned after the defendant has done the time in jail which may be the point of the experience as far as prosecutors are concerned.
Ms. McMillan, who is really the aggrieved party, is entitled to apologies and compensation for her ordeal. It is difficult to produce bruises on your own back and breast resulting from being grabbed from behind.
Objective evidence of assault and battery on Ms. McMillan is pretty clear, suggesting that the slender young woman was unlikely to "intend" and/or to "voluntarily" attack several police officers, male and female, on the night in question:
"The trial became a rallying point among people who sympathized with the Occupy Wall Street protests of 2011 and 2012, which called attention to the gap between rich and poor[,] and criticized the government bailout of big banks. Many of Ms. McMillan's supporters saw in her a symbol of the police crackdown that ended the occupation of Zucotti Park and snuffed out the protest's momentum."
As I write these words the spectacle surrounding the "shenanigans" at Credit Suisse have resulted in multi-billion dollar penalties; new revelations concerning what can only be called "scams" at JP Morgan are ignored; HSBC money-laundering for Asian and Latin-American drug cartels as well as of illicit "erotic profits" (child-porn earnings in the millions or billions of dollars) have appeared in the media.
Not one of the chief executives of these financial institutions -- all are men in their fifties -- have been "grabbed in the genitals" by female officers or punched in the face by women prosecutors.
None of these middle-aged men operating the banks has been charged with a crime or sent to prison for heinous crimes involving billions of dollars that often result in the loss or destruction of many lives.
In the interests of legal consistency, legality, it seems only fair to subject these all-male bankers to such experiences and to send them to prisons or jails for a few months (or years), if they are convicted of the crimes for which they should have been tried years ago.
It is obvious to any experienced attorney or judge -- including, I suspect, Justice Zweibel and Ms. Strain, the prosecutor -- what actually happened in this dispute: Ms. McMillan was NOT drunk, but arrived at Zuccotti Park as police began, rudely, forcing young people out of the area. She got into an argument with a police officer (who was probably offensive to her), while another officer (who probably found her attractive) grabbed her from behind (Cecily could not possibly see that this person happened to be a cop), causing Ms. McMillan -- like most young women -- to elbow the assailant in the face. Well done, Cecily.
"In essence, she has repeatedly argued that the rules should not apply to everyone equally [like cops, bankers, financial executives?] -- that defendants who are politically motivated [sic.] deserve special treatment."
Police officers in New York "feeling-up" a young woman they then beat-up and arrest for "ass cover," as she joins a free speech protest, are also subject to "rules." Police officers are rarely charged or punished for their crimes. The legal system exists to protect them, allegedly, from the "dangerous" Ms. McMillan with her torn blouse, concern for communities of color and the poor, and objections to being groped and beaten for making use of her rights:
" ... 'What Cecily continues to endure can happen to any woman who challenges the corporate state,' Lucy Parks, a close friend of Ms. McMillan's bellowed to the crowd. 'The district attorney and the court want to make an example of Cecily.' ..."
Well, the authorities have certainly made Cecily an "example" (and a hero for millions of people) of the absurdities of the legal system as well as of a young woman's determination to stand-up for herself and live with dignity, freedom, and pride in her incorruptible humanity.
May 23, 2014 at 11:06 A.M. I was surprised to receive a visit from the Super in my building early this morning suddenly concerned about leaks in my bathroom. I will take my own photos. I will be happy to cooperate with all repair efforts, if any are needed. I will take such actions as may rationally be required to facilitate repairs when it becomes necessary to take such actions.
It appears that new laptops will not be available today at NYPL, Morningside Heights. I will try again tomorrow to add the essay concerning Cecily McMillan to this text.
Mr. Christie's collapse and surrender on the Stuart Rabner reappointment is a terrible mistake for the governor that restores a political enemy -- a man allied with the "friends" of Solomon Dwek -- to the New Jersey Supreme Court. Mr. Rabner will oppose the governor's policies and obstruct every effort to resolve my matters. ("Have you no shame, Mr. Rabner?")
Mr. Rabner's conflicts of interest -- given his actions and inactions in my matters -- and his desire to protect the OAE as well as himself and his friends (Ms. Poritz), should preclude him from taking any role in my matters or deciding any issue affecting me. ("New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System" and "John McGill, Esq., the OAE, and N.J. Corruption.")
Mr. Rabner's continued presence on the Supreme Court in Trenton is sufficient to establish the appearance -- if not the reality -- of impropriety or corruption. ("N.J.'s Moshe 'David' Schwartz Guilty of Fraud" and "David Samson Resigns.")
Mr. Rabner's reappointment is a defeat for the people of New Jersey and a betrayal of Mr. Chritie's campaign promises concerning reforming the state Supreme Court that is only made possible by the N.J. Governor's weakening as a result of the GWB scandal. Maybe this "weakening" and hurting of Mr. Christie, politically, was the point of that media-generated scandal: Kate Zernike, "Christie Renominates Chief Justice Despite Vows to Remake New Jersey's Supreme Court," The New York Times, May 22, 2014, p. A25.
Mr. Rabner's continued presence on the court is said to displease U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts. I concur. ("Have you no shame, Mr. Rabner?" and "No More Cover-Ups and Lies, Chief Justice Rabner!")
May 21, 2014 at 5:46 P.M. Earlier today I was denied access to my blogs and was forced to sign-out from NYPL, Morningside Heights, computer #10.
I made copies of a number of bogus pages requesting a "password" (after I had signed-in) or other absurd insults. Some day I may receive an explanation of these tactics from New Jersey. ("New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System" and "New Jersey's Office of Attorney Ethics.")
Similar harassments, obstructions, censorship of communication efforts in violation of First Amendment rights have been a part of my writing experience on-line for more than a decade and are clearly the work of government and/or police officials emanating from state offices, probably in New Jersey and/or Florida. ("Time to End the Embargo Against Cuba.")
After years of this sort of attack and the frustration of many communication or writing efforts, I have come to expect this war, every day, in my struggle for the truth from N.J. and to express my thoughts and opinions.
Deliberate infliction of emotional harm and silencing -- however hurtful to me -- is primarily aimed, I believe, at producing permanent harm only in order to prevent the expression of opinions and ideas that powerful individuals dislike because of their social effects or controversy surrounding my views and myself. ("Torture" and "Dehumanization.")
Truths concerning social justice and the reality of oppression are bound to displease those doing the oppressing and seeking to avoid legal outcomes that benefit the many at the expense of the few. Censorship is always the totalitarian response to anyone speaking truth to power.
I should not expect to be liked or popular in a society that I love for its ideals, but that I feel compelled to criticize for moral as well as political reasons concerning a number of issues. The size of the text in this paragraph was altered by hackers as I posted revisions. ("Manifesto For the Unfinished American Revolution" and "American Lawyers and Torture" then "Fidel Castro's 'History Will Absolve Me.'")
Threats or actual harm, anxiety induced through frustrations, economic deprivations, stigmatizing, professional harm -- all of these devices are expected ingredients in the witches' brew conjured by politicians hoping to silence a tortured dissident. Ideally, the victim will give up in despair and commit suicide or sink into severe depression. I will not allow these methods to work with me. I am not alone in this implacable resolve to seek and speak the truth about the injustices with which we live. ("Glen Greenwald's Partner Detained" and "Freedom For Mumia Abu-Jamal.")
I also sense that for sadists engaging in these tactics there is a sexual thrill that accompanies the ability to "affect" victims who cannot respond in kind to cyber-attacks using government technology and resources from New Jersey. ("Terry Tuchin, Diana Lisa Riccioli, and New Jersey's Agency of Torture.")
"The purpose of torture," as George Orwell noted and I never tire of repeating, "is torture." ("How censorship works in America" and "Censorship and Cruelty in New Jersey.")
To acquiesce in these hateful tactics, or remain apathetic to them, is complicity in evil. The sickness or control aimed against me is something that must be stopped in this country. If I can be silenced because of the content of my opinions, then soon others with minority opinions will be subjected to similar treatment and silencing. ("Aaron Schwartz, Freedom, and American Law" and "Abuse and Exploitation of Women in New Jersey.")
I was using a public computer when this cyber-crime occurred. My home Internet connection is obstructed, regularly, and I anticipate more such attacks against me and my writings, together with responses in kind against my enemies from unknown "friends" and sympathetic colleagues, in many countries, who are offended and infuriated at seeing a human being tormented and deprived of his rights, as billions of powerless persons also are denied their rights in our world. ("Thomas Nagel's Guilt by Association.")
I fear that someone may be seriously injured -- as I have been
hurt over many years -- because of the brutality and stupidity of persons unable to grasp the points and arguments being offered at these blogs. ("Senator Bob, the Babe, and the Big Bucks" and "Does Senator Menendez have mafia friends?")
I will not change my opinions because of threats nor will I hesitate to express thoughts online for as long as I live.
I will be adding to this text an essay examining a controversial case of police brutality and censorship in response to peaceful protest in violation of First Amendment rights, supplemented by additional examples of New Jersey's filth and corruption, suggesting that I am not alone in my experiences. ("Edward M. De Sear, Esq. and New Jersey's Filth" and "Menendez Consorts With Underage Prostitutes.")
No writing will be possible at my preferred library location due to an "upgrade" of the laptop computers at Morningside Heights on May 22, 2014. For how long laptops will be unavailable is impossible to tell.
As of May 27th, laptops are still unavailable at Morningside Heights. As of June 12, 2014 copying is impossible from the new laptops which cannot access Google Chrome and seem to be worse than what existed before these "improvements." Also, a printer has been disabled.
I cannot say whether it is true that Senator Menendez has been "persuaded" by his colleagues and the FBI not to run for reelection. I certainly hope that Mr. Menendez will be replaced in the U.S. Senate and that there will be no more persons (like him) elected to what was once called the "most exclusive club in the world."
Anna Merlan, "The Defense Breasts," The Village Voice, May 14, 2014, p. 1, p. 7.
Alan Feuer, "Officer Testifies of Scuffle During Wall Street Protest," The New York Times, April 15, 2014, p. A18.
Jessica Silver-Greenberg & Ben Protess, "In Tax Case, Credit Suisse Is Denied Milder Penalty," The New York Times, May 20, 2014, p. B1. (The total fine is far less than American yearly earnings for this bank.)
Jenny Anderson & Peter Eales, "A C.E.O. Called the 'Teflon Man,'" The New York Times, May 20, 2014, p. B1.
Ben Protess & Jessica Silver-Greenberg, "Big Swiss Bank Pleads Guilty In Felony Case: Penalty of $2.6 Billion for Credit Suisse," The New York Times, May 20, 2014, p. A1.
James C. McKinley, Jr., "Despite Calls for Release, Activist in Occupy Case Gets Three Months," The New York Times, May 20, 2014, p. A16.
"A woman whose assault case had become a [sensation,] first among Occupy Wall Street supporters and then expanding well beyond the movement, was sentenced to three months in jail on Monday, as a judge rejected calls for her immediate release."
This now celebrated case has come to symbolize many of the failures of the American legal system, not the least of these failures is the "tunnel-vision" and sheer idiocy of some judges and prosecutors who simply cannot see past their own noses in cases of political protest.
In many instances the facts the state would point to in this kind of
unfortunate situation would, rightly, lead to the conclusion that the defendant knowingly assaulted a police officer who was "only doing his duty."
A second and more careful examination of the facts in the McMillan case reveals unique features that change the legal analysis and lead to a conclusion for the defendant.
Aside from the slant in the media ("a video at the scene appeared to confirm" the police story), it is reasonably clear that Cecily McMillan -- now 25 years-old, attractive, and a graduate of the New School University -- was out "drinking" with friends during an evening in 2012 when police were "clearing out" protesters in Zuccotti Park.
By emphasizing that Ms. McMillan had been "drinking" the subtext for the upper-middle-class readers of the Times is that Ms. McMillan (who is also said to have been meeting her "boyfriend" or "-friends) is a whore who "goes out drinking" and, thus, is not to be taken seriously in her accounts of events since she was engaged in a "pub crawl." ("Would you have helped Katherine 'Kitty' Genovese?" and "Abuse and Exploitation of Women in New Jersey.")
Cecily McMillan "appears" to be the most normal 25 year-old I have ever encountered. Nevertheless, given America's contradictions concerning gender-roles and -behavior, her sex-life will soon be a part of this story. This prurience is especially likely if Ms. McMillan is in any way "unusual" in her sexual activity, i.e., if she is a lesbian.
Ms. McMillan is placed on the defensive from the outset and made to apologize for assaulting several police officers who actually assaulted her:
" ... Justice Robert A. Sweibel, who had remanded Ms. McMillan on May 5 after a four-week trial, imposed the jail sentence that prosecutors had requested, rather than release her on probation, as her lawyers had urged. She could have faced a maximum of seven years for the second degree [aggravated?] assault."
Ms. McMillan did not have the effective assistance of counsel until the eve of trial, if at all.
Weeks after the incident, Ms. McMillan was a guest on Democracy Now. There were visible bruises on her face and body, also a large male right-hand "print" on her right breast area, even as her upper back was marked by bruises and scratches that were reported in the media, and that were partly visible also during her television interview.
Ms. McMillan did not visit the hospital immediately after the incident occurred; her body bruises were not photographed on the day they were inflicted, especially those on her back and right side; no subpoena was served on persons at Democracy Now seeking the videotape in question; no charges for assault and battery as well as sexual assault or "groping" were filed against the arresting officer(s) by Ms. McMillan, or by the People of the State of New York, which is something the defendant probably did not realize that she could do and that prosecutors should have done without being asked. A notice of intent to sue the city was not filed. There are time-limitations for such notices and civil suits which are independent of the criminal case.
Why Ms. McMillan was charged with second degree assault is unexplained since she did not have a weapon. No challenge to the indictment is a part of the record in this matter.
There is a statutory PRESUMPTION of non-incarceration for a first-time offender in New York. To overcome this presumption, presumably, there was a showing of a history of violent and/or anti-social behavior by Ms. McMillan, or grievous harm suffered by her victim. Otherwise, the sentence is clearly excessive and should be (as in fact it was, eventually) overturned by appellate courts.
Most likely, the sentence will be overturned after the defendant has done the time in jail which may be the point of the experience as far as prosecutors are concerned.
Ms. McMillan, who is really the aggrieved party, is entitled to apologies and compensation for her ordeal. It is difficult to produce bruises on your own back and breast resulting from being grabbed from behind.
Objective evidence of assault and battery on Ms. McMillan is pretty clear, suggesting that the slender young woman was unlikely to "intend" and/or to "voluntarily" attack several police officers, male and female, on the night in question:
"The trial became a rallying point among people who sympathized with the Occupy Wall Street protests of 2011 and 2012, which called attention to the gap between rich and poor[,] and criticized the government bailout of big banks. Many of Ms. McMillan's supporters saw in her a symbol of the police crackdown that ended the occupation of Zucotti Park and snuffed out the protest's momentum."
As I write these words the spectacle surrounding the "shenanigans" at Credit Suisse have resulted in multi-billion dollar penalties; new revelations concerning what can only be called "scams" at JP Morgan are ignored; HSBC money-laundering for Asian and Latin-American drug cartels as well as of illicit "erotic profits" (child-porn earnings in the millions or billions of dollars) have appeared in the media.
Not one of the chief executives of these financial institutions -- all are men in their fifties -- have been "grabbed in the genitals" by female officers or punched in the face by women prosecutors.
None of these middle-aged men operating the banks has been charged with a crime or sent to prison for heinous crimes involving billions of dollars that often result in the loss or destruction of many lives.
In the interests of legal consistency, legality, it seems only fair to subject these all-male bankers to such experiences and to send them to prisons or jails for a few months (or years), if they are convicted of the crimes for which they should have been tried years ago.
It is obvious to any experienced attorney or judge -- including, I suspect, Justice Zweibel and Ms. Strain, the prosecutor -- what actually happened in this dispute: Ms. McMillan was NOT drunk, but arrived at Zuccotti Park as police began, rudely, forcing young people out of the area. She got into an argument with a police officer (who was probably offensive to her), while another officer (who probably found her attractive) grabbed her from behind (Cecily could not possibly see that this person happened to be a cop), causing Ms. McMillan -- like most young women -- to elbow the assailant in the face. Well done, Cecily.
"In essence, she has repeatedly argued that the rules should not apply to everyone equally [like cops, bankers, financial executives?] -- that defendants who are politically motivated [sic.] deserve special treatment."
Police officers in New York "feeling-up" a young woman they then beat-up and arrest for "ass cover," as she joins a free speech protest, are also subject to "rules." Police officers are rarely charged or punished for their crimes. The legal system exists to protect them, allegedly, from the "dangerous" Ms. McMillan with her torn blouse, concern for communities of color and the poor, and objections to being groped and beaten for making use of her rights:
" ... 'What Cecily continues to endure can happen to any woman who challenges the corporate state,' Lucy Parks, a close friend of Ms. McMillan's bellowed to the crowd. 'The district attorney and the court want to make an example of Cecily.' ..."
Well, the authorities have certainly made Cecily an "example" (and a hero for millions of people) of the absurdities of the legal system as well as of a young woman's determination to stand-up for herself and live with dignity, freedom, and pride in her incorruptible humanity.
Monday, May 19, 2014
N.J.'s Moshe "David" Schwartz Guilty of Fraud.
May 20, 2014 at 9:51 A.M. Please compare Michael S. Schmidt & David E. Sanger, "5 in China Army Face U.S. Charges in Cyberattacks," The New York Times, May 20, 2014, p. A1 with Michael S. Schmidt, "At F.B.I., Change in Leaders Didn't Change Focus On Terror," The New York Times, May 19, 2014, p. A1.
Today's statement from the Department of Justice that several Chinese military officials would be indicted for cyber-espionage in the U.S. legal system (jurisdictional issues over the "presence" of these persons in American courts are obvious) as a result of alleged thefts of corporate secrets from U.S. commercial entities is not only legally ludicrous, but ethically absurd.
Given Mr. Snowden's revelations and U.S. refusals to apologize about NSA spying on ENTIRE populations of countries (allies among them), including espionage on other countries' corporate secrets, the American complaints against China are perceived, globally, as laughable and hypocritical. I agree. ("China's Complaints About American Hegemony.")
The U.S. government expresses disdain for the privacy rights of billions of human beings in the world, but is outraged by alleged violations of domestic corporations' "privacy" and "free speech" as well as "intellectual property" rights. ("Ape and Essence" and "Primates and Personhood.")
Readers of this blog have witnessed daily violations of the privacy and free speech rights of the person writing these blog essays emanating from state government agencies. ("What is it like to be plagiarized?" and "'Brideshead Revisited': A Movie Review.")
Complaints from U.S. officials about China's actions on-line in this climate of American contempt for the rights of the global Internet audience can only generate laughter. ("Aaron Schwartz, Freedom, and American Law" and "Julian Assange and the Future of the Internet.")
It is impossible for me to control the spacing of paragraphs today at computer #6, NYPL, Morningside Heights. Google Chrome, once again, is not available. I was unable to complete the deletion of prior history from this computer. I am threatened with being unable to continue writing this blog. ("How censorship works in America.")
May 19, 2014 at 1:26 P.M. Computer #12, NYPL, Morningside Heights has been deprived of Google Chrome ("disconnected") along with every other laptop at this branch.
I was prevented, briefly, from accessing the Internet from my home on Friday. I will do what I can under these conditions while moving from public to private computers, every day, in order to continue writing. A list of sources will be added to this essay as soon as I am able to do so.
Melissa Hayes, "Christie Picks Democrat to Head Port Board: Points to Ex-AG Degnan's 'Integrity,'" The Record, April 30, 2014, p. A-1. (Christie redeems himself after the Samson fiasco while protecting his Seton Hall Law School credentials by naming John Degnan to the PA. Good choice.)
Steven Yoccino & Dan Barry, "Bullets, Blood and Then a Cry of 'Heil Hitler,'" The New York Times, April 15, 2014, p. A1. (New outbreaks of Nazism among persons denying human dignity and rights of autonomy in ostensibly "inferior" individuals. Nazy racism coincides with other forms of racism. "America's Holocaust.")
Alan Feuer, "Officer Testifies of Scuffle During Wall Street Protest," The New York Times, April 15, 2014, p. A18. (Cecily McMillan, absurdly, may go to prison for assaulting a number of police officers by taking their hands and placing them on her right breast, roughly, while seizing their fists and hitting herself in the face with them.)
Ana Merlan, "The Defense Breasts," The Village Voice, May 14-20, 2014, p. 7. ("Accused of elbowing a cop at Occupy Wall Street, Cecily McMillan said she'd reacted instinctively after being grabbed from behind." Now she faces up to 7 years in prison, even if she is actually sentenced to no more than 90 days, when it is the cops who should be charged and convicted then sent to prison for feeling-up and beating the crap out of this young woman.)
Steven Yoccino, "Capital Murder Among Charges in Kansas Shooting," The New York Times, April 16, 2014, p. A16. (Frazier Glen Miller, 73, charged with killing 3 people outside the Jewish Community Center may plead guilty.)
"Better Rules For Bad Lawyers," (Editorial) The New York Times, April 16, 2014, p. A24. (Adoption of these rules would result in immediate disbarment for an estimated 50% of lawyers in New Jersey, including a majority of those working for the OAE: "New Jersey's Office of Attorney Ethics" and "New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System.")
Laura Italiano, "An-Grey Lady: Sacked Times Editor Ready to Rumble," The New York Post, May 16, 2014, p. 1, p. 8. (Jill Abramson's efforts, through friends in journalism, to spin this story her way is not working. During her final year, Ms. Abramson's compensation was greater than her predecessor's pay -- despite the decline in the quality of the newspaper. "Incoherence in 'The New York Times'" and "The Gray Lady is Red Faced.")
Mathew L. Wald & Danielle Ivory, "G.M. Is Fined Over Safety and Called a Lawbreaker: $35 Million Penalty for Ignition Defects -- U.S. to Oversee Change in Practices," The New York Times, May 17, 2014, p. A1. (Memos from the legal department at G.M. indicate the lawyers thought it would be a good idea to lie and cover-up disclosures concerning the ignition KNOWING this would result in deaths of customers. $35 million is one day's earnings for General Motors. OAE? "'Michael Clayton': A Movie Review.")
Bill Vlasic, "Inquiry by G.M. Is Said to Focus On Its Lawyers: Defective Switch Cases -- Legal Unit Tried to Keep Actions Secret From Victims' Families," The New York Times, May 18, 2014, p. A1. (Lawyers LIED and covered-up defects to avoid liability which, as usual, only increased liability with utter contempt for the loss of life that resulted from their actions. These are the attorneys who serve on ethics committees and are often elevated to the bench. "John McGill, Esq., the OAE, and New Jersey Corruption" and "Neil M. Cohen, Esq. and Conduct Unbecoming to the Legislature in New Jersey.")
Daryl Isherwood, "Zimmer Feared Christie Pals in U.S. Attorney's Office," The Star Ledger, April 23, 2014, p. 7. (It is often true in New Jersey that unofficial alliances or friendships will determine whether prosecutors do their jobs or if persons are "protected" from the consequences of their crimes. Allegations of judicial favors for lesbian sex have yet to be confirmed: "Trenton's Nasty Lesbian Love-Fest!" then "Sexual Favors For New Jersey Judges" and "Deborah T. Poritz and Conduct Unbecoming to the Judiciary in New Jersey.")
Matt Friedman, "Union Rep Cleared in New Jersey Ethics Inquiry: Panel -- Complaint Filed Against Samson," The Star Ledger, April 23, 2014, p. 13. (Bias in ethics proceedings in N.J. -- including OAE matters -- as panel is forced to investigate David Samson. No charges for unethical conduct have yet been brought against Mr. Samson. Is Mr. Samson being protected by Stuart Rabner? Paul Fishman? Governor Christie?)
Mathew Goldstein, "Ex-Trader at SAC Fund is Sentenced to 3 Years," The New York Times, May 16, 2014, p. B1. (Michael Steinway will receive a 3 year sentence, about 1/3 of what African-American defendants routinely receive as a penalty for lower-level theft convictions. "Albert Florence and New Jersey's Racism" and "Justice For Mumia Abu-Jamal.")
Ted Sherman, "Plea Deal: Man Used Charity as a Bank -- MILLIONS Sheltered For Dwek Defendants," The Star Ledger, April 24, 2014, p. 1. ("Taking My Business Elsewhere.")
Alleged Bob Menendez supporter and money launderer, MOSHE 'DAVID' SCHWARTZ, 33, of Union City, admitted operating an uncharted bank and filing a false tax return:
"The head of a religious charity linked to the biggest federal money-laundering and corruption sting in New Jersey history pleaded guilty yesterday to illegally operating as a bank, sheltering millions in deposits from regulatory oversight."
Mr. Schwartz is said to share an attorney with Senator Bob Menendez, in the form of Donald Scarinski, Esq. and/or Herbert Klitzner, Esq. perhaps? What about John Bruno, Esq.? Is Mr. Bruno being disbarred? ("Does Senator Menendez have mafia friends?" and "Herbert Klitzner, Esq.'s Greed and N.J.'s Hypocrisy.")
Curiously, for this now allegedly "financially deprived" individual, Mr. Schwartz -- who insisted that he "was only doing charity work" -- the government seized more than $500,000 in cash from under his matress back in July, 2009.
Does Mr.Schwartz drive a Mercedez and wear a Rolex? ("Bribery in Union City, New Jersey" and "Crooked Broker Paid-Off Menendez!")
I find it difficult to believe that a massive money-laundering operation in a small community -- like Union City, New Jersey -- could exist without the active assistance and cooperation of local officials, like "Boss Bob" Menendez. ("44 Persons Arrested in Latest New Jersey Corruption Sting" and "Solomon Dwek Gets 7 Year Sentence.")
Official "cooperation" probably means the alleged political and legal assistance of Bob Menendez is available for a small price. ("Is Menendez For Sale?" and "Bribery in Union City, New Jersey.")
Among the conspirators assisting Solomon Dwek and Mr. Schwartz in a proposed money-laundering scheme, through a "gemach" (this is not a type of sandwich, but a charitable financial institution in the Orthodox Jewish community), were "desperados" Moshe Altman, real estate developer; and Itzak Friedenlander, a "business partner" and member of the ultra-Orthodox Hasidic community in Union City. Both men are also involved in the dry goods business, allegedly. ("Have you no shame, Mr. Rabner?" and "Neil M.Cohen, Esq. and Conduct Unbecoming to the Legislature in New Jersey" then "New Jersey Rabbi Arrested For Child Molestation.")
Mr. Schwartz has also been linked, allegedly, to a person known only as "Terry Tuchin" and also to David Samson and Deborah T. Poritz. ("Terry Tuchin, Diana Lisa Riccioli, and New Jersey's Agency of Torture" and "David Samson Resigns.")
"Altman pleaded guilty in December, 2010 to money-laundering charges and was sentenced to 41 months in prison. Friedlander pleaded guilty in April, 2010 to conspiracy and was sentenced to 24 months in prison. A third man [Mr. Haber] also pleaded guilty to conspiracy charges and was sentenced to ... five months in prison."
None of these men were questioned under hypnosis or in a drugged state by "Terry Tuchin" in violation of their civil rights. ("So Black and So Blue in Prison" and "Larry Peterson Cleared by DNA" then "An Open Letter to My Torturers in New Jersey, Terry Tuchin and Diana Lisa Riccioli.")
"In his guilty plea before District Court Judge Jose Linares in Newark, Schwartz admitted he accepted deposits and credited client accounts, and conducted wire transfers, and also comingled funds at other financial institutions, effectively concealing the source of the funds." ("John McGill, Esq., the OAE, and N.J. Corruption" and "New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System.")
I never comingled funds, even though "a person (or persons) unknown" contacted my bank to have them close one, or both, of my accounts -- and sent a fax confirming the commission of this crime, allegedly. Gilberto Garcia? John McGill? "Terry Tuchin"? All of the above. ("New Jersey's Office of Attorney Ethics" and "Sexual Favors For New Jersey Judges.")
"Schwartz also pleaded guilty to income tax fraud, falsely under-reporting his income and using his own account at the gemach to conceal his income and assets from the IRS."
In a curious display of unethical conduct, Mr. Schwartz's lawyers refused to return the calls of journalists pertaining to this matter.
An attorney is ethically obligated to communicate the status of matters to clients or interested third parties entitled to such information:
"An attorney for Schwartz did not return calls to his office."
No ethics charges have been filed against the anonymous attorney at this time. Mr. Klitzner, is this essay "conclusory"? Do you, Mr. Klitzner, wish to speak with me of "ethics"? Are you a "behind-the-back" man, Mr. Klitzner? ("New Jersey Lawyers' Ethics Farce.")
Today's statement from the Department of Justice that several Chinese military officials would be indicted for cyber-espionage in the U.S. legal system (jurisdictional issues over the "presence" of these persons in American courts are obvious) as a result of alleged thefts of corporate secrets from U.S. commercial entities is not only legally ludicrous, but ethically absurd.
Given Mr. Snowden's revelations and U.S. refusals to apologize about NSA spying on ENTIRE populations of countries (allies among them), including espionage on other countries' corporate secrets, the American complaints against China are perceived, globally, as laughable and hypocritical. I agree. ("China's Complaints About American Hegemony.")
The U.S. government expresses disdain for the privacy rights of billions of human beings in the world, but is outraged by alleged violations of domestic corporations' "privacy" and "free speech" as well as "intellectual property" rights. ("Ape and Essence" and "Primates and Personhood.")
Readers of this blog have witnessed daily violations of the privacy and free speech rights of the person writing these blog essays emanating from state government agencies. ("What is it like to be plagiarized?" and "'Brideshead Revisited': A Movie Review.")
Complaints from U.S. officials about China's actions on-line in this climate of American contempt for the rights of the global Internet audience can only generate laughter. ("Aaron Schwartz, Freedom, and American Law" and "Julian Assange and the Future of the Internet.")
It is impossible for me to control the spacing of paragraphs today at computer #6, NYPL, Morningside Heights. Google Chrome, once again, is not available. I was unable to complete the deletion of prior history from this computer. I am threatened with being unable to continue writing this blog. ("How censorship works in America.")
May 19, 2014 at 1:26 P.M. Computer #12, NYPL, Morningside Heights has been deprived of Google Chrome ("disconnected") along with every other laptop at this branch.
I was prevented, briefly, from accessing the Internet from my home on Friday. I will do what I can under these conditions while moving from public to private computers, every day, in order to continue writing. A list of sources will be added to this essay as soon as I am able to do so.
Melissa Hayes, "Christie Picks Democrat to Head Port Board: Points to Ex-AG Degnan's 'Integrity,'" The Record, April 30, 2014, p. A-1. (Christie redeems himself after the Samson fiasco while protecting his Seton Hall Law School credentials by naming John Degnan to the PA. Good choice.)
Steven Yoccino & Dan Barry, "Bullets, Blood and Then a Cry of 'Heil Hitler,'" The New York Times, April 15, 2014, p. A1. (New outbreaks of Nazism among persons denying human dignity and rights of autonomy in ostensibly "inferior" individuals. Nazy racism coincides with other forms of racism. "America's Holocaust.")
Alan Feuer, "Officer Testifies of Scuffle During Wall Street Protest," The New York Times, April 15, 2014, p. A18. (Cecily McMillan, absurdly, may go to prison for assaulting a number of police officers by taking their hands and placing them on her right breast, roughly, while seizing their fists and hitting herself in the face with them.)
Ana Merlan, "The Defense Breasts," The Village Voice, May 14-20, 2014, p. 7. ("Accused of elbowing a cop at Occupy Wall Street, Cecily McMillan said she'd reacted instinctively after being grabbed from behind." Now she faces up to 7 years in prison, even if she is actually sentenced to no more than 90 days, when it is the cops who should be charged and convicted then sent to prison for feeling-up and beating the crap out of this young woman.)
Steven Yoccino, "Capital Murder Among Charges in Kansas Shooting," The New York Times, April 16, 2014, p. A16. (Frazier Glen Miller, 73, charged with killing 3 people outside the Jewish Community Center may plead guilty.)
"Better Rules For Bad Lawyers," (Editorial) The New York Times, April 16, 2014, p. A24. (Adoption of these rules would result in immediate disbarment for an estimated 50% of lawyers in New Jersey, including a majority of those working for the OAE: "New Jersey's Office of Attorney Ethics" and "New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System.")
Laura Italiano, "An-Grey Lady: Sacked Times Editor Ready to Rumble," The New York Post, May 16, 2014, p. 1, p. 8. (Jill Abramson's efforts, through friends in journalism, to spin this story her way is not working. During her final year, Ms. Abramson's compensation was greater than her predecessor's pay -- despite the decline in the quality of the newspaper. "Incoherence in 'The New York Times'" and "The Gray Lady is Red Faced.")
Mathew L. Wald & Danielle Ivory, "G.M. Is Fined Over Safety and Called a Lawbreaker: $35 Million Penalty for Ignition Defects -- U.S. to Oversee Change in Practices," The New York Times, May 17, 2014, p. A1. (Memos from the legal department at G.M. indicate the lawyers thought it would be a good idea to lie and cover-up disclosures concerning the ignition KNOWING this would result in deaths of customers. $35 million is one day's earnings for General Motors. OAE? "'Michael Clayton': A Movie Review.")
Bill Vlasic, "Inquiry by G.M. Is Said to Focus On Its Lawyers: Defective Switch Cases -- Legal Unit Tried to Keep Actions Secret From Victims' Families," The New York Times, May 18, 2014, p. A1. (Lawyers LIED and covered-up defects to avoid liability which, as usual, only increased liability with utter contempt for the loss of life that resulted from their actions. These are the attorneys who serve on ethics committees and are often elevated to the bench. "John McGill, Esq., the OAE, and New Jersey Corruption" and "Neil M. Cohen, Esq. and Conduct Unbecoming to the Legislature in New Jersey.")
Daryl Isherwood, "Zimmer Feared Christie Pals in U.S. Attorney's Office," The Star Ledger, April 23, 2014, p. 7. (It is often true in New Jersey that unofficial alliances or friendships will determine whether prosecutors do their jobs or if persons are "protected" from the consequences of their crimes. Allegations of judicial favors for lesbian sex have yet to be confirmed: "Trenton's Nasty Lesbian Love-Fest!" then "Sexual Favors For New Jersey Judges" and "Deborah T. Poritz and Conduct Unbecoming to the Judiciary in New Jersey.")
Matt Friedman, "Union Rep Cleared in New Jersey Ethics Inquiry: Panel -- Complaint Filed Against Samson," The Star Ledger, April 23, 2014, p. 13. (Bias in ethics proceedings in N.J. -- including OAE matters -- as panel is forced to investigate David Samson. No charges for unethical conduct have yet been brought against Mr. Samson. Is Mr. Samson being protected by Stuart Rabner? Paul Fishman? Governor Christie?)
Mathew Goldstein, "Ex-Trader at SAC Fund is Sentenced to 3 Years," The New York Times, May 16, 2014, p. B1. (Michael Steinway will receive a 3 year sentence, about 1/3 of what African-American defendants routinely receive as a penalty for lower-level theft convictions. "Albert Florence and New Jersey's Racism" and "Justice For Mumia Abu-Jamal.")
Ted Sherman, "Plea Deal: Man Used Charity as a Bank -- MILLIONS Sheltered For Dwek Defendants," The Star Ledger, April 24, 2014, p. 1. ("Taking My Business Elsewhere.")
Alleged Bob Menendez supporter and money launderer, MOSHE 'DAVID' SCHWARTZ, 33, of Union City, admitted operating an uncharted bank and filing a false tax return:
"The head of a religious charity linked to the biggest federal money-laundering and corruption sting in New Jersey history pleaded guilty yesterday to illegally operating as a bank, sheltering millions in deposits from regulatory oversight."
Mr. Schwartz is said to share an attorney with Senator Bob Menendez, in the form of Donald Scarinski, Esq. and/or Herbert Klitzner, Esq. perhaps? What about John Bruno, Esq.? Is Mr. Bruno being disbarred? ("Does Senator Menendez have mafia friends?" and "Herbert Klitzner, Esq.'s Greed and N.J.'s Hypocrisy.")
Curiously, for this now allegedly "financially deprived" individual, Mr. Schwartz -- who insisted that he "was only doing charity work" -- the government seized more than $500,000 in cash from under his matress back in July, 2009.
Does Mr.Schwartz drive a Mercedez and wear a Rolex? ("Bribery in Union City, New Jersey" and "Crooked Broker Paid-Off Menendez!")
I find it difficult to believe that a massive money-laundering operation in a small community -- like Union City, New Jersey -- could exist without the active assistance and cooperation of local officials, like "Boss Bob" Menendez. ("44 Persons Arrested in Latest New Jersey Corruption Sting" and "Solomon Dwek Gets 7 Year Sentence.")
Official "cooperation" probably means the alleged political and legal assistance of Bob Menendez is available for a small price. ("Is Menendez For Sale?" and "Bribery in Union City, New Jersey.")
Among the conspirators assisting Solomon Dwek and Mr. Schwartz in a proposed money-laundering scheme, through a "gemach" (this is not a type of sandwich, but a charitable financial institution in the Orthodox Jewish community), were "desperados" Moshe Altman, real estate developer; and Itzak Friedenlander, a "business partner" and member of the ultra-Orthodox Hasidic community in Union City. Both men are also involved in the dry goods business, allegedly. ("Have you no shame, Mr. Rabner?" and "Neil M.Cohen, Esq. and Conduct Unbecoming to the Legislature in New Jersey" then "New Jersey Rabbi Arrested For Child Molestation.")
Mr. Schwartz has also been linked, allegedly, to a person known only as "Terry Tuchin" and also to David Samson and Deborah T. Poritz. ("Terry Tuchin, Diana Lisa Riccioli, and New Jersey's Agency of Torture" and "David Samson Resigns.")
"Altman pleaded guilty in December, 2010 to money-laundering charges and was sentenced to 41 months in prison. Friedlander pleaded guilty in April, 2010 to conspiracy and was sentenced to 24 months in prison. A third man [Mr. Haber] also pleaded guilty to conspiracy charges and was sentenced to ... five months in prison."
None of these men were questioned under hypnosis or in a drugged state by "Terry Tuchin" in violation of their civil rights. ("So Black and So Blue in Prison" and "Larry Peterson Cleared by DNA" then "An Open Letter to My Torturers in New Jersey, Terry Tuchin and Diana Lisa Riccioli.")
"In his guilty plea before District Court Judge Jose Linares in Newark, Schwartz admitted he accepted deposits and credited client accounts, and conducted wire transfers, and also comingled funds at other financial institutions, effectively concealing the source of the funds." ("John McGill, Esq., the OAE, and N.J. Corruption" and "New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System.")
I never comingled funds, even though "a person (or persons) unknown" contacted my bank to have them close one, or both, of my accounts -- and sent a fax confirming the commission of this crime, allegedly. Gilberto Garcia? John McGill? "Terry Tuchin"? All of the above. ("New Jersey's Office of Attorney Ethics" and "Sexual Favors For New Jersey Judges.")
"Schwartz also pleaded guilty to income tax fraud, falsely under-reporting his income and using his own account at the gemach to conceal his income and assets from the IRS."
In a curious display of unethical conduct, Mr. Schwartz's lawyers refused to return the calls of journalists pertaining to this matter.
An attorney is ethically obligated to communicate the status of matters to clients or interested third parties entitled to such information:
"An attorney for Schwartz did not return calls to his office."
No ethics charges have been filed against the anonymous attorney at this time. Mr. Klitzner, is this essay "conclusory"? Do you, Mr. Klitzner, wish to speak with me of "ethics"? Are you a "behind-the-back" man, Mr. Klitzner? ("New Jersey Lawyers' Ethics Farce.")
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
N.J.'s Kenneth Christesen Child Pornographer.
May 17, 2014 at 12:50 P.M. Google Chrome was disconnected from laptops at Morningside Heights, NYPL. I may be unable to regain access to these blogs at any time due to sabotage. I will try to continue writing from private and public computers. More arrests are expected in Hudson County. I will be writing about them soon. I hope.
May 15, 2014 at 1:41 P.M. The decision to replace Jill Abramson at The New York Times was long overdue and may help to improve the current disaster at the "Gray Lady." Stuart Rabner, apparently, also will be replaced at the New Jersey Supreme Court. David Remnick -- who may also have written under the names "Jim Holt" and "Larissa McFarquhar" -- is under review at The New Yorker.
Is "Jennifer Shuessler" David Remnick and Jill Abramson?
Perhaps the authorities will soon be able to deal with my matters and the issues raised in these blogs as well as elsewhere. Needless to say, I have no influence with any of these publications. I cannot explain the media silence concerning the disturbing matters discussed here and, also, elsewhere that are receiving increasing non-U.S. media attention. Perhaps this American non-coverage is a coincidence that is about to change? I have no control over the size of the text in this paragraph. ("New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System" and "New Jersey's Office of Attorney Ethics.")
May 13, 2014 at 8:02 P.M. As I am struggling to make corrections at my home computer, pop-ups and other obstructions make my task difficult. I assume this is another example of orchestrated attacks and harassments emanating from New Jersey. I will do my best to continue writing from library computers. I will try to add a list of sources to this text.
Eric Schmidt, "U.S. Officers Kill Armed Civilians in Yemen Capital: Fueling Local Unrest," The New York Times, May 10, 2014, p. A1. (The state of unrest in Yemen is highly dangerous. More drones may not help. "A Commencement Address by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham-Clinton.")
Ashley Parker, "7 Republicans Named to Panel Investigating Attack in Benghazi," The New York Times, May 10, 2014, p. A13. (Do we need these hearings? Some tragedies should be beyond politics.)
"Germany's Pursuit of Death Camp Guards," (Editorial) The New York Times, May 10, 2014, p. A22. (It is never too late to bring death camp guards to justice because there can be no "moving on" from terrible crimes without justice. "An Open Letter to My Torturers in New Jersey, Terry Tuchin and Diana Lisa Riccioli.")
Michael M. Grynbaum & Marc Santora, "Councilman is Accused of Stealing Public Funds: Charges Involving Misuse of $30,000," The New York Times, May 8, 2014, p. A21. (Ruben W. Wills gets an all-expense paid relocation to New Jersey. In terms of the corruption produced by money, Mr. Wills is an amateur next to the likes of Bob Menendez: "Does Senator Menendez have mafia friends?")
"The Lawyer Behind the Drone Policy," (Editorial) The New York Times, May 8, 2014, p. A2. (David Barron, Esq. is probably also one of the proponents of the U.S. torture policy. Drones are clearly illegal, and to the extent that innocent civilians continue to be killed by the thousands, drones constitute a "crime against humanity." Does Mr. Barron -- Mr. Rabner or Mr. Samson -- embody America's "legal ethics"? "Is America's Legal Ethics a Lie?")
Salvador Rizzo, "Treasurer: Budget Gap is a Two-Year Challenge: Dems Upset With a Plan to Overcome $807 MILLION Shortfall," The Star Ledger, May 8, 2014, p. 1. ($807 million is quickly turning into $1 BILLION due to unforeseen expenditures, as in the GWB crisis, and the growing disparity between projected revenue and actual taxes collected as business and wealth leaves New Jersey. Among the leading factors identified by corporations and persons leaving New Jersey are corruption and incompetence in the legal and political systems. "Law and Ethics in the Soprano State.")
Brent Johnson, "Lawsuit Claiming Retaliation Hits Snag: Ex-Prosecutor Says Politics Fueled Firing," The Star Ledger, May 8, 2014, p. 1. (Bennett A. Bolyn alleges he was fired for political reasons resulting in interference with criminal investigation by Mr. Christie's minions: Does the OAE target attorneys for "political" reasons at the behest of bosses? Does the OAE target lawyers because the agency's leaders or judges are paid in cash by a person or persons to do so? Was Mr. McGill paid in cash by anyone in connection with me or my matters? "New Jersey's Office of Attorney Ethics" and "John McGill, Esq., the OAE, and New Jersey Corruption.")
"PA and Politics," (Editorial) The Record, April 23, 2014, p. A-10. (Remove the influence of New Jersey political bosses as much as possible from the selection process for PA positions. An effort is underway to do exactly that: "David Samson Resigns.")
Daniel Burnett, "The Disappearance of William Shakespeare," (Op-Ed) The Record, April 25, 2014, p. A-10. ("A recent survey found that only 17 percent of college graduates knew the effect of the Emancipation Proclamation, just 42 percent knew the Battle of the Bulge was fought during World war II, and not even two in five could identify term lengths for their senators or representatives." Only 38% of institutions of higher learning require ANY course in literature, the numbers are even lower for philosophy, logic, physics or mathematics. The U.S. is at the bottom of First World nations in terms of general education among the population: "Nihilists in Disneyworld" and "Who killed the liberal arts?" then "Shakespeare's Black Prince" and "Why Jane Can't Read.")
John M. Crisp, "Senate Torture Report Needs Full Disclosure," (Op-Ed) The Record, April 25, 2014, p. A-10. ("America has, indeed, TORTURED persons in violation of domestic and international law." America should commit never to torture again. "What is it like to be tortured?" and "Psychological Torture in the American Legal System.")
AP, "Ex-Crossing Guard Gets 18 Years," The Record, April 23, 2014, p. A-3.
"NEWARK -- Federal prosecutors say a former school crossing guard has been sentenced to 18 years in prison for producing and distributing HUNDREDS of child porn images, including some shots taken in his own bedroom." (emphasis added!)
The defendant was in possession of computers and data-bases ("private network information") that were, presumably, seized by the authorities. ("Edward M. De Sear, Esq. and New Jersey's Filth" and "Law Firm Employee Distributes Child Porn.")
In order for a person to hold a position of trust supervising children and being responsible for their safety background checks are necessary under federal and state law.
With New Jersey's usual thoroughness and attention to detail, the background checks for Mr. Christesen were so negligent and incompetent that he was permitted to work with grammar school children, despite what now appears to be a "suspect" history as regards child molestation. ("New Jersey Child Abusers and Sex Traffickers" and "New Jersey Child Molesters and Pornographers.")
This latest defendant, Mr. Christesen, was cleared by New Jersey's tainted or bribed officials, plenty of whom seem to share his tastes for sex with underage persons. ("New Jersey's Child Sex Crisis" and "New Jersey's New Child Sex Crisis" then "Is Menendez For Sale?" and "Menendez Consorts With Underage Prostitutes.")
"KENNETH CHRISTESEN will have to register as a sex offender under the sentence imposed Tuesday. He also will be under lifetime supervised release once he's freed from prison." ("New Jersey Superior Court Judge Is a Child Molester.")
This matter was heard in a Newark federal courtroom, but it does not concern a city resident. This is a suburban case which is not surprising in a state that leads the nation in child-prostitution and -pornography, from Atlantic City to Union City (and beyond), this filth has become New Jersey's primary claim to fame.
New Jersey exports much of this disgusting material to the rest of the country and world, often by way of the GWB, to the indifference of the liberal media. ("New Jersey is the Home of Child Molesters" and "New Jersey Welcomes Child Molesters.")
The child-porn export business allows politicians, lawyers, judges and many prosecutors as well as cops to earn a little extra money because they are, admittedly, grossly underpaid in the Garden State. There is not enough money for public salaries because so much public revenue in N.J. is still being stolen or lost through corruption. ("Law and Ethics in the Soprano State.")
"The 45-year-old Edison man had worked as a crossing guard at a Metuchen middle school before he was arrested in February 2013. He pleaded guilty in December. Christesen admitted he [disseminated] more than 600 images of child pornography from his home computer in 2012. Some of the files he distributed were photos he took in his bedroom of a naked child, who was bound [emphasis added] in some of the images." ("Abuse and Exploitation of Women in New Jersey" and "Is Union City, New Jersey Meyer Lansky's Whore House?" then "New Jersey's Legal System is a Whore House.")
N.J.'s child sex industry simply could not thrive as it does without the active cooperation -- even assistance -- of some law enforcement personnel. ("N.J. Female Professor Rapes Disabled Man" and "Charles P. Torres Sex Trafficker.")
It may be that extra federal help is needed to deal with this problem. New Jersey law enforcement in places like Hudson, Bergen, Essex and Union Counties may be too complicit in this horror to help solve the problem. ("New Jersey is Lucky Luciano's Havana" and "New Jersey's Feces-Covered Supreme Court" and "Mafia Influence in New Jersey Law and Politics.")
Mr. Christie should consider seeking effective assistance from the FBI and Justice Department that concentrates on Cuban-American organized crime's role in this loathsome industry. It may be particularly effective to focus on Elizabeth and Union City or West New York, even if this involves resistance from Albio Sires and Bob Menendez, or other Cuban-American politicians with their own agendas. ("Bribery in Union City, New Jersey" and "Crooked Broker Paid Off Menendez!" then "Wedding Bells Ring For Menendez!" and "Does Senator Menendez have mafia friends?")
Mr. Christie cannot allow himself to be intimidated by Right-wing Cuban-American contributors to the Republican party -- persons who are often reluctant to discuss the sources of their new-found wealth or their influence in Spanish-language media. ("Miami's Cubanoids Protest Against Peace" and "Cubanazos Pose a Threat to National Security.")
I wonder how Marilyn Straus came to work at UNIVISION? I also wonder whether Ms. Straus' UNIVISION personnel file has been shared with persons, illegally, along with her medical and legal records? Again: How many persons were allowed to rape Marilyn Straus while she was under hypnosis? Who were these persons? Estela de La Cruz? What name did you give to Marilyn Straus, Ms. De La Cruz? ("Diana's Friend Goes to Prison" and "Marilyn Straus Was Right!")
Gilberto Garcia claimed to have friends and "connections" at UNIVISION. I wonder whether Mr. Garcia has any views on these issues and exactly what relationship existed between Mr. Garcia and the so-called "Terry Tuchin" person (who is an alleged psychiatrist) and/or John McGill, Esq.? Was there a connection between Alex Booth and Gilberto Garcia aimed at harming me? Ms. Kriko may have been a "close friend" of Diana Lisa Riccioli's who shared Ms. Riccioli's "interests." Did you meet Marilyn Straus, Mary Anne Kriko? If so, where and when did you meet Marilyn Straus, Ms. Kriko? What name did you, Ms. Kriko, give to Marilyn Straus? Lilian Munoz? Lourdes Santiago, did you "ladies" meet Marilyn Straus? If so, what name did you, Ms. Santiago, give to Marilyn Straus? Did all of these women have sex with Ms. Straus while she was drugged, or under hypnosis, or at any time, as "therapy"? How about "Terry Tuchin" and "Alex Booth," did you ethical gentlemen also have sex with Ms. Straus as part of her "therapy"? ("Herbert Klitzner, Esq.'s Greed and New Jersey's Hypocrisy" then "Trenton's Nasty Lesbian Love-Fest" and "Crooked Cop Lies to Convict People" and "New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System.")
May 15, 2014 at 1:41 P.M. The decision to replace Jill Abramson at The New York Times was long overdue and may help to improve the current disaster at the "Gray Lady." Stuart Rabner, apparently, also will be replaced at the New Jersey Supreme Court. David Remnick -- who may also have written under the names "Jim Holt" and "Larissa McFarquhar" -- is under review at The New Yorker.
Is "Jennifer Shuessler" David Remnick and Jill Abramson?
Perhaps the authorities will soon be able to deal with my matters and the issues raised in these blogs as well as elsewhere. Needless to say, I have no influence with any of these publications. I cannot explain the media silence concerning the disturbing matters discussed here and, also, elsewhere that are receiving increasing non-U.S. media attention. Perhaps this American non-coverage is a coincidence that is about to change? I have no control over the size of the text in this paragraph. ("New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System" and "New Jersey's Office of Attorney Ethics.")
May 13, 2014 at 8:02 P.M. As I am struggling to make corrections at my home computer, pop-ups and other obstructions make my task difficult. I assume this is another example of orchestrated attacks and harassments emanating from New Jersey. I will do my best to continue writing from library computers. I will try to add a list of sources to this text.
Eric Schmidt, "U.S. Officers Kill Armed Civilians in Yemen Capital: Fueling Local Unrest," The New York Times, May 10, 2014, p. A1. (The state of unrest in Yemen is highly dangerous. More drones may not help. "A Commencement Address by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham-Clinton.")
Ashley Parker, "7 Republicans Named to Panel Investigating Attack in Benghazi," The New York Times, May 10, 2014, p. A13. (Do we need these hearings? Some tragedies should be beyond politics.)
"Germany's Pursuit of Death Camp Guards," (Editorial) The New York Times, May 10, 2014, p. A22. (It is never too late to bring death camp guards to justice because there can be no "moving on" from terrible crimes without justice. "An Open Letter to My Torturers in New Jersey, Terry Tuchin and Diana Lisa Riccioli.")
Michael M. Grynbaum & Marc Santora, "Councilman is Accused of Stealing Public Funds: Charges Involving Misuse of $30,000," The New York Times, May 8, 2014, p. A21. (Ruben W. Wills gets an all-expense paid relocation to New Jersey. In terms of the corruption produced by money, Mr. Wills is an amateur next to the likes of Bob Menendez: "Does Senator Menendez have mafia friends?")
"The Lawyer Behind the Drone Policy," (Editorial) The New York Times, May 8, 2014, p. A2. (David Barron, Esq. is probably also one of the proponents of the U.S. torture policy. Drones are clearly illegal, and to the extent that innocent civilians continue to be killed by the thousands, drones constitute a "crime against humanity." Does Mr. Barron -- Mr. Rabner or Mr. Samson -- embody America's "legal ethics"? "Is America's Legal Ethics a Lie?")
Salvador Rizzo, "Treasurer: Budget Gap is a Two-Year Challenge: Dems Upset With a Plan to Overcome $807 MILLION Shortfall," The Star Ledger, May 8, 2014, p. 1. ($807 million is quickly turning into $1 BILLION due to unforeseen expenditures, as in the GWB crisis, and the growing disparity between projected revenue and actual taxes collected as business and wealth leaves New Jersey. Among the leading factors identified by corporations and persons leaving New Jersey are corruption and incompetence in the legal and political systems. "Law and Ethics in the Soprano State.")
Brent Johnson, "Lawsuit Claiming Retaliation Hits Snag: Ex-Prosecutor Says Politics Fueled Firing," The Star Ledger, May 8, 2014, p. 1. (Bennett A. Bolyn alleges he was fired for political reasons resulting in interference with criminal investigation by Mr. Christie's minions: Does the OAE target attorneys for "political" reasons at the behest of bosses? Does the OAE target lawyers because the agency's leaders or judges are paid in cash by a person or persons to do so? Was Mr. McGill paid in cash by anyone in connection with me or my matters? "New Jersey's Office of Attorney Ethics" and "John McGill, Esq., the OAE, and New Jersey Corruption.")
"PA and Politics," (Editorial) The Record, April 23, 2014, p. A-10. (Remove the influence of New Jersey political bosses as much as possible from the selection process for PA positions. An effort is underway to do exactly that: "David Samson Resigns.")
Daniel Burnett, "The Disappearance of William Shakespeare," (Op-Ed) The Record, April 25, 2014, p. A-10. ("A recent survey found that only 17 percent of college graduates knew the effect of the Emancipation Proclamation, just 42 percent knew the Battle of the Bulge was fought during World war II, and not even two in five could identify term lengths for their senators or representatives." Only 38% of institutions of higher learning require ANY course in literature, the numbers are even lower for philosophy, logic, physics or mathematics. The U.S. is at the bottom of First World nations in terms of general education among the population: "Nihilists in Disneyworld" and "Who killed the liberal arts?" then "Shakespeare's Black Prince" and "Why Jane Can't Read.")
John M. Crisp, "Senate Torture Report Needs Full Disclosure," (Op-Ed) The Record, April 25, 2014, p. A-10. ("America has, indeed, TORTURED persons in violation of domestic and international law." America should commit never to torture again. "What is it like to be tortured?" and "Psychological Torture in the American Legal System.")
AP, "Ex-Crossing Guard Gets 18 Years," The Record, April 23, 2014, p. A-3.
"NEWARK -- Federal prosecutors say a former school crossing guard has been sentenced to 18 years in prison for producing and distributing HUNDREDS of child porn images, including some shots taken in his own bedroom." (emphasis added!)
The defendant was in possession of computers and data-bases ("private network information") that were, presumably, seized by the authorities. ("Edward M. De Sear, Esq. and New Jersey's Filth" and "Law Firm Employee Distributes Child Porn.")
In order for a person to hold a position of trust supervising children and being responsible for their safety background checks are necessary under federal and state law.
With New Jersey's usual thoroughness and attention to detail, the background checks for Mr. Christesen were so negligent and incompetent that he was permitted to work with grammar school children, despite what now appears to be a "suspect" history as regards child molestation. ("New Jersey Child Abusers and Sex Traffickers" and "New Jersey Child Molesters and Pornographers.")
This latest defendant, Mr. Christesen, was cleared by New Jersey's tainted or bribed officials, plenty of whom seem to share his tastes for sex with underage persons. ("New Jersey's Child Sex Crisis" and "New Jersey's New Child Sex Crisis" then "Is Menendez For Sale?" and "Menendez Consorts With Underage Prostitutes.")
"KENNETH CHRISTESEN will have to register as a sex offender under the sentence imposed Tuesday. He also will be under lifetime supervised release once he's freed from prison." ("New Jersey Superior Court Judge Is a Child Molester.")
This matter was heard in a Newark federal courtroom, but it does not concern a city resident. This is a suburban case which is not surprising in a state that leads the nation in child-prostitution and -pornography, from Atlantic City to Union City (and beyond), this filth has become New Jersey's primary claim to fame.
New Jersey exports much of this disgusting material to the rest of the country and world, often by way of the GWB, to the indifference of the liberal media. ("New Jersey is the Home of Child Molesters" and "New Jersey Welcomes Child Molesters.")
The child-porn export business allows politicians, lawyers, judges and many prosecutors as well as cops to earn a little extra money because they are, admittedly, grossly underpaid in the Garden State. There is not enough money for public salaries because so much public revenue in N.J. is still being stolen or lost through corruption. ("Law and Ethics in the Soprano State.")
"The 45-year-old Edison man had worked as a crossing guard at a Metuchen middle school before he was arrested in February 2013. He pleaded guilty in December. Christesen admitted he [disseminated] more than 600 images of child pornography from his home computer in 2012. Some of the files he distributed were photos he took in his bedroom of a naked child, who was bound [emphasis added] in some of the images." ("Abuse and Exploitation of Women in New Jersey" and "Is Union City, New Jersey Meyer Lansky's Whore House?" then "New Jersey's Legal System is a Whore House.")
N.J.'s child sex industry simply could not thrive as it does without the active cooperation -- even assistance -- of some law enforcement personnel. ("N.J. Female Professor Rapes Disabled Man" and "Charles P. Torres Sex Trafficker.")
It may be that extra federal help is needed to deal with this problem. New Jersey law enforcement in places like Hudson, Bergen, Essex and Union Counties may be too complicit in this horror to help solve the problem. ("New Jersey is Lucky Luciano's Havana" and "New Jersey's Feces-Covered Supreme Court" and "Mafia Influence in New Jersey Law and Politics.")
Mr. Christie should consider seeking effective assistance from the FBI and Justice Department that concentrates on Cuban-American organized crime's role in this loathsome industry. It may be particularly effective to focus on Elizabeth and Union City or West New York, even if this involves resistance from Albio Sires and Bob Menendez, or other Cuban-American politicians with their own agendas. ("Bribery in Union City, New Jersey" and "Crooked Broker Paid Off Menendez!" then "Wedding Bells Ring For Menendez!" and "Does Senator Menendez have mafia friends?")
Mr. Christie cannot allow himself to be intimidated by Right-wing Cuban-American contributors to the Republican party -- persons who are often reluctant to discuss the sources of their new-found wealth or their influence in Spanish-language media. ("Miami's Cubanoids Protest Against Peace" and "Cubanazos Pose a Threat to National Security.")
I wonder how Marilyn Straus came to work at UNIVISION? I also wonder whether Ms. Straus' UNIVISION personnel file has been shared with persons, illegally, along with her medical and legal records? Again: How many persons were allowed to rape Marilyn Straus while she was under hypnosis? Who were these persons? Estela de La Cruz? What name did you give to Marilyn Straus, Ms. De La Cruz? ("Diana's Friend Goes to Prison" and "Marilyn Straus Was Right!")
Gilberto Garcia claimed to have friends and "connections" at UNIVISION. I wonder whether Mr. Garcia has any views on these issues and exactly what relationship existed between Mr. Garcia and the so-called "Terry Tuchin" person (who is an alleged psychiatrist) and/or John McGill, Esq.? Was there a connection between Alex Booth and Gilberto Garcia aimed at harming me? Ms. Kriko may have been a "close friend" of Diana Lisa Riccioli's who shared Ms. Riccioli's "interests." Did you meet Marilyn Straus, Mary Anne Kriko? If so, where and when did you meet Marilyn Straus, Ms. Kriko? What name did you, Ms. Kriko, give to Marilyn Straus? Lilian Munoz? Lourdes Santiago, did you "ladies" meet Marilyn Straus? If so, what name did you, Ms. Santiago, give to Marilyn Straus? Did all of these women have sex with Ms. Straus while she was drugged, or under hypnosis, or at any time, as "therapy"? How about "Terry Tuchin" and "Alex Booth," did you ethical gentlemen also have sex with Ms. Straus as part of her "therapy"? ("Herbert Klitzner, Esq.'s Greed and New Jersey's Hypocrisy" then "Trenton's Nasty Lesbian Love-Fest" and "Crooked Cop Lies to Convict People" and "New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System.")
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Crooked Cop Lies to Convict People.
May 8, 2014 at 2:50 P.M. Additional sources will be added to this essay soon. Efforts will be made to prevent me from finishing this essay or from continuing to write at all. Obstructions at the NYPL computers and printers today (Morningside Heights) will prevent me from using them further at this time. I will try other computers later this afternoon.
Kate Zernike, "Ex-Christie Aide, Testifying in Bridge Inquiry; Portrays a Highly Political Office," The New York Times, May 7, 2014, p. A21. (Christina Renna depicts a Nixon-like bunker mentality afflicting the Christie administration that is partly a defense against Democrat attacks that are also often aimed below the belt. Ms. Renna suggests that the bridge-closing order came from the top. I am beginning to agree with her.)
David S. Joachim, "Lewinsky Breaks Silence About Affair, Saying She Was 'Made a Scapegoat,'" The New York Times, May 7, 2014, p. A18. (Ms. Lewisnky is right to be outraged at being transformed into a political football. She has suffered greatly and her life has been diminished by persons who failed to see her humanity in their eagerness to score p.r. points against the "opposition.")
Charlie Savage, "Rival Bills Aim to Rein In [sic.] NSA Data Program," The New York Times, May 7, 2014, p. A18. (I find it difficult to believe that the House Judiciary Committee is interested in "reigning-in" the NSA or other intelligence agencies. This proposed bill may be designed to create a false perception of concern for civil liberties by Republicans actually welcoming the National Security State. "Big Brother" voted for Mr. Romney.)
Erik Eckholm, "Experts Urge One-Drug Lethal Injection," The New York Times, May 7, 2014, p. A17. (The issue should not be what is the best way to kill people, but whether we should be killing persons at all, in such a cold-blooded and barbaric way, and against the global consensus for abolishing the death penalty. If we are tolerant of torture, then state-sanctioned murder should not surprise us.)
Melissa Hayes & John Reitmeyer, "Ex-Christie Staffer Tells of Ties Between Politics, Government: Testifies she had no role in lane closures," The Record, May 7, 2014, p. A-1. (Ms. Renna is pointing a finger at the higher-ups, indicating that it was not Ms. Kelly's idea to create the traffic jam at the GWB. I did not believe that Mr. Christie could be so foolish as to place lives in danger to intimidate political opponents. Perhaps even I was naive about the brutality of New Jersey politics and law. "Christie's Bridge of Sighs.")
Michael Linhorst & Michael Philips, "First Bill For Mastro Report Totals $1.1 MILLION: Covers Only 19 Days, Months Before GWB Probe Was Done," The Record, May 7, 2014, p. A-1. ($1.1 MILLION is only a small part of the total fee generated in this matter by lawyers obviously seeking to protect Christie. The same lawyers contributed to the Republican Governors' Association, and will submit additional bills for services rendered. Where is the OAE on the "fairness" of these fees? No conflict of interest in this matter? The taxpayers in a state with a nearly $1 BILLION "shortfall" in its budget will have to pay these legal bills. If this is not "pay-to-play," what is? "New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System.")
Adam Liptak, "Town Meetings Can Have Prayers Justices Decide," The New York Times, May 7, 2014, p. A1. (We do not live in a theocratic society. Separation between church and state cannot allow for PUBLIC proceedings to begin with religious ceremonies of any kind. Justice Scalia now wants a new edition of the Spanish Inquisition before Supreme Court arguments can be heard.)
Michael Powell, "Quashed Case In New Jersey Was an Omen," The New York Times, May 6, 2014, p. A18. (Republican cover-ups in Hunterton County fall short of the standard for lies and cover-ups in Hudson County. A career prosecutor may be screwed by the powers that be in Trenton to keep things nice and quiet for the "big boy." "The Teflon Governor.")
Frances Robles & Stephanie Clifford, "3 Exonerated In Cases Tied to a Detective," The New York Times, May 6, 2014, p. A1. (A single detective coached a witness -- with a history of crack use and prostitution -- to LIE about several men in connection with a murder investigation. These men have served years in prison. I wish I could say that this horrible crime is unusual. However, as Anne Rodgers, Esq. and others have reason to know, it is quite common in America's legal system for African-American defendants -- and others -- to be convicted on the basis of this sort of contrived or manufactured evidence: "Justice For Mumia Abu-Jamal" and "Larry Peterson Cleared by DNA.")
Stephanie Clifford, "Judge Voids Murder Convictions for 3 Half Brothers Linked to Detective," The New York Times, May 7, 2014, p. A19. ("Abuse and Exploitation of Women in New Jersey.")
"The decades old [sic.] murder convictions of the half brothers whose arrests were facilitated by a now discredited [emphasis added] homicide detective" -- John McGill, Esq. of the OAE may be similarly "discredited" and (I hope) soon indicted -- "were vacated in state Supreme Court in Brooklyn on Tuesday, as prosecutors acknowledged that the men had been deprived of fair trials because of a questionable witness." (N.Y. Times, 5/7/14, p. A19.)
Analogously, John McGill, Esq. submitted the testimony of a witness against me who claimed to be the daughter of a woman with a son and daughter, but the woman actually had (and has) no daughter. ("John McGill, Esq., the OAE, and New Jersey Corruption" and "New Jersey's Office of Attorney Ethics.")
This bogus witness against me was paid for her lying testimony, I believe, based on a false and altered transcript of a secretly recorded conversation (with me) that was also introduced into evidence by the OAE, knowing that the transcript was altered and inaccurate pursuant to the OAE's own explicit instructions and communications with interpreters of the taped conversation. ("New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System" and "New Jersey's Feces-Covered Supreme Court.")
Lies in proceedings of a criminal nature in New York and in civil proceedings in New Jersey continue to damage persons and to undermine the legitimacy of the respective states' legal systems. ("New Jersey Supreme Court's Implosion.")
New York has done the correct and difficult thing: remedying the wrong and alleviating the harm done to all victims; New Jersey continues to stonewall and cover-up as well as lying about its actions and inactions. ("Have you no shame, Mr. Rabner?" and "What did you know, Mr. Rabner, and when did you know it?")
The false evidence and lies introduced into a poisoned record by the OAE continue to fester and rot in the Supreme Court's archives in Trenton to the indifference of a failed and corrupt judiciary and legal establishment in America's "Soprano State." ("New Jersey's Judges Disgrace America" and "New Jersey's Failed Judiciary.")
The OAE does not deny or dispute the allegation that lies were introduced into the record by its bogus witness, prepared by its own unethical attorney as only one part of a long process of criminal obstructions of justice and tampering with the record in my matters. My requests for the truth are ignored.
I continue to be insulted and stigmatized, or so they hope, as "unethical" by a notoriously inept and incompetent as well as corrupt state legal system unwilling to admit its errors that displays true unethical actions in its DAILY mishandling of this case. ("Law and Ethics in the Soprano State" and "Deborah T. Poritz and Conduct Unbecoming to the Judiciary in New Jersey.")
I suggest that the OAE's criminal fraud upon the ethics committee and Supreme Court is a tad "unethical." I wonder whether Gilberto Garcia and Edgar Navarrete had something to do with "preparing" the bogus witness paid to lie about me? Did these "Cubanoids" steal clients from my office? I wonder whether Mr. McGill and/or "Terry Tuchin" was (were) present when this fraud was prepared for the state's justices? How many persons raped Marilyn Straus thanks to Diana Lisa Riccioli? Estela de La Cruz? Debbie Poritz? Others? Male and female? ("Terry Tuchin, Diana Lisa Riccioli, and New Jersey's Agency of Torture" and "Trenton's Nasty Lesbian Love-Fest!")
I believe that "Terry Tuchin" has subjected any number of other persons to interrogational torture under hypnosis and drugging in the presence of attorneys for New Jersey state agencies, perhaps including Assata Shakur and Mumia Abu-Jamal. Terry may have been behind illegal entries and thefts from my home and office. Victims seem to be selected for political reasons. ("Albert Florence and New Jersey's Racism" then "Freedom For Mumia Abu-Jamal" and "The FBI Wants Assata Shakur.")
Is "Mr. Tuchin's" real name "Cohen" or "Schwartz"? "Levy"? "Samson"? ("An Open Letter to My Torturers in New Jersey, Terry Tuchin and Diana Lisa Riccioli.")
For how long will New Jersey continue to sit on these lies and cover-up the role played by its absurdly-named "Office of Attorney Ethics" (OAE) in this evil farce? Have you no shame about this disgusting spectacle being played out before the eyes of the Internet audience from all over the world that knows all-too well that I am speaking the truth about these matters? ("New Jersey's Feces-Covered Supreme Court" and "New Jersey's Judges Disgrace America.")
The lies of law enforcement officials, attorneys and police officers continue to have serious real world consequences for many innocent persons. The lies told about me by Mr. McGill and the OAE have damaged my life and the lives of many others, including (I hope) their own "miserable lives." ("New Jersey's Office of Attorney Ethics" and "Sexual Favors For New Jersey Judges.")
Many former clients of mine were unjustly deprived of their chosen counsel in order to force them to accept the services of more "complaisant and cooperative" lawyers in Hudson County. This is shameful and despicable conduct by any court system. (Again: "Albert Florence and New Jersey's Racism.")
Detective Louis Scarcella used a bogus witness, a prostitute and crack addict, to generate convictions against African-American defendants in multiple homicide investigations. ("America's Holocaust.")
Without the efforts of the new Brooklyn District Attorney Kenneth P. Thompson's Conviction Review Unit, Alvena Jennette, Robert Hill, and Darrel Austin might well be sitting in a prison cell today. Certainly, the previous District Attorney, Charles Hynes, did not seem overly concerned about this grotesque injustice against these victims and many others in Brooklyn. Mr. Hynes simply preferred to ignore the problem, as Mr. Rabner and his soiled tribunal also continue to ignore a tumor of corruption and lies as well as a cover-up in New Jersey's legal ethics system pertaining to me that will not go away and which has become malignant. ("Marilyn Straus Was Right!")
Obstruction of justice is a crime of moral turpitude that is akin to lying per se. Under the circumstances, disapproving of my "life-style" hardly seems like grounds for calling me "unethical." Perhaps Mr. Rabner dislikes Opera whereas he admires Angelo ("The Horn") Prisco's and Solomon Dwek's activities? ("Have you no shame, Mr. Rabner?" and "Stuart Rabner and Conduct Unbecoming to the Judiciary in New Jersey.")
At issue also is the New Jersey Supreme Court's attitude to crimes like rape and theft. Are these crimes "ethical" when victims belong to minority groups deemed "inferior"? I was called an "inferior" in an Internet debate with New Jersey's legal establishment. I wonder whether the person making such a statement will repeat it on the record and to my face? Did the statement have something to do with losing the debate against me? ("Why I am not an ethical relativist" and "John Finnis and Ethical Cognitivism.")
"Mr. Scarcella, who is retired, has denied any wrongdoing. [Sounds like Mr. McGill.] His lawyers, Alan M. Abramson and Joel S. Cohen, said in a statement that all of the evidence in the cases was thoroughly vetted and continuously reviewed by the district attorney's homicide bureau."
Mr. Scarcella cannot stop lying even at this late stage of the proceedings. Perhaps government officials come to believe their own official stories from sheer repetition.
" ... The New York Times raised questions about the methods of Mr. Scarcella, including the repeated use of the [now discredited] Ms. Gomez [the witness] ... the Brooklyn district attorney's office last year began reviewing 57 cases that he [Mr. Scarcella] had worked on." (emphasis added!)
How many persons placed under hypnosis by "Terry Tuchin" and/or "Diana Lisa Riccioli" have been raped and stolen from or have had their lives destroyed? Where are the videotapes of our "sessions," Terry and Diana? Who was present at those sessions at 512 42nd Street, Union City, New Jersey and elsewhere? When did Mr. Tuchin and Ms. Riccioli obtain their degrees and certifications as "therapists" and from whom did they acquire these degrees and/or licenses, if any? Debbie Poritz? ("Not One More Victim" and "N.J. Professor Rapes Disabled Man.")
Kate Zernike, "Ex-Christie Aide, Testifying in Bridge Inquiry; Portrays a Highly Political Office," The New York Times, May 7, 2014, p. A21. (Christina Renna depicts a Nixon-like bunker mentality afflicting the Christie administration that is partly a defense against Democrat attacks that are also often aimed below the belt. Ms. Renna suggests that the bridge-closing order came from the top. I am beginning to agree with her.)
David S. Joachim, "Lewinsky Breaks Silence About Affair, Saying She Was 'Made a Scapegoat,'" The New York Times, May 7, 2014, p. A18. (Ms. Lewisnky is right to be outraged at being transformed into a political football. She has suffered greatly and her life has been diminished by persons who failed to see her humanity in their eagerness to score p.r. points against the "opposition.")
Charlie Savage, "Rival Bills Aim to Rein In [sic.] NSA Data Program," The New York Times, May 7, 2014, p. A18. (I find it difficult to believe that the House Judiciary Committee is interested in "reigning-in" the NSA or other intelligence agencies. This proposed bill may be designed to create a false perception of concern for civil liberties by Republicans actually welcoming the National Security State. "Big Brother" voted for Mr. Romney.)
Erik Eckholm, "Experts Urge One-Drug Lethal Injection," The New York Times, May 7, 2014, p. A17. (The issue should not be what is the best way to kill people, but whether we should be killing persons at all, in such a cold-blooded and barbaric way, and against the global consensus for abolishing the death penalty. If we are tolerant of torture, then state-sanctioned murder should not surprise us.)
Melissa Hayes & John Reitmeyer, "Ex-Christie Staffer Tells of Ties Between Politics, Government: Testifies she had no role in lane closures," The Record, May 7, 2014, p. A-1. (Ms. Renna is pointing a finger at the higher-ups, indicating that it was not Ms. Kelly's idea to create the traffic jam at the GWB. I did not believe that Mr. Christie could be so foolish as to place lives in danger to intimidate political opponents. Perhaps even I was naive about the brutality of New Jersey politics and law. "Christie's Bridge of Sighs.")
Michael Linhorst & Michael Philips, "First Bill For Mastro Report Totals $1.1 MILLION: Covers Only 19 Days, Months Before GWB Probe Was Done," The Record, May 7, 2014, p. A-1. ($1.1 MILLION is only a small part of the total fee generated in this matter by lawyers obviously seeking to protect Christie. The same lawyers contributed to the Republican Governors' Association, and will submit additional bills for services rendered. Where is the OAE on the "fairness" of these fees? No conflict of interest in this matter? The taxpayers in a state with a nearly $1 BILLION "shortfall" in its budget will have to pay these legal bills. If this is not "pay-to-play," what is? "New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System.")
Adam Liptak, "Town Meetings Can Have Prayers Justices Decide," The New York Times, May 7, 2014, p. A1. (We do not live in a theocratic society. Separation between church and state cannot allow for PUBLIC proceedings to begin with religious ceremonies of any kind. Justice Scalia now wants a new edition of the Spanish Inquisition before Supreme Court arguments can be heard.)
Michael Powell, "Quashed Case In New Jersey Was an Omen," The New York Times, May 6, 2014, p. A18. (Republican cover-ups in Hunterton County fall short of the standard for lies and cover-ups in Hudson County. A career prosecutor may be screwed by the powers that be in Trenton to keep things nice and quiet for the "big boy." "The Teflon Governor.")
Frances Robles & Stephanie Clifford, "3 Exonerated In Cases Tied to a Detective," The New York Times, May 6, 2014, p. A1. (A single detective coached a witness -- with a history of crack use and prostitution -- to LIE about several men in connection with a murder investigation. These men have served years in prison. I wish I could say that this horrible crime is unusual. However, as Anne Rodgers, Esq. and others have reason to know, it is quite common in America's legal system for African-American defendants -- and others -- to be convicted on the basis of this sort of contrived or manufactured evidence: "Justice For Mumia Abu-Jamal" and "Larry Peterson Cleared by DNA.")
Stephanie Clifford, "Judge Voids Murder Convictions for 3 Half Brothers Linked to Detective," The New York Times, May 7, 2014, p. A19. ("Abuse and Exploitation of Women in New Jersey.")
"The decades old [sic.] murder convictions of the half brothers whose arrests were facilitated by a now discredited [emphasis added] homicide detective" -- John McGill, Esq. of the OAE may be similarly "discredited" and (I hope) soon indicted -- "were vacated in state Supreme Court in Brooklyn on Tuesday, as prosecutors acknowledged that the men had been deprived of fair trials because of a questionable witness." (N.Y. Times, 5/7/14, p. A19.)
Analogously, John McGill, Esq. submitted the testimony of a witness against me who claimed to be the daughter of a woman with a son and daughter, but the woman actually had (and has) no daughter. ("John McGill, Esq., the OAE, and New Jersey Corruption" and "New Jersey's Office of Attorney Ethics.")
This bogus witness against me was paid for her lying testimony, I believe, based on a false and altered transcript of a secretly recorded conversation (with me) that was also introduced into evidence by the OAE, knowing that the transcript was altered and inaccurate pursuant to the OAE's own explicit instructions and communications with interpreters of the taped conversation. ("New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System" and "New Jersey's Feces-Covered Supreme Court.")
Lies in proceedings of a criminal nature in New York and in civil proceedings in New Jersey continue to damage persons and to undermine the legitimacy of the respective states' legal systems. ("New Jersey Supreme Court's Implosion.")
New York has done the correct and difficult thing: remedying the wrong and alleviating the harm done to all victims; New Jersey continues to stonewall and cover-up as well as lying about its actions and inactions. ("Have you no shame, Mr. Rabner?" and "What did you know, Mr. Rabner, and when did you know it?")
The false evidence and lies introduced into a poisoned record by the OAE continue to fester and rot in the Supreme Court's archives in Trenton to the indifference of a failed and corrupt judiciary and legal establishment in America's "Soprano State." ("New Jersey's Judges Disgrace America" and "New Jersey's Failed Judiciary.")
The OAE does not deny or dispute the allegation that lies were introduced into the record by its bogus witness, prepared by its own unethical attorney as only one part of a long process of criminal obstructions of justice and tampering with the record in my matters. My requests for the truth are ignored.
I continue to be insulted and stigmatized, or so they hope, as "unethical" by a notoriously inept and incompetent as well as corrupt state legal system unwilling to admit its errors that displays true unethical actions in its DAILY mishandling of this case. ("Law and Ethics in the Soprano State" and "Deborah T. Poritz and Conduct Unbecoming to the Judiciary in New Jersey.")
I suggest that the OAE's criminal fraud upon the ethics committee and Supreme Court is a tad "unethical." I wonder whether Gilberto Garcia and Edgar Navarrete had something to do with "preparing" the bogus witness paid to lie about me? Did these "Cubanoids" steal clients from my office? I wonder whether Mr. McGill and/or "Terry Tuchin" was (were) present when this fraud was prepared for the state's justices? How many persons raped Marilyn Straus thanks to Diana Lisa Riccioli? Estela de La Cruz? Debbie Poritz? Others? Male and female? ("Terry Tuchin, Diana Lisa Riccioli, and New Jersey's Agency of Torture" and "Trenton's Nasty Lesbian Love-Fest!")
I believe that "Terry Tuchin" has subjected any number of other persons to interrogational torture under hypnosis and drugging in the presence of attorneys for New Jersey state agencies, perhaps including Assata Shakur and Mumia Abu-Jamal. Terry may have been behind illegal entries and thefts from my home and office. Victims seem to be selected for political reasons. ("Albert Florence and New Jersey's Racism" then "Freedom For Mumia Abu-Jamal" and "The FBI Wants Assata Shakur.")
Is "Mr. Tuchin's" real name "Cohen" or "Schwartz"? "Levy"? "Samson"? ("An Open Letter to My Torturers in New Jersey, Terry Tuchin and Diana Lisa Riccioli.")
For how long will New Jersey continue to sit on these lies and cover-up the role played by its absurdly-named "Office of Attorney Ethics" (OAE) in this evil farce? Have you no shame about this disgusting spectacle being played out before the eyes of the Internet audience from all over the world that knows all-too well that I am speaking the truth about these matters? ("New Jersey's Feces-Covered Supreme Court" and "New Jersey's Judges Disgrace America.")
The lies of law enforcement officials, attorneys and police officers continue to have serious real world consequences for many innocent persons. The lies told about me by Mr. McGill and the OAE have damaged my life and the lives of many others, including (I hope) their own "miserable lives." ("New Jersey's Office of Attorney Ethics" and "Sexual Favors For New Jersey Judges.")
Many former clients of mine were unjustly deprived of their chosen counsel in order to force them to accept the services of more "complaisant and cooperative" lawyers in Hudson County. This is shameful and despicable conduct by any court system. (Again: "Albert Florence and New Jersey's Racism.")
Detective Louis Scarcella used a bogus witness, a prostitute and crack addict, to generate convictions against African-American defendants in multiple homicide investigations. ("America's Holocaust.")
Without the efforts of the new Brooklyn District Attorney Kenneth P. Thompson's Conviction Review Unit, Alvena Jennette, Robert Hill, and Darrel Austin might well be sitting in a prison cell today. Certainly, the previous District Attorney, Charles Hynes, did not seem overly concerned about this grotesque injustice against these victims and many others in Brooklyn. Mr. Hynes simply preferred to ignore the problem, as Mr. Rabner and his soiled tribunal also continue to ignore a tumor of corruption and lies as well as a cover-up in New Jersey's legal ethics system pertaining to me that will not go away and which has become malignant. ("Marilyn Straus Was Right!")
Obstruction of justice is a crime of moral turpitude that is akin to lying per se. Under the circumstances, disapproving of my "life-style" hardly seems like grounds for calling me "unethical." Perhaps Mr. Rabner dislikes Opera whereas he admires Angelo ("The Horn") Prisco's and Solomon Dwek's activities? ("Have you no shame, Mr. Rabner?" and "Stuart Rabner and Conduct Unbecoming to the Judiciary in New Jersey.")
At issue also is the New Jersey Supreme Court's attitude to crimes like rape and theft. Are these crimes "ethical" when victims belong to minority groups deemed "inferior"? I was called an "inferior" in an Internet debate with New Jersey's legal establishment. I wonder whether the person making such a statement will repeat it on the record and to my face? Did the statement have something to do with losing the debate against me? ("Why I am not an ethical relativist" and "John Finnis and Ethical Cognitivism.")
"Mr. Scarcella, who is retired, has denied any wrongdoing. [Sounds like Mr. McGill.] His lawyers, Alan M. Abramson and Joel S. Cohen, said in a statement that all of the evidence in the cases was thoroughly vetted and continuously reviewed by the district attorney's homicide bureau."
Mr. Scarcella cannot stop lying even at this late stage of the proceedings. Perhaps government officials come to believe their own official stories from sheer repetition.
" ... The New York Times raised questions about the methods of Mr. Scarcella, including the repeated use of the [now discredited] Ms. Gomez [the witness] ... the Brooklyn district attorney's office last year began reviewing 57 cases that he [Mr. Scarcella] had worked on." (emphasis added!)
How many persons placed under hypnosis by "Terry Tuchin" and/or "Diana Lisa Riccioli" have been raped and stolen from or have had their lives destroyed? Where are the videotapes of our "sessions," Terry and Diana? Who was present at those sessions at 512 42nd Street, Union City, New Jersey and elsewhere? When did Mr. Tuchin and Ms. Riccioli obtain their degrees and certifications as "therapists" and from whom did they acquire these degrees and/or licenses, if any? Debbie Poritz? ("Not One More Victim" and "N.J. Professor Rapes Disabled Man.")
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